

Question 1

Without using GHCI, determine the types of the following expressions:

  1. (1 :: Int) + 2 * 3
  2. let x = 2 + 3 in show x
  3. if "ab" == "abc" then "a" else []
  4. (++ [])
  5. map (\(x :: Int) -> x * 2)
  6. ((\(x :: [Int]) -> show x) . )
  7. ( . (\(x :: [Int]) -> show x))
  8. (,) . fst
  9. filter

Question 2

Without the help of GHCI, describe the types of eqLast, isPalindrome, burgerPrice and (@:) which we defined in Chapter 1.4 (Course Introduction#Exercises)

Question 3

Recall the following definition of burgerPrice:

burgerPrice burger 
  | null burger = 0
  | otherwise   =
      let first = ingredientPrice (head burger)
          rest  = burgerPrice (tail burger)
      in  first + rest
  where ingredientPrice i
          | i == 'B' = 0.5
          | i == 'C' = 0.8
          | i == 'P' = 1.5
          | i == 'V' = 0.7
          | i == 'O' = 0.4
          | i == 'M' = 0.9

There are several problems with this. First of all, writing burgerPrice with guards does not allow us to rely on compiler exhaustiveness checks, and may give us some additional warnings about head and tail being partial, despite their use being perfectly fine. The second problem is that we have allowed our burger to be any string, even though we should only allow strings that are composed of valid ingredients—the compiler will not reject invocations of burgerPrice with bogus arguments like "AbcDEF".

Define a new type that represents valid burgers, and re-define burgerPrice against that type using pattern matching. Additionally, provide a type declaration for this function. Note that you may use the Rational type to describe rational numbers like 0.8 etc, instead of Double which may have precision issues. You might see that the output of your burgerPrice function is of the form x % y which means \(x/y\).

Question 4

Define a function dropConsecutiveDuplicates that receives a list of any type that is amenable to equality comparisons and removes all the consecutive duplicates of the list. Example runs follow:

ghci> dropConsecutiveDuplicates []
ghci> dropConsecutiveDuplicates [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4]
[1, 2, 3, 4]
ghci> dropConsecutiveDuplicates "aabcccddeee"

For this function to be polymorphic, you will need to add a constraint Eq a => at the beginning of the function's type signature just like we did for the EqExpr constructor of our Expr a GADT.

Question 5

Suppose we have a list [1,2,3,4,5]. Since lists in Haskell are singly-linked lists, and not to mention that Haskell lists are immutable, changing the values at the tail end of the list (e.g. 4 or 5) can be inefficient! Not only that, if we want to then change something near the element we've just changed, we have to traverse all the way down to that element from the head all over again!

Instead, what we can use is a zipper, which allows us to focus on a part of a data structure so that accessing those elements and walking around it is efficient. The idea is to write functions that let us walk down the list, do our changes, and walk back up to recover the full list. For this, we shall define some functions:

  1. mkZipper which receives a list and makes a zipper
  2. r which walks to the right of the list zipper
  3. l which walks to the left of the list zipper
  4. setElement x which changes the element at the current position of the zipper to x.

Example runs follow:

ghci> x = mkZipper [1,2,3,4,5]
ghci> x
([], [1,2,3,4,5])
ghci> y = r $ r $ r $ r x
ghci> y = ([4,3,2,1], [5])
ghci> z = setElement (-1) y
ghci> z
([4,3,2,1], [-1])
ghci> w = setElement (-2) $ l z
ghci> w 
([3,2,1], [-2,-1])
ghci> l $ l $ l w
([], [1,2,3,-2,-1])

Question 6

Let us create a data structure that represents sorted sets. These are collections that contain unique elements and are sorted in ascending order. A natural data structure that can represent such sets is the Binary Search Tree (BST) abstract data type (ADT).

Create a new type SortedSet. Then define the following functions:

  1. The function @+ that receives a sorted set and an element, and returns the sorted set with the element added (unless it is already in the sorted set).
  2. The function setToList that receives a sorted set and returns it as a list (in sorted order)
  3. The function sortedSet that receives a list of elements and puts them all in a sorted set.
  4. The function in' which determines if an element is in the sorted set.

