

One of the core ideas in FP is composition, i.e. that to "do one computation after the other" is to compose these computations. In mathematics, function composition is straightforward, given by: \[(g\circ f)(x) = g(f(x)) \]

That is, \(g\circ f\) is the function "\(g\) after \(f\)", which applies \(f\) onto \(x\), and then apply \(g\) on the result.

In an ideal world, composing functions is as straightforward as we have described.

def add_one(x: int) -> int:
    return x + 1
def double(x: int) -> int:
    return x * 2
def div_three(x: int) -> float:
    return x / 3


However, things are rarely perfect. Let us take the following example of an application containing users, with several data structures to represent them.

First, we describe the User and Email classes:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Email:
    name: str
    domain: str

class User:
    username: str
    email: Email
    salary: int | float

Now, we want to be able to parse user information that is provided as a string. However, note that this parsing may fail, therefore we raise exceptions if the input string cannot be parsed as the desired data structure.

def parse_email(s: str) -> Email:
    if '@' not in s:
        raise ValueError
    s = s.split('@')
    if len(s) != 2 or '.' not in s[1]:
        raise ValueError
    return Email(s[0], s[1])

def parse_salary(s: str) -> int | float:
        return int(s)
        return float(s) # if this fails and raises an exception,
                        # then do not catch it

And to use these functions, we have to ensure that every program point that uses them must be wrapped in a try and except clause:

def main():
    n = input('Enter name: ')
    e = input('Enter email: ')
    s = input('Enter salary: ')
        print(User(n, parse_email(e), parse_salary(s)))
        print('Some error occurred')

As you can see, exceptions are being thrown everywhere. Generally, it is hard to keep track of which functions raise/handle execptions, and also hard to compose exceptional functions! Worse still, if the program is poorly documented (as is the case for our example), no one actually knows that parse_salary and parse_email will raise exceptions!

There is a better way to do this—by using the railway pattern! Let us write the equivalent of the program above with idiomatic Haskell. First, the data structures:

data Email = Email { emailUsername :: String
                   , emailDomain   :: String }
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data Salary = SInt Int 
            | SDouble Double
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data User = User { username   :: String
                 , userEmail  :: Email
                 , userSalary :: Salary }
  deriving (Eq, Show)

Now, some magic. No exceptions are raised in any of the following functions (which at this point, might look like moon runes):

parseEmail :: String -> Maybe Email
parseEmail email = do
    guard $ '@' `elem` email && length e == 2 && '.' `elem` last e
    return $ Email (head e) (last e)
  where e = split '@' email

parseSalary :: String -> Maybe Salary
parseSalary s = 
  let si = SInt <$> readMaybe s
      sf = SDouble <$> readMaybe s
  in  si <|> sf

And the equivalent of main in Haskell is shown below.1 Although not apparent at this point, we are guaranteed that no exceptions will be raised from using parseEmail and parseSalary.

main :: IO ()
main = do
  n <- input "Enter name: "
  e <- input "Enter email: "
  s <- input "Enter salary: "
  let u = User n <$> parseEmail e <*> parseSalary s
  putStrLn $ maybe "Some error occurred" show u

How does this work? The core idea behind the railway pattern is that functions are pure and statically-typed, therefore, all functions must make explicit the kind of effects it wants to produce. For this reason, any "exceptions" that it could raise must be explicitly stated in its type signature by returning the appropriate term whose type represents some notion of computation. Then, any other function that uses these functions with notions of computation must explicitly handle those notions of computations appropriately.

In this chapter, we describe some of the core facets of the railway pattern:

  • What is it?
  • What data structures and functions can we use to support this?
  • How do we write programs with the railway pattern?


Wait... is this an imperative program in Haskell?