Question 1
has typeInt
, soshow x
has typeString
. Recall thatString
is an alias for[Char]
. Although the expression evaluates to[]
which has typeforall a. [a]
, because both branches of the conditional expression must have the same type, the type of the expression is thus specialized into[Char]
.[a] -> [a]
has typeforall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
, since[]
is also polymorphic with typeforall a. [a]
, there is no need to specialize the resulting function call expression. This makes sense because any list can be concatenated with the empty list.[Int] -> [Int]
. Themap
function has type(a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
. Since we have supplied a functionInt -> Int
, we are thus specializinga
.(a -> [Int]) -> a -> String
. Recall that(.)
has typeforall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. The function\(x :: Int) -> show x
has typeInt -> String
. Thus, substitutingb
respectively, we get our answer.(String -> a) -> Int -> a
. Note that(+3)
is\x -> x + 3
, while(3+)
is\x -> 3 + x
. As such, the answer here follows the same reasoning except that the argument to(.)
is at the second position.(a, b) -> c -> (a, c)
. Note that(,)
is the tuple (pair) constructor which has typeforall a, b. a -> b -> (a, b)
.(a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
. As we know,filter
receives a function that tests each element, and returns the list with only the elements that pass the test.
Question 2
:Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
. This function can be polymorphic but requires thata
is amenable to equality comparisons, so we add theEq
constraint to it. We will discuss more on typeclasses next week.isPalindrome
:Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
. The reason for theEq
constraint is because we need to compare the two lists for equality, which means that the elements of both lists must be amenable to equality comparisons!burgerPrice
:Fractional a => String -> a
. Notice once again that we have another typeclass constraint in this function signature. Typeclasses are incredibly common, and hopefully this might motivate you to understand these in the subsequent lectures. Nonetheless, if you had answeredString -> Double
, that is fair as well.@:
:[a] -> (Int, Int) -> [a]
. The function receives a list, a pair of two integers, and produces a slice of the list of the same type.
Question 3
Let us first define a type that describes valid ingredients and a function on this type that gives their prices:
data Ingredient = B | C | P | V | O | M
price :: Ingredient -> Rational
price B = 0.5
price C = 0.8
price P = 1.5
price V = 0.7
price O = 0.4
price M = 0.9
Then, we can define a valid burger being a list of ingredients. For this, we can define a type alias like so:
type Burger = [Ingredient]
Type aliases are nothing special; more or less, they are nicknames for
types. There is no difference between the Burger
types, just like how there is no difference
between String
and [Char]
. Then, we can define
our burgerPrice
function with pattern matching in a very standard way:
burgerPrice :: Burger -> Rational
burgerPrice [] = 0
burgerPrice (i : is) = price i + burgerPrice is
Let us take this a step further by observing the following function in Haskell's prelude:
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr f n [] = n
foldr f n (x : xs) =
let r = foldr f n xs
in f x r
In practice, this does something very familiar: \[\textit{foldr}(f, n, [a_1,\dots,a_n]) = f(a_1,f(a_2,\dots f(a_{n-1}, f(a_n, n))\dots ))\]
This looks like the right-associative equivalent of reduce
in Python!
(The equivalent of reduce
in Haskell is the foldl
\[\textit{reduce}(f, n, [a_1,\dots,a_n]) = f(f(\dots f(n, a_1), a_2), \dots, a_n)\]
This hints to us that in the definition of foldr
, f
is the combiner
function and n
is the initial value. This corresponds very nicely to
. Let us try rewriting our burgerPrice
function to see
burgerPrice [] = 0
burgerPrice (x : xs) =
let r = burgerPrice xs
f a b = price a + b
-- alternatively,
-- f = (+) . price
in f x r
As you can see, if we let f
be (+) . price
and n
be 0
, we can
define burgerPrice
based on foldr
burgerPrice = foldr ((+) . price) 0
Question 4
Solutions are self-explanatory.
dropConsecutiveDuplicates :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
dropConsecutiveDuplicates [] = []
dropConsecutiveDuplicates [x] = [x]
dropConsecutiveDuplicates (x : xx : xs)
| x == xx = dropConsecutiveDuplicates (x : xs)
| otherwise = x : dropConsecutiveDuplicates (xx : xs)
Question 5
As hinted by the example runs, a zipper is a tuple of two lists. The idea is to model a zipper as two stacks. This is great because singly-linked lists (with head pointers), as we know, can model stacks.