Note that if any of your functions perform any comparison operations (> etc.), you will need to include the Ord a => constraint over the elements of the sorted set or list at the beginning of the type signature of those functions. Example runs follow:

ghci> setToList $ (sortedSet []) @+ 1
ghci> setToList $ (sortedSet []) @+ 1 @+ 2
ghci> setToList $ (sortedSet []) @+ 1 @+ 2 @+ 0
ghci> setToList $ (sortedSet []) @+ 1 @+ 2 @+ 0 @+ 2
ghci> setToList $ sortedSet [7,3,2,5,5,2,1,7,6,3,4,2,4,4,7,1,2,3]
ghci> setToList $ sortedSet "aaabccccbbbbbaaaaab"
ghci> 1 `in'` (sortedSet [1, 2, 3])
ghci> 1 `in'` (sortedSet [4])

Question 7

In this question, we are going to demonstrate an example of the expression problem by writing FP-style data structures and functions, and OO-style classes, to represent the same problem. We shall use Haskell for the FP formulation, and Python for the OOP formulation. Ensure that your Python code is well-typed by checking it with pyright.

The problem is as such. We want to represent various shapes, and the facility to calculate the area of a shape. To start, we shall define two shapes: circles and rectangles. Circles have a radius and rectangles have a width and height. Assume these fields are all Doubles in Haskell, and floats in Python.

  • Haskell: define a type Shape that represents these two shapes, and a function area that computes the area of any shape.

  • Python: define a (abstract) class Shape that comes with a (abstract) method area which gives its area. Then, define two subclasses of Shape that represents circles and rectangles, and define their constructors and methods appropriately.

The expression problem essentially describes the phenomenon that it can either be easy to add new representations of a type or easy to add new functions over types, but not both. To observe this, we are going to extend the code we've written in the following ways:

  1. Create a new shape called Triangle that has a width and height.

  2. Create a new function/method scale that scales the shape (by length) by some factor \(n\).

Proceed to do so in both formulations. As you are doing so, think about whether each extension is easy to do if the code we've previously written cannot be amended, e.g. if it is in a pre-compiled library which you do not have the source code of.

Question 8

Let us extend our Expressions GADT. Define the following expressions:

  1. LitBoolExpr holds a boolean value (True or False)
  2. AndExpr has two boolean expressions and evaluates to their conjunction
  3. OrExpr has two boolean expressions and evaluates to their disjunction
  4. FuncExpr holds a function
  5. FuncCall receives a function and an argument, and evaluates to the function application to that argument

Example runs follow:

ghci> n = LitNumExpr
ghci> b = LitBoolExpr
ghci> a = AndExpr
ghci> o = OrExpr
ghci> f = FuncExpr
ghci> c = FuncCall
ghci> eval (b True `a` b False)
ghci> eval (b True `a` b True)
ghci> eval (b True `o` b False)
ghci> eval (b False `o` b False)
ghci> eval $ f (\x -> x + 1) `c` n 1
ghci> eval $ c (c (f (\x y -> x + y)) (n 1)) (n 2)

Question 9

In this question we shall simulate a simple banking system consisting of bank accounts. We shall write all this code in Python, but in a typed functional programming style. That means:

  1. No loops
  2. No mutable data structures or variables
  3. Pure functions only
  4. Annotate all variables, functions etc. with types
  5. Program must be type-safe

There are several kinds of bank accounts that behave differently on certain operations. We aim to build a banking system that receives such operations that act on these accounts. We shall build this system incrementally (as we should!), so you may want to follow the parts in order, and check your solutions after completing each part.

Bank Accounts

Bank Account ADT

First, create an Algebraic Data Type (ADT) called BankAccount that represents two kinds of bank accounts:

  1. Normal bank accounts
  2. Minimal bank accounts

Both kinds of accounts have an ID, account balance and an interest rate.

Example runs follow:

>>> NormalAccount("a", 1000, 0.01)
NormalAccount(account_id='a', balance=1000, interest_rate=0.01)
>>> MinimalAccount("a", 1000, 0.01)
MinimalAccount(account_id='a', balance=1000, interest_rate=0.01)

Basic Features

Now let us write some simple features of these bank accounts. There are two features we shall explore:

  1. Depositing money into a bank account. Since we are writing code in a purely functional style, our function does not mutate the state of the bank account. Instead, it returns a new state of the account with the money deposited. Assume that the deposit amount is non-negative.
  2. Deducting money from a bank account. Just like before, we are not mutating the state of the bank account, and instead will be returning the new state of the bank account. However, the deduction might not happen since the account might have insufficient funds. As such, this function returns a tuple containing a boolean flag describing whether the deduction succeeded, and the new state of the bank account after the deduction (if the deduction does not occur, the state of the bank account remains unchanged).

