

Haskell is a statically-typed, purely functional nonstrict-evaluation programming language. Informally, static typing means that we can look at a program (without executing it) and tell what the type of any term is. A purely-functional language is a language that supports only functional programming concepts (unlike multi-paradigm languages like Python). Nonstrict-evaluation means that there is no strict sequence of evaluating statements or expressions, and compilers are free to decide which expressions should be evaluated first—lazy evaluation is where expressions are evaluated only when they are needed. We will look at non-strict evaluation eventually; for now, understanding static typing and purely functional programming is more important.

In a purely functional language like Haskell, you will miss the following programming language features that are present in virtually every general-purpose programming language:

  • Mutation (even variables are immutable);

  • Loops;

  • Objects (classes etc.);

  • Dynamic typing (e.g. x can be an int now, and a str later);

You might find it difficult to adjust to such a programming environment. However, you will find these restrictions meaningful as we have alluded to in the previous section.

Basic Expressions

By this point you should have already installed GHC, which comes with two main parts: ghc itself (the compiler), and ghci the REPL/interpreter. For now, run ghci in the terminal to start an interactive Haskell shell, and enter some basic mathematical expressions!

ghci> 1 + 2 - 3
ghci> 1 * 2 / 4
ghci> 5 ^ 2 `mod` 5
ghci> 5 `div` 2

Note some differences: ^ is exponentiation (just as you would normally type in a calculator), and there is no modulo operator. There is a modulo function called mod, and you can apply any binary function in an infix manner by surrounding the function in backticks. Integer division is a function div. The operator precedence rules apply.

In a functional programming language like Haskell, it should come as no surprise that virtually everything is a function. Mathematical operators are actually just functions! In GHCI, we can observe the type of any term (terms are sort of like objects in Python; functions are terms!) using :t, and we can show the type of the function of the + operator by issuing :t (+) (when writing operators as a term in the usual prefix notation, surround it in parentheses). We can in fact re-write an infix operator function call as a normal prefix function call. Note that in Haskell, f x y z is essentially the same as f(x, y, z) in languages like Python.

ghci> :t (+)
Num a => a -> a -> a
ghci> 2 + 3
ghci> (+) 2 3

As we know, currying is the act of translating an \(n\)-ary function to a unary function that receives one parameter and returns a function that receives the remaining parameters (in curried form). In Haskell, all functions are curried, so even a function like (+) really looks something like this in Python:

def add(x):
    return lambda y: x + y

This is automatically done in Haskell. Thus we might be able to write our Python equivalent of add(2) directly in Haskell as (+2):

ghci> y = (+2)              
ghci> y 3

which in Python, looks like:

>>> def add(x): return lambda y: x + y
>>> y = add(2)
>>> y(3)

Therefore, to be more specific, f x y z in Haskell is more like f(x)(y)(z) in Python.

We can also load Haskell source files into GHCI. Python source files have the .py extension; Haskell source files instead have the .hs extension. Let us try writing a simple Haskell program. Create a new file like MyCode.hs and write in the following:

-- MyCode.hs
main :: IO () -- entry point to the program
main = putStrLn "Hello World!"

We will look at what the first line means in the future. For now, try compiling and running your code by issuing the following commands in your terminal (windows users might have to run ./MyCode.exe):

ghc MyCode.hs

The first command invokes GHC to compile your source file. Compilation translates your source file into an executable file that your computer that understand. The compilation process will also perform a bunch of compile-time checks, such as type-checking etc. It may also perform some optimizations. The outcome of invoking that command is an executable (probably called MyCode) along with other files (which we shall not talk about for now). The second command then executes that executable, and you should see Hello World! shown in the terminal.

Hello World!

We shall ignore compiling source files for now and temporarily focus on working with GHCI. In GHCI, we can load files by issuing :l MyFile.hs, which loads the source into the shell. For now, write the following code in MyCode.hs:

-- MyCode.hs
z = 1 -- ok
y = 2 -- ok
y = 3 -- not ok!

As we have described earlier, everything in Haskell is immutable. Therefore, re-defining what y is should be disallowed! Let's try loading MyCode.hs into GHCI:

ghci> :l MyCode.hs
[1 of 2] Compiling Main ( MyCode.hs, interpreted )

MyCode.hs:4:1: error:
    Multiple declarations of 'y'
    Declared at: MyCode.hs:3:1
4 | y = 3 -- not ok!
  | ^

As you can see, you cannot redefine functions or variables. Everything is immutable in Haskell! Therefore, the statement x = e is not an assignment statement. Rather, it is a bind or a definition.