type ListZipper a = ([a], [a])
mkZipper :: [a] -> ListZipper a
mkZipper ls = ([], ls)
Functions for traversing and replacing the elements of the zipper should
be straightforward to define. Note that the @
symbol binds the entire
pattern on the right to the name on the left.
l, r :: ListZipper a -> ListZipper a
l x@([], _) = x
l (x : xs, ys) = (xs, x : ys)
r x@(_,[]) = x
r (xs, y : ys) = (y : xs, ys)
setElement :: a -> ListZipper a -> ListZipper a
setElement x (xs,[]) = (xs, [x])
setElement x (xs, _ : ys) = (xs, x : ys)
Question 6
To start, we define a binary tree. This is very similar to the
tree examples that we have given, except that we allow the tree to be
empty. Note that you might be tempted to put the Ord
constraint at the data type declaration itself. This is deprecated, and
also not recommended.
data SortedSet a = Empty | Node (SortedSet a) a (SortedSet a)
Let us start with the function to add elements to the sorted set. This should be straightforward if you remember how BST algorithms are defined.
(@+) :: Ord a => SortedSet a -> a -> SortedSet a
Empty @+ x = Node Empty x Empty
t@(Node left a right) @+ x
| x == a = t
| x < a = Node (left @+ x) a right
| otherwise = Node left a (right @+ x)
Given a BST, to get the list of elements in sorted order, perform an inorder traversal.
setToList :: SortedSet a -> [a]
setToList Empty = []
setToList (Node left a right) = setToList left ++ (a : setToList right)
Converting a list into a sorted set can be done by repeated applications
of @+
over the elements of the list. This should hint to us that we
can use a fold over the list. Note that the flip
function flips the
arguments of a function: i.e. flip f x y = f y x
sortedSet :: Ord a => [a] -> SortedSet a
sortedSet = foldr (flip (@+)) Empty
Finally, determining if an element is a member of the sorted set is a matter of binary search.
in' :: Ord a => a -> SortedSet a -> Bool
in' _ Empty = False
in' x (Node left a right)
| x == a = True
| x < a = in' x left
| otherwise = in' x right
An alternative to this implementation is to use AVL trees instead of plain BSTs. We provide an implementation of AVL trees at the end of this chapter.
Question 7
We start with the base definition which should be self-explanatory.
-- Haskell
data Shape = Circle Double | Rectangle Double Double
area :: Shape -> Double
area (Circle r) = pi * r ^ 2
area (Rectangle w h) = w * h
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from math import pi
class Shape(ABC):
def area(self) -> float:
class Circle(Shape):
radius: float
def area(self) -> float:
return pi * self.radius ** 2
class Rectangle(Shape):
width: float
height: float
def area(self) -> float:
return self.width * self.height
We start with the first extension of our problem by creating a new shape
called Triangle
. Notice that to add representations of our types in
our Haskell implementation, we must have access to edit whatever we've
written before. This is unlike our OO implementation in Python, where by
adding a new shape, we can just define a completely separate subclass
and define the area
method for that class.
data Shape = Circle Double
| Rectangle Double Double
| Triangle Double Double
area :: Shape -> Double
area (Circle r) = pi * r ^ 2
area (Rectangle w h) = w * h
area (Triangle w h) = w * h / 2
class Triangle(Shape):
width: float
height: float
def area(self) -> float:
return self.width * self.height / 2
However, proceeding with the second extension, we see that the opposite is true: adding a new function does not require edit access in our Haskell implementation since we can just define a separate function, but it is required for our Python implementation since we have to add this method to all the classes we have defined!
