Industry Readiness: Typed Functional Programming
by Foo Yong Qi
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This is a set of lecture notes for students enrolled in IT5100A—Industry Readiness: Typed Functional Programming in NUS SoC.
About IT5100A
Typed functional programming are becoming more widely adopted in industry, as can be seen in the success of a number of advanced programming languages, such as OCaml, Haskell and Scala 3. These advanced languages offer a range of expressive features to allow robust, reusable and high-performing software codes to be safely and rapidly developed. This course will cover key programming techniques of typed functional programming that are becoming widely adopted, such as strong typing, code composition and abstraction, effect handlers, and safe techniques for asynchronous and concurrent programming.
About These Notes
I hope that these notes can be used as good supplementary material for those looking to learn the concepts of Typed Functional Programming in more detail. Each of these chapters comes with exercises in Python and Haskell so that you're able to replicate some of the ideas from purely-functional languages in general-purpose multi-paradigm languages.
Therefore, to avoid confusion, code blocks are annotated with the logo of the target programming language on the left. Examples below. (Readers on mobile might have to rotate their phones to landscape to view the logos.)
this = 'is some Python code'
this :: String
this = "is some Haskell code"
class This {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("is some Java code");
Lean 4
def this: String := "is some Lean 4 code"
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Author: Foo Yong Qi -
© 2024 Foo Yong Qi. All Rights Reserved.
Release History
Date | Description |
26 Oct | Writeup on Concurrent and Parallel Programming, excluding exercises |
13 Oct | Writeup on Monads, excluding exercises |
10 Oct | Writeup on the existential typeclass pattern |
28 Sep |
26 Sep | The first draft of these notes have been released with the first four chapters completed. |
In this chapter, we go through some of the usual administrivia of this course, and proceed to discuss some core ideas of Functional Programming (FP) in different settings, some which should be unfamiliar to you.
Readers who find some of the concepts in Chapter 1.2 (Functional Programming) challenging or unfamiliar can revisit these ideas in Chapter 8 (Recap of Concepts) before proceeding.
Course Administration
Course Coordinator
Foo Yong Qi
Instructor & Ph.D. Student
Course Outline
- Course Introduction
- Course Administration
- Functional Programming
- Introduction to Haskell
- Types
- Types and Type Systems
- Polymorphism
- Algebraic Data Types
- Pattern Matching
- Typeclasses
- What Are Typeclasses?
- Important Typeclasses
- Typeclasses and Typeclass Instances
- Railway Pattern
- Functors
- Applicative Functors
- Validation
- Monads
- Monads
- Commonly-Used Monads
- Monad Transformers
- Concurrent Programming
- Concurrent Programming with Threads
- Parallel Programming
- Software Transactional Memory
- Course Conclusion
Graded Items
Item | Weightage |
Assignment 1 | 20% |
Assignment 2 | 20% |
Assignment 3 | 20% |
Practical Exam | 40% |
The Practical Exam is planned to be during the last lecture.
Plagiarism Notice
Assignments are on programming... standard plagiarism rules apply.
No code sharing!
- ChatGPT (and similar tools) is allowed for learning only
- Using LLMs to generate code is not allowed
- NUS takes a strict view of plagiarism and cheating
- Disciplinary action will be taken against students who violate NUS Student Code of Conduct
- No part of your assignment can come from any other source
- No discussion and sharing of solutions during exams
Functional Programming
Functional Programming (FP) is a declarative programming paradigm where functions take centre stage. As a recap from IT5001, you might have learnt that programming paradigms are schools of thought for writing programs. IT5001 has very likely exposed you to imperative paradigms like procedural and Object-Oriented Programming. The following table shows other popular programming paradigms:
Imperative | Declarative |
Procedural | Logic |
Object-Oriented | Functional |
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) has four principles as you might recall: Abstraction, Inheritance, Encapsulation and Polymorphism.1 Functional Programming, on the other hand, is centered around the following principles, which really are just principles of mathematical functions and the \(\lambda\) calculus:2
- Immutability
- Pure Functions
- Recursion
- Types
- First-Class Functions
Let's briefly describe what these principles entail.
The idea of immutability is simple—only use immutable data. For example, the following program fragment does not perform any mutation, not even on the variables:
def add_one(fraction):
"""fraction is a tuple of (numerator, denominator)"""
old_num, den = fraction
num = old_num + den
return (num, den)
my_fraction = (3, 2)
new_fraction = add_one(my_fraction)
print(new_fraction) # (5, 2)
print(my_fraction) # (3, 2)
The fact that the program does not perform any mutation makes this very similar to mathematical functions where mathematical objects are seen as values instead of references to cells that can be changed. This makes reasoning about any of the variables, objects and functions incredibly simple.
Overall, immutability forces us to be disciplined with state. Contrast this with using mutable data structures and variables, such as in the following program fragment:
def f(ls):
ls[0] = 4
return ls
my_ls = [1, 2, 3]
print(f(my_ls)) # [4, 2, 3]
print(my_ls) # [4, 2, 3]
This is one of the classic examples of the problems with mutability—it is not at all clear whether passing a list into a function will preserve the state of the list. Because lists are mutable, we have no guarantee that functions or any operation will not cause the side-effect of mutation (accidental or intentional).
Pure Functions
Just like mathematical functions, functions (in programming) should be pure. Pure functions really look like mathematical functions, for example, \(f\) below:
\[f: \mathbb{N} \to \mathbb{N}\] \[f(x) = x^2 + 2x + 3\]
An equivalent implementation in Python would look like:
def f(x):
return x ** 2 + 2 * x + 3
Pure functions only receive input and return output. They do not produce side effects, and do not depend on external state. An example of this is as follows:
# Python
def double(ls):
return [i * 2 for i in ls]
x = [1, 2, 3]
print(double(x)) # [2, 4, 6]
print(double(x)) # [2, 4, 6]
print(double(x)) # ...
# ...
Notice that the double
function is pure! In this example,
evaluates to [2, 4, 6]
; thus,
and [2, 4, 6]
are the same! This
property of pure functions is known as referential transparency, and
makes reasoning about and optimizing programs much more straightforward.
Contrast the behaviour of pure functions with that of impure functions:
def f():
global ls
x = ls # use of global variable
addend = x[-1] + 1
x.append(addend) # is there a side-effect?
ls = x + [addend + 1] # mutate global variable
return ls
ls = [1, 2, 3]
x = ls
print(f()) # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print(ls) # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print(x) # [1, 2, 3, 4]
So many side effects have been caused! Functions like these make reasoning about program behaviour incredibly difficult. Converting this function into a pure one (removing all side-effects) makes its behaviour clearer and more transparent.
def f(ls):
x = ls
addend = x[-1] + 1
x = x + [addend]
ls = x + [addend + 1]
return ls
ls = [1, 2, 3]
x = ls
print(f(ls)) # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print(ls) # [1, 2, 3]
print(x) # [1, 2, 3]
You have seen this before—use recursive functions to simulate loops.3 Let's look at an example of a perfectly reasonable way to sum
the numbers of a 2-dimensional list, using the sum2D
def sum2D(ls):
total = 0
for row in ls:
for num in row:
total += num
return total
Loops are typically useful for its side-effects, primarily mutation.
Looking at the (nested) loop above, a bunch of mutation occurs: the
reassignments to row
and num
(the loop variables),
and the mutation of the total
variable in the loop body. In
an environment where mutation is impossible, can we write the same
program? Yes! Like we have said, rely on recursion! An example
recursive formulation of the sum2D
function from above would
be like so:
def row_sum(row):
return 0 if not row else \
row[0] + row_sum(row[1:])
def sum2D(ls):
return 0 if not ls else \
row_sum(ls[0]) + sum2D(ls[1:])
Again, the behaviour of the program has not changed: the
function still produces the correct output given any
2-dimensional list of integers. However, our function is still pure and
does not mutate any data structure or variable.
Recursive solutions can also be more elegant, especially when the problem or data structures used are (inherently) recursive. Take the example of obtaining the preorder of a binary tree. Binary trees are recursive data structures, if formulated the following way:
A (nonempty) binary tree is either:
- A node with a value, a left tree and a right tree; OR
- A leaf with just a value
As you can see, the definition of a node contains (sub)trees, making the binary tree a recursive data structure4. Therefore, operations on trees can often be expressed elegantly using recursion. For example, the specification of obtaining the preorder of a tree can be like so:
The preorder of a leaf is a list containing the leaf's value
The preorder of a node is the node's value, together with the preorder of the left (sub)tree, then the preorder of the right (sub)tree.
This specification written in code is concise and elegant:
from dataclasses import dataclass
class Tree: pass
class Node(Tree):
val: object
left: Tree
right: Tree
class Leaf(Tree):
val: object
def preorder(tree):
match tree:
case Node(val=v, left=l, right=r):
return [v] + preorder(l) + preorder(r)
case Leaf(val=v):
return [v]
Recursive functions are also amenable to formal reasoning. Some languages (usually Interactive Theorem Provers) support proofs and can even automatically synthesize proofs of correctness for you. In the following example written in Lean 4, the following program defines a binary tree and a program for obtaining the preorder of the tree just as before; the key difference being, that Lean automatically helps us prove that the function terminates. In such an environment, we rarely have to worry whether our program gets stuck or crashes.
inductive Tree (α : Type) : Type where
| node : α -> Tree α -> Tree α -> Tree α
| leaf : α -> Tree α
-- compiler automatically synthesizes proof of termination
def Tree.preorder { β : Type } : Tree β -> List β
| .node v l r => v :: (preorder l) ++ (preorder r)
| .leaf v => [v]
def myTree : Tree Nat := .node 1 (.leaf 2) (.leaf 3)
#eval myTree.preorder -- [1, 2, 3]
The primary reason for this is that recursive functions can often be reasoned about via induction:
\[\frac{P(0)~~~~~~~~\forall k \in \mathbb{N}. P(k)\to P(k + 1)}{\forall n \in \mathbb{N}. P(n)} \text{Induction}\]
We have seen that factorial can be written recursively, and in fact we can prove its correctness (in a quite straightforward manner) via induction. This makes the following factorial function implementation obviously correct.
-- Lean 4
def fac : Nat -> Nat
| 0 => 1
| n + 1 => (n + 1) * fac n
Adhering strictly to type information eliminates type-related bugs and makes functions transparent. Perhaps most importantly, adherence to type information can be verified by a program.
Observe the following program fragment.
x: int = 123
# ...
print(x + 5)
If we fix the type of x
to int
and strictly adhere
to it, then the last line containing x + 5
will definitely
not cause a TypeError
, because we know that adding any number
to an integer will always work.
Contrast the above with the following example.
# Python
def safe_div(num: int, den: int) -> int:
return None if den == 0 else \
num // den
x = int(input())
y = int(input())
z = safe_div(x, y) + 1 # hmmm...
If we do not adhere to typing information strictly, no one knows that
the safe_div
function could return None
! In such a
scenario, if the user enters 0
for y
, the
expression safe_div(x, y) + 1
would give a
Function purity and adhering to types forces functions to be
transparent in effects. That is because if we want our pure function
to perform some effectful computation (such as potentially returning
), we must return an object that encapsulates this
behaviour; coupled with adhering to types, we must assign the correct
type for the output of the function—the type of the object which
encapsulates this behaviour—making the function's effects obvious.
To improve the program written earlier, let us try to create a data structure
that is one of two things: Just
a value, or
. We can express this as dataclasses in Python (you
may ignore the stuff involving typing
and all the square brackets
for now, they will make sense later).
from typing import Any
from dataclasses import dataclass
class Maybe[T]:
"""Represents computation that may result in nothing"""
class Just[T](Maybe[T]):
j: T
class Nothing(Maybe[Any]):
Now we can amend our safe_div
function appropriately to
return a Maybe
def safe_div(num: int, den: int) -> Maybe[int]:
return Nothing() if den == 0 else \
Just(num // den)
Notice two things: 1) the function is pure, and does nothing other than
receive inputs and returns output 2) the function's type signature makes
it incredibly obvious that the function will maybe produce an
. Therefore, users of this function are forced to handle
the case where the function produces Nothing
From this, we may proceed to use the safe_div
function as
before, except that instead of directly assigning
z = safe_div(x, y) + 1
, we must first call
and handle the two cases: one where some integer was
returned, the other where nothing was.
x: int = int(input())
y: int = int(input())
z: Maybe[int]
match safe_div(x, y):
case Just(j):
z = Just(j + 1)
case Nothing():
z = Nothing()
Types and type systems are highly useful, not just for verification of type safety, but also more generally, program verification and theorem proving etc. Types are backed by a rich theory (type theory) and is widely studied. As an example, interactive theorem provers may rely on systems with advanced type systems (such as the calculus of constructions, which has dependent types) to form the computational basis for proof assistance and proof checking. When these systems are baked into the language, we can write proof-carrying code and theorems (mathematical theorems or theorems about properties of code itself). An example is as follows, where theorems about the additive identity and the commutativity of addition of numbers can be used to show that concatenating a vector (like an immutable list) of length \(n\) to one of length \(k\) gives a vector of length \(n + k\).
-- Lean 4
theorem izero : ∀ (k : Nat) , k = 0 + k
| 0 => by rfl
| n + 1 => congrArg (. + 1) (izero n)
theorem isucc (n k : Nat) : n + k + 1 = n + 1 + k :=
match k with
| 0 => by rfl
| x + 1 => congrArg (. + 1) (isucc n x)
def Vect.concat {α : Type} {n k : Nat} : Vect α n -> Vect α k -> Vect α (n + k)
| .nil, ys => izero k ▸ ys
| .cons x xs, ys => isucc _ _ ▸ .cons x (xs.concat ys)
First-Class Functions
You might have seen in IT5001 that in some languages, functions are first-class objects.5 This gives rise to higher-order functions which support code re-use. Higher-order functions can receive functions as arguments and/or return functions as output.
In the following program fragment, the map
method of
s receive a function and returns a new tree with the
function applied to all of its values. We then also curry the
function so that it receives the first addend, then
returns a function that receives the second addend and returns the sum.
This way, adding 2 to the values of a tree is as simple as several
function calls:
class Tree:
def map(self, f):
match self:
case Leaf(v):
return Leaf(f(v))
case Node(v, l, r):
newval = f(v)
newl =
newr =
return Node(newval, newl, newr)
class Node(Tree):
val: object
left: Tree
right: Tree
class Leaf(Tree):
val: object
def add(x):
return lambda y: x + y
x = Node(1, Leaf(2), Leaf(3))
print( # Node(3, Leaf(4), Leaf(5))
Functional programming languages emphasize this fact and make it easy
and ergonomic to define higher-order functions. For example, in Haskell,
functions are automatically curried, and has higher-order functions like
built into the standard library. This makes, for
example, adding two to elements of a list, straightforward:
main :: IO ()
main = do
let x = [1, 2, 3]
print (map (+2) x) -- [3, 4, 5]
So what?
Ideas from functional programming languages are increasingly being adopted in commonly-used imperative programming languages:
Closures in C++/Rust/Java 8
Structural pattern matching in Python 3.11/Java 21
Algebraic Data Types in Rust
Records in Java 14 etc.
Learning functional programming has a direct impact on your future work as a developer; functional programming is more than just a collection of language features and principles—it fundamentally encourages a new way of solving problem. As we’ve discussed, some of these principles impose meaningful constraints on programmers, which can make problem-solving more challenging and require innovative strategies. Nevertheless, mastering functional programming is invaluable, as it offers a fresh perspective on problem-solving. The skills you acquire will not only enhance your discipline as a developer but also empower you to explore diverse approaches to the challenges you encounter in your daily work.
Our goal for this course is to therefore first learn how to write programs in a purely functional programming language (thus forcing you to write programs fully with FP), and then transfer concepts into commonly used programming languages. For this, we will be writing code in two languages: Haskell (a purely functional programming language) and Python (which you should all be relatively familiar with).
Things You Need
For this course, you will need the following software:
The Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) (recommended: GHC 9.4.8 or newer)
Python 3.12 (note the version; we shall be using new features)
Any text editor you like (Visual Studio Code, Neovim etc.)
Polymorphism in OOP refers to subtype polymorphism, which is different to the polymorphism in FP known as parametric polymorphism.
If you have not, you may want to read a recap on the \(\lambda\) calculus before continuing.
If you have not, you may want to read a recap on recursion before continuing.
(Singly-linked) lists are also recursive data structures. To see this, look at our definition of binary trees, and remove one subtree in the definition of a node (therefore, a node has a value and one subtree). This is now a singly-linked list.
If you have not, you may want to read a a recap on first-class functions before continuing.
Haskell is a statically-typed, purely functional nonstrict-evaluation programming language. Informally, static typing means that we can look at a program (without executing it) and tell what the type of any term is. A purely-functional language is a language that supports only functional programming concepts (unlike multi-paradigm languages like Python). Nonstrict-evaluation means that there is no strict sequence of evaluating statements or expressions, and compilers are free to decide which expressions should be evaluated first—lazy evaluation is where expressions are evaluated only when they are needed. We will look at non-strict evaluation eventually; for now, understanding static typing and purely functional programming is more important.
In a purely functional language like Haskell, you will miss the following programming language features that are present in virtually every general-purpose programming language:
Mutation (even variables are immutable);
Objects (classes etc.);
Dynamic typing (e.g.
can be anint
now, and astr
You might find it difficult to adjust to such a programming environment. However, you will find these restrictions meaningful as we have alluded to in the previous section.
Basic Expressions
By this point you should have already installed GHC, which comes with
two main parts: ghc
itself (the compiler), and ghci
REPL/interpreter. For now, run ghci
in the terminal to start an interactive Haskell
shell, and enter some basic mathematical expressions!
ghci> 1 + 2 - 3
ghci> 1 * 2 / 4
ghci> 5 ^ 2 `mod` 5
ghci> 5 `div` 2
Note some differences: ^
is exponentiation (just as you would normally
type in a calculator), and there is no modulo operator. There is a
modulo function called mod
, and you can apply any binary
function in an infix manner by surrounding the function in backticks. Integer
division is a function div
. The operator precedence rules apply.
In a functional programming language like Haskell, it should come as no
surprise that virtually everything is a function. Mathematical operators
are actually just functions! In GHCI, we can observe the type of any
term (terms are sort of like objects in Python; functions are terms!) using :t
, and we can show the type of
the function of the +
operator by issuing :t (+)
(when writing
operators as a term in the usual prefix notation, surround it in parentheses).
We can in fact re-write an infix operator function call as a normal prefix
function call. Note that in Haskell, f x y z
is essentially
the same as f(x, y, z)
in languages like Python.
ghci> :t (+)
Num a => a -> a -> a
ghci> 2 + 3
ghci> (+) 2 3
As we know, currying is the act of translating an \(n\)-ary function to a
unary function that receives one parameter and returns a function that
receives the remaining parameters (in curried form). In Haskell, all
functions are curried, so even a function like (+)
looks something like this in Python:
def add(x):
return lambda y: x + y
This is automatically done in Haskell. Thus we might be able to write
our Python equivalent of add(2)
directly in Haskell as
ghci> y = (+2)
ghci> y 3
which in Python, looks like:
>>> def add(x): return lambda y: x + y
>>> y = add(2)
>>> y(3)
Therefore, to be more specific, f x y z
in Haskell is more
like f(x)(y)(z)
in Python.
We can also load Haskell source files into GHCI. Python source files
have the .py
extension; Haskell source files instead have the .hs
extension. Let us try writing a simple Haskell program. Create a new
file like MyCode.hs
and write in the following:
-- MyCode.hs
main :: IO () -- entry point to the program
main = putStrLn "Hello World!"
We will look at what the first line means in the future. For now, try
compiling and running your code by issuing the following commands in
your terminal (windows users might have to run ./MyCode.exe
ghc MyCode.hs
The first command invokes GHC to compile your source file.
Compilation translates your source file into an executable file that
your computer that understand. The compilation process will also perform
a bunch of compile-time checks, such as type-checking etc. It may also
perform some optimizations. The outcome of invoking that command is an
executable (probably called MyCode
) along with other files (which we
shall not talk about for now). The second command then executes that
executable, and you should see Hello World!
shown in the terminal.
Hello World!
We shall ignore compiling source files for now and temporarily focus on
working with GHCI. In GHCI, we can load files by issuing :l MyFile.hs
which loads the source into the shell. For now, write the following code
in MyCode.hs
-- MyCode.hs
z = 1 -- ok
y = 2 -- ok
y = 3 -- not ok!
As we have described earlier, everything in Haskell is immutable.