Control Structures

In Haskell, you mainly write expressions, and not statements. Consequently, there are only if-else expressions, and no if-else statements. That means that you cannot omit an else branch of an if-else expression, just like in Python:

>>> x = 2 * -1
>>> y = 'positive' if x == 2 else 'negative'
>>> y

In Haskell, this would be (negative numbers must be surrounded by parentheses, otherwise Haskell thinks it is a partial function application of subtraction (-)):

ghci> x = 2 * (-1)
ghci> y = if x == 2 then "positive" else "negative"
ghci> y

Just like in Python, if-then-else expressions in Haskell are expressions and therefore evaluate to a term:

ghci> (if 1 /= 2 then 3 else 4) + 5

Note that not equals looks like /= in Haskell but != in Python. The equivalent expression in Python might be:

>>> (3 if 1 != 2 else 4) + 5

Importantly, the type of any expression is fixed, or at least, we should be able to determine what the type of every expression is unambiguously just by looking at it. Therefore, writing the following expression in Haskell will throw an error:

ghci> x = 2 * (-1)
ghci> y = if x == 2 then 2 else "negative"
<interactive>:2:20: error:
  - No instance for (Num String) arising from the literal '2'
  - In the expression: 2
    In the expression: if x == 2 then 2 else "negative"
    In an equation for 'y': y = if x == 2 then 2 else "negative"

The reason is that we should not need to evaluate the truth of x == 2 to determine what the type of the entire if-else expression is. Thus, Haskell requires that the type of the expression in the if branch be the same as the type of the expression in the else branch. This departs from Python which is dynamically typed, where types are determined at runtime, so expressions can freely be of different types based on the values they inherit at the time of program execution.


Defining functions in Haskell looks like defining a variable. This should be expected since Haskell is centred around functions, so it should come as no surprise that functions do not need to be defined with any special syntax.

ghci> oddOrEven x = if even x then "even" else "odd"
ghci> oddOrEven 1
ghci> oddOrEven 2

ghci> quadratic c2 c1 c0 x = c2 * x ^ 2 + c1 * x + c0
ghci> f = quadratic 1 2 3 -- x^2 + 2x + 3
ghci> f 4
ghci> f 5

We might then ask: how do we write a loop in Haskell? Like we said earlier, Haskell is a purely functional programming language, so there are no loops (we may later see loops being simulated with functions). Thus, for now we shall use recursion as it is often the most elegant way to solve problems.

Recall that the familiar factorial function may be written imperatively in Python as:

def fac(n):
    res = 1
    for i in range(2, n + 1):
        res *= i
    return res

As we know, the factorial function can be defined recursively as such: $$n! = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if }n=0\\ n \times (n - 1)!& \text{otherwise} \end{cases}$$ And in Python:

def fac(n):
    return 1 if n == 0 else \
           n * fac(n - 1)

In Haskell, we are free to do the same:

ghci> fac n = if n == 0 then 1 else n * fac (n - 1)
ghci> fac 4

In fact, we can also express functions like this elegantly in Haskell with guards. Guards allow us to define expressions differently based on a condition.

For example, we know that the Fibonacci function may be written like so: $$\textit{fib}(n) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if } n = 0\\ 1 & \text{if }n = 1\\ \textit{fib}(n - 1) + \textit{fib}(n - 2) & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}$$

And writing this function with regular if-else expressions might look like: 1

ghci> :{
ghci| fib n = if n == 0 || n == 1 
ghci|         then 1 
ghci|         else fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)
ghci| :}

However, it might look clearer to define it this way with guards (otherwise is just defined as True):

ghci> :{
ghci| fib n
ghci|   | n == 0    = 1
ghci|   | n == 1    = 1
ghci|   | otherwise = fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)
ghci| :}
ghci> fib 5

Even better, we can use pattern matching to define such functions much more easily. We will look at pattern matching in more detail in the future:

ghci> fib 0 = 1
ghci> fib 1 = 1
ghci> fib n = fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)
ghci> fib 5

Auxiliary Bindings

Thus far we have defined functions as a single expression; this is akin to writing a lambda expression in Python. As we know, that may not always be the most ergonomic considering that many functions can be better defined with several 'statements' that lead into a final expression. One example would be the following in Python:

def weight_sum(n1, w1, n2, w2):
    x = n1 * w1
    y = n2 * w2
    return x + y

While it is completely acceptable to define this function in one line, it is not as readable. In Haskell, functions indeed have to be written as a single expression, but we can define local bindings for the expression using let:

ghci> :{
ghci| weightSum n1 w1 n2 w2 =
ghci|   let x = n1 * w1
ghci|       y = n2 * w2
ghci|   in  x + y
ghci| :}
ghci> weightSum 2 3 4 5

The let binding allows us to introduce the definitions of x and y which are used in the expression after the in clause. These make writing larger expressions more readable.

