

In FP, functions describe computation and applying functions perform said computation. For example, given a function \(f\): $$f(x) = x \times 2$$ \(f\) describes what computation is to be done (multiplying the parameter by 2), and applying \(f\) onto a value (such as \(f(2)\)) performs the computation that gives the result, which is \(4\). Importantly, you might also find that applying it onto a different input may give you a different outcome. In this case, \(f(2)=4\neq f(3)=6\). The output depends on the input, i.e. we have terms that depend on terms. This may at first glance seem like a trivial observation because that is what functions are designed to do: if functions are always constant like \(g(x) = 1\) then we can always replace all applications of the function with the result and no computation needs to be done.

However, now that we have learnt about types, we get a much more interesting avenue for extending this idea of dependence. In fact, we now have three orthogonal directions to explore1:

  1. Can terms depend on types?

  2. Can types depend on types?

  3. Can types depend on terms?

The answer to the first two questions is yes! This phenomenon is known as [parametric] polymorphism, i.e. where types and terms can depend on types2.

Polymorphic Types

Let us motivate this need with an example. Suppose we are trying to create a wrapper class called Box, that contains a single value. As per usual, we have to think about the type of the value it contains. At this point we cannot simply allow the value to be anything, so we shall fix the type of the value to something, say, int.

# Python
class IntBox:
    value: int

However, we may later want a Box that stores strings. In this case, we will have to define a new class that does so.

# Python
class StrBox:
    value: str

Recall one of the core principles in programming: whenever you see a pattern in your code, retain similarities and parameterize differences. Looking at the two Box implementations, you should be able to see that the implementation is virtually identical, and the only difference is the type of value. We have previously been able to parameterize values (regular function parameters), parameterize behaviour (higher-order functions), however, can we parameterize types?

Yes! We can define Box to receive a type parameter a, and allow the value in the box to be of that type a.

class Box[a]:
    value: a

This class is a generalized Box class that can be specialized into a specific Box. For example, by replacing a with int then we recover our IntBox class with an int value; replacing a with str recovers our StrBox class with a str value.

x: Box[int] = Box[int](1)
y: Box[str] = Box[str]('a')
z: Box[Box[int]] = Box(Box(1))
bad: Box[int] = Box[int]('a')

In Python and many Object-Oriented languages, Box is called a generic or parametrically polymorphic class/type. This is one example of a type depending on a type.

Polymorphic Functions

The same principle can be applied to terms depending on types. Suppose we have a function singleton that is to receive an object and puts that object in a list. In the same vein, we have to decide what the type of the parameter is, which dictates the corresponding return type. For example, may define this function that works on ints, and separately, another function that works on strs:

def singleton_int(x: int) -> list[int]:
    return [x]
def singleton_str(x: str) -> list[str]:
    return [x]

Once again, we can observe that the implementations of these functions are identical, and only the types are different. Let us combine these implementations into a single function where the types are parameterized!

# Python 3.12
def singleton[a](x: a) -> list[a]:
    return [x]
x: list[int] = singleton(1)
y: list[str] = singleton('a')
bad: list[bool] = singleton(2)

singleton is what is known as a polymorphic function: a function that depends on the type!

Polymorphic Functions in Haskell

How would we define the type of polymorphic functions in Haskell? That is pretty straightforward: type parameters are lowercase. For example, the singleton function can be defined like so:

singleton :: a -> [a]
singleton x = [x]

In fact we can see the type signatures of some built-in polymorphic functions:

ghci> :t head
head :: [a] -> a
ghci> :t (.)
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c

Not sure what the type parameters are? Or, want to make your type parameters explicit? We can use forall to introduce a polymorphic function type, with the variables succeeding forall being the type parameters to the function.

ghci> :set -fprint-explicit-foralls
ghci> :t head
head :: forall a. [a] -> a
ghci> :t (.)
(.) :: forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
ghci> :{
ghci| singleton :: forall a. a -> [a]
ghci| singleton x = [x]
ghci| :}
ghci> singleton 2
ghci> singleton 'a'

Let's inspect the type signature of (.). Recall that this function performs function composition; the implementation of (.) might look something like this:

(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
(.) g f x = g (f x)