Therefore, re-defining what y
is should be disallowed! Let's try
loading MyCode.hs
into GHCI:
ghci> :l MyCode.hs
[1 of 2] Compiling Main ( MyCode.hs, interpreted )
MyCode.hs:4:1: error:
Multiple declarations of 'y'
Declared at: MyCode.hs:3:1
4 | y = 3 -- not ok!
| ^
As you can see, you cannot redefine functions or variables. Everything
is immutable in Haskell! Therefore, the statement x = e
is not
an assignment statement. Rather, it is a bind or a definition.
Control Structures
In Haskell, you mainly write expressions, and not statements.
Consequently, there are only if
expressions, and no if
statements. That means that you cannot omit an else
branch of an
expression, just like in Python:
>>> x = 2 * -1
>>> y = 'positive' if x == 2 else 'negative'
>>> y
In Haskell, this would be (negative numbers must be surrounded by parentheses, otherwise Haskell thinks it is a partial function application of subtraction (-)
ghci> x = 2 * (-1)
ghci> y = if x == 2 then "positive" else "negative"
ghci> y
Just like in Python, if
expressions in Haskell are expressions and therefore
evaluate to a term:
ghci> (if 1 /= 2 then 3 else 4) + 5
Note that not equals looks like /=
in Haskell but !=
in Python.
The equivalent expression in Python might be:
>>> (3 if 1 != 2 else 4) + 5
Importantly, the type of any expression is fixed, or at least, we should be able to determine what the type of every expression is unambiguously just by looking at it. Therefore, writing the following expression in Haskell will throw an error:
ghci> x = 2 * (-1)
ghci> y = if x == 2 then 2 else "negative"
<interactive>:2:20: error:
- No instance for (Num String) arising from the literal '2'
- In the expression: 2
In the expression: if x == 2 then 2 else "negative"
In an equation for 'y': y = if x == 2 then 2 else "negative"
The reason is that we should not need to evaluate the truth of
x == 2
to determine what the type of the entire if
expression is. Thus, Haskell requires that the type of the expression in
the if
branch be the same as the type of the expression in the else
branch. This departs from Python which is dynamically typed, where
types are determined at runtime, so expressions can freely be of
different types based on the values they inherit at the time of program
Defining functions in Haskell looks like defining a variable. This should be expected since Haskell is centred around functions, so it should come as no surprise that functions do not need to be defined with any special syntax.
ghci> oddOrEven x = if even x then "even" else "odd"
ghci> oddOrEven 1
ghci> oddOrEven 2
ghci> quadratic c2 c1 c0 x = c2 * x ^ 2 + c1 * x + c0
ghci> f = quadratic 1 2 3 -- x^2 + 2x + 3
ghci> f 4
ghci> f 5
We might then ask: how do we write a loop in Haskell? Like we said earlier, Haskell is a purely functional programming language, so there are no loops (we may later see loops being simulated with functions). Thus, for now we shall use recursion as it is often the most elegant way to solve problems.
Recall that the familiar factorial
function may be written imperatively
in Python as:
def fac(n):
res = 1
for i in range(2, n + 1):
res *= i
return res
As we know, the factorial function can be defined recursively as such: $$n! = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if }n=0\\ n \times (n - 1)!& \text{otherwise} \end{cases}$$ And in Python:
def fac(n):
return 1 if n == 0 else \
n * fac(n - 1)
In Haskell, we are free to do the same:
ghci> fac n = if n == 0 then 1 else n * fac (n - 1)
ghci> fac 4
In fact, we can also express functions like this elegantly in Haskell with guards. Guards allow us to define expressions differently based on a condition.
For example, we know that the Fibonacci function may be written like so: $$\textit{fib}(n) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if } n = 0\\ 1 & \text{if }n = 1\\ \textit{fib}(n - 1) + \textit{fib}(n - 2) & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}$$
And writing this function with regular if
expressions might look like: 1
ghci> :{
ghci| fib n = if n == 0 || n == 1
ghci| then 1
ghci| else fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)
ghci| :}
However, it might look clearer to define it this way with guards (otherwise
is just defined as True
ghci> :{
ghci| fib n
ghci| | n == 0 = 1
ghci| | n == 1 = 1
ghci| | otherwise = fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)
ghci| :}
ghci> fib 5
Even better, we can use pattern matching to define such functions much more easily. We will look at pattern matching in more detail in the future:
ghci> fib 0 = 1
ghci> fib 1 = 1
ghci> fib n = fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)
ghci> fib 5
Auxiliary Bindings
Thus far we have defined functions as a single expression; this is akin to writing a lambda expression in Python. As we know, that may not always be the most ergonomic considering that many functions can be better defined with several 'statements' that lead into a final expression. One example would be the following in Python:
def weight_sum(n1, w1, n2, w2):
x = n1 * w1
y = n2 * w2
return x + y
While it is completely acceptable to define this function in one line,
it is not as readable. In Haskell, functions indeed have to be written
as a single expression, but we can define local bindings for the
expression using let
ghci> :{
ghci| weightSum n1 w1 n2 w2 =
ghci| let x = n1 * w1
ghci| y = n2 * w2
ghci| in x + y
ghci| :}
ghci> weightSum 2 3 4 5
The let
binding allows us to introduce the definitions of
and y
which are used in the expression after
the in
clause. These make writing larger expressions more readable.
bindings are (more-or-less) syntax sugar for function calls:
weightSum n1 w1 n2 w2 =
let x = n1 * w1
y = n2 * w2
in x + y
-- same as
weightSum n1 w1 n2 w2 =
f (n1 * w1) (n2 * w2)
f x y = x + y
Importantly, let
bindings are expressions; they therefore evaluate to
a value, as seen in this example:
ghci> (let x = 1 + 2 in x * 3) + 4
This is different to where
bindings, which also allow us to write
auxiliary definitions that support the main definition:
weightSum n1 w1 n2 w2 =
let x = n1 * w1
y = n2 * w2
in x + y
-- same as
weightSum n1 w1 n2 w2 = x + y
where x = n1 * w1
y = n2 * w2
Other differences between let
and where
are not so apparent at this
stage. You are free to use either appropriately (use let
where an
expression is desired, using either let
or where
are both okay in
other scenarios).
Data Types
We have looked at some simple data types so far: numbers like
, and strings like "abc"
. Strings are
actually lists of characters! Strings are surrounded by double
quotes, and characters are surrounded by single quotes, like
Lists in Haskell are singly-linked list with homogenous data. That
means that the types of the elements in the list must be the same. We
can write lists using very familiar syntax, e.g. [1, 2, 3]
being a list containing the numbers 1, 2 and 3. Indexing a list can be
done with the !!
ghci> x = [1, 2, 3]
ghci> x !! 1 -- indexing, like x[1]
We can also construct ranges of numbers, or any enumerable type (such as characters). The syntax for creating such lists is straightforward as shown in the examples below.
ghci> y = [1,3..7] -- list(range(1, 8, 2))
ghci> y
ghci> z = [1..10] -- list(range(1, 11))
ghci> z
ghci> inflist = [1..] -- 1,2,3,...
ghci> inflist !! 10
As we stated earlier, strings are lists of characters, we can even build ranges of characters which result in strings.
ghci> ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']
ghci> ['a'..'e']
ghci> ['a'..'e'] ++ ['A'..'D'] -- ++ is concatentation
As you know, a singly-linked list is one of two things: an empty list,
or a node with a value (head
) and a reference to the remaining part of
the list (tail
). Thus, one of the most frequently used operations is the
cons operation (:
) which builds (or de-structures) a list
given its head and tail values. The :
operator is
ghci> x = [1, 2, 3]
ghci> 0 : x
ghci> 0 : 1 : 2 : 3 : []
ghci> 'a' : "bcde"
One of the most interesting parts of Haskell is that it has non-strict evaluation. That means that the compiler is free to evaluate any expression only when it is needed. This allows us to quite nicely define recursive data without running into infinite loops:
ghci> y = 1 : y
ghci> take 5 y
As we know, performing recursion over a list frequently requires us to
get a head element and then recursively calling the function over the
remaining list. This is nicely supported without any performance costs
unlike in Python, where ls[1:]
runs in \(O(n)\). For example,
writing a function that sums a list of numbers might look like the
following in Python:
def sum(ls):
if len(ls) == 0:
return 0
return ls[0] + sum(ls[1:])
Haskell is very similar (head
is a function that returns the
first element of a list, and tail
is a function that returns
the remainder of a list):
sum' ls = if length ls == 0
then 0
else head ls + sum' (tail ls)
As a quick aside, the :
operator is really a constructor for
lists, so in fact we can use pattern matching (again, we will discuss
this in the future) to define the sum'
function very
sum' [] = 0
sum' (x : xs) = x + sum' xs
Python also supports list comprehension as you may recall:
>>> x = [1, 2, 3]
>>> y = 'abc'
>>> [(i, j) for i in x for j in y if i % 2 == 1]
[(1, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (1, 'c'), (3, 'a'), (3, 'b'), (3, 'c')]
Haskell also provides the same facility, with different syntax:
ghci> x = [1, 2, 3]
ghci> y = "abc"
ghci> [(i, j) | i <- x, j <- y, odd i]
At this junction it would be most appropriate to discuss tuples. Like Python, the fields of a tuple can be of different types. However, tuples in Haskell are not sequences. Tuples behave more like the product of several types, as is usually the case in many domains.
As such, there are not many operations we can do on tuples. One of the only special cases is pairs, which have functions to project each value:
ghci> fst (1,"abc")
ghci> snd (1,(2,[3,4,5]))
ghci> snd (snd (1,(2,[3,4,5])))
This should suffice for now. Now is your turn to try the exercises to get you started on your functional programming journey! Note that many of the functions we have used are built-in to Haskell, as defined in Haskell's Prelude library. You may want to refer to this library when doing the exercises. A large portion of the Prelude documentation may be unreadable at this point, however, rest assured that many of the concepts presented in the documentation will be covered in this course.
Note that :{
and :}
are used only in GHCI to define blocks of
code, and are not part of Haskell.
Question 1
Without using GHCI, evaluate the results of the following expressions:
3 * 4 + 5
3 + 4 * 5
5 ^ 3 `mod` 4
97 / 4
97 `div` 4
if (let x = 3 in x + 3) /= 5 && 3 < 4 then 1 else 2
not otherwise
fst (0, 1, 2)
succ (1 / 2)
sqrt 2
1 `elem` [1, 2, 3]
let f x = x + 1; g x = x * 2 in (g . f) 1
[1, 2, 3] ++ [4, 5, 6]
head [1, 2, 3]
tail [1, 2, 3]
init [1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 3] !! 0
null []
length [1, 2, 3]
drop 2 [1, 2, 3]
take 5 [-1..]
dropWhile even [2, 6, 4, 5, 1, 2, 3]
sum [fst x | x <- [(i, j) | i <- [1..4], j <- [-1..1]]]
Question 2
Write a function eqLast
receives two nonempty lists and checks whether the last element of both
are the same. Example runs follow:
ghci> eqLast [1,2,3] [4,5]
ghci> eqLast "ac" "dc"
Question 3
A palindrome is a word that reads the same forward or backward. Write a function isPalindrome
that checks if a string is a palindrome. Example runs follow:
ghci> isPalindrome "a"
ghci> isPalindrome "bcde"
ghci> isPalindrome "racecar"
Question 4
You are writing a function to
determine the cost of a ride. The cost of a ride is determined by
\(f + rd\) where \(f\) is the flag down fare, \(r\) is the per km rate of the
ride and \(d\) is the distance of the ride in km. Write a function
that receives \(f\), \(r\) and \(d\) and computes the
total cost. Example runs follow:
ghci> grab = taxiFare 3 0.5
ghci> gojek = taxiFare 2.5 0.6
ghci> grab 3
ghci> gojek 3
ghci> grab 10
ghci> gojek 10
Question 5
Nowadays, we can customize the food that we order. For example, you can order your burger with extra or no cheese. In this exercise, we will write a function that takes a string as the customization and compute the price for burgers with the code names for the customization. You are given the price list for ingredients:
Ingredient | Price |
B for bun | $0.50 |
C for cheese | $0.80 |
P for patty | $1.50 |
V for veggies | $0.70 |
O for onions | $0.40 |
M for mushrooms | $0.90 |
Write a function burgerPrice
that takes in a burger as
a string of characters (each character represents an
ingredient in the burger) and
returns the price of the burger. While doing so, define an auxilliary
function ingredientPrice
that receives a single ingredient
(as a character) and returns its price. Define
as part of burgerPrice
using a
binding. Example runs follow:
ghci> burgerPrice "BVPB"
ghci> burgerPrice "BVPCOMB"
Question 6
Write a function
that receives a nonnegative integer and gives the
sum of its digits. Example runs follow:
ghci> sumDigits 123
ghci> sumDigits 12356
Question 7
Write a function @:
receives a list and a tuple of two values (start, stop)
, and
performs list slicing with indices starting from start
and ending at
(and excluding) stop
. The step size is 1. Assume that both the start
and stop values are nonnegative integers. Example runs follow:
ghci> [1, 2, 3] @: (1, 4)
ghci> [1, 2, 3] @: (4, 1)
ghci> [1, 2, 3] @: (0,1)
ghci> [1, 2, 3] @: (1,67)
Syntactically, the way to define this function might be the following:
ls @: (start, stop) = your implementation here
As per the course title, one of the most important aspects of functional programming that we shall cover is types. In this chapter, we shall describe what types are, how they are useful and how we can use type information to write code, and some aspects of types that allow us to reduce boilerplate code while still retaining type-safety. In addition, we describe how we can define our own data types in Haskell, and a neat feature known as pattern matching that is extremely useful in the presence of algebraic data types. We also offer some examples of how we can incorporate these concepts in Python.
Type Systems
As the course title suggests, Haskell is a typed functional programming language—in particular, it uses a statically-typed type system. This begs the question, "what is a type system?"
An online search for definitions might give you the following:
Definition (Type System). A type system is a tractable syntactic method for proving the absence of certain program behaviours by classifying phrases according to the kinds of values they compute.
Let us unpack the highlighted phrases in the definition above.
Tractable syntactic method
Tractable more or less means easy, or polynomial time. Method refers to a formal method, which means it is a kind of mathematically formal process. The fact that it is a syntactic method means that this formal analysis can be done syntactically, without the need to appeal to a semantic analysis (although, static type checking is done against the static semantics of the type system). More or less, it can be performed without executing any of the code it is analyzing.
Proving the absence of certain program behaviours
In the case of type systems, this usually means that the type system is used to prove the absence of type errors. The realm of program analysis is broken down into roughly two kinds: over-approximation analyses, and under-approximation analyses. Notice that both perform approximations of program behaviour—this is because obtaining a precise specification of any program is undecidable. Generally, static analyses, like type checking, perform an over-approximation of program behaviour. An analogy of how this works is as follows: assume true program behaviour is \(x\) and buggy behaviour is at \(y\) (these are all positive numbers, let's say). We then over-approximate the true program behaviour, giving us \(x + \epsilon\). If we can show that \(x + \epsilon < y\), then we can guarantee that \(x < y\), so the program is not buggy.
A more concrete example is as follows. Let's suppose we have the following code snippet in Python:
y: int = 0 if f() else 'abc'
print(y + 1)
Notice that if we can determine that f
always returns
, then we know for sure that there will be no type
errors. However, it is not possible to make this determination in
general. Thus, we over-approximate program behaviour by assuming that it
is possible that f
may return either True
leading us to show that we cannot prove the absence of
type errors in this program. Instead, if we had written the following:
y: int = 0 if f() else 1
print(y + 1)
Then even by assuming that both branches of the conditional expression
may be the result, we can conclusively show that y
always be an int
. Our over-approximation of program behaviour
doesn't have type errors, meaning, that our actual program really does
not have type errors.
Kinds of values they compute
This is a simple description of what types are. Types, as we will informally define later, are classifications of data/things in the program that all behave similarly or have similar characteristics. In some other sense, types can be seen as abstractions over terms.
Simply put, a type system is a formal system that lets us show that there won't be type errors. As we have seen, the nature of [statically-typed] type systems forces us to program in a different way (at least compared to dynamically typed languages like Python), and this is what we will explore in this chapter.
Type systems are systems of types; but what is a type? In essence, a type is like a kind of thing, or a high-level description of what something is. Types (1) give meaning to some data, and (2) describe what its members are like.
Since you have already programmed in Python, you should have some inkling of what types are. In Python, everything is an object. Thus, in Python, the type of an object is the class from which it was instantiated.
The following is some sample output showing the types of various objects. The output of all these function calls are classes.
>>> x = 1
>>> type(x)
<class 'int'>
>>> type('abc')
<class 'str'>
>>> class A: pass
>>> type(A())
<class '__main__.A'>
This is very apt—classes are blueprints for creating objects, and (for the most part), all instances of a class will abide by the specification as laid out in the class. Therefore, Python's type system based on classes is very appropriate for our purposes. In fact, this is not unique to Python. Many other languages with OO features also have classes as types.
In Python, we mainly think of types as being bound to objects, that is, objects have reified types that can be accessed at runtime. We have never thought of assigning types to variables or function parameters, since when we are investigating the type of a variable, what we are really doing is investigating the type of the object that is referred to by the variable. However, Python actually does allow us to annotate variables, function parameters etc with types to document "suggestions" as to what the types of the objects assigned to them should be.
Observe the following program fragment.
def f(x: int) -> str:
y: int = x * 2
return f'{x} * 2 = {y}'
z: int
z = 3
s: str = f(z)
print(s) # 3 * 2 = 6
This program fragment contains several type annotations. In the
function header, we have a specification for f
to receive an
and return a str
. That is, if the type
annotations make sense, then passing an int
into f
will always result in a str
. In the function body, we also
have an annotation for the variable y
stating that it is also
an int
. This makes sense—if x
is an int
then so will x * 2
. Actually, the type of y
can be
inferred (a type checker can determine the type of y
automatically), so our type annotation for it is not necessary. Outside
the function body we have other type annotations, documenting what the
types of the other variables are. On visual inspection, we can see that
all the type annotations make sense and we have adhered to them fully;
we are thus guaranteed that we have no type errors.
While Haskell also provides the capability for type annotations, a notable distinction lies in Haskell's enforcement of adherence to these annotations. Consequently, it might be more fitting to refer to them as type declarations. Nevertheless, the core concept remains unchanged: specifying the types of variables, functions, or terms ensures that, when adhered to correctly, our program will be well-typed.
The following code snippet shows some Haskell code with type declarations.
f :: Int -> String
f x = show x ++ " * 2 = " ++ show y
where y = x * 2
z :: Int
z = 3
s :: String
s = f(z) -- 3 * 2 = 6
A natural question would be to ask, what types can we declare variables
to be of? We have looked at some basic types earlier, Int
(which is an alias for [Char]
, [Int]
, Bool
etc. There are many other types in Haskell's Prelude,
and later on we will see how we can create our own types.
Declaring types for functions is slightly different. In Python, when
writing type annotations for functions, we are really annotating the
types of its parameters, and its return type. In Haskell, we are
declaring the type of the function itself. The difference is actually
not as large as one might imagine. If the function receives a type \(S\)
and returns a type \(T\), then the function has the type \(S\to T\). We
similarly use arrows to declare the type of functions in Haskell. Thus,
as above, since f
receives an Int
and returns a
, then f
itself is of the type
Int -> String
Haskell has roots in formal systems, in particular, System \(F_C\), which is a dialect of System \(F\omega\) (without type lambdas). Thus, the types of terms can be described formally. Knowing the formal typing rules of Haskell is not required, but may give you some insight as to how it works. Below we show the typing rules for function declarations, more accurately, lambda abstractions.
\[\frac{\Gamma,x:S\vdash e: T}{\Gamma\vdash\lambda x.e : S \to T}\text{T-Abs}\]
The T-Abs rule is an inference rule stating that if the premise above the line is true, then the conclusion below the line will also be true. Let's first parse the premise. The part to the left of \(\vdash\) is the typing environment, more or less describing the type declarations we have at the point of analysis of the program. Specifically, \(\Gamma\) is the actual type environment, while \(x: S\) is an additional assumption that a variable \(x\) has type \(S\). The part to the right of \(\vdash\) describes the judgement of the type of \(e\) being \(T\). Overall, the premise states "given what we have so far, if in assuming \(x\) is of type \(S\) we get that \(e\) is of type \(T\), ...". The conclusion can be understood similarly: it states that the typing environment \(\Gamma\) will show that the function \(\lambda x.e\) has type \(S \to T\). Putting these together, the rule states that "given typing environment \(\Gamma\), if by assuming that variable \(x\) has type \(S\) we get that the expression \(e\) is of type \(T\), then \(\Gamma\) will also show that the type of the function \(\lambda x.e\) is of type \(S \to T\)".