Note: The type of a tuple with two elements of types A and B is tuple[A, B]. Example runs follow:

>>> x = NormalAccount('abc', 1000, 0.01)
>>> y = MinimalAccount('bcd', 2000, 0.02)
>>> deposit(1000, x)
NormalAccount(account_id='abc', balance=2000, interest_rate=0.01)
>>> deduct(1000, x)
(True, NormalAccount(account_id='abc', balance=0, interest_rate=0.01))
>>> deduct(2001, y)
(False, MinimalAccount(account_id='bcd', balance=2000, 

Advanced Features

Now we shall implement some more advanced features:

  1. Compounding interest. Given a bank account with balance \(b\) and interest rate \(i\), the new balance after compounding will be \(b(1+i)\). For minimal accounts, an administrative fee of $20 will be deducted if its balance is strictly below $1000. This fee deduction happens before compounding. Importantly, bank balances never go below $0, so e.g. if a minimal account has $10, after compounding, its balance will be $0.

  2. Bank transfers. This function receives a transaction amount and two bank accounts: (1) the credit account (the bank account where funds will come from) and (2) the debit account (bank account where funds will be transferred to). The result of the transfer is a triplet (tuple of three elements) containing a boolean describing the success of the transaction, and the new states of the credit and debit accounts. The transaction does not happen if the credit account has insufficient funds.

Example runs follow:

>>> x = NormalAccount('abc', 1000, 0.01)
>>> y = MinimalAccount('bcd', 2000, 0.02)
>>> z = MinimalAccount('def', 999, 0.01)
>>> w = MinimalAccount('xyz', 19, 0.01)
>>> compound(x)
NormalAccount(account_id='abc', balance=1010, interest_rate=0.01)
>>> compound(compound(x))
NormalAccount(account_id='abc', balance=1020.1, interest_rate=0.01)
>>> compound(y)
MinimalAccount(account_id='bcd', balance=2040, interest_rate=0.02)
>>> compound(z)
MinimalAccount(account_id='def', balance=988.79, interest_rate=0.01)
>>> compound(w)
MinimalAccount(account_id='xyz', balance=0, interest_rate=0.01)
>>> transfer(2000, x, y)
(False, NormalAccount(account_id='abc', balance=1000,
    interest_rate=0.01), MinimalAccount(account_id='bcd', 
    balance=2000, interest_rate=0.02))
>>> transfer(2000, y, x)
(True, MinimalAccount(account_id='bcd', balance=0,
    interest_rate=0.02), NormalAccount(account_id='abc', 
    balance=3000, interest_rate=0.01))

Operating on Bank Accounts

Let us suppose that we have a dictionary whose keys are bank account IDs and values are their corresponding bank accounts. This dictionary simulates a 'database' of bank accounts which we can easily lookup by bank account ID:

>>> d: dict[str, BankAccount] = {
  'abc': NormalAccount('abc', 1000, 0.01)
  'bcd': MinimalAccount('bcd', 2000, 0.02)

Now we are going to process a whole bunch of operations on this 'database'.

Operations ADT

The first step in processing a bunch of operations on the accounts in our database is to create a data structure that represents the desired operation in the first place. For this, create an algebraic data type Op comprised of two classes:

  1. Transfer: has a transfer amount, and credit bank account ID, and a debit bank account ID. This represents the operation where we are transferring the transfer amount from the credit account to the debit account.
  2. Compound. This just tells the processor to compound all the bank accounts in the map. There should be no attributes in this class.

Processing One Operation

Write a function process_one that receives an operation and a dictionary of bank accounts (keys are bank account IDs, and values are the corresponding bank accounts), and performs the operation on the bank accounts in the dictionary. As a result, the function returns a pair containing:

  1. A boolean value to describe whether the operation has succeeded
  2. The resulting dictionary containing the updated bank accounts after the operation has been processed.