scale :: Double -> Shape -> Shape
scale n (Circle r) = Circle (r * n)
scale n (Rectangle w h) = Rectangle (w * n) (h * n)
scale n (Triangle w h) = Triangle (w * n) (h * n)
class Shape(ABC):
def area(self) -> float:
def scale(self, n: float) -> 'Shape':
class Circle(Shape):
radius: float
def area(self) -> float:
return pi * self.radius ** 2
def scale(self, n: float) -> Shape:
return Circle(n * self.radius)
class Rectangle(Shape):
width: float
height: float
def area(self) -> float:
return self.width * self.height
def scale(self, n: float) -> Shape:
return Rectangle(self.width * n, self.height * n)
class Triangle(Shape):
width: float
height: float
def area(self) -> float:
return self.width * self.height / 2
def scale(self, n: float) -> Shape:
return Triangle(self.width * n, self.height * n)
Question 8
Defining additional constructors for our expressions GADT is
relatively straightforward, and so is extending our eval
function. We write the entire implementation here.
data Expr α where
LitNumExpr :: Int -> Expr Int
AddExpr :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
EqExpr :: Eq α => Expr α -> Expr α -> Expr Bool
CondExpr :: Expr Bool -> Expr α -> Expr α -> Expr α
LitBoolExpr :: Bool -> Expr Bool
AndExpr :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool -> Expr Bool
OrExpr :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool -> Expr Bool
FuncExpr :: (α -> β) -> Expr (α -> β)
FuncCall :: Expr (α -> β) -> Expr α -> Expr β
eval :: Expr α -> α
eval (LitNumExpr n) = n
eval (AddExpr a b) = eval a + eval b
eval (EqExpr a b) = eval a == eval b
eval (CondExpr a b c) = if eval a then eval b else eval c
eval (LitBoolExpr b) = b
eval (AndExpr a b) = eval a && eval b
eval (OrExpr a b) = eval a || eval b
eval (FuncExpr f) = f
eval (FuncCall f x) = (eval f) (eval x)
Question 9
Bank Accounts
Bank Account ADT
As in the lecture notes, simulating ADTs in Python can be done either with an (abstract) class, or a type alias. In our case, we shall use the latter.
First, we create the type:
type BankAccount = NormalAccount | MinimalAccount
Then, we create the NormalAccount
from dataclasses import dataclass
class NormalAccount:
account_id: str
balance: float
interest_rate: float
class MinimalAccount:
account_id: str
balance: float
interest_rate: float
Basic Features
For our two basic features, we shall employ a simple helper function that sets the amount of a bank account. Notice once again that we do not mutate any data structure in our program!
def _set_balance(amt: float, b: BankAccount) -> BankAccount:
match b:
case NormalAccount(id, _, i):
return NormalAccount(id, amt, i)
case MinimalAccount(id, _, i):
return MinimalAccount(id, amt, i)
Then, the basic features can be defined in terms of our
helper function.
def deposit(amt: float, b: BankAccount) -> BankAccount:
return _set_balance(b.balance + amt, b)
def deduct(amt: float, b: BankAccount) -> tuple[bool, BankAccount]:
if amt > b.balance:
return (False, b)
return (True, _set_balance(b.balance - amt, b))
Advanced Features
At this point, implementing the advanced features should not be too difficult.
def _cmpd(p: float, r: float) -> float:
return p * (1 + r)
def compound(b: BankAccount) -> BankAccount:
match b:
case NormalAccount(id, bal, i):
return NormalAccount(id, _cmpd(bal, i), i)
case MinimalAccount(id, bal, i):
new_bal: float = max(bal - 20, 0) if bal < 1000 else bal
return MinimalAccount(id, _cmpd(new_bal, i), i)
def transfer(amt: float, from_: BankAccount, to: BankAccount) -> tuple[bool, BankAccount, BankAccount]:
success: bool
from_deducted: BankAccount
success, from_deducted = deduct(amt, from_)
if not success:
return (False, from_, to)
return (True, from_deducted, deposit(amt, to))
Operating on Bank Accounts
Operations ADT
The ADT definition is pretty straightforward:
type Op = Transfer | Compound
class Transfer:
amount: float
from_: str
to: str
class Compound:
Processing One Operation
It's easier to write the functions that perform each individual operation first, especially since they are more involved with dictionary lookups etc. Take note of the fact that all of the data structures are unchanged!