A simple demonstration in Python is as follows: suppose we have \(x\) as
and \(e\) as x * 2
. If we assume that x
is of type int
, then we know that x * 2
will also
be an int
. Therefore, the type of \(\lambda x.e\) which is
lambda x: x * 2
is int -> int
What about multi-parameter functions? Remember that in Haskell, all
functions are curried, thus, all functions in Haskell are single
parameter functions. Curried functions receive one parameter, and return
a function closure that receives the remaining variables and
eventually will return the final result. Therefore the (+)
function actually looks more like:
# Python
def add(x):
return lambda y: x + y
The type of add
is more like int -> (int -> int)
This is (more or less) the type of (+)
in Haskell, which
(more or less) has type Int -> Int -> Int
. Note that
is right-associative, so Int -> Int -> Int
the same as Int -> (Int -> Int)
In Haskell, the types of everything are fixed. This should be unsurprising since everything in Haskell is immutable, but it is a restriction that can also be found in other less restrictive languages like Java and C++. In this environment, we have to, perhaps ahead of time, decide what the type of a variable, function, function parameter is, then write the implementation of your function around those restrictions.
The following code
snippet first declares the type of f
before showing its
implementation. It is not only good practice to declare types above
their implementation, but it can be a nice way to frame your mind around
the implementation of your function—start by providing a high-level
specification of your function, then work on the implementation to
describe what the function is actually trying to achieve.
f :: Int -> String -- explicit type declaration
f x = show x ++ "!"
g x = x + 1 -- type of g is inferred
However, observe that the type of g
is not defined. This
does not mean that the type of g
is dynamic or is not being
checked; rather, Haskell can infer the principal (most liberal) type
of g
via a process known as type inference. That still
means that the implementation of g
itself must be well-typed
(its implementation does not break any of the typing rules), and that
any users of g
must abide by its static type signature.
Generally speaking, it is good practice to declare the types of
top-level bindings—that is, nested bindings of functions, variables (for
example, in let
expressions) do not need type declarations
and can often be inferred. The example above of the declaration of
is a perfectly idiomatic way of defining and declaring a
function, unlike g
which lacks a type declaration.
Programming with Types
When learning Python, you might not have had to think very much about
types; this is because Python does not care about type annotations. For
example, you can happily annotate a variable to be an int
then assign a string into it. This is very much unlike Haskell, where
adherence to type declarations and well-typedness is enforced by the
compiler—the compiler will reject any program that is not well-typed.
Observe the following program fragment:
f :: Int -> String -- explicit type declaration
f x = show x ++ "!"
g = f "1" -- compiler throws type error as f receives Int, not String
The definition of f
is well-typed since it abides by all the
typing rules, and all the types make sense. However, since f
only receives Int
, passing a String
into it is a
clear violation of the rules. Thus, the entire program is ill-typed and
will not be compiled. Try this for yourself!
Programming in such a strict and formal language can feel restrictive, but these restrictions actually feel more like "guard rails" or "seatbelts"; if your program passes the checks done by the compiler, you can be quite assured that it works. As the saying goes, in Haskell, "if it compiles, it works". Although this is not necessarily true, Haskell's robust and expressive type system allows you to rule out a large class of bugs, and often, results in correct programs. However, one question to ask is: how do we go about programming with static types?
The first step of being able to program with types is understanding the typing rules. We shall elide explanation on how typing works with inference, typeclasses, polymorphism etc. and focus solely on the simplest typing rules:
In a binding
x = e
, the type ofx
must be the same as the type ofe
In a conditional expression
if x then y else z
, the type ofx
must beBool
and the types ofy
must both be equal to some typea
; the type of the entire expression isa
In a function application expression
f x
the type off
must bea -> b
for somea
must be of typea
, and the type of the expression isb
(Without loss of generality of number of parameters) For a function binding
f x = e
the type off
must bea -> b
for somea
and in assumingx
to be of typea
must be of typeb
Try calculating the types of every expression in the following code snippet. Can you get it all right?
f :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
f x n =
if n == 0 then
let r = f x (n - 1)
in x : r
Let's work through this example.
- We are declaring
to be of typeInt -> Int -> [Int]
, so it stands to reason that in the definition off
we are assuming thatx
are both of typeInt
. - For this to be well-typed, we must ensure that the conditional expression evaluates to
, that means both branches must themselves evaluate to[Int]
. - First we observe the condition
n == 0
; the(==)
function receives two numbers and returns aBool
, so this is well-typed. - Looking at the
branch, we see that we are returning the empty list, which matches the type of[Int]
. - In the
branch, we have alet
expression, so we must ensure thatx : r
evaluates to[Int]
too. - The
binding contains a bindingr = f x (n - 1)
; knowing that (by our own declaration)f
has typeInt -> Int -> [Int]
, knowing thatx
andn - 1
are of typeInt
means we can safely conclude thatr
has type[Int]
(of course, the(-)
function receives two integers and returns an integer). - The
function receives anInt
and a[Int]
and returns a[Int]
, so all the types match.
Overall, we have seen that we successfully determined the types of every expression in the program fragment, and concluded that it is well-typed.
Now that you are familiar with the basic typing rules and (roughly) how types are inferred, the next step is to get comfortable writing programs with static types. Generally this comes with practice, but one great way to get you started with typeful programming is to try letting the types guide your programming.
Suppose we are trying to define a function f
that receives
an integer x
and returns a string showing the result of
multiplying x
by 2:
ghci> f 3
"3 * 2 = 6"
ghci> f 5
"5 * 2 = 10"
Let us try implementing this function. The first thing we have to
consider is the type of f
itself, which by definition,
should receive an Int
and return a String
. As
such, we may start with the type declaration
f :: Int -> String
Next, we know we are eventually going to have to convert x
into a String
. We know that there is a show
function that does that. Its type signature (modified) is
Int -> String
, so we know that show x
is a
We also know that we need to multiply x
by 2. For this, we
can use the (*)
function, which has a (modified) type
signature of Int -> Int -> Int
. Thus, we can write
x * 2
and that gives us an Int
. Knowing that we
eventually need to display it as a String
, once again, we
can rely on the show
Now we have all the numbers we need in String
form, we need
to concatenate them together. For this, we can rely on our trusty
function that receives two String
s and
returns a String
. Using this allows us to concatenate all
our desired strings together. Since our original function f
was meant to return a String
, we can return it as our final
f :: Int -> String
f x =
let sx :: String = show x
y :: Int = x * 2
sy :: String = show y
in sx ++ " * 2 = " ++ sy
This is a simple example of using types to guide your programming. While seemingly trivial, this skill can be incredibly useful for defining recursive functions!
Suppose we are trying to define a function that sums the integers in a
list. As always, we must decide what the type of this function is. As per our
definition, it receives a list of integers and returns the final sum,
which should be an integer as well. This gives us the type declaration
sum' :: [Int] -> Int
First, let us define the base case. We should be quite clear on what the
condition for the base case is: it should be when the input list is empty.
What should we return in the base case? By our type declaration, we must
return an Int
, so we must express our base result in that
type. The result is 0
, which matches our type declaration.
Next we must define the recursive case. This one might be tricky
initially. We know that we can make our recursive call, passing in the
tail of the input list. This might look something like
sum' (tail ls)
. We must be very clear about the type of this
expression; as per the type declaration, the result is an
, and not anything else.
We also know that we want to add the head of the input list to the
result of the recursive call. In doing so we get an Int
Finally, we can add the results together, giving us an Int
which matches our return type.
sum' :: [Int] -> Int
sum' ls =
if null ls
then 0
else let r :: Int = sum' (tail ls)
hd :: Int = head ls
in hd + r
By getting used to types, having a statically-typed system no longer feels like a chore or a hurdle to cross, and instead feels like a support system that makes everything you are doing clear! Many developers (including myself) love statically-typed programming languages for this very reason, so much so that people have gone to great lengths to add static typing to otherwise dynamically typed languages like JavaScript (the typed variant of JavaScript is TypeScript).
Python is no different. Several static type checkers are out there to
help us analyze the well-typedness of our program. One of the most
popular analyzers is mypy
, which was heavily developed by Dropbox.
However, I recommend pyright
because at the time of writing, it has
implemented bleeding edge features that we need for further discussion
of types which we shall see very shortly.
Let's see pyright
in action. We shall write an ill-typed
program and see if it catches the potential bug:
def f(x: int, y: int) -> int:
z = x / y
return z
Running pyright
on this program will reveal an error message:
/home/ - error:
Expression of type "float" is incompatible with return
type "int"
"float" is incompatible with "int" (reportReturnType)
1 error, 0 warnings, 0 informations
Great! This makes sense because assuming x
and y
are of type int
, the type of z
should actually be
! Let's correct the program and try running pyright
against the new program:
def f(x: int, y: int) -> int:
z = x // y
return z
0 errors, 0 warnings, 0 informations
Very well! We have now learnt how to program with types in Haskell and
in Python, and since Python does not come with a type-checker, we are
able to use tools like pyright
to do the type checking for us!
One additional great feature about pyright
is that it is actually also a
language server. As such, you can include pyright
in your favourite text
editors so that it can catch bugs while writing programs!
Python doesn't have arrow types. The actual type of the function
is Callable[[int], int]
In FP, functions describe computation and applying functions perform said computation. For example, given a function \(f\): $$f(x) = x \times 2$$ \(f\) describes what computation is to be done (multiplying the parameter by 2), and applying \(f\) onto a value (such as \(f(2)\)) performs the computation that gives the result, which is \(4\). Importantly, you might also find that applying it onto a different input may give you a different outcome. In this case, \(f(2)=4\neq f(3)=6\). The output depends on the input, i.e. we have terms that depend on terms. This may at first glance seem like a trivial observation because that is what functions are designed to do: if functions are always constant like \(g(x) = 1\) then we can always replace all applications of the function with the result and no computation needs to be done.
However, now that we have learnt about types, we get a much more interesting avenue for extending this idea of dependence. In fact, we now have three orthogonal directions to explore1:
Can terms depend on types?
Can types depend on types?
Can types depend on terms?
The answer to the first two questions is yes! This phenomenon is known as [parametric] polymorphism, i.e. where types and terms can depend on types2.
Polymorphic Types
Let us motivate this need with an example. Suppose we are trying to
create a wrapper class called Box
, that contains a single
value. As per usual, we have to think about the type of the value it
contains. At this point we cannot simply allow the value to be
anything, so we shall fix the type of the value to something, say,
# Python
class IntBox:
value: int
However, we may later want a Box
that stores strings. In this
case, we will have to define a new class that does so.
# Python
class StrBox:
value: str
Recall one of the core principles in programming: whenever you see a
pattern in your code, retain similarities and parameterize
differences. Looking at the two Box
implementations, you should be
able to see that the implementation is virtually identical, and the only
difference is the type of value
. We have previously been able to
parameterize values (regular function parameters), parameterize
behaviour (higher-order functions), however, can we parameterize
Yes! We can define Box
to receive a type parameter a
, and allow
the value in the box to be of that type a
class Box[a]:
value: a
This class is a generalized Box
class that can be specialized into a
specific Box
. For example, by replacing a
with int
we recover our IntBox
class with an int
replacing a
with str
recovers our StrBox
with a str
x: Box[int] = Box[int](1)
y: Box[str] = Box[str]('a')
z: Box[Box[int]] = Box(Box(1))
bad: Box[int] = Box[int]('a')
In Python and many Object-Oriented languages, Box
is called a
generic or parametrically polymorphic class/type. This is one
example of a type depending on a type.
Polymorphic Functions
The same principle can be applied to terms depending on types. Suppose
we have a function singleton
that is to receive an object and puts
that object in a list. In the same vein, we have to decide what the type
of the parameter is, which dictates the corresponding return type. For
example, may define this function that works on int
s, and
separately, another function that works on str
def singleton_int(x: int) -> list[int]:
return [x]
def singleton_str(x: str) -> list[str]:
return [x]
Once again, we can observe that the implementations of these functions are identical, and only the types are different. Let us combine these implementations into a single function where the types are parameterized!
# Python 3.12
def singleton[a](x: a) -> list[a]:
return [x]
x: list[int] = singleton(1)
y: list[str] = singleton('a')
bad: list[bool] = singleton(2)
is what is known as a polymorphic function: a
function that depends on the type!
Polymorphic Functions in Haskell
How would we define the type of polymorphic functions in Haskell? That
is pretty straightforward: type parameters are lowercase. For example,
the singleton
function can be defined like so:
singleton :: a -> [a]
singleton x = [x]
In fact we can see the type signatures of some built-in polymorphic functions:
ghci> :t head
head :: [a] -> a
ghci> :t (.)
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
Not sure what the type parameters are? Or, want to make your type
parameters explicit? We can use forall
to introduce a
polymorphic function type, with the variables succeeding
being the type parameters to the function.
ghci> :set -fprint-explicit-foralls
ghci> :t head
head :: forall a. [a] -> a
ghci> :t (.)
(.) :: forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
ghci> :{
ghci| singleton :: forall a. a -> [a]
ghci| singleton x = [x]
ghci| :}
ghci> singleton 2
ghci> singleton 'a'
Let's inspect the type signature of (.)
. Recall that this
function performs function composition; the implementation of
might look something like this:
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
(.) g f x = g (f x)
We have three terms, g
, f
and x
. We know that g
and f
must be
functions since we are calling them, thus we are going to let the types
of g
and f
to be d -> c
and a -> b
respectively. Additionally, x
is just some other term, and we will let
its type be e
. Thus for now, we shall let the type signature of
be the following, assuming the function ultimately returns
(.) :: (d -> c) -> (a -> b) -> e -> r
Now notice the following: for f x
to be well-typed, the type
of x
must be the same as the type of the parameter to f
, which is
. Thus, more accurately, x
must be of type a
(.) :: (d -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> r
We can now see that f x
is well-typed, and this expression is of type
. We then pass this result into g
. For this to be well-typed,
again, the parameter type of g
must match the type of f x
. Thus, g
must actually be of type b -> c
for some c
(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> r
Finally, g (f x)
has type c
, which is what is returned from the
function. As such, the return type of (.) g f x
should also
be c
. This recovers the type signature shown by GHCI.
You might be surprised to know that the process of recovering or reconstructing the types is known as type inference, which as stated in earlier chapters, is also done by GHC! When you omit the type signature of any binding, GHC goes through this same process and helps us determine what the type of that binding is.
Programming with Polymorphic Types/Functions
When should we define polymorphic types or functions? As we have shown, when the implementations of classes, data types, functions etc. are the same except for the types, then we are able to parameterize the differing types which makes the class/data type/function polymorphic! Knowing immediately when to create polymorphic types/functions takes some practice, so to start, just create specialized versions of those types/functions, and as the need arises, make them polymorphic by parameterizing the appropriate types.
For example, suppose we
are trying to create a Tree
class that represents binary trees. Should
this class be polymorphic? For now, let's ignore this fact and proceed
to create a naive implementation of this class. Further suppose we are
expecting to create a tree of integers, so we shall let that be the type
of the values of our tree.
class IntTree:
class IntNode(IntTree):
left: IntTree
value: int
right: IntTree
class IntLeaf(IntTree):
value: int
Looks great! From this class we are able to create binary trees of
integers, for example, IntNode(IntLeaf(1), 2, IntLeaf(3))
gives a binary tree with preorder 2, 1 and 3.
Further suppose later on we need to store strings in a binary tree. Again, let's naively implement a separate class that does so:
class StrTree:
class StrNode(StrTree):
left: StrTree
value: str
right: StrTree
class StrLeaf(StrTree):
value: str
Once again, notice that the implementations of the classes are identical, and the only difference is in the types! This is one clear example where we should make our class polymorphic!
class Tree[a]:
class Node[a](Tree[a]):
left: Tree[a]
value: a
right: Tree[a]
class Leaf[a](Tree[a]):
value: a
Now from this one class, we are able to create all kinds of trees!
As another example, suppose we are trying to define a function that reverses a list. Once again, we have to be specific with the type of this function. Temporarily, we shall create a function that works on lists of integers:
def reverse_int(ls: list[int]) -> list[int]:
return [] if not ls else \
reverse_int(ls[1:]) + [ls[0]]
Then, later on we might have to define a similar function that reverses lists of strings:
def reverse_str(ls: list[str]) -> list[str]:
return [] if not ls else \
reverse_str(ls[1:]) + [ls[0]]
Once again, we can see that the implementations of the two functions are identical, and only the types are different. Make this function polymorphic!
def reverse[a](ls: list[a]) -> list[a]:
return [] if not ls else \
reverse(ls[1:]) + [ls[0]]
The two examples above give us some scenarios where we discover that we have to make a class or function polymorphic. More importantly, we see that the implementations across the specialized versions of the class/function are equal, and only the types differ. One key insight we can draw from this is: a class/function should be made polymorphic if its implementation is independent of the type(s) it is representing/acting on.
These are the three axes that form the lambda cube, with the simply typed lambda calculus only having terms that depend on terms, and the Calculus of Constructions having types and terms depending on types and terms.
The word polymorphism can be broken down into poly (many) and morphism (shape). The word is not just used in Computer Science, but in other areas like biology and pharmacology. Within Computer Science itself there are several kinds of polymorphism, and we shall investigate the most common ones in this lecture and in later lectures too. Finally, polymorphism in Computer Science is really about things taking on different forms, but I suspect that our description of parametric polymorphism gives a pretty good picture of what it entails.
Algebraic Data Types
We have just seen different data types in Haskell, and introduced the concept of polymorphic types as demonstrated by examples in Python. Yet, we have not discussed how we can create our own (polymorphic) data types in Haskell!
Haskell is a purely functional language, so do not expect classes here. In OOP, objects have both data (attributes) and behaviour (methods), whereas this is not necessarily a principle in FP (although, you can have data types with functions as fields since functions are first-class). We already know how to create functions, so now we must investigate how we can create data types in a purely functional language.
If we think about it carefully, we might realize that data types are a mix of the following:
A type and another type and...and yet another type
A type or another type or...or yet another type
We can express the following types using and and or over other types:
consists of a numerator (Int
) and a denominator (Int
) -
consists of a name (String
) and an ID (Int
) -
is eitherTrue
is either an empty string or (a head character (Char
) and a tail list (String
)) -
A polymorphic
is either (a leaf with a value of typea
) or (a node with a value (a
) and a left subtree (Tree a
) and a right subtree (Tree a
This formulation of data types as products (and) and/or sums (sum) is what is known as Algebraic Data Types (ADTs) (not to be confused with Abstract Data Types). In Haskell, types are sums of zero or more constructors; constructors are products of zero or more types.
To create a new data type in Haskell, we can use the data
keyword. Let us create a fraction type based on our algebraic
specification above:
data Fraction = Fraction Int Int
half :: Fraction
half = Fraction 1 2
On the left hand side we have the declaration of the type, and on the
right hand side, a list of constructors separated by |
that help us create the type.
Note that the Fraction
on the right hand side is the name of
the constructor of the type; it in fact can be distinct from the name of
the type itself (which is very helpful when you have more than one
constructor). As you can see, to construct a Fraction
(the type), the
constructor receives two Int
s, one
numerator, and one denominator.
Then, defining the student type from our algebraic formulation above should also be straightforward:
data Student = S String Int
bob :: Student
bob = S "Bob" 123
Let us define the Bool
type, which should have two constructors, each
constructor not having any fields:
data Bool = True | False
true, false :: Bool
true = True
false = False
To construct a Bool
we can use either the True
constructor or the False
constructor. Neither of these
constructors receive any other fields.
We can also have multiple constructors that are products of more than
zero types, as we shall see in the algebraic formulation of a
data String = EmptyString | Node Char String
hello, empty :: String
hello = Node 'h' (Node 'e' (Node 'l' (Node 'l' (Node 'o' EmptyString))))
empty = EmptyString
Polymorphic Algebraic Data Types
Now we show examples of creating our own polymorphic data types. The way we would do so is similar to how we defined generic/polymorphic classes in Python.
Let us start from the bottom again by creating specialized versions of a
box type, this time in Haskell. We start by assuming that a box contains
an Int
data IntBox = IB Int
b :: IntBox
b = IB 1
Then define a box that contains a String
data StrBox = SB String
b :: StrBox
b = SB "123"
Again, they look more or less the same, except for the type of the
field. As such, we should allow Box
to be polymorphic by
introducing a type parameter:
data Box a = B a
x :: Box Int
x = B 1
y :: Box String
y = B "123"
Perfect! Let us try more complex polymorphic algebraic data types like linked lists and trees:
data LinkedList a = EmptyList | Node a (LinkedList a)
cat :: LinkedList Char
cat = Node 'c' (Node 'a' (Node 't' EmptyList))
data Tree a = Leaf a | TreeNode (Tree a) a (Tree a)
tree :: Tree Int
tree = TreeNode (Leaf 1) 2 (Leaf 3)
Constructors are actually functions!
ghci> data Fraction = F Int Int
ghci> :t F
F :: Int -> Int -> Fraction
ghci> :t F 1
F 1 :: Int -> Fraction
ghci> :t F 1 2
F 1 2 :: Fraction
We now have the facilities to define and construct data types and their
terms, but so far we are not able to access the fields of a data type
in Haskell. Unlike Python, we are not able to do something like
to obtain the numerator of a fraction x
, for example.