We have three terms, g, f and x. We know that g and f must be functions since we are calling them, thus we are going to let the types of g and f to be d -> c and a -> b respectively. Additionally, x is just some other term, and we will let its type be e. Thus for now, we shall let the type signature of (.) be the following, assuming the function ultimately returns r:

(.) :: (d -> c) -> (a -> b) -> e -> r

Now notice the following: for f x to be well-typed, the type of x must be the same as the type of the parameter to f, which is a. Thus, more accurately, x must be of type a:

(.) :: (d -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> r

We can now see that f x is well-typed, and this expression is of type b. We then pass this result into g. For this to be well-typed, again, the parameter type of g must match the type of f x. Thus, g must actually be of type b -> c for some c:

(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> r

Finally, g (f x) has type c, which is what is returned from the function. As such, the return type of (.) g f x should also be c. This recovers the type signature shown by GHCI.

You might be surprised to know that the process of recovering or reconstructing the types is known as type inference, which as stated in earlier chapters, is also done by GHC! When you omit the type signature of any binding, GHC goes through this same process and helps us determine what the type of that binding is.

Programming with Polymorphic Types/Functions

When should we define polymorphic types or functions? As we have shown, when the implementations of classes, data types, functions etc. are the same except for the types, then we are able to parameterize the differing types which makes the class/data type/function polymorphic! Knowing immediately when to create polymorphic types/functions takes some practice, so to start, just create specialized versions of those types/functions, and as the need arises, make them polymorphic by parameterizing the appropriate types.

For example, suppose we are trying to create a Tree class that represents binary trees. Should this class be polymorphic? For now, let's ignore this fact and proceed to create a naive implementation of this class. Further suppose we are expecting to create a tree of integers, so we shall let that be the type of the values of our tree.

class IntTree:
class IntNode(IntTree):
    left: IntTree
    value: int
    right: IntTree
class IntLeaf(IntTree):
    value: int

Looks great! From this class we are able to create binary trees of integers, for example, IntNode(IntLeaf(1), 2, IntLeaf(3)) gives a binary tree with preorder 2, 1 and 3.

Further suppose later on we need to store strings in a binary tree. Again, let's naively implement a separate class that does so:

class StrTree:
class StrNode(StrTree):
    left: StrTree
    value: str
    right: StrTree
class StrLeaf(StrTree):
    value: str

Once again, notice that the implementations of the classes are identical, and the only difference is in the types! This is one clear example where we should make our class polymorphic!

class Tree[a]:
class Node[a](Tree[a]):
    left: Tree[a]
    value: a
    right: Tree[a]
class Leaf[a](Tree[a]):
    value: a

Now from this one class, we are able to create all kinds of trees!

As another example, suppose we are trying to define a function that reverses a list. Once again, we have to be specific with the type of this function. Temporarily, we shall create a function that works on lists of integers:

def reverse_int(ls: list[int]) -> list[int]:
    return [] if not ls else \
           reverse_int(ls[1:]) + [ls[0]]

Then, later on we might have to define a similar function that reverses lists of strings:

def reverse_str(ls: list[str]) -> list[str]:
    return [] if not ls else \
           reverse_str(ls[1:]) + [ls[0]]

Once again, we can see that the implementations of the two functions are identical, and only the types are different. Make this function polymorphic!

def reverse[a](ls: list[a]) -> list[a]:
    return [] if not ls else \
           reverse(ls[1:]) + [ls[0]]

The two examples above give us some scenarios where we discover that we have to make a class or function polymorphic. More importantly, we see that the implementations across the specialized versions of the class/function are equal, and only the types differ. One key insight we can draw from this is: a class/function should be made polymorphic if its implementation is independent of the type(s) it is representing/acting on.


These are the three axes that form the lambda cube, with the simply typed lambda calculus only having terms that depend on terms, and the Calculus of Constructions having types and terms depending on types and terms.


The word polymorphism can be broken down into poly (many) and morphism (shape). The word is not just used in Computer Science, but in other areas like biology and pharmacology. Within Computer Science itself there are several kinds of polymorphism, and we shall investigate the most common ones in this lecture and in later lectures too. Finally, polymorphism in Computer Science is really about things taking on different forms, but I suspect that our description of parametric polymorphism gives a pretty good picture of what it entails.