# Type alias for convenience
type BankAccounts = dict[str, BankAccount]
def _compound_all(mp: BankAccounts) -> BankAccounts:
return {k : compound(v) for k, v in mp.items()}
def _transfer(amt: float, from_: str, to: str, mp: BankAccounts) -> tuple[bool, BankAccounts]:
if from_ not in mp or to not in mp:
return (False, mp)
success: bool
new_from: BankAccount
new_to: BankAccount
success, new_from, new_to = transfer(amt, mp[from_], mp[to])
if not success:
return (False, mp)
new_mp: BankAccounts = mp | { from_: new_from, to: new_to }
return (True, new_mp)
Then, the process_one
function is easy to define since we can
just invoke our helper functions:
def process_one(op: Op, mp: BankAccounts) -> tuple[bool, BankAccounts]:
match op:
case Transfer(amt, from_, to):
return _transfer(amt, from_, to, mp)
case Compound():
return (True, _compound_all(mp))
Process All Operations
Given the process_one
function, the process_all
function should be straightforward. Note once again that none of the
data structures are being mutated and we use recursion. The last
statement is only used to suppress pyright
def process_all(ops: list[Op], mp: BankAccounts) -> tuple[list[bool], BankAccounts]:
match ops:
case []:
return [], mp
case x, *xs:
op_r, mp1 = process_one(x, mp)
rs, mp2 = process_all(xs, mp1)
return [op_r] + rs, mp2
case _: raise
Polymorphic Processing
Notice that if we had received the process_one
function as an
argument then we would now have a higher-order function:
from typing import Callable
# For brevity
type P = Callable[[Op, BankAccounts], tuple[bool, BankAccounts]]
def process_all(process_one: P, ops: list[Op], mp: BankAccounts) -> tuple[list[bool], BankAccounts]:
match ops:
case []:
return [], mp
case x, *xs:
op_r, mp1 = process_one(x, mp)
rs, mp2 = process_all(process_one, xs, mp1)
return [op_r] + rs, mp2
case _: raise
Now notice that process_all
's implementation does not depend
on Op
, bool
or BankAccounts
. Let us
make this function polymorphic by replacing Op
with A
with B
and bool
with C
def process[A, B, C](f: Callable[[A, B], tuple[C, B]], ops: list[A], mp: B) -> tuple[list[C], B]:
match ops:
case []:
return [], mp
case x, *xs:
op_r, mp1 = f(x, mp)
rs, mp2 = process(f, xs, mp1)
return [op_r] + rs, mp2
case _: raise
AVL Trees
Here we show an example of using AVL trees as sorted sets. Notice our AVL tree has nice pretty printing, pretty cool huh! We will learn how to define the string representation of a type in subsequent lectures.
ghci> x = fromList [1,1,1,2,2,2,8,5,4,3,5,9,0,10,0,7,8,3]
ghci> x
3 9
┏━━━┻━━━┓ ┏━┻━┓
1 5 8 10
┏━┻━┓ ┏━┛
0 2 4
ghci> x @+ 6 @+ 11 @+ 14 @+ 12 @+ 15
3 11
┏━━━┻━━━┓ ┏━━━━┻━━━━━┓
1 5 9 14
┏━┻━┓ ┏━┻━┓ ┏━┻━┓ ┏━━┻━━┓
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 15
We first start with some declarations and imports.
module Avl ( AVL(Empty), in', toList, fromList, (@+)) where
import Data.List (intercalate)
data AVL a = Empty | Node (AVL a) a (AVL a)
deriving Eq
in' :: Ord a => a -> AVL a -> Bool
toList :: AVL a -> [a]
fromList :: Ord a => [a] -> AVL a
(@+) :: Ord a => AVL a -> a -> AVL a
infixl 7 @+
Next, we provide implementations of these declarations. Many of these
are identical to that of our sorted set implementation using BSTs; the
only difference is in @+
where AVL trees have to perform height
balancing if the balance factor exceeds the range \([-1, 1]\).