There are ways to define functions that do so and we will show them to
you in later sections, but for now, Haskell has record syntax that
automatically defines these accessor functions for us.
Let us re-create the Student
type, this time using record
syntax to automatically derive functions that obtain their names and
data Student = S { name :: String, id :: Int }
With this, we no longer need to define our own functions that access these fields for us. Record syntax is great for giving names to fields! Importantly, record syntax is nothing special, and we can continue to create terms of those types by way of usual constructor application.
x, y :: Student
x = S { name = "Alice", id = 123 }
y = S "Bob" 456
Let's try loading this into GHCI and see the accessor functions in action:
ghci> name x
ghci> id y
You can also make use of record syntax to express record updates. For example, we can update Alice to have the ID of 456 like so:
ghci> id x
ghci> z = x { id = 456 }
ghci> name z
ghci> id z
Of course, the original term was not actually updated since everything is immutable in Haskell—x { id = 456 }
simply constructs a new term that contains the same values for all its fields, except where the id
field now takes the value 456
We can even mix and match these different forms of constructor definitions, or create large data structures!
data Department = D {name' :: String, courses :: [Course]}
data Course = C { code :: String,
credits :: Int,
students :: [Student] }
data Student = UG { homeFac :: String,
name :: String,
id :: Int }
| PG [String] String Int
alice = UG "SoC" "Alice" 123
bob = PG ["SoC", "YLLSoM"] "Bob" 456
it5100a = C "IT5100A" 2 [alice]
it5100b = C "IT5100B" 2 [alice, bob]
cs = D "Computer Science" [it5100a, it5100b]
More on Polymorphism
Now that we have shown how to create our own algebraic data types in Haskell (and polymorphic ones), we step aside and give a mental model for understanding polymorphism. Recall that we have described polymorphic functions and types as functions/types that quantifies/parameterizes types; in other words, they receive a type as a parameter.
Recall in the lambda calculus that \(\lambda\) creates a function over a parameter. Assuming the parameter has type \(S\) and the returned value has type \(T\), we get:
$$\lambda x.e: S \to T$$
and when we call or apply this function, we are substituting the parameter for the argument of the function application: $$(\lambda x.e_1)e_2 \equiv_\beta e_1[x:=e_2]$$
$$\begin{aligned} (\lambda x: \mathtt{Int}.x + 4)3 &\equiv_\beta (x + 4)[x := 3]\\ &\equiv_\beta (3 + 4)\\ & \equiv_\beta 7 \end{aligned}$$ In Haskell (the expression in parentheses is a lambda expression):
ghci> (\x -> x + 4) 3
A typed variant of the lambda calculus known as System \(F\) has polymorphic functions, which are functions that also receive a type parameter. We can then apply this function onto a type argument to get a specialized version of that function. Such type parameters are bound by \(\Lambda\). As an example, if we have a term \(e\) of type \(T\), we get:
$$\Lambda \alpha.e: \forall\alpha.T$$ Calling or applying this function with a type argument, once again, substitutes the type parameter with the type argument:
$$(\Lambda\alpha.e)\ \tau\equiv_\beta e[\alpha := \tau]$$ $$(\Lambda\alpha.e)\ \tau : T[\alpha := \tau]$$
$$\begin{aligned} (\Lambda \alpha.\lambda x:\alpha.[x]) \mathtt{Int} &\equiv_\beta (\lambda x:\alpha.[x])[\alpha := \mathtt{Int}]\\ & \equiv_\beta \lambda x:\mathtt{Int}.[x] \end{aligned}$$
We can show this with an example in Haskell. Explicit type arguments
must be enabled with a language extension and the type arguments must be
prefixed by @
ghci> :set -XTypeApplications -fprint-explicit-foralls
ghci> :{
ghci| f :: forall a. a -> [a]
ghci| f x = [x]
ghci| :}
ghci> :t f
f :: forall a. a -> [a]
ghci> :t f @Int
f @Int :: Int -> [Int]
ghci> f @Int 1
On the other hand, polymorphic types can be seen as functions at the
type-level. These are "functions" that receive types and return types!
For example, we can define a Pair
type that is polymorphic
in its component types. Thus, the Pair
type itself (not its
constructor!) receives two types, and returns the resulting
type specialized to those component types. This makes
what is known as a type constructor.
To observe this fact, know that types are to terms as kinds are to
types: they describe what kind of type a type is. The usual types that
we encounter Int
, [[Char]]
etc. have kind
, and type constructors or "type-level functions" have
kind * -> *
for example. Below, we show that
is a type constructor of kind * -> * -> *
which makes sense since it receives two types and returns the
specialized type of the Pair
ghci> data Pair a b = P a b
ghci> :k Pair
Pair :: * -> * -> *
ghci> :k Pair Int
Pair Int :: * -> *
ghci> :k Pair Int String
Pair Int String :: *
We know that we can have higher-order functions, for example, the type
of map
might be something like
(a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
. Can we have higher-order type
constructors? Yes! These are known as higher kinds or higher-kinded
types. These types receive type constructors as type arguments. Let
us construct a higher-kinded type that receives a type constructor and
applies it onto a type:
ghci> data Crazy f a = C (f a)
Upon visual inspection we can see that f
must be a type constructor,
because the constructor C
receives a term of type f a
What's crazier is, when inspecting the kind of Crazy
, we see
that it exhibits kind polymorphism:
ghci> :set -fprint-explicit-foralls
ghci> :k Crazy
Crazy :: forall {k}. (k -> *) -> k -> *
To give you an example of how this might work, because we know we can
construct lists of any type, []
(the type, not the empty
list) must be a type constructor. We can thus pass the []
type constructor into Crazy
ghci> :k Crazy []
Crazy [] :: * -> *
ghci> :k Crazy [] Int
Crazy [] Int :: *
How might this work? We see that Crazy [] Int
has kind *
so we should be able to construct a term of this type. We can do so by
using the C
constructor defined above! To be clear, let's
see the specialized version of the constructor with the type arguments
ghci> :t C @[] @Int
C @[] @Int :: [Int] -> Crazy [] Int
As we can see, to construct a term of this type, we just need to pass in
a list of integers to C
ghci> x :: Crazy [] Int = C [1]
We can in fact instantiate other crazy types with different type constructors:
ghci> data Box a = B a
ghci> y :: Crazy Box Int = C (B 2)
The utility of higher-kinded types may not be apparent to you now; later on we might see some of them in action!
Although this might confuse you so far, what we have demonstrated merely serves to demonstrate the idea that parametric polymorphism can be thought of the phenomenon where something (type or term) can receive a type and give you a type or term, just as we have stated at the beginning of Chapter 2.2 (Polymorphism).
Other Polymorphisms
At the start of Chapter 2.2 (Polymorphism) we introduced three questions, two of which have been answered. Let us restate the final question and pose one more:
Can types depend on terms?
Are there other kinds of polymorphism?
The answers to both questions is yes. Types that depend on terms are known as dependent types, which we shall not cover in this course. There are also other kinds of polymorphisms, some of which you have already dealt with. Subtype polymorphism is used frequently in OOP, since subclasses are types that are subtypes of their superclasses. An umbrella term ad-hoc polymorphism generally refers to overloading, which we shall discuss in the future. There are also more kinds of polymorphisms, but we shall not discuss them in this course.
Python (and several other mainstream languages) is quite special, being a multi-paradigm language means that several forms of polymorphism are applicable to it. In particular, we have seen that Python supports parametric polymorphism, and since Python supports OOP, it also has subtype polymorphism. Despite Python not having algebraic data types (yet), we may also formulate our types to behave similarly to Algebraic Data Types. Two formulations we may attempt are: 1) with types as unions and constructors as classes, 2) with types as classes and constructors as their subclasses. Below we present both formulations for the linked list type:
# (1)
type List[a] = Node[a] | Empty
class Empty:
class Node[a]:
head: a
tail: List[a]
x: List[int] = Node(1, Node(2, Empty()))
# (2)
from typing import Any
class List[a]:
class Empty(List[Any]):
class Node[a](List[a]):
head: a
tail: List[a]
x: List[int] = Node(1, Node(2, Empty()))
There are some differences between the two formulations, and between
these with Haskell's Algebraic Data Types. Most importantly, in Haskell,
data types are types, but constructors are not. This is unlike Python,
where all classes are types. That means a variable of type
is valid in Python, but a variable of type
Node Int
is not in Haskell.
Generalized Algebraic Data Types
However, something interesting is going on here. In the second
formulation, a Node[a]
is a List[a]
, which makes sense. On
the other hand, an Empty
can be typed as List[Any]
, because an empty
list fits all kinds of lists. An interesting observation you might see
is that the supertype of our "constructors" need not strictly be
, it could be any kind of list!
Consider the following example of defining simple expressions in a programming language, which is defined polymorphically using OOP:
class Expr[a]:
def eval(self) -> a:
raise Exception
The Expr
class is parameterized by the type of its evaluation. From
this class we may now create subclasses of Expr
. For example, some
simple numeric expressions.
class LitNumExpr(Expr[int]):
n: int
def eval(self) -> int:
return self.n
class AddExpr(Expr[int]):
lhs: Expr[int]
rhs: Expr[int]
def eval(self) -> int:
return self.lhs.eval() + self.rhs.eval()
We can then create other kinds of expressions. For example, an equality expression that returns booleans:
class EqExpr[a](Expr[bool]):
lhs: Expr[a]
rhs: Expr[a]
def eval(self) -> bool:
return self.lhs.eval() == self.rhs.eval()
Or even a conditional expression whose evaluated type is parameterized:
class CondExpr[a](Expr[a]):
cond: Expr[bool]
true: Expr[a]
false: Expr[a]
def eval(self) -> a:
return self.true.eval() if self.cond.eval() else self.false.eval()
Let's try this out! Suppose we would like to evaluate the following expression:
if 1 == 2 then 1 + 1 else 0
Let's write this in the program using our classes and evaluate it!
zero: Expr[int] = LitNumExpr(0)
one: Expr[int] = LitNumExpr(1)
two: Expr[int] = LitNumExpr(2)
one_plus_one: Expr[int] = AddExpr(one, one)
one_eq_two: Expr[bool] = EqExpr(one, two)
cond: Expr[int] = CondExpr(one_eq_two, one_plus_one, zero)
print(cond.eval()) # 0
How do we create such an algebraic data type in Haskell? For this, we have to use Generalized Algebraic Data Types (GADTs). Loosely, these are algebraic data types like before, except that each constructor can decide what type it returns!
First, let us formulate our original algebraic data types using GADT syntax.
data LinkedList a where
EmptyList :: LinkedList a -- this is a different a!
Node :: b -> LinkedList b -> LinkedList b
Now let us take it a step further, and truly customize the constructors
of an Expr
data Expr a where
LitNumExpr :: Int -> Expr Int
AddExpr :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
EqExpr :: Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool
CondExpr :: Expr Bool -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a
Pretty neat huh! There are many uses of GADTs, and we might see them in
the future. In the next section, we will show you how we can write
functions against algebraic data types and GADTs, including how we can
implement the eval
Pattern Matching
We have seen how we can write constructors for algebraic data types, and even use record syntax to create functions for accessing fields. However, one natural question would then be to ask, how do we write functions that access these fields, if we do not use record syntax? For example, if we defined a fraction type normally, how do we obtain a fraction's numerator and denominator?
The answer to this question is to use pattern matching. It is a
control structure just like if
expressions, except that we would
execute different branches based on the value/structure of the data,
instead of a general condition.
Let us define the factorial
function using pattern matching instead of
conditional expressions or guards. We use case
to do so:
fac :: Int -> Int
fac n = case n of -- match n against these patterns:
0 -> 1
x -> x * fac (x - 1) -- any other Int
The nice thing about pattern matching is that we can also match against
the structure of data, i.e. to match against constructors.
Let us redefine the fst
and snd
functions which project
a pair into its components:
fst' :: (a, b) -> a
fst' p = case p of
(x, _) -> x
snd' :: (a, b) -> b
snd' p = case p of
(_, y) -> y
Let us also write accessor functions to access the numerator and denominator of a fraction.
data Fraction = F Int Int
numerator, denominator :: Fraction -> Int
numerator f = case f of
F x _ -> x
denominator f = case f of
F _ x -> x
One nice thing about Haskell is that because we perform pattern matching
over the arguments of functions so frequently, we can actually bring the
patterns up to the definitions of the functions themselves. Let us define all the functions we've just written using
expressions into more idiomatic uses of pattern matching.
fac :: Int -> Int
fac 0 = 1
fac n = n * fac (n - 1)
fst' :: (a, b) -> a
fst' (x, _) = x
snd' :: (a, b) -> b
snd' (_, y) = y
data Fraction = F Int Int
numerator, denominator :: Fraction -> Int
numerator (F x _) = x
denominator (F _ y) = y
We also know that the list type is a singly linked list, which is roughly defined as such:
data [a] = [] | a : [a]
We can use this fact to pattern match against lists! For instance, the sum of a list of integers is 0 if the list is empty, otherwise its the head of the list plus the sum of the tail of the list.
sum' :: [Int] -> Int
sum' [] = 0
sum' (x : xs) = x + sum' xs
Similarly, the length of a list is 0 if the list is empty, otherwise it is 1 more than the length of its tail.
len :: [a] -> Int
len [] = 0
len (_ : xs) = 1 + len xs
Really neat! Defining functions operating on algebraic data types (including recursive data types) are very convenient thanks to pattern matching! What's more, patterns can actually be used virtually anywhere on the left side of any binding:
Let us use pattern matching in a let
len :: [a] -> Int
len [] = 0
len ls =
let (_ : xs) = ls
in 1 + len xs
Perhaps the most powerful feature of pattern matching is that the compiler will warn you if your pattern matches are non-exhaustive, i.e. if you do not match against all possible constructors of the type! Let us define a function that only matches against the empty list constructor.
-- Main.hs
emp :: [a] -> [a]
emp [] = []
Compile it to see the warning!
ghc Main.hs
Main.hs:3:1: warning: [-Wincomplete-patterns]
Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
In an equation for 'emp': Patterns of type '[a]' not matched: (_:_)
3 | emp [] = []
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
This is one reason why pattern matching is so powerful: compilers can
check if you have covered all possible patterns of a given type. This is
unlike the usual if
statements in other languages where it is much less straightforward to
check if you have covered all possible branches, especially if you omit
One important point to highlight here is that pattern matching is done
top-down. Pattern-matching is kind of similar to if
statements in that regard: your most specific condition should be
defined first, then followed by more general or catch-all patterns.
The following factorial function is poorly defined, because the first pattern match will match all possible integers, thereby causing the function to never terminate:
fac :: Int -> Int
fac n = n * fac (n - 1)
fac 0 = 1 -- redundant as pattern above matches all possible integers
With pattern matching, let us know fulfil our earlier promise of
defining the eval
function for the Expr
Chapter 2.3 (Algebraic Data Types). In our Python formulation, we know that eval
should have the
type signature Expr a -> a
. Let us then define how each
expression should be evaluated with pattern matching.
-- Main.hs
eval :: Expr a -> a
eval (LitNumExpr n) = n
eval (AddExpr a b) = eval a + eval b
eval (EqExpr a b) = eval a == eval b
eval (CondExpr a b c) = if eval a then eval b else eval c
This seems straightforward. However, you might find that when this
program is compiled, the compiler throws an error on the use of the
ghc Main.hs
Main.hs:13:28: error:
• Could not deduce (Eq a1) arising from a use of ‘==’
from the context: a ~ Bool
bound by a pattern with constructor:
EqExpr :: forall a. Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool,
in an equation for ‘eval’
at app/Main.hs:13:7-16
Possible fix:
add (Eq a1) to the context of the data constructor ‘EqExpr’
• In the expression: eval a == eval b
In an equation for ‘eval’: eval (EqExpr a b) = eval a == eval b
13 | eval (EqExpr a b) = eval a == eval b
The reason for this is Haskell is unable to determine that the type
parameter a
is amenable to equality comparisons. Solving this requires
an understanding of typeclasses, which we will explore in the next
chapter. For now, just include an Eq a =>
constraint in our
GADT declaration.
You might also get a warning about pattern matching on GADTs being
fragile; that is because GADTs are actually a Haskell language
extension. As such, enable this extension when compiling this program,
or add a LANGUAGE
pragma at the top of the file.
data Expr a where
LitNumExpr :: Int -> Expr Int
AddExpr :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
EqExpr :: Eq a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool
CondExpr :: Expr Bool -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a
Our program should compile now!
Pattern Matching in Python
Python also has pattern matching with match
statements with
clauses! It looks very similar to how we would write
expressions in Haskell.
def factorial(n: int) -> int:
match n:
case 0: return 1
case n: return n * factorial(n - 1)
We can also match on the structure of types by unpacking. For example, defining a function that sums over a list of integers:
def sum(ls: list[int]) -> int:
match ls:
case []: return 0
case (x, *xs): return x + sum(xs)
case _: raise TypeError()
Alternatively, performing structural pattern matching over a so called algebraic data type:
class Tree[a]: pass
class Node[a](Tree[a]):
val: a
left: Tree[a]
right: Tree[a]
class Leaf[a](Tree[a]):
val: a
def preorder[a](tree: Tree[a]) -> list[a]:
match tree:
case Node(v, l, r): return [v] + preorder(l) + preorder(r)
case Leaf(v): return [v]
case _: raise TypeError
However, notice that in the sum
and preorder
function definitions,
the last clause catches all patterns and raises an error. This is needed
to side-step the exhaustiveness checker. This is because we are using
classes to model algebraic data types, and Python does not always know
all the possible structures of a given class. In the case of sum
Python's type system does not contain information about the length of a
list, so it has no way of determining exhaustiveness. In the case of
, the reason omitting the last case gives a non-exhaustiveness
error is because we did not match against other possible subclasses of
If we had formulated our Tree
type using unions, pyright
can determine
the exhaustiveness of our patterns:
type Tree[a] = Node[a] | Leaf[a]
class Node[a]:
val: a
left: Tree[a]
right: Tree[a]
class Leaf[a]:
val: a
def preorder[a](tree: Tree[a]) -> list[a]:
match tree:
case Node(v, l, r): return [v] + preorder(l) + preorder(r)
case Leaf(v): return [v]
# no need for further cases
However, this may not always be ideal, especially if we are to define
GADTs in Python. Until Algebraic Data Types or ways to annotate the
exhaustivity of subclasses (such as defining a sealed class) are
formally introduced, exhaustive pattern matching checks are going to be
difficult to do. When doing pattern matching in Python, ensure that all
possible cases are handled before doing a catch-all clause in your
All-in-all, we have just introduced a new control structure known as pattern matching. When should we use this control structure? The general rule of thumb is as follows:
If you are doing different things based on the value and/or structure of data, use pattern matching. You can tell this is the case if you are doing equality and
checks in your conditional statements in Python. -
Otherwise, you are likely going with the more general case of doing different things based on the satisfiability of a condition, in which case, rely on
statements, or in Haskell, conditional expressions and/or guards.
Question 1
Without using GHCI, determine the types of the following expressions:
(1 :: Int) + 2 * 3
let x = 2 + 3 in show x
if "ab" == "abc" then "a" else []
(++ [])
map (\(x :: Int) -> x * 2)
((\(x :: [Int]) -> show x) . )
( . (\(x :: [Int]) -> show x))
(,) . fst
Question 2
Without the help of GHCI, describe the types of eqLast
, isPalindrome
, burgerPrice
and (@:)
which we defined in Chapter 1.4 (Course Introduction#Exercises)
Question 3
Recall the following definition of burgerPrice
burgerPrice burger
| null burger = 0
| otherwise =
let first = ingredientPrice (head burger)
rest = burgerPrice (tail burger)
in first + rest
where ingredientPrice i
| i == 'B' = 0.5
| i == 'C' = 0.8
| i == 'P' = 1.5
| i == 'V' = 0.7
| i == 'O' = 0.4
| i == 'M' = 0.9
There are several problems with this. First of all, writing
with guards does not allow us to rely on
compiler exhaustiveness checks, and may give us some additional warnings
about head
and tail
being partial, despite their use being
perfectly fine. The second problem is that we have allowed our burger to
be any string, even though we should only allow strings that are
composed of valid ingredients—the compiler will not reject invocations of
with bogus arguments like "AbcDEF"
Define a new type that represents valid burgers, and re-define
against that type using pattern matching.