Take note that there are several ways in which a Transfer operation may fail:

  1. If any of the account IDs do not exist in the dictionary, the transfer will fail
  2. If the credit account does not have sufficient funds, the transfer will fail
  3. Otherwise, the transfer should proceed as per normal

Keep in mind that you should not mutate any data structure used. Example runs follow:

# data
>>> alice = NormalAccount('alice', 1000, 0.1)
>>> bob = MinimalAccount('bob', 999, 0.1)
>>> mp = {'alice': alice, 'bob': bob}

# ops
>>> c = Compound()
>>> t1 = Transfer(1000, 'alice', 'bob')
>>> t2 = Transfer(1000, 'bob', 'alice')

# processing compound operation
>>> process_one(c, mp)
(True, {'alice': NormalAccount('alice', 1100.0, 0.1), 
        'bob': MinimalAccount('bob', 1076.9, 0.1)})

# processing transfers
>>> process_one(t1, mp)
(True, {'alice': NormalAccount('alice', 0, 0.1), 
        'bob': MinimalAccount('bob', 1999, 0.1)})
>>> process_one(t2, mp)
(False, {'alice': NormalAccount('alice', 1000, 0.1), 
         'bob': MinimalAccount('bob', 999, 0.1)})

Processing All Operations

Now let us finally define a function process_all that receives a list of operations and a dictionary of bank accounts (the keys are bank account IDs, and the values are bank accounts). As a result, the function returns a pair containing:

  1. A list of booleans where the \(i^\text{th}\) boolean value describes whether the \(i^\text{th}\) operation has succeeded
  2. The resulting dictionary containing the updated bank accounts after all the operations have been processed.

Example runs follow:

# data
>>> alice = NormalAccount('alice', 1000, 0.1)
>>> bob = MinimalAccount('bob', 999, 0.1)
>>> mp = {'alice': alice, 'bob': bob}

# op
>>> c = Compound()
>>> t1 = Transfer(1000, 'alice', 'bob')
>>> t2 = Transfer(1000, 'bob', 'alice')

# process
>>> process_all([t2, c, t2, t1], mp)
([False, True, True, True], 
 {'alice': NormalAccount(account_id='alice', balance=1100.0, interest_rate=0.1), 
  'bob': MinimalAccount(account_id='bob', balance=1076.9, interest_rate=0.1)})

Polymorphic Processing

Let us assume that your process_all function invokes the process_one function. If you were careful with your implementation of process_all, you should be able to lift your proces_one function as a parameter:

def process_all(ops, mp):
    # ...
    # ...

# becomes

def process_all(f, ops, mp):
    # ...
    # ...

After which, nothing about the implementation of process_all depends on the types like Op, dict[str, BankAccount] or bool. Thus, we should make this function polymorphic!

Our goal is to write a polymorphic function process that can process any list over a state and produce the resulting list and an updated state after performing stateful processing over the list. It should be defined such that process(process_one, ops, mp) should be the exact same as process_all(ops, mp) as you have defined earlier:

# data
>>> alice = NormalAccount('alice', 1000, 0.1)
>>> bob = MinimalAccount('bob', 999, 0.1)
>>> mp = {'alice': alice, 'bob': bob}

# ops
>>> c = Compound()
>>> t1 = Transfer(1000, 'alice', 'bob')
>>> t2 = Transfer(1000, 'bob', 'alice')

# process
>>> process(process_one, [t2, c, t2, t1], mp)
([False, True, True, True], 
 {'alice': NormalAccount(account_id='alice', balance=1100.0, interest_rate=0.1),
  'bob': MinimalAccount(account_id='bob', balance=1076.9, interest_rate=0.1)})

Furthermore, the best part of this polymorphic function is that it can be used in any situation where we need this stateful accumulation over a list. For example, we can define a function that tests if a number \(n\) is co-prime to a list of other numbers, and if it is indeed co-prime to all of the input numbers, add \(n\) to the state list:

>>> def gather_primes(n: int, ls: list[int]) -> tuple[bool, list[int]]:
...     if any(n % i == 0 for i in ls):
...         return (False, ls)
...     return (True, ls + [n])

Example uses of this follow:

>>> gather_primes(2, [])
(True, [2])
>>> gather_primes(3, [2])
(True, [2, 3])
>>> gather_primes(4, [2, 3])
(False, [2, 3])

This way, we can use process to generate prime numbers and do primality testing!

>>> def primes(n: int) -> tuple[list[bool], list[n]]:
...     return process(gather_primes, list(range(2, n)), [])
>>> primes(10)
([True, True, False, True, False, True, False, False], [2, 3, 5, 7])
>>> primes(30)
([True, True, False, True, False, True, False, False, False, # 2 to 10
  True, False, True, False, False, False, True, False, True, # 11 to 20
  False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, True], 
  [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29])

Proceed to define the process function. Example runs are as above.

Note: The type of a function that receives parameters A, B and C and returns D is Callable[[A, B, C], D]. You will need to import Callable from typing.