
Ad-Hoc Polymorphism

So far, we have learnt how to define algebraic data types, and construct—and destructure—terms of those types. However, algebraic data types typically only represent data, unlike objects in OOP. Therefore, we frequently write functions acting on terms of those types. As an example, drawing from Chapter 2.5 Question 7, let us define a Shape ADT that represents circles and rectangles.

data Shape = Circle Double
           | Rectangle Double Double

On its own, this ADT does not do very much. What we would like to do additionally, is to define a function over Shapes. For example, a function area that computes the area of a Shape:

area :: Shape -> Double
area (Circle r) = pi * r ^ 2
area (Rectangle w h) = w * h

However, you might notice that area should not be exclusively defined on Shapes; it could very well be the case that we will later define other algebraic data types from which we can also compute its area. For example, let us define a House data type that also has a way to compute its area:

data House = H [Room]
type Room = Rectangle

area' :: House -> Double
area' (H ls) = foldr ((+) . area) 0 ls

Notice that we cannot, at this point, abstract area and area' into a single function because these functions work on specific types, and they have type-specific implementations. It is such a waste for us to have to use different names to describe the same idea.

The question then becomes, is it possible for us to define an area function that is polymorphic (not fully parametrically polymorphic) in some ad-hoc way? That is, can area have one implementation when given an argument of type Shape, and another implementation when given another argument of type House?

Ad-Hoc Polymorphism in Python

Notice that this is entirely possible in Python and other OO languages, where different classes can define methods of the same name.

class Rectangle:
  w: float
  h: float
  def area(self) -> float:
    return self.w * self.h

class Circle:
  r: float
  def area(self) -> float:
    return pi * r ** 2

class House:
  ls: list[Rectangle]
  def area(self) -> float:
    return sum(x.area() for x in self.ls)

All of these disparate types can define an area method with its own type-specific implementation, and this is known as method overloading. In fact, Python allows us to use them in an ad-hoc manner because Python does not enforce types. Therefore, a program like the following will be totally fine.

def total_area(ls):
  return sum(x.area() for x in ls)

ls = [Rectangle(1, 2), House([Rectangle(3, 4)])]
print(total_area(ls)) # 14

total_area works because Python uses duck typing—if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is probably a duck. Therefore, as long as the elements of the input list ls defines a method area that returns something that can be summed over, no type errors will present from program execution.

Python allows us to take this further by defining special methods to overload operators. For example, we can define the __add__ method on any class to define how it should behave under the + operator:

class Fraction:
  num: int
  den: int
  def __add__(self, f):
    num = self.num * f.den + f.num * self.den
    den = self.den * f.den
    return Fraction(num, den)

print(1 + 2) # 3
print(Fraction(1, 2) + Fraction(3, 4)) # Fraction(10, 8)

However, relying on duck typing alone forces us to ditch any hopes for static type checking. From the definition of the ls variable above:

ls = [Rectangle(1, 2), House([Rectangle(3, 4)])]

based on what we know, ls cannot be given a suitable type that is useful. Great thing is, Python has support for protocols that allow us to group classes that adhere to a common interface (without the need for class extension):

class HasArea(Protocol):
  def area(self) -> float:

def total_area(ls: list[HasArea]) -> float:
  return sum(x.area() for x in ls)

ls: list[HasArea] = [Rectangle(1, 2), House([Rectangle(3, 4)])]
print(total_area(ls)) # 14

This is great because we have the ability to perform ad-hoc polymorphism without coupling the data with behaviour—the HasArea protocol makes no mention of its inhabiting classes Rectangle, Circle and House, and vice-versa, and yet we have provided enough information for the type-checker so that bogus code such as the following gets flagged early.

ls: list[HasArea] = [1] # Type checker complains about this
print(total_area(ls)) # TypeError

The Expression Problem in Python

There are several limitations of our solution using protocols. Firstly, Python's type system is not powerful or expressive enough to describe protocols involving higher-kinded types. Secondly, although we have earlier achieved decoupling between classes and the protocols they abide by, we are not able to decouple classes and their methods. If we wanted to completely decouple them, we would define methods as plain functions, and run into the same problems we have seen in the Haskell implementation of area and area' above.

At the expense of type safety, let us attempt to decouple area and their implementing classes. The idea is to define an area function that receives a helper function that computes the type specific area of an object:

def area(x, helper) -> float:
  return helper(x)

def rectangle_area(rect: Rectangle) -> float:
  return rect.w * rect.h
def house_area(house: House) -> float:
  return sum(x.area() for x in house.ls)

r = Rectangle(1, 2)
h = House([Rectangle(3, 4)])
area(r, rectangle_area) # 2
area(h, house_area) # 12

This implementation is silly because we could easily remove one level of indirection by invoking rectangle_area or house_area directly. However, notice that the implementations are specific to classes—or, types—thus, what we can do is to store these helpers in a dictionary whose keys are the types they were meant to be inhabiting. Then, the area function can look up the right type-specific implementation based on the type of the argument.

HasArea = {} 

def area(x):
  helper = HasArea[type(x)]
  return helper(x)

HasArea[Rectangle] = lambda x: x.w * x.h
HasArea[House] = lambda house: sum(x.area() for x in house.ls)

r = Rectangle(1, 2)
h = House([Rectangle(3, 4)])
area(r) # 2
area(h) # 12

What's great about this approach is that (1) otherwise disparate classes adhere to a common interface, and (2) the classes and methods are completely decoupled. We can later on define additional classes and its type-specific implementation of area, or define a type-specific implementation of area for a class that has already been defined!

class Triangle:
  w: float
  h: float

HasArea[Triangle] = lambda t: 0.5 * t.w * t.h

area(Triangle(5, 2)) # 5

Unfortunately, all of these gains came at the cost of type safety. Is there a better way to do this? In Haskell, yes—with typeclasses!