Additionally, provide a type declaration for this function. Note that
you may use the Rational
type to describe rational numbers
like 0.8
etc, instead of Double
which may have
precision issues. You might see that the output of your
function is of the form x % y
which means
Question 4
Define a function dropConsecutiveDuplicates
that receives a
list of any type that is amenable to equality comparisons and removes
all the consecutive duplicates of the list. Example runs follow:
ghci> dropConsecutiveDuplicates []
ghci> dropConsecutiveDuplicates [1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4]
[1, 2, 3, 4]
ghci> dropConsecutiveDuplicates "aabcccddeee"
For this function to be polymorphic, you will need to add a constraint
Eq a =>
at the beginning of the function's type signature
just like we did for the EqExpr
constructor of our
Expr a
Question 5
Suppose we have a list [1,2,3,4,5]
. Since lists in Haskell are singly-linked lists,
and not to mention that Haskell lists are immutable, changing the values
at the tail end of the list (e.g. 4
or 5
) can be inefficient! Not
only that, if we want to then change something near the element we've
just changed, we have to traverse all the way down to that element from
the head all over again!
Instead, what we can use is a zipper, which allows us to focus on a part of a data structure so that accessing those elements and walking around it is efficient. The idea is to write functions that let us walk down the list, do our changes, and walk back up to recover the full list. For this, we shall define some functions:
which receives a list and makes a zipperr
which walks to the right of the list zipperl
which walks to the left of the list zippersetElement x
which changes the element at the current position of the zipper tox
Example runs follow:
ghci> x = mkZipper [1,2,3,4,5]
ghci> x
([], [1,2,3,4,5])
ghci> y = r $ r $ r $ r x
ghci> y = ([4,3,2,1], [5])
ghci> z = setElement (-1) y
ghci> z
([4,3,2,1], [-1])
ghci> w = setElement (-2) $ l z
ghci> w
([3,2,1], [-2,-1])
ghci> l $ l $ l w
([], [1,2,3,-2,-1])
Question 6
Let us create a data structure that represents sorted sets. These are collections that contain unique elements and are sorted in ascending order. A natural data structure that can represent such sets is the Binary Search Tree (BST) abstract data type (ADT).
Create a new type SortedSet
. Then define the following
- The function
that receives a sorted set and an element, and returns the sorted set with the element added (unless it is already in the sorted set). - The function
that receives a sorted set and returns it as a list (in sorted order) - The function
that receives a list of elements and puts them all in a sorted set. - The function
which determines if an element is in the sorted set.
Note that if any of your functions perform any comparison operations
etc.), you will need to include the Ord a =>
over the elements of the sorted set or list at the beginning of the type
signature of those functions. Example runs follow:
ghci> setToList $ (sortedSet []) @+ 1
ghci> setToList $ (sortedSet []) @+ 1 @+ 2
ghci> setToList $ (sortedSet []) @+ 1 @+ 2 @+ 0
ghci> setToList $ (sortedSet []) @+ 1 @+ 2 @+ 0 @+ 2
ghci> setToList $ sortedSet [7,3,2,5,5,2,1,7,6,3,4,2,4,4,7,1,2,3]
ghci> setToList $ sortedSet "aaabccccbbbbbaaaaab"
ghci> 1 `in'` (sortedSet [1, 2, 3])
ghci> 1 `in'` (sortedSet [4])
Question 7
In this question, we are going to demonstrate an example of the expression
problem by writing FP-style data structures and functions, and OO-style
classes, to represent the same problem. We shall use Haskell for the FP
formulation, and Python for the OOP formulation. Ensure that your Python
code is well-typed by checking it with pyright
The problem is as such. We want to represent various shapes, and the
facility to calculate the area of a shape. To start, we shall define two
shapes: circles and rectangles. Circles have a radius and rectangles
have a width and height. Assume these fields are all Double
in Haskell, and float
s in Python.
Haskell: define a type
that represents these two shapes, and a functionarea
that computes the area of any shape. -
Python: define a (abstract) class
that comes with a (abstract) methodarea
which gives its area. Then, define two subclasses ofShape
that represents circles and rectangles, and define their constructors and methods appropriately.
The expression problem essentially describes the phenomenon that it can either be easy to add new representations of a type or easy to add new functions over types, but not both. To observe this, we are going to extend the code we've written in the following ways:
Create a new shape called
that has a width and height. -
Create a new function/method
that scales the shape (by length) by some factor \(n\).
Proceed to do so in both formulations. As you are doing so, think about whether each extension is easy to do if the code we've previously written cannot be amended, e.g. if it is in a pre-compiled library which you do not have the source code of.
Question 8
Let us extend our Expressions GADT. Define the following expressions:
holds a boolean value (True
has two boolean expressions and evaluates to their conjunctionOrExpr
has two boolean expressions and evaluates to their disjunctionFuncExpr
holds a functionFuncCall
receives a function and an argument, and evaluates to the function application to that argument
Example runs follow:
ghci> n = LitNumExpr
ghci> b = LitBoolExpr
ghci> a = AndExpr
ghci> o = OrExpr
ghci> f = FuncExpr
ghci> c = FuncCall
ghci> eval (b True `a` b False)
ghci> eval (b True `a` b True)
ghci> eval (b True `o` b False)
ghci> eval (b False `o` b False)
ghci> eval $ f (\x -> x + 1) `c` n 1
ghci> eval $ c (c (f (\x y -> x + y)) (n 1)) (n 2)
Question 9
In this question we shall simulate a simple banking system consisting of bank accounts. We shall write all this code in Python, but in a typed functional programming style. That means:
- No loops
- No mutable data structures or variables
- Pure functions only
- Annotate all variables, functions etc. with types
- Program must be type-safe
There are several kinds of bank accounts that behave differently on certain operations. We aim to build a banking system that receives such operations that act on these accounts. We shall build this system incrementally (as we should!), so you may want to follow the parts in order, and check your solutions after completing each part.
Bank Accounts
Bank Account ADT
First, create an Algebraic Data Type (ADT) called BankAccount
that represents two kinds of bank accounts:
- Normal bank accounts
- Minimal bank accounts
Both kinds of accounts have an ID, account balance and an interest rate.
Example runs follow:
>>> NormalAccount("a", 1000, 0.01)
NormalAccount(account_id='a', balance=1000, interest_rate=0.01)
>>> MinimalAccount("a", 1000, 0.01)
MinimalAccount(account_id='a', balance=1000, interest_rate=0.01)
Basic Features
Now let us write some simple features of these bank accounts. There are two features we shall explore:
- Depositing money into a bank account. Since we are writing code in a purely functional style, our function does not mutate the state of the bank account. Instead, it returns a new state of the account with the money deposited. Assume that the deposit amount is non-negative.
- Deducting money from a bank account. Just like before, we are not mutating the state of the bank account, and instead will be returning the new state of the bank account. However, the deduction might not happen since the account might have insufficient funds. As such, this function returns a tuple containing a boolean flag describing whether the deduction succeeded, and the new state of the bank account after the deduction (if the deduction does not occur, the state of the bank account remains unchanged).
Note: The type of a tuple with two elements of types A
is tuple[A, B]
. Example runs follow:
>>> x = NormalAccount('abc', 1000, 0.01)
>>> y = MinimalAccount('bcd', 2000, 0.02)
>>> deposit(1000, x)
NormalAccount(account_id='abc', balance=2000, interest_rate=0.01)
>>> deduct(1000, x)
(True, NormalAccount(account_id='abc', balance=0, interest_rate=0.01))
>>> deduct(2001, y)
(False, MinimalAccount(account_id='bcd', balance=2000,
Advanced Features
Now we shall implement some more advanced features:
Compounding interest. Given a bank account with balance \(b\) and interest rate \(i\), the new balance after compounding will be \(b(1+i)\). For minimal accounts, an administrative fee of $20 will be deducted if its balance is strictly below $1000. This fee deduction happens before compounding. Importantly, bank balances never go below $0, so e.g. if a minimal account has $10, after compounding, its balance will be $0.
Bank transfers. This function receives a transaction amount and two bank accounts: (1) the credit account (the bank account where funds will come from) and (2) the debit account (bank account where funds will be transferred to). The result of the transfer is a triplet (tuple of three elements) containing a boolean describing the success of the transaction, and the new states of the credit and debit accounts. The transaction does not happen if the credit account has insufficient funds.
Example runs follow:
>>> x = NormalAccount('abc', 1000, 0.01)
>>> y = MinimalAccount('bcd', 2000, 0.02)
>>> z = MinimalAccount('def', 999, 0.01)
>>> w = MinimalAccount('xyz', 19, 0.01)
>>> compound(x)
NormalAccount(account_id='abc', balance=1010, interest_rate=0.01)
>>> compound(compound(x))
NormalAccount(account_id='abc', balance=1020.1, interest_rate=0.01)
>>> compound(y)
MinimalAccount(account_id='bcd', balance=2040, interest_rate=0.02)
>>> compound(z)
MinimalAccount(account_id='def', balance=988.79, interest_rate=0.01)
>>> compound(w)
MinimalAccount(account_id='xyz', balance=0, interest_rate=0.01)
>>> transfer(2000, x, y)
(False, NormalAccount(account_id='abc', balance=1000,
interest_rate=0.01), MinimalAccount(account_id='bcd',
balance=2000, interest_rate=0.02))
>>> transfer(2000, y, x)
(True, MinimalAccount(account_id='bcd', balance=0,
interest_rate=0.02), NormalAccount(account_id='abc',
balance=3000, interest_rate=0.01))
Operating on Bank Accounts
Let us suppose that we have a dictionary whose keys are bank account IDs and values are their corresponding bank accounts. This dictionary simulates a 'database' of bank accounts which we can easily lookup by bank account ID:
>>> d: dict[str, BankAccount] = {
'abc': NormalAccount('abc', 1000, 0.01)
'bcd': MinimalAccount('bcd', 2000, 0.02)
Now we are going to process a whole bunch of operations on this 'database'.
Operations ADT
The first step in processing a bunch of operations on the accounts in
our database is to create a data structure that represents the desired
operation in the first place. For this, create an algebraic data type
comprised of two classes:
: has a transfer amount, and credit bank account ID, and a debit bank account ID. This represents the operation where we are transferring the transfer amount from the credit account to the debit account.Compound
. This just tells the processor to compound all the bank accounts in the map. There should be no attributes in this class.
Processing One Operation
Write a function process_one
that receives an operation and a
dictionary of bank accounts (keys are bank account IDs, and values are
the corresponding bank accounts), and performs the operation on the bank
accounts in the dictionary. As a result, the function returns a pair
- A boolean value to describe whether the operation has succeeded
- The resulting dictionary containing the updated bank accounts after the operation has been processed.
Take note that there are several ways in which a Transfer
operation may fail:
- If any of the account IDs do not exist in the dictionary, the transfer will fail
- If the credit account does not have sufficient funds, the transfer will fail
- Otherwise, the transfer should proceed as per normal
Keep in mind that you should not mutate any data structure used. Example runs follow:
# data
>>> alice = NormalAccount('alice', 1000, 0.1)
>>> bob = MinimalAccount('bob', 999, 0.1)
>>> mp = {'alice': alice, 'bob': bob}
# ops
>>> c = Compound()
>>> t1 = Transfer(1000, 'alice', 'bob')
>>> t2 = Transfer(1000, 'bob', 'alice')
# processing compound operation
>>> process_one(c, mp)
(True, {'alice': NormalAccount('alice', 1100.0, 0.1),
'bob': MinimalAccount('bob', 1076.9, 0.1)})
# processing transfers
>>> process_one(t1, mp)
(True, {'alice': NormalAccount('alice', 0, 0.1),
'bob': MinimalAccount('bob', 1999, 0.1)})
>>> process_one(t2, mp)
(False, {'alice': NormalAccount('alice', 1000, 0.1),
'bob': MinimalAccount('bob', 999, 0.1)})
Processing All Operations
Now let us finally define a function process_all
receives a list of operations and a dictionary of bank accounts (the
keys are bank account IDs, and the values are bank accounts). As a
result, the function returns a pair containing:
- A list of booleans where the \(i^\text{th}\) boolean value describes whether the \(i^\text{th}\) operation has succeeded
- The resulting dictionary containing the updated bank accounts after all the operations have been processed.
Example runs follow:
# data
>>> alice = NormalAccount('alice', 1000, 0.1)
>>> bob = MinimalAccount('bob', 999, 0.1)
>>> mp = {'alice': alice, 'bob': bob}
# op
>>> c = Compound()
>>> t1 = Transfer(1000, 'alice', 'bob')
>>> t2 = Transfer(1000, 'bob', 'alice')
# process
>>> process_all([t2, c, t2, t1], mp)
([False, True, True, True],
{'alice': NormalAccount(account_id='alice', balance=1100.0, interest_rate=0.1),
'bob': MinimalAccount(account_id='bob', balance=1076.9, interest_rate=0.1)})
Polymorphic Processing
Let us assume that your process_all
function invokes the process_one
function. If you were careful with your implementation of process_all
, you should be able to lift your proces_one
function as a parameter:
def process_all(ops, mp):
# ...
# ...
# becomes
def process_all(f, ops, mp):
# ...
# ...
After which, nothing about the implementation of process_all
depends on
the types like Op
, dict[str, BankAccount]
. Thus, we should make this function polymorphic!
Our goal is to write a polymorphic function process
that can
process any list over a state and produce the resulting list and an
updated state after performing stateful processing over the list. It
should be defined such that process(process_one, ops, mp)
should be the exact same as process_all(ops, mp)
as you have
defined earlier:
# data
>>> alice = NormalAccount('alice', 1000, 0.1)
>>> bob = MinimalAccount('bob', 999, 0.1)
>>> mp = {'alice': alice, 'bob': bob}
# ops
>>> c = Compound()
>>> t1 = Transfer(1000, 'alice', 'bob')
>>> t2 = Transfer(1000, 'bob', 'alice')
# process
>>> process(process_one, [t2, c, t2, t1], mp)
([False, True, True, True],
{'alice': NormalAccount(account_id='alice', balance=1100.0, interest_rate=0.1),
'bob': MinimalAccount(account_id='bob', balance=1076.9, interest_rate=0.1)})
Furthermore, the best part of this polymorphic function is that it can be used in any situation where we need this stateful accumulation over a list. For example, we can define a function that tests if a number \(n\) is co-prime to a list of other numbers, and if it is indeed co-prime to all of the input numbers, add \(n\) to the state list:
>>> def gather_primes(n: int, ls: list[int]) -> tuple[bool, list[int]]:
... if any(n % i == 0 for i in ls):
... return (False, ls)
... return (True, ls + [n])
Example uses of this follow:
>>> gather_primes(2, [])
(True, [2])
>>> gather_primes(3, [2])
(True, [2, 3])
>>> gather_primes(4, [2, 3])
(False, [2, 3])
This way, we can use process
to generate prime numbers and do
primality testing!
>>> def primes(n: int) -> tuple[list[bool], list[n]]:
... return process(gather_primes, list(range(2, n)), [])
>>> primes(10)
([True, True, False, True, False, True, False, False], [2, 3, 5, 7])
>>> primes(30)
([True, True, False, True, False, True, False, False, False, # 2 to 10
True, False, True, False, False, False, True, False, True, # 11 to 20
False, False, False, True, False, False, False, False, False, True],
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29])
Proceed to define the process
function. Example runs are as
Note: The type of a function that receives parameters A
, B
and C
and returns D
is Callable[[A, B, C], D]
. You will need to
import Callable
from typing
Two of the most important aspects of software engineering design are decoupling and extensibility, reducing the dependencies between two systems or programming constructs and making it easy to extend implementations. These are not simple problems for programming language designers to solve. Different languages offer different solutions to this problem, and some languages make these not-so-easy.
In this chapter, we discuss how Haskell allows us to decouple types and functions, and in some sense, making data types extensible, without compromising on type-safety. Haskell does so with a programming feature not common to many languages, known as typeclasses.
Ad-Hoc Polymorphism
So far, we have learnt how to define algebraic data types, and
construct—and destructure—terms of those types. However, algebraic
data types typically only represent data, unlike objects in OOP.
Therefore, we frequently write functions acting on terms of those
types. As an example, drawing from Chapter 2.5 Question 7, let us define a
ADT that represents circles and rectangles.
data Shape = Circle Double
| Rectangle Double Double
On its own, this ADT does not do very much. What we would like to do
additionally, is to define a function over Shape
s. For
example, a function area
that computes the area of a
area :: Shape -> Double
area (Circle r) = pi * r ^ 2
area (Rectangle w h) = w * h
However, you might notice that area
should not be
exclusively defined on Shape
s; it could very well be the
case that we will later define other algebraic data types from which we
can also compute its area. For example, let us define a
data type that also has a way to compute its area:
data House = H [Room]
type Room = Rectangle
area' :: House -> Double
area' (H ls) = foldr ((+) . area) 0 ls
Notice that we cannot, at this point, abstract area
into a single function because these functions work on
specific types, and they have type-specific implementations. It is such
a waste for us to have to use different names to describe the same idea.
The question then becomes, is it possible for us to define an
function that is polymorphic (not fully parametrically
polymorphic) in some ad-hoc way? That is, can area
have one
implementation when given an argument of type Shape
, and
another implementation when given another argument of type
Ad-Hoc Polymorphism in Python
Notice that this is entirely possible in Python and other OO languages, where different classes can define methods of the same name.
class Rectangle:
w: float
h: float
def area(self) -> float:
return self.w * self.h
class Circle:
r: float
def area(self) -> float:
return pi * r ** 2
class House:
ls: list[Rectangle]
def area(self) -> float:
return sum(x.area() for x in
All of these disparate types can define an area
method with
its own type-specific implementation, and this is known as method
overloading. In fact, Python allows us to use them in an ad-hoc manner
because Python does not enforce types. Therefore, a program like the
following will be totally fine.
def total_area(ls):
return sum(x.area() for x in ls)
ls = [Rectangle(1, 2), House([Rectangle(3, 4)])]
print(total_area(ls)) # 14
works because Python uses duck typing—if it
walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is probably a duck. Therefore,
as long as the elements of the input list ls
defines a method
that returns something that can be summed over, no type
errors will present from program execution.
Python allows us to take this further by defining special methods to
overload operators. For example, we can define the __add__
method on any class to define how it should behave under the
class Fraction:
num: int
den: int
def __add__(self, f):
num = self.num * f.den + f.num * self.den
den = self.den * f.den
return Fraction(num, den)
print(1 + 2) # 3
print(Fraction(1, 2) + Fraction(3, 4)) # Fraction(10, 8)
However, relying on duck typing alone forces us to ditch any hopes for
static type checking. From the definition of the ls
ls = [Rectangle(1, 2), House([Rectangle(3, 4)])]
based on what we know, ls
cannot be given a suitable type that is useful. Great
thing is, Python has support for protocols that allow us to group
classes that adhere to a common interface (without the need for class
class HasArea(Protocol):
def area(self) -> float:
def total_area(ls: list[HasArea]) -> float:
return sum(x.area() for x in ls)
ls: list[HasArea] = [Rectangle(1, 2), House([Rectangle(3, 4)])]
print(total_area(ls)) # 14
This is great because we have the ability to perform ad-hoc polymorphism
without coupling the data with behaviour—the HasArea
protocol makes no mention of its inhabiting classes
, Circle
and House
, and
vice-versa, and yet we have provided enough information for the
type-checker so that bogus code such as the following gets flagged
ls: list[HasArea] = [1] # Type checker complains about this
print(total_area(ls)) # TypeError
The Expression Problem in Python
There are several limitations of our solution using protocols. Firstly,
Python's type system is not powerful or expressive enough to describe
protocols involving higher-kinded types. Secondly, although we have
earlier achieved decoupling between classes and the protocols they abide
by, we are not able to decouple classes and their methods. If we wanted
to completely decouple them, we would define methods as plain functions,
and run into the same problems we have seen in the Haskell
implementation of area
and area'
At the expense of type safety, let us attempt to decouple
and their implementing classes. The idea is to define an
function that receives a helper function that computes
the type specific area of an object:
def area(x, helper) -> float:
return helper(x)
def rectangle_area(rect: Rectangle) -> float:
return rect.w * rect.h
def house_area(house: House) -> float:
return sum(x.area() for x in
r = Rectangle(1, 2)
h = House([Rectangle(3, 4)])
area(r, rectangle_area) # 2
area(h, house_area) # 12
This implementation is silly because we could easily remove one level of
indirection by invoking rectangle_area
directly. However, notice that the implementations
are specific to classes—or, types—thus, what we can do is to store
these helpers in a dictionary whose keys are the types they were meant
to be inhabiting. Then, the area
function can look up the
right type-specific implementation based on the type of the argument.