let bindings are (more-or-less) syntax sugar for function calls:

weightSum n1 w1 n2 w2 = 
    let x = n1 * w1
        y = n2 * w2
    in  x + y
-- same as
weightSum n1 w1 n2 w2 =
    f (n1 * w1) (n2 * w2)

f x y = x + y

Importantly, let bindings are expressions; they therefore evaluate to a value, as seen in this example:

ghci> (let x = 1 + 2 in x * 3) + 4

This is different to where bindings, which also allow us to write auxiliary definitions that support the main definition:

weightSum n1 w1 n2 w2 = 
    let x = n1 * w1
        y = n2 * w2
    in  x + y
-- same as

weightSum n1 w1 n2 w2 = x + y
    where x = n1 * w1
          y = n2 * w2

Other differences between let and where are not so apparent at this stage. You are free to use either appropriately (use let where an expression is desired, using either let or where are both okay in other scenarios).

Data Types

We have looked at some simple data types so far: numbers like 1.2, and strings like "abc". Strings are actually lists of characters! Strings are surrounded by double quotes, and characters are surrounded by single quotes, like 'a'.

Lists in Haskell are singly-linked list with homogenous data. That means that the types of the elements in the list must be the same. We can write lists using very familiar syntax, e.g. [1, 2, 3] being a list containing the numbers 1, 2 and 3. Indexing a list can be done with the !! function.

ghci> x = [1, 2, 3]
ghci> x !! 1 -- indexing, like x[1]

We can also construct ranges of numbers, or any enumerable type (such as characters). The syntax for creating such lists is straightforward as shown in the examples below.

ghci> y = [1,3..7] -- list(range(1, 8, 2))
ghci> y
ghci> z = [1..10]  -- list(range(1, 11))
ghci> z
ghci> inflist = [1..] -- 1,2,3,...
ghci> inflist !! 10

As we stated earlier, strings are lists of characters, we can even build ranges of characters which result in strings.

ghci> ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']
ghci> ['a'..'e']
ghci> ['a'..'e'] ++ ['A'..'D'] -- ++ is concatentation

As you know, a singly-linked list is one of two things: an empty list, or a node with a value (head) and a reference to the remaining part of the list (tail). Thus, one of the most frequently used operations is the cons operation (:) which builds (or de-structures) a list given its head and tail values. The : operator is right-associative.

ghci> x = [1, 2, 3]
ghci> 0 : x
ghci> 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : []
ghci> 'a' : "bcde"

One of the most interesting parts of Haskell is that it has non-strict evaluation. That means that the compiler is free to evaluate any expression only when it is needed. This allows us to quite nicely define recursive data without running into infinite loops:

ghci> y = 1 : y
ghci> take 5 y

As we know, performing recursion over a list frequently requires us to get a head element and then recursively calling the function over the remaining list. This is nicely supported without any performance costs unlike in Python, where ls[1:] runs in \(O(n)\). For example, writing a function that sums a list of numbers might look like the following in Python:

def sum(ls):
    if len(ls) == 0:
        return 0
    return ls[0] + sum(ls[1:])

Haskell is very similar (head is a function that returns the first element of a list, and tail is a function that returns the remainder of a list):

sum' ls = if length ls == 0
          then 0
          else head ls + sum' (tail ls)

As a quick aside, the : operator is really a constructor for lists, so in fact we can use pattern matching (again, we will discuss this in the future) to define the sum' function very elegantly.

sum' [] = 0
sum' (x : xs) = x + sum' xs

Python also supports list comprehension as you may recall:

>>> x = [1, 2, 3]
>>> y = 'abc'
>>> [(i, j) for i in x for j in y if i % 2 == 1]
[(1, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (1, 'c'), (3, 'a'), (3, 'b'), (3, 'c')]

Haskell also provides the same facility, with different syntax:

ghci> x = [1, 2, 3]
ghci> y = "abc"
ghci> [(i, j) | i <- x, j <- y, odd i]

At this junction it would be most appropriate to discuss tuples. Like Python, the fields of a tuple can be of different types. However, tuples in Haskell are not sequences. Tuples behave more like the product of several types, as is usually the case in many domains.

As such, there are not many operations we can do on tuples. One of the only special cases is pairs, which have functions to project each value:

ghci> fst (1,"abc")
ghci> snd (1,(2,[3,4,5]))
ghci> snd (snd (1,(2,[3,4,5])))

This should suffice for now. Now is your turn to try the exercises to get you started on your functional programming journey! Note that many of the functions we have used are built-in to Haskell, as defined in Haskell's Prelude library. You may want to refer to this library when doing the exercises. A large portion of the Prelude documentation may be unreadable at this point, however, rest assured that many of the concepts presented in the documentation will be covered in this course.


Note that :{ and :} are used only in GHCI to define blocks of code, and are not part of Haskell.