in' _ Empty = False
in' x (Node left a right)
| x == a = True
| x < a = in' x left
| otherwise = in' x right
toList Empty = []
toList (Node left a right) = toList left ++ (a : toList right)
fromList = foldr (flip (@+)) Empty
Empty @+ x = Node Empty x Empty
o@(Node left a right) @+ x
| x < a =
let newLeft = left @+ x
newTree = Node newLeft a right
in if bf newTree > -2 then newTree
let t
| bf newLeft > 0 = Node (rotateLeft newLeft) a right
| otherwise = newTree
in rotateRight t
| x > a =
let newRight = right @+ x
newTree = Node left a newRight
in if bf newTree < 2 then newTree
else let t
| bf newRight < 0 = Node left a (rotateRight newRight)
| otherwise = newTree
in rotateLeft t
| otherwise = o
The implementation of these functions involve some additional helper functions for obtaining balance factors and rotations, which we declare and define here:
-- Implementation helpers
height :: AVL a -> Int
height Empty = 0
height (Node left _ right) = 1 + max (height left) (height right)
rotateLeft :: AVL a -> AVL a
rotateLeft Empty = Empty
rotateLeft t@(Node _ _ Empty) = t
rotateLeft (Node left a (Node ll b right)) = Node (Node left a ll) b right
rotateRight :: AVL a -> AVL a
rotateRight Empty = Empty
rotateRight t@(Node Empty _ _) = t
rotateRight (Node (Node left b rr) a right) = Node left b (Node rr a right)
bf :: AVL a -> Int -- balance factor
bf Empty = 0
bf (Node l _ r) = height r - height l
Finally, we write functions to support pretty printing.
-- Pretty printing
strWidth :: Show a => AVL a -> Int
strWidth Empty = 0
strWidth (Node left a right) =
let leftWidth = strWidth left
l = if leftWidth > 0 then leftWidth + 1 else 0
centerWidth = length $ show a
rightWidth = strWidth right
r = if rightWidth > 0 then rightWidth + 1 else 0
in l + centerWidth + r
leftPad :: Int -> String -> String
leftPad 0 s = s
leftPad n s = leftPad (n - 1) (' ' : s)
rightArm, leftArm :: Int -> String
rightArm n = aux n where
aux n'
| n' == n = '┗' : aux (n' - 1)
| n' > 0 = '━' : aux (n' - 1)
| otherwise = "┓"
leftArm n = aux n where
aux n'
| n' == n = '┏' : aux (n' - 1)
| n' > 0 = '━' : aux (n' - 1)
| otherwise = "┛"
bothArm :: Int -> Int -> String
bothArm mid right = aux 0 where
aux n'
| n' == 0 = '┏' : aux 1
| n' /= mid && n' < right = '━' : aux (n' + 1)
| n' == mid = '┻' : aux (n' + 1)
| otherwise = "┓"
toRowList :: Show a => AVL a -> [String]
toRowList Empty = []
toRowList (Node Empty a Empty) = [show a]
toRowList (Node Empty a right) =
let x = toRowList right
nodeLength = length $ show a
y = map (leftPad (nodeLength + 1)) x
rroot = rootAt right + nodeLength + 1
in show a : rightArm rroot : y
toRowList (Node left a Empty) =
let x = toRowList left
lroot = rootAt left
nodeAt = strWidth left + 1
in leftPad nodeAt (show a) : leftPad lroot (leftArm (nodeAt - lroot)) : x
toRowList (Node left a right) =
let l = toRowList left
r = toRowList right
lw = strWidth left
rpadding = lw + 2 + length (show a)
rr = zipStringTree rpadding l r
lroot = rootAt left
rroot = rootAt right
nodeAt = lw + 1
f = leftPad (lw + 1) (show a)
s = leftPad lroot (bothArm (nodeAt - lroot) (rroot - lroot + rpadding))
in f : s : rr
rightPadTo :: Int -> String -> String
rightPadTo n s
| ls >= n = s
| otherwise = let n' = n - ls
s' = leftPad n' []
in s ++ s'
where ls = length s
rootAt :: Show a => AVL a -> Int
rootAt Empty = 0
rootAt (Node Empty _ _) = 0
rootAt (Node left _ _) = strWidth left + 1
zipStringTree :: Int -> [String] -> [String] -> [String]
zipStringTree _ [] [] = []
zipStringTree _ l [] = l
zipStringTree n [] r = map (leftPad n) r
zipStringTree n (l : ls) (r : rs) =
let res = zipStringTree n ls rs
c = rightPadTo n l ++ r
in c : res
instance Show a => Show (AVL a) where
show Empty = ""
show t = intercalate "\n" $ toRowList t