HasArea = {}
def area(x):
helper = HasArea[type(x)]
return helper(x)
HasArea[Rectangle] = lambda x: x.w * x.h
HasArea[House] = lambda house: sum(x.area() for x in
r = Rectangle(1, 2)
h = House([Rectangle(3, 4)])
area(r) # 2
area(h) # 12
What's great about this approach is that (1) otherwise disparate classes
adhere to a common interface, and (2) the classes and methods are
completely decoupled. We can later on define additional classes and its
type-specific implementation of area
, or define a
type-specific implementation of area
for a class that has
already been defined!
class Triangle:
w: float
h: float
HasArea[Triangle] = lambda t: 0.5 * t.w * t.h
area(Triangle(5, 2)) # 5
Unfortunately, all of these gains came at the cost of type safety. Is there a better way to do this? In Haskell, yes—with typeclasses!
Typeclasses are a type system construct that enables ad-hoc polymorphism. Essentially, a typeclass is a nominal classification of types that all support some specified behaviour, by having each type providing its type-specific implementation for those behaviours. Alternatively, a typeclass can be seen as a constraint for a type to support specified behaviours.
Just like classes in OOP are blueprints for creating instances of the class (objects), a typeclass is a blueprint for creating typeclass instances. This time, a typeclass provides the interface/specification/contract for members of the typeclass to adhere to, and typeclass instances provide the actual type-specific implementations of functions specified in the typeclass. In essence, a typeclass is a constraint over types, and a typeclass instance is a witness that for types meeting those constraints.
To build on intuition, pretend that there is a super cool magic club, and members of this club must have a magic assistant and a magic trick. This club acts as a typeclass. Then suppose cats and dogs want to join this club. To do so, they must provide proof to the club administrators (in Haskell, the compiler) that they have a magic assistant and a magic trick. Suppose that the cats come together with their mouse friends as their magic assistants, and their magic trick is to cough up a furball, and the dogs all present their chew toys as their magic assistants, and their magic trick is to give their paw. The club administrator then puts all these into boxes as certificates of their membership into the club—in our analogy, these certificates are typeclass instances.
Let us return to the shape and house example we have seen at the start of this chapter. We first define some types (slightly different from before) that all have an area:
data Shape = Circle Double
| Rectangle Double Double
| Triangle Double Double
data House = H [Room]
data room = R { roomName :: String
, shape :: Shape }
Now, our goal is to describe the phenomenon that some types have an
area. For this, we shall describe a contract for such types to follow.
The contract is straightforward—all such types must have an
function (known as a method).
class HasArea a where
area :: a -> Double
An important question one might ask is: why is HasArea
polymorphic? To give an analogy, recall in our Python implementation
with dictionaries that HasArea
is a dictionary where we are
looking up type-specific implementations of area
by type.
Essentially, it is a finite map or (partial) function from types to
functions. This essentially makes HasArea
because it acts as a function that produces different implementations
depending on the type!
Then, the area
function should also receive a parameter of
type a
—that is, if a
is a member of the
typeclass, then there is a function
area :: a -> Double
. The example typeclass instances make
this clear:
instance HasArea Shape where
area :: Shape -> Double
area (Circle r) = pi * r ^ 2
area (Rectangle w h) = w * h
area (Triangle w h) = w * h / 2
instance HasArea Room where
area :: Room -> Double
area x = area $ shape x
instance HasArea House where
area :: House -> Double
area (H rooms) = sum $ map area rooms
Each instance of HasArea
provides a type-specific
implementation of area
. For example, the
HasArea Shape
instance acts as a witness that
belongs to the HasArea
typeclass. It does
so by providing an implementation of area :: Shape -> Double
(in the obvious way). We do the same for rooms and houses, and now the
function works for all (and only) these three types!
x :: Shape = Triangle 2 3
y :: Room = R "bedroom" (Rectangle 3 4)
z :: House = H [y]
ax = area x -- 3
ay = area y -- 12
az = area z -- 12
Now let us investigate the type of area
ghci> :t area
area :: forall a. HasArea a => a -> double
The type of area
is read as "a function for all
where a
is constrained by HasArea
and receives an a
, and returns a Double
Constrains on type variables are not limited to class methods. In fact,
we can, and probably should, make functions that use area
polymorphically over type variables, constrained by HasArea
. Let
us consider a function that sums the area over a list of shapes, and
another one over a list of rooms:
totalArea :: [Shape] -> Double
totalArea [] = 0
totalArea (x : xs) = area x + totalArea xs
-- alternatively
totalArea' :: [Shape] -> Double
totalArea' = sum . map area
totalArea'' :: [Room] -> Double
totalArea'' = sum . map area
Both totalArea'
and totalArea''
precisely the same implementation, except that they operate over
and Room
respectively. We can
substitute these types for any type variable a
, so long as
there is an instance of HasArea a
! Therefore, the most
general type we should ascribe for this function would be
totalArea :: HasArea a => [a] -> Double
totalArea = sum . map area
Now our totalArea
function works on any list that contains a
type that has an instance of HasArea
xs :: [Shape] = [Rectangle 1 2, Triangle 3 4]
ys :: [House] = [H [R "bedroom" (Rectangle 1 2)]]
axs = totalArea xs -- 8
ayx = totalArea ys -- 2
How Typeclasses Work
By now, you should be able to observe that typeclasses allow (1) otherwise disparate types adhering to a common interface, i.e. ad-hoc polymorphism and (2) decoupling types and behaviour, all in a type-safe way—this is very difficult (if not impossible) to achieve in other languages like Python. The question then becomes: how does Haskell do it?
The core idea behind typeclasses and typeclass instances is that
typeclasses are implemented as regular algebraic data types, and
typeclass instances are implemented as regular terms of typeclasses.
Using our area
example, we can define the typeclass as
data HasArea a = HA { area :: a -> Double }
Then, typeclass instances are merely helper-terms of the
hasAreaShape :: HasArea Shape
hasAreaShape = HA $ \x -> case x of
Circle r -> pi * r ^ 2
Rectangle w h -> w * h
Triangle w h -> w * h / 2
Notice that area
now has the type
HasArea a -> a -> Double
. Clearly,
area hasAreaShape
is now the Shape
implementation for obtaining the area of a shape! We can take this
further by defining the helper-terms for other types that wish to
implement the HasArea
hasAreaRoom :: HasArea Room
hasAreaRoom = HA $ \x -> area hasAreaShape (shape x)
hasAreaHouse :: HasArea House
hasAreaHouse = HA $ \x -> case x of
H rooms -> sum $ map (area hasAreaRoom) rooms
Finally, we can use the area
function, together with the
type-specific helpers, to compute the area of shapes, rooms and houses!
x :: Shape = Triangle 2 3
y :: Room = R "bedroom" (Rectangle 3 4)
z :: House = H [y]
ax = area hasAreaShape x -- 3
ay = area hasAreaRoom y -- 12
az = area hasAreamHouse z -- 12
This is (more-or-less) how Haskell implements typeclasses and typeclass instances. The only difference is that the Haskell compiler will automatically infer the helper term when a typeclass method is used, allowing us to omit them. This term inference that Haskell supports allow us to define and use ad-hoc polymorphic functions in a type-safe way.
Commonly Used Typeclasses
Let us have a look at some typeclasses and their methods that you have already used.
class Eq a where
(==) :: a -> a -> Bool
(/=) :: a -> a -> Bool
class Num a where
(+) :: a -> a -> a
(-) :: a -> a -> a
(*) :: a -> a -> a
negate :: a -> a
abs :: a -> a
signum :: a -> a
fromInteger :: Integer a
Equality Comparisons
The Eq
typeclass describes types that are amenable to
equality comparisons; the Num
typeclass describes types that
can behave as numbers, with support for typical numeric operations like
addition, subtraction and so on. Haskell's Prelude already ships with
the instances of these typeclasses for commonly-used types, such as
instances for Num Int
and Eq String
Let us try defining our own instance of Eq
. Suppose we are
re-using the Fraction
algebraic data type defined in Chapter 2.3 (Types#Algebraic Data Types):
data Fraction = Fraction Int Int
We allow Fraction
to be amenable to equality comparisons
by implementing a typeclass instance for Eq Fraction
instance Eq Fraction where
(==) :: Fraction -> Fraction -> Bool
F a b == F c d = a == c && b == d
(/=) :: Fraction -> Fraction -> Bool
F a b /= F c d = a /= c || b /= d
Firstly, notice that we are performing equality comparisons between the
numerators and denominators. This is okay because we know that the
numerators and denominators of fractions are integers, and there is
already an instance of Eq Int
. Next, usually by definition,
a /= b
is the same as not (a == b)
. Therefore,
having to always define both (==)
and (/=)
every instance is cumbersome.
Minimal Instance Definitions
Let us inspect the definition of the Eq
ghci> :i Eq
type Eq :: * -> Constraint
class Eq a where
(==) :: a -> a -> Bool
(/=) :: a -> a -> Bool
{-# MINIMAL (==) | (/=) #-}
-- Defined in 'GHC.Classes'
Notice the MINIMAL
pragma—the pragma states that we only need to
define either (==)
or (/=)
for a complete
instance definition! Therefore, we can omit the definition of
in our Eq Fraction
instance, and we would
still have a complete definition:
instance Eq Fraction where
(==) :: Fraction -> Fraction -> Bool
F a b == F c d = a == c && b == d
ghci> Fraction 1 2 == Fraction 1 2
ghci> Fraction 1 2 /= Fraction 1 2
A natural question to ask is, why not simply define Eq
only have (==)
and give (/=)
for free?
class Eq a where
(==) :: a -> a -> Bool
(/=) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
x /= y = not (x == y)
By placing both functions as methods in the typeclass, programmers have
the option to define either (==)
or (/=)
, or
both, if specifying each implementation individually gives better performance or
different behaviour than the default.
Typeclass Constraints in Typeclasses and Instances
We can even define instances over polymorphic types. Here is an example of how we can perform equality comparisons over trees:
data Tree a = Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
| Empty
instance Eq (Tree a) where
(==) :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Bool
Empty == Empty = True
(Node l v r) == (Node l' v' r') = l == l' && v == v' && r == r'
_ == _ = False
However, our instance will not type-check because the elements
of the trees also need to be amenable to equality
comparisons for us to compare trees! Therefore, we should constrain
with Eq
in the instance declaration, like
data Tree a = Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
| Empty
instance Eq a => Eq (Tree a) where
(==) :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Bool
Empty == Empty = True
(Node l v r) == (Node l' v' r') = l == l' && v == v' && r == r'
_ == _ = False
In fact, we can write typeclass constraints in typeclass declarations as
well. For example, the Ord
typeclass describes (total)
orders on types, and all (totally) ordered types must also be amenable
to equality comparisons:
class Eq a => Ord a where
(<) :: a -> a -> Bool
(<=) :: a -> a -> Bool
-- ...
Deriving Typeclasses
In fact, some typeclasses are so straightforward that defining instances
of these classes are a tedium. For example, the Eq
class is
(usually) very straightforward to define—two terms are equal if they
are built with the same constructor and their argument terms are
respectively equal. As such, the language should not require programmers
to implement straightforward instances of classes like Eq
Haskell has a deriving mechanism that allows the compiler to
automatically synthesize typeclass instances for us. It is able to do so
for Eq
, Ord
, and others like Enum
Doing so is incredibly straightforward:
data A = B | C
data Fraction = Fraction Int Int
deriving Eq -- deriving Eq Fraction instance
data Tree a = Empty | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
deriving (Eq, Show) -- deriving Eq (Tree a) and Show (Tree a)
deriving instance Eq A -- stand-alone deriving declaration
These declarations tell the compiler to synthesize instance declarations in the most obvious way. This way, we do not have to write our own instance declarations for these typeclasses!
ghci> x = Node Empty 1 Empty
ghci> y = Node (Node Empty 1 Empty) 2 Empty
ghci> x
Node Empty 1 Empty
ghci> x == y
Functional Dependencies
Observe the type of (+)
:t (+)
(+) :: forall a. Num a => a -> a
This is quite different in Python:
>>> type(1 + 1)
class <'int'>
>>> type(1 + 1.0)
class <'float'>
>>> type(1.0 + 1)
class <'float'>
>>> type(1.0 + 1.0)
class <'float'>
The +
operator in Python behaves heterogenously—when given
two int
s we get an int
; when given at least one
we get a float
. How would we encode this in
Simple! Create a multi-parameter typeclass that describes the argument types and the result type!
class (Num a, Num b, Num c) => HAdd a b c where
(+#) :: a -> b -> c
Then we can write instances for the possible permutations of the desired types:
instance Num a => HAdd a a a where
(+#) :: a -> a -> a
(+#) = (+)
instance HAdd Int Double Double where
(+#) :: Int -> Double -> Double
x +# y = fromIntegral x + y
instance HAdd Double Int Double where
(+#) :: Double -> Int -> Double
x +# y = x + fromIntegral y
However, trying to use (+#)
is very cumbersome:
ghci> x :: Int = 1
ghci> y :: Double = 2.0
ghci> x +# y
<interactive>:3:1: error:
- No instance for (HAdd Int Double ()) arising from a use of 'it'
- In the first argument of 'print', namely 'it'
In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it
ghci> x +# y :: Double
This occurs because without specifying the return type c
Haskell has no idea what it is since it is ambiguous! As per the
definition, no one is stopping us from defining another
instance HAdd Int Double String
! On the other hand, we know
that adding an Int
and a Double
must result in
a Double
and nothing else; in other words, the types of the
arguments to (+#)
uniquely characterizes the resulting
The way we introduce this dependency between these type variables by
introducing functional dependencies on typeclass declarations, which,
adding them to our declaration of HAdd
, looks something like
the following:
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
class (Num a, Num b, Num c) => HAdd a b c | a b -> c where
(+#) :: a -> b -> c
The way to read the clause a b -> c
is "a
and b
characterizes/determines c
", or in other words, c
is a function
of a
and b
, i.e. it is not possible that given a fixed a
and b
that we have two different inhabitants of c
. This (1) prevents the
programmer from introducing different values of c
for the same a
(which we haven't) and (2) allows the compiler to infer the right
instance just with a
and b
ghci> x :: Int = 1
ghci> y :: Double = 2.0
ghci> x +# y
ghci> :{
ghci| instance HAdd Int Double String where
ghci| x +# y = show x
ghci| :}
<interactive>:8:10: error:
Functional dependencies conflict between instance declarations:
instance [safe] HAdd Int Double Double
-- Defined at <interactive>:17:10
instance HAdd Int Double String -- Defined at <interactive>:21:10
The Existential Typeclass Antipattern
In Python, as long as a class abides by a protocol, the Python type system presumes that this class is a subclass of said protocol. Therefore, any object instantiated from such a class is also considered to be of the same type as the protocol. Thus, in our earlier example, shapes, houses and rooms are all considered to be the same type has HasArea
class HasArea(Protocol):
def area(self) -> float:
class Rectangle:
# ...
def area(self) -> float:
return # ...
class House:
# ...
def area(self) -> float:
return # ...
# the following is ok and well-typed
ls: list[HasArea] = [Rectangle(1, 2), House(...)]
However, this is not okay in Haskell because HasArea
is not a type, but a typeclass!
x = Triangle 2 3
y = R "bedroom" (Rectangle 3 4)
z = H [y]
ls = [x, y, z] -- error!
One question we might ask is, how do we replicate this ability in Python? I.e., how do we create a type that represents all types that implement HasArea
in Haskell?
Existential Types
Recall that polymorphic types are also called for-all types. Essentially, the definition of the type is independent of the type parameter. The idea behind for-all types is that we can substitute the type parameter with any other type to give a new type. For example, we know that the id
function has type forall a. a -> a
. Therefore, we can apply id
onto a type, say Int
, to give us a new function whose type is Int -> Int
The type variable a
is opaque to whoever defines the term of the polymorphic type. For example, when we define a polymorphic function:
singleton :: forall. a -> [a]
singleton x = []
The type of x
is just a
where we have no idea what a
is. Thus, the implementation of singleton
cannot make use of any knowledge of what a
is because it is just an opaque type variable. In contrast, anyone who uses singleton
can decide what type will inhabit a
x :: Int
y = singleton @Int x
As you can see, the caller of singleton
can decide to pass in the type Int
, and thus will know that the function application singleton @Int x
will evaluate to a term of type [Int]
One question you might ask is, we know that "for all" corresponds to \(\forall\) in mathematics. Are there also \(\exists\) types? The answer is yes! These are known as existential types: \[\exists\alpha.\tau\]
The idea behind existential types is that there is some type which inhabits the existential type variable to give a new type. For example the type \(\exists\alpha.[\alpha]\) means "some" list of elements. The term [1, 2]
can also be treated as having the type \(\exists\alpha.[\alpha]\) because we know that we can let \(\alpha\) be Int
and [1, 2]
is correctly of type [Int]
. Similarly, "abc"
can also be treated as having the type \(\exists\alpha.[\alpha]\) because we know that we can let \(\alpha\) be Char
and "abc"
is correctly of type [Char]
. However, [1, 'a']
is not of type \(\exists\alpha.[\alpha]\) since we cannot assign any type to \(\alpha\) so that the type of [1, 'a']
matches it.
An existential type reverses the relationship of type variable opacity. Recall that the implementer of a polymorphic function sees the type variable as opaque, while the user gets to decide what type inhabits the type variable. For an existential type, the implementer gets to decide what type inhabits the type variable, while the user of an existential type views the type variable as opaque.
Polymorphism: implementer does not know the type, must ignore it. User chooses the type.
Existential types: implementer chooses the type. User does not know the type, must ignore it.
Ideally, this allows us to define a type of lists \([\exists\alpha.\mathtt{HasArea}~\alpha\Rightarrow\alpha]\) (read: a list of elements, each of which are some \(\alpha\) that implements HasArea
), however the quantification of the type variable is inside the list constructor; these are called impredicative types. Haskell does not support impredicative types. What can we do now?
What we can try to do is to define a new wrapper type that stores elements of type \(\exists\alpha.\mathtt{HasArea}~\alpha\), like so:
data HasAreaType = HAT (∃a. HasArea a => a)
instance HasArea HasAreaType where
area :: HasAreaType -> Double
area (HAT x) = area x
However, perhaps surprisingly given what we've been talking about, Haskell does not even support existential types. What now?
Mental Model for Existential Types
Just like how we have given a mental model for polymorphism, we give a mental model for existential types. Recall that a polymorphic function is a function that receives a type parameter and returns a function that is specialized over the type parameter. For us, let us suppose that a term of an existential type \(\exists\alpha.\tau\) is a pair \((\beta,x)\) such that \(x\) has type \(\tau[\alpha:=\beta]\).
(Int, [1, 2])
is a term of type \(\exists\alpha.[\alpha]\) because[1, 2] :: [Int]
(Char, "abc")
is also a term of type \(\exists\alpha.[\alpha]\) because"abc" :: [Char]
Therefore, a function on an existential type can be thought of as a function receiving a pair, whose first element is a type, and the second element is corresponding term.
In our example above, the HAT
constructor would therefore have type
HAT :: (∃a. HasArea a => a) -> HasAreaType
Using our mental model, we destructure the existential type as a pair:
HAT :: (a :: *, HasArea a => a) -> HasAreaType
Recall currying, where a function over more than one argument is split into a function receiving one parameter and returning a function that receives the rest. We thus curry the HAT
constructor like so:
HAT :: (a :: *) -> HasArea a => a -> HasAreaType
Remember what it means for a function that receives a type as a parameter—this is a polymorphic function!
HAT :: forall a. HasArea a => a -> HasAreaType
Indeed, polymorphic functions simulate functions over existential types. Let us show more examples of this being the case. For example, the area
typeclass method is a function over something that implements HasArea
, and returns a Double
. Therefore, it should have the following function signature:
area :: (∃a. HasArea a => a) -> Double
However, we know that we can curry the existential type to get a polymorphic function, allowing us to recover the original type signature!
area :: forall a. HasArea a => Double
In another example, we know the EqExpr
constructor from the previous chapter is constructed by providing any two expressions that are amenable to equality comparisons:
EqExpr :: (∃a. Eq a => (Expr a, Expr a)) -> Expr Bool
Again, with currying, we recover our original type signature for EqExpr
EqExpr :: forall a. Eq a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool
With this in mind, we can now properly create our HAT
constructor and use the HasAreaType
type to put shapes, rooms and houses in a single list!
data HasAreaType where
HAT :: forall a. HasArea a => a -> HasAreaType
instance HasArea HasAreaType where
area :: HasAreaType -> area
area (HAT x) = area x
x = Triangle 2 3
y = R "bedroom" (Rectangle 3 4)
z = H [y]
ls :: [HasAreaType]
ls = [HAT x, HAT y, HAT z]
d = totalArea ls -- 27
The Antipattern
Notice that we went through this entire journey just so that we can put these different types in a list, which is so that we can compute the total area. However, in this case, we can actually just save the trouble and do this:
x = Triangle 2 3
y = R "bedroom" (Rectangle 3 4)
z = H [y]
ls :: [Double]
ls = [area x, area y, area z]
d = sum ls -- 27
Of course, there are definitely use cases for existential types like HasAreaType
. We frequently call these abstract data types. However, these are not commonly used. In fact, not knowing what existential types are should not affect your understanding of type classes and polymorphic types. In addition, encoding existential types as pairs is very handwave-y and is not even supported in Haskell. The closest analogue of real-world existential types is dependent pair types or \(\Sigma\)-types, which is different to the existential types we have seen. The demonstration that we have seen so far only serves as a mental model for why we write polymorphic functions were the return type does not depend on the type parameters.
The key point is that we should not immediately attempt to replicate OO design patterns in FP just because they are familiar. Trying to skirt around the restrictions of the type system is, generally, not a good idea (there are cases where that is useful, but such scenarios occur exceedingly infrequently).
Question 1
Without using GHCI, determine the types of the following expressions:
1 + 2 * 3
(show . )
( . show)
\ (a, b) -> a == b
Question 2
You are given the following untyped program:
type Tree[a] = Empty | TreeNode[a]
type List[a] = Empty | ListNode[a]
class Empty:
def to_list(self):
return []
class ListNode[a]:
head: a
tail: List[a]
def to_list(self):
return [self.head] + self.tail.to_list()
class TreeNode[a]:
l: Tree[a]
v: a
r: Tree[a]
def to_list(self):
return self.l.to_list() + [self.v] + self.r.to_list()
def flatten(ls):
if not ls: return []
return ls[0].to_list() + flatten(ls[1:])
ls = [ListNode(1, Empty()), TreeNode(Empty(), 2, Empty())]
ls2 = flatten(ls)
Fill in the type signatures of all the methods and functions and the
type annotations for the ls
and ls2
variables so
that the type-checker can verify that the program is type-safe. The
given type annotations should be general enough such that defining a new
class and adding an instance of it to ls
requires no change
in type annotation:
class Singleton[a]:
x: a
def to_list(self):
return [self.x]
ls = [ListNode(1, Empty()), TreeNode(Empty(), 2, Empty()),
# ...
Question 3
Defined below is a data type describing clothing sizes.
data Size = XS | S | M | L | XL
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Bounded, Enum)
Proceed to define the following functions:
produces the smallest sizedescending
produces a list of all the sizes from large to smallaverage
produces the average size of two sizes; in case there isn't an exact middle between two sizes, prefer the smaller one
Example runs follow.
ghci> smallest :: Size
ghci> descending :: [Size]
[XL, L, M, S, XS]
ghci> average XS L
However, take note that your functions must not only work on the Size
type. Some of these functions can be implemented with the typeclass methods that Size
derives. You should implement your solution based on these methods so that your function can be as general as possible. In particular, we should be able to define a new type which derives these typeclasses, and all your functions should still work on them as we should expect. An example is as follows:
ghci> :{
ghci| data Electromagnet = Radio | Micro | IR | Visible | UV | X | Gamma
ghci| deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Bounded, Enum)
ghci| :}
ghci> smallest :: Electromagnet
ghci> descending :: [Electromagnet]
[Gamma, X, UV, Visible, IR, Micro, Radio]
ghci> average Gamma Radio
Question 4
Implement the mergesort algorithm
as a function mergesort
. Ignoring time complexity, your
algorithm should split the list in two, recursively mergesort each half,
and merge the two sorted sublists together. Example runs follow:
ghci> mergesort [5,2,3,1,2]
ghci> mergesort "edcba"
Question 5
Recall Chapter 2.3 (Types#Algebraic Data Types) where we defined an Expr
data Expr a where
LitNumExpr :: Int -> Expr Int
AddExpr :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
-- ...
eval :: Expr a -> a
eval (LitNumExpr x) = x
eval (AddExpr e1 e2) = eval e1 + eval e2
-- ...
Now that we have learnt typeclasses, let us attempt to separate each
constructor of Expr
as individual types, while still
preserving functionality; the purpose of this being to keep the
type modular and extensible:
data LitNumExpr = -- ...
data AddExpr = -- ...
while still being able to apply eval
on any of those
-- 2 + 3
ghci> eval (AddExpr (LitNumExpr 2) (LitNumExpr 3))
-- if 2 == 1 + 1 then 1 + 2 else 4
ghci> eval (CondExpr
(EqExpr (LitNumExpr 2)
(AddExpr (LitNumExpr 1) (LitNumExpr 1)))
(AddExpr (LitNumExpr 1) (LitNumExpr 2))
(LitNumExpr 4))
Proceed to define all these different types of expressions and their
corresponding implementations for eval
. A literal integer, such asLitNumExpr 3
. An addition expression in the form of \(e_1 + e_2\), such asAddExpr (LitNumExpr 1) (LitNumExpr 2)
representing \(1 + 2\)EqExpr
. An equality comparison expression in the form of \(e_1 = e_2\), such asEq (LitNumExpr 1) (LitNumExpr 2)
representing \(1 = 2\)CondExpr
. A conditional expression in the form of \(\text{if }e\text{ then } e_1 \text{ else }e_2\)
Question 6
In Python, a sequence is a data structure that has a length and a way to obtain elements from it by integer indexing. Strings, ranges, tuples and lists are all sequences in Python:
>>> len([1, 2, 3])
>>> 'abcd'[3]
Our goal is to create something similar in Haskell. However, instead of loosely defining what a sequence is, like Python does, we shall create a typeclass called Sequence
and allow all types that implements these methods to become a sequence formally (at least, to the compiler)!
Proceed to define a typeclass called Sequence
with two methods:
does indexing, sols @ i
is just likels[i]
in Python; if the indexi
is out of bounds, the method should panic (you can let it returnundefined
in this case)len
produces the length of the sequenceprepend
prepends an element onto the sequence
Then define instances for [a]
to be a sequence over a
's! Example runs follow:
ghci> x :: [Int] = [1, 2, 3, 4]
ghci> x @ 2
ghci> x @ 4
-- some error...
ghci> len x
ghci> x `prepend` 5
[5, 1, 2, 3, 4]
ghci> len "abcde"
ghci> "abcde" @ 0
What's really neat about using typeclasses instead of defining a separate Sequence
data type is that any type that conforms to the specification in our Sequence
typeclass can become a valid sequence. For example, one sequence we might want is a sequence of ()
(the unit type, which only has one constructor with no arguments, and terms of this type signify "nothing significant", similar to void
in other languages).1 Because each element of such a sequence carries no information, instead of creating such a sequence using a list, i.e. a list of type [()]
, we can instead use Int
as our sequence!
ghci> x :: Int = 4
ghci> x @ 2
ghci> x @ 4
-- some error...
ghci> len x
ghci> (x `prepend` 5) @ 4
Proceed to define a typeclass instance for Int
such that Int
s are sequences of ()
This is an extremely contrived example. The main point we are driving home is that we can create very concise implementations of data structures based on domain-specific knowledge.
One of the core ideas in FP is composition, i.e. that to "do one computation after the other" is to compose these computations. In mathematics, function composition is straightforward, given by: \[(g\circ f)(x) = g(f(x)) \]
That is, \(g\circ f\) is the function "\(g\) after \(f\)", which applies \(f\) onto \(x\), and then apply \(g\) on the result.
In an ideal world, composing functions is as straightforward as we have described.
def add_one(x: int) -> int:
return x + 1
def double(x: int) -> int:
return x * 2
def div_three(x: int) -> float:
return x / 3
However, things are rarely perfect. Let us take the following example of an application containing users, with several data structures to represent them.
First, we describe the User
and Email
from dataclasses import dataclass
class Email:
name: str
domain: str
class User:
username: str
email: Email
salary: int | float
Now, we want to be able to parse user information that is provided as a string. However, note that this parsing may fail, therefore we raise exceptions if the input string cannot be parsed as the desired data structure.
def parse_email(s: str) -> Email:
if '@' not in s:
raise ValueError
s = s.split('@')
if len(s) != 2 or '.' not in s[1]:
raise ValueError
return Email(s[0], s[1])
def parse_salary(s: str) -> int | float:
return int(s)
return float(s) # if this fails and raises an exception,
# then do not catch it
And to use these functions, we have to ensure that every program point that uses them must be wrapped in a try
and except
def main():
n = input('Enter name: ')
e = input('Enter email: ')
s = input('Enter salary: ')
print(User(n, parse_email(e), parse_salary(s)))
print('Some error occurred')
As you can see, exceptions are being thrown everywhere. Generally, it is hard to keep track of which functions raise/handle execptions, and also hard to compose exceptional functions! Worse still, if the program is poorly documented (as is the case for our example), no one actually knows that parse_salary
and parse_email
will raise exceptions!
There is a better way to do this—by using the railway pattern! Let us write the equivalent of the program above with idiomatic Haskell. First, the data structures:
data Email = Email { emailUsername :: String
, emailDomain :: String }
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Salary = SInt Int
| SDouble Double
deriving (Eq, Show)
data User = User { username :: String
, userEmail :: Email
, userSalary :: Salary }
deriving (Eq, Show)
Now, some magic. No exceptions are raised in any of the following functions (which at this point, might look like moon runes):
parseEmail :: String -> Maybe Email
parseEmail email = do
guard $ '@' `elem` email && length e == 2 && '.' `elem` last e
return $ Email (head e) (last e)
where e = split '@' email
parseSalary :: String -> Maybe Salary
parseSalary s =
let si = SInt <$> readMaybe s
sf = SDouble <$> readMaybe s
in si <|> sf
And the equivalent of main
in Haskell is shown below.1 Although not apparent at this point, we are guaranteed that no exceptions will be raised from using parseEmail
and parseSalary
main :: IO ()
main = do
n <- input "Enter name: "
e <- input "Enter email: "
s <- input "Enter salary: "
let u = User n <$> parseEmail e <*> parseSalary s
putStrLn $ maybe "Some error occurred" show u
How does this work? The core idea behind the railway pattern is that functions are pure and statically-typed, therefore, all functions must make explicit the kind of effects it wants to produce. For this reason, any "exceptions" that it could raise must be explicitly stated in its type signature by returning the appropriate term whose type represents some notion of computation. Then, any other function that uses these functions with notions of computation must explicitly handle those notions of computations appropriately.
In this chapter, we describe some of the core facets of the railway pattern:
- What is it?
- What data structures and functions can we use to support this?
- How do we write programs with the railway pattern?
Wait... is this an imperative program in Haskell?
Context/Notions of Computation
Many popular languages lie to you in many ways. An example is what we have seen earlier, where Python functions do not document exceptions in its type signature, and must be separately annotated as a docstrong to denote as such. This is not including the fact that Python type annotations are not enforced at all.
def happy(x: int) -> int:
raise Exception("sad!")
This is not unique to dynamically-typed languages like Python. This is also the case in Java. In Java, checked exceptions must be explicitly reported in a method signature. However, unchecked exceptions, as named, do not need to be reported and are not checked by the Java compiler. That is not to mention other possible "lies", for example, it is possible to return nothing (null
) even if the method's type signature requires it to return "something":
class A {
String something() {
return null;
We can't lie in Haskell. In the first place, we shouldn't lie in general. What now?
Instead, what we can do is to create the right data structures that represent what is actually returned by each function! In the Python example happy
, what we really wanted to return was either an int
, or an exception. Let us create a data structure that represents this:
data Either a b = Left a -- sad path
| Right b -- happy path
Furthermore, instead of returning null
like in Java, we can create a data structure that represents either something, or nothing:
data Maybe a = Just a -- happy path
| Nothing -- sad path
This allows the happy
and something
functions to be written safely in Haskell as:
happy :: Either String Int
happy = Left "sad!"
something :: Maybe String
something = Nothing
The Maybe
and Either
types act as contexts or notions of computation:
Maybe a
or nothingEither a b
—a list of possiblea
s (nondeterminism)IO a
—an I/O action resulting ina
These types allow us to accurately describe what our functions are actually doing! Furthermore, these types "wrap" around a type, i.e. For instance, Maybe
, Either a
(for a fixed a
), []
and IO
all have kind * -> *
, and essentially provide some context around a type.
Using these types makes programs clearer! For example, we can use Maybe
to more accurately describe the head
function, which may return nothing if the input list is empty.
head' :: [a] -> Maybe a
head' [] = Nothing
head' (x : _) = x
Alternatively, we can express the fact that dividing by zero should yield an error:
safeDiv :: Int -> Int -> Either String Int
safeDiv x 0 = Left "Cannot divide by zero!"
safediv x y = Right $ x `div` y
These data structures allow our functions to act as branching railways!
head' safeDiv
┏━━━━━ Just a ┏━━━━━ Right Int -- happy path
[a] ━━━━┫ Int, Int ━━━━┫
┗━━━━━ Nothing ┗━━━━━ Left String -- sad path
This is the inspiration behind the name "railway pattern", which is the pattern of using algebraic data types to describe the different possible outputs from a function! This is, in fact, a natural consequence of purely functional programming. Since functions must be pure, it is not possible to define functions that opaquely cause side-effects. Instead, function signatures must be made transparent by using the right data structures.
What, then, is the right data structure to use? It all depends on the notion of computation that you want to express! If you want to produce nothing in some scenarios, use Maybe
. If you want to produce something or something else (like an error), use Either
, so on and so forth!
However, notice that having functions as railways is not very convenient... with the non-railway (and therefore potentially exceptional) head
function, we could compose head
with itself, i.e. head . head :: [[a]] -> a
is perfectly valid. However, we cannot compose head'
with itself, since head'
returns a Maybe a
, which cannot be an argument to head'
┏━━━━━ ? ┏━━━━━
━━━━┫ <-----> ━━━━┫
┗━━━━━ ┗━━━━━
How can we make the railway pattern ergonomic enough for us to want to use them?
Category Theory
We can borrow some ideas from a branch of mathematics, known as Category Theory, to improve the ergonomics of these structures. Part of the reason why we are able to do so is that all the types that we have described have kind * -> *
, i.e. they "wrap" around another type. As such, they should be able to behave as functors, which we will formalize shortly.1
However, before we even talk about what a functor is and how the data structures we have described are functors, we first need to describe what category theory is. Intuitively, most theories (especially the algebraic ones) study mathematical structures that abstract over things; groups are abstractions of symmetries, and geometric spaces are abstractions of space. Category theory takes things one step further and studies abstraction itself.
Effectively the goal of category theory is to observe similar underlying structures between collections of mathematical structures. What is nice about this is that a result from category theory generalizes to all other theories that fit the structure of a category. As such it should be no surprise that computation can be, and is, studied through the lens of category theory too!
On the other hand, the generality of category theory also makes it incredibly abstract and difficult to understand—this is indeed the case in our very first definition. As such, I will, as much as possible, show you "concrete" examples of each definition and reason about them if I can. With this in mind, let us start with the definition of a category, as seen in many sources.
Definition (Category). A category \(\mathcal{C}\) consists of
- a collection of objects \(X\), \(Y\), \(Z\), ... denoted \(\text{ob}(\mathcal{C})\)
- a collection of morphisms, \(f, g, h, \dots\), denoted \(\text{mor}(\mathcal{C})\)
so that:
- Each morphism has specified domain and codomain objects; when we write \(f: X \to Y\), we mean that the morphism \(f\) has domain \(X\) and codomain \(Y\).
- Each object has an identity morphism \(1_X:X\rightarrow X\).
- For any pair of morphisms \(f\), \(g\) with the codomain of \(f\) equal to the domain of \(g\) (i.e. \(f\) and \(g\) are composable), there exists a composite morphism \(g \circ f\) whose domain is equal to the domain of \(f\) and whose codomain is equal to the codomain of \(g\), i.e. \[f: X\rightarrow Y, ~~~g: Y \rightarrow Z ~~~~~ \rightsquigarrow ~~~~~ g\circ f:X\rightarrow Z\]
Composition of morphisms is subject to the two following axioms:
- Unity. For any \(f: X \rightarrow Y\), \(f\circ1_X = 1_Y \circ f = f\).
- Associativity. For any composable \(f\), \(g\) and \(h\), \((h\circ g)\circ f = h \circ (g \circ f)\).
This, of course, is incredibly abstract and quite hard to take in. Instead, let us use a simpler definition to get some "ideas" across:
A category \(\mathcal{C}\) consists of
- Dots \(X\), \(Y\), \(Z\)
- Arrows between dots \(f, g, h, \dots\)
such that:
- Joining two arrows together gives another arrow
- There is a unique way to join three arrows together
- Every dot has an arrow pointing to itself, such that joining it with any other arrow \(f\) just gives \(f\)
Here is an example category:
A ----> B
\ |
\ | g
h \ |
\ v
-> C
Here we have three objects A
and C
, and the morphisms f: A -> B
, g: B -> C
and h: A -> C
. The identity morphisms for the objects are omitted for simplicity. Note that the composition of f
and g
exists in the category (assume in the example g . f == h
Why do we care? Well, it turns out that types and functions in Haskell assemble into a category \(\mathcal{H}\)!2
- Objects in \(\mathcal{H}\) are types like
etc. - Morphisms in \(\mathcal{H}\) are functions like
- The composition of two functions with
is also a function - Every type has the identity function
id x = x
, where for all functionsf
,id . f
=f . id
Int ---> String
\ |
\ | head
\ |
\ v
-> Char
The above is a fragment of \(\mathcal{H}\). We can see that show
is a function from Int
to String
, and head
is a function from String
to Char
. In addition, the function head . show
is a function from Int
to Char
! Furthermore, all of these types have the identity function id
which we omit in the diagram.
Still, who cares?
Because the types in Haskell assemble into categories, let's see if there is anything that category theory has to tell us.
In mathematics, the relationships between objects are frequently far more interesting than the objects themselves. Of course, we do not just focus on any relationship between objects, but of keen interest, the structure preserving relationships between them, such as group homomorphisms that preserve group structures, or monotonic functions between preordered sets that preserve ordering. In category theory, functors are maps between categories that preserve the structure of the domain category, especially the compositions and identities.
Let \(\mathcal{C}\) and \(\mathcal{D}\) be categories. A (covariant) functor \(F: \mathcal{C} \rightarrow \mathcal{D}\) consists of:
- An object \(F(C) \in \text{ob}(\mathcal{D})\) for each object \(C \in \text{ob}(\mathcal{C})\)3.
- A morphism \(F(f): F(C) \rightarrow F(D) \in \text{mor}(\mathcal{D})\) for each morphism \(f: C\rightarrow D \in \text{mor}(\mathcal{C})\).
subject to the two functoriality axioms:
- For any composable pair of morphisms \(f, g\in\text{mor}(\mathcal{C})\), \(F(g)\circ F(f) = F(g\circ f)\).
- For each \(C \in \text{ob}(\mathcal{C})\), \(F(1_C)=1_{F(C)}\).
in other words, functors map dots and arrows between two categories, preserving composition and identities.
f F(f)
A ----> B F(A) ----> F(B)
\ | F \ |
\ | g ======> \ | F(g)
h \ | F(h) \ |
\ v \ v
-> C > F(C)
What's so special about categories and functors, especially since categories are so abstract and have so little requirements for being one? This is precisely the beauty of category theory—it is abstract and simple enough for many things to assemble into one, yet the requirement of associativity and unity of the composition of morphisms and identities make things that assemble into categories behave in the most obvious way!
Types as Functors
There are two parts two a functor in \(\mathcal{H}\):
- Maps types to types
- Maps functions to functions
We already know that the []
type constructor maps a
to [a]
for all a
in \(\mathcal{H}\).
How do we map functions f :: a -> b
to F(f) :: [a] -> [b]
in the most obvious way, i.e. in a way that preserves function composition and identities?
It is simple! Recall the map
>>> def f(x: int) -> str:
... return str(x + 2)
>>> f(3)
>>> list(map(f, [3]))
ghci> :{
ghci| f :: Int -> String
ghci| f x = show (x + 2)
ghci| :}
ghci> f 3
ghci> :t map f
map f :: [Int] -> [String]
ghci> map f [3]
preserves composition:
ghci> (map (*2) . map (+3)) [1, 2, 3]
[8, 10, 12]
ghci> map ((*2) . (+3)) [1, 2, 3]
[8, 10, 12]
also preserves identities:
ghci> :set -XTypeApplications
ghci> map (id @Int) [1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 3]
ghci> id @[Int] [1, 2, 3]
[1, 2, 3]
That is great! []
and map
form a functor over \(\mathcal{H}\), which means that we no longer have to worry if someone wants to work in the []
context. This is because if we have functions from a
to b
, we can lift it into a function from [a]
to [b]
using map
and it will behave in the most obvious way!
Can we say the same about Maybe
and the other type constructors we saw earlier? Fret not! Let's see how we can define a function for Maybe
so that it can behave as a functor as well! Let's look at maybeMap
maybeMap :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
maybeMap _ Nothing = Nothing
maybeMap f (Just x) = Just $ f x
also preserves composition and identities!
ghci> :set -XTypeApplications
ghci> (maybeMap (*2) . maybeMap (+3)) (Just 1)
Just 8
ghci> maybeMap ((*2) . (+3)) (Just 1)
Just 8
ghci> maybeMap (id @Int) (Just 1)
Just 1
ghci> id @(Maybe Int) (Just 1)
Just 1
Like we have seen before, all of these types have some map
-like method that allows us to lift functions into its context; however, they all have their type-specific implementations. This is the reason why Haskell has a Functor
class Functor (f :: * -> *) where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
instance Functor [] where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
fmap _ [] = []
fmap f (x : xs) = f x : fmap f xs
instance Functor Maybe where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
fmap _ Nothing = Nothing
fmap f (Just x) = Just $ f x
instance Functor (Either a) where -- `a`, a.k.a. sad path is fixed!
fmap :: (b -> c) -> Either a b -> Either a c
fmap _ (Left x) = Left x
fmap f (Right x) = Right $ f x
The key point of []
, Maybe
, Either
etc being functors is as such:
Given any functor
and a functionf
,fmap f
is a function fromF A
toF B
and behaves as we should expect.
A ------> B
F A ------> F B
fmap f
Whenever we are presented with a situation that requires us to map a function f :: A -> B
over a functor fa :: F A
, just use fmap f fa
to give us some fb :: F B
. There is no need to unwrap the A
from the F A
(which may not be possible), apply f
then wrap it back in the F
; just use fmap
A simple example is as follows. Suppose we have our head'
function that returns a Maybe a
, as we have defined earlier. A possible program that we could write that operates on the result of head'
is the following:
ls = [1, 2, 3]
x = head' ls
y = case x of
Just z -> Just $ z + 1
Nothing -> Nothing
This case
expression is actually just boilerplate and is not idiomatic! The Maybe
-specific definition of fmap
already handles this, therefore, we can re-write this program much more simply as such:
ls = [1, 2, 3]
x = head' ls
y = fmap (+1) x
Category Theory and Functional Programming
Although we introduced some formalisms of category theory, rest assured that category theory is not the main point of this chapter. Instead, category theory inspires tools that support commonly-used programming patterns backed by well-defined theoretical notions. Therefore, when we say that a type is a functor, not only do we mean that it has an fmap
definition, we also mean that this definition of fmap
obeys well-understood laws (in the case of functors, fmap
preserves compositions and identities) and you can use it assuredly.
That being said, we now have a very powerful tool, fmap
, that allows us to perform computations in context. What other operations might we need to make the railway pattern more ergonomic?
We do not cover category theory in too much detail since it is not required for functional programming, although an appreciation of it can help with understanding. For a more detailed walkthrough of the connections between functional programming and category theory, see my article on category theory.
Not really... due to the laziness of Haskell and functions like seq
, the types and functions in Haskell do not actually assemble in to a category. However, just to put some ideas across, we shall assume that they do.
We abuse the notation of set membership here. It is not necessary for the collections of objects and morphisms of a category to be sets, as is the case for the category of sets.
Applicative Functors
What if we had 2 (or more) parallel railways and want to merge them? For example, by using head
, we can easily retrieve the elements of the list and combine them together in whatever manner we wish:
head (+)
[Int] -------> Int ━━━┓
┣━━━ Int
[Int] -------> Int ━━━┛
x, y, z :: Int
x = head [1, 2, 3]
y = head [4, 5, 6]
z = x + y -- 5
However, when we are using head'
, combining them is not so easy!
head' ???
[Int] -------> Maybe Int ━━━┓
┣━━━ ???
[Int] -------> Maybe Int ━━━┛
x, y :: Maybe Int
x = head' [1, 2, 3]
y = head' [4, 5, 6]
z = x + y -- ???
As a first attempt, let us try mapping (+)
onto x
x, y :: Maybe Int
x = head' [1, 2, 3]
y = head' [4, 5, 6]
f :: Maybe (Int -> Int)
f = fmap (+) x
The question now is, how do we apply f :: Maybe (Int -> Int)
above onto y :: Maybe Int
If a functor f
has the ability to apply f (a -> b)
onto a f a
to give an f b
, then it is an applicative functor, which has the same laws of a (lax-) closed (lax-) monoidal functor in category theory. Although we could give the formal definition of these, it is quite a lot to unpack, and not necessary for understanding how to use them. Instead, let us directly show the Applicative
typeclass and some laws that govern these typeclass methods.
class Functor f => Applicative f where
-- pure computation in context
pure :: a -> f a
-- function application in context
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
These methods are subject to:
- Identity:
pure id <*> v
- Homomorphism:
pure f <*> pure x
=pure (f x)
- Interchange:
u <*> pure y
=pure ($ y) <*> u
- Composition:
pure (.) <*> u <*> v <*> w
=u <*> (v <*> w)
The four laws above, again, govern Applicatives
to behave in the obvious way. However, as we shall see, there is more than one obvious way, therefore, whenever you're using instances of Functor
s, Applicative
s and some of the other typeclasses, ensure you read their documentation to understand which obvious way it behaves.
Let us look at an example Applicative
instance Applicative Maybe where
pure :: a -> Maybe a
pure = Just
(<*>) :: Maybe (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b
Nothing <*> _ = Nothing
_ <*> Nothing = Nothing
Just f <*> Just x = Just $ f x
As you can see, pure
just raises a value into the Maybe
context using the Just
constructor, and (<*>)
applies a function in context onto an argument in context when they exist. In other words, pure
and <*>
behave in the most obvious way.
With this in mind, let us show how we can use pure
and <*>
for Maybe
, but also, applicatives in general. Suppose we have f :: a -> b -> c
, x :: a
and y :: b
. Then, f x y
would give us something of type c
However, Let us raise x
and y
into the Maybe
context, i.e. x :: Maybe a
and y :: Maybe b
. Let's see how we can perform the same application (similar to f x y
) to give us something of Maybe c
To start, we know that we have <*>
which applies a function in context with an argument in context. Therefore, we first raise f
into the Maybe
context using pure
, then apply it onto x
using <*>
pure f :: Maybe (a -> b -> c)
pure f <*> x :: Maybe (b -> c)
Finally, using <*>
again allows us to apply the resulting function onto y
, giving us a result of type Maybe c
pure f <*> x <*> y :: Maybe c
pure f
Maybe a --<*>--> ━━━┓
┣━━━━ Maybe c
Maybe b --<*>--> ━━━┛
However, recall from our very first example that we had attempted to use fmap
to apply (+)
onto a Maybe Int
to give a Maybe (Int -> Int)
. Now we know that we can directly use this result and apply it onto another Maybe Int
to give us a Maybe Int
, thereby applying (+)
in context! This is a natural consequence of the applicative laws, where pure f <*> x
is the same as fmap f x
pure f <*> x == Just f <*> x
== case x of
Just y -> Just $ f y
Nothing -> Nothing
== fmap f x
Therefore, Haskell also defines a function <$>
as an alias of fmap
(<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(<$>) = fmap
Therefore, instead of using pure f <*> x
, we can just write fmap f x
or f <$> x
to achieve the same effect!
pure f <*> x <*> y
= fmap f x <*> y
= f <$> x <*> y
Now let us revisit our earlier example again! Here is a naive approach to applying (+)
onto x
and y
x, y, z :: Maybe Int
x = head' [1, 2, 3]
y = head' [4, 5, 6]
z = case (x, y) of
(Just x, Just y) -> x + y
_ -> Nothing
Don't torture yourself! Instead, knowing that Maybe
is an applicative (and therefore also a functor), let us just use <$>
and <*>
x, y, z :: Maybe Int
x = head' [1, 2, 3]
y = head' [4, 5, 6]
z = (+) <$> x <*> y -- Just 5
As you can see, Applicative
s allow us to perform computation in context separately, and apply a function over the results over these terms in context!
So far, you should have noticed that the functions and typeclasses presented perform the usual stuff, but in context:
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
: lifts a function into a function in contextpure :: a -> f a
: puts pure computation in context<*> :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
: function application in context
With these, here are some guidelines for when to use fmap
, pure
and <*>
f x
becomesfmap f x
orf <$> x
orpure f <*> x
becomes in contextf x
becomesf <*> x
if bothf
become in contextf x y z
becomesf <$> x <*> y <*> z
become in context
One of the most common use of applicatives is validation. From our example at the start of this chapter, we have several data structures and we want to be able to parse them from strings:
data Email = Email { emailUsername :: String
, emailDomain :: String }
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Salary = SInt Int
| SDouble Double
deriving (Eq, Show)
data User = User { username :: String
, userEmail :: Email
, userSalary :: Salary }
deriving (Eq, Show)
Parsing them from strings may not always succeed, therefore it is imperative that our parsing function does not guarantee that it returns the desired data structure. Therefore, what we can do instead is to have our parsing functions return results in the Maybe
context to express this fact. This makes our parsing functions have the following type signatures:
parseEmail :: String -> Maybe Email
parseSalary :: String -> Maybe Salary
Given these functions, we should be able to define a function that parses a User
from three strings: the user name (which requires no parsing), the email (which is parsed using parseEmail
) and the salary (which is parsed using parseSalary
). One way we can implement this parseUser
function is by receiving the three strings, performing parsing on the email
and salary
(in parallel1), then constructing our User
term with the usual Functor
and Applicative
parseUser :: String -- name
-> String -- email
-> String -- salary
-> Maybe User -- user
parseUser name email salary =
let e = parseEmail email
s = parseSalary salary
in User name <$> e <*> s
Now our parsing function works just fine!
ghci> parseUser "Foo" "" "1000"
Just (User "Foo" (Email "yong" "") 1000)
ghci> parseUser "Foo" "yong" "1000"
Validation with Error Messages
However, this is not always helpful since when parsing a user, several things could go wrong—either (1) the supplied email is invalid, (2) the supplied salary is invalid, or (3) both. Therefore, let's have our parsing functions return an error message instead of Nothing
. For this, what we want to rely on is the Either
type, which consists of a Left
of something sad (like an error message), or a Right
of something happy (the desired result type). We show the definitions of Either
and its supporting typeclass instances here.
data Either a b = Left a -- sad
| Right b -- happy
instance Functor (Either a) where
fmap :: (b -> c) -> Either a b -> Either a c
fmap _ (Left x) = Left x
fmap f (Right x) = Right $ f x
instance Applicative (Either a) where
pure :: b -> Either a b
pure = Right
(<*>) :: Either a (b -> c) -> Either a b -> Either a c
Left f <*> _ = Left f
_ <*> Left x = Left x
Right f <*> Right x = Right $ f x
Let us change the context that our parsing functions will return. Some of the implementation of parseEmail
and parseSalary
will need to be changed to add descriptive error messages, and so will their type signatures.
parseEmail :: String -> Either String Email
parseEmail email =
if ... then
Left $ "error: " ++ email ++ " is not an email"
Right $ Email ...
parseSalary :: String -> Either String Salary
parseSalary salary =
if ... then
Left $ "error: " ++ salary ++ " is not a number"
Right $ SInt ...
The great thing is that although we have changed the return types of our individual parsing functions, the implementation of parseUser
does not, because our definition only relies on the typeclass methods of Functor
and Applicative
. Since Either a
is also an Applicative
, our definition can be unchanged, and only the type signature of parseUser
needs to be updated.
parseUser :: String -- name
-> String -- email
-> String -- salary
-> Either String User -- user
parseUser name email salary =
let e = parseEmail email
s = parseSalary salary
in User name <$> e <*> s
Now, users of our parseUser
function will get more descriptive error message reports when parsing fails!
ghci> parseUser "Foo" "" "1000"
Right (User "Foo" (Email "yong" "") 1000)
ghci> parseUser "Foo" "yong" "1000"
Left "error: yong is not an email"
ghci> parseUser "Foo" "" "x"
Left "error: x is not a number"
Accumulating Error Messages
However, there is one case that is not handled in our validation function. Let's see what that is:
ghci> parseUser "Foo" "abc" "x"
Left "error: abc is not an email"
Notice that although both the email and salaries are invalid, the error message shown only highlights the invalid email address. This is misleading because, in fact, the salary is invalid as well, and the user of this function does not know that!
The reason for this lies in the definition of the typeclass instance Applicative (Either a)
. Notice that in the case of Left f <*> Left x
, the result is Left f
, ignoring the other error message Left x
! In other words, Either
is a fail-fast Applicative
, and this is not what we want for our parsing function!
As briefly stated earlier, although the Applicative
laws describe how an Applicative
behaves in the most obvious way, there is in fact, multiple most obvious ways an instance can behave. In fact, we can define a data structure that does not exhibit fail-fastness, and yet, is still a valid Applicative
—the result of which is an Applicative
that allows us to collect all error messages! Let us give this a try.
The first is to re-define Either
as an ADT called Validation
that is practically the same (isomorphic) to Either
, since that structure is still useful for our purposes. The Functor
instance of this ADT will remain the same.
data Validation err a = Success a
| Failure err
instance Functor (Validation err) where
fmap _ (Failure e) = Failure e
fmap f (Success x) = Success $ f x
Notice that our err
type variable remains as a type variable, instead of a pre-defined error message collection type like [String]
. This is because, as always, we want to keep our types as general as possible so that it can be used liberally. However, it is now incumbent on us to restrict or constraint err
in a way that makes it amenable to collecting error messages in an obvious way so that we can still use it for our purposes. In essence, we just need err
to have some binary operation that is associative:
\[E_1\oplus(E_2 \oplus E_3) = (E_1 \oplus E_2) \oplus E_3 \]
For this, we introduce the Semigroup
typeclass which represents just that!
class Semigroup a where
-- must be associative
(<>) :: a -> a -> a
Any type is a semigroup as long as it is closed under an associative binary operation. With this, as long as our error is a semigroup, we can use that as our errors in Validation
! Let us define our Applicative
instance for this:
instance Semigroup err => Applicative (Validation err) where
pure :: a -> Validation err a
pure = Success
(<*>) :: Validation err (a -> b) -> Validation err a -> Validation err b
Failure l <*> Failure r = Failure (l <> r)
Failure l <*> _ = Failure l
_ <*> Failure r = Failure r
Success f <*> Success x = Success (f x)
Notice the double-failure case—the errors are combined or aggregated using the semigroup binary operation (<>)
. This way, no information is lost if both operands are Failure
cases since they are accumulated together.
Assuredly, using a list of strings as our error log is fine because concatenation is an associative binary operation over lists!
instance Semigroup [a] where
(<>) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
(<>) = (++)
Therefore, with these definitions we can now amend our parsing functions to use our new Validation
. First, as per usual, we amend parseEmail
and parseUser
so that they correctly use Validation
instead of Either
parseEmail :: String -> Validation [String] Email
parseEmail email =
if ... then
Failure ["error: " ++ email ++ " is not an email"]
Success $ Email ...
parseSalary :: String -> Validation [String] Salary
parseSalary salary =
if ... then
Failure ["error: " ++ salary ++ " is not a number"]
Success $ SInt ...
Once again, our parseUser
function does not need to change, except for the type signature.
parseUser :: String -- name
-> String -- email
-> String -- salary
-> Validation [String] User -- user
parseUser name email salary =
let e = parseEmail email
s = parseSalary salary
in User name <$> e <*> s
Now, our parsing function works exactly as we want!
ghci> parseUser "Foo" "" "1000"
Success (User "Foo" (Email "yong" "") 1000)
ghci> parseUser "Foo" "yong" "1000"
Failure ["error: yong is not an email"]
ghci> parseUser "Foo" "" "x"
Failure ["error: x is not a number"]
ghci> parseUser "Foo" "abc" "x"
Failure ["error: abc is not an email", "error: x is not a number"]
In this chapter, we went from parsing with Maybe
s to parsing with Either
s and finally to parsing with Validation
s. Give this a try for yourself!
Written below is the full program for parsing users with Maybe
. Try replacing the Maybe
s with Either
s, then with Validation
s and see the outcome of running the program each time!
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Text.Read
import System.IO
-- edit these!
parseEmail :: String -> Maybe Email
parseEmail email =
if '@' `elem` email && length e == 2 && '.' `elem` last e
-- edit the following two lines when replacing Maybe with
-- Either or Validation
then Just $ Email (head e) (last e)
else Nothing
where e = split '@' email
parseSalary :: String -> Maybe Salary
parseSalary s =
let si = SInt <$> readMaybe s
sf = SDouble <$> readMaybe s
in case si <|> sf of
Just x -> Just x -- change the RHS `Just x` when replacing
-- Maybe with Either or Validation
Nothing -> Nothing -- change the RHS `Nothing` when replacing
-- Maybe with Either or Validation
-- you should only need to change the type of `parseUser` when
-- replacing Maybe with Either or Validation
parseUser :: String -- name
-> String -- email
-> String -- salary
-> Maybe User
parseUser name email salary =
let e = parseEmail email
s = parseSalary salary
in User name <$> e <*> s
-- no need to edit the rest!
-- the data structures
data Email = Email { emailUsername :: String,
emailDomain :: String }
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Salary = SInt Int | SDouble Double
deriving (Eq, Show)
data User = User { username :: String,
userEmail :: Email,
userSalary :: Salary }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- user input with a prompt
input :: String -> IO String
input prompt = do
putStr prompt
hFlush stdout
-- splitting strings
split :: Char -> String -> [String]
split _ [] = [""]
split delim (x : xs)
| x == delim = "" : xs'
| otherwise = (x : head xs') : tail xs'
where xs' = split delim xs
-- validation
data Validation err a = Success a
| Failure err
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor (Validation err) where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> Validation err a -> Validation err b
fmap _ (Failure e) = Failure e
fmap f (Success x) = Success $ f x
instance Semigroup err => Applicative (Validation err) where
pure :: a -> Validation err a
pure = Success
(<*>) :: Validation err (a -> b) -> Validation err a -> Validation err b
Failure l <*> Failure r = Failure (l <> r)
Failure l <*> _ = Failure l
_ <*> Failure r = Failure r
Success f <*> Success x = Success (f x)
main :: IO ()
main = do
n <- input "Enter name: "
e <- input "Enter email: "
s <- input "Enter salary: "
print $ parseUser n e s
It is important to note that the use of the word "parallel" in this chapter has nothing to do with parallelism. The word "parallel" is only used to describe the notion of merging parallel railways into a single rail line via <*>
Another incredibly useful tool is to be able to perform composition in context. That is, that given something of f a
and a function from a -> f b
, how do we get an f b
Consider the following example. We can write 123 divided by 4 and then divided by 5 via the following straightforward program:
x, y, z :: Int
x = 123
y = (`div` 4) x
z = (`div` 5) y
However, we know that div
is unsafe since dividing it by 0 gives a zero division error. Therefore, we should write a safe div
function that returns Nothing
if division by 0 is to be expected:
safeDiv x y :: Int -> Maybe Int
safeDiv x 0 = Nothing
safeDiv x y = div x y
However, composing safeDiv
is now no longer straightforward:
x = 123
y = (`safeDiv` 4) x
z = ???
safeDiv safeDiv
┏━━━━ ? ┏━━━━
Int ━━━━┫ Maybe Int <-----> Int ━━━━┫ Maybe Int
┗━━━━ ┗━━━━
Let us try using fmap
x :: Int
x = 123
y :: Maybe Int
y = (`safeDiv` 4) x
z :: Maybe (Maybe Int)
z = fmap (`safeDiv` 5) y
Although this typechecks, the resulting type Maybe (Maybe Int)
is incredibly awkward. It tells us that there is potentially a Maybe Int
term, which means that there is potentially a potential Int
. What would be better is to collapse the Maybe (Maybe Int)
into just Maybe Int
For this, we introduce the notion of a Monad, which again, can be described by a typeclass with some rules governing their methods. The primary feature of a Monad
is that it is an Applicative
where we can collapse an m (m a)
into an m a
in the most obvious way. However, for convenience's sake, Haskell defines the Monad
typeclass in a slightly different (but otherwise equivalent) formulation1:
class Applicative m => Monad m where
return :: a -> m a -- same as pure
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b -- composition in context
These methods are governed by the following laws:
- Left identity:
return a >>= h
=h a
- Right identity:
m >>= return
- Associativity:
(m >>= g) >>= h
=m >>= (\x -> g x >>= h)
is practically the same as pure
(in fact it is almost always defined as return = pure
). Although the word return
feels incredibly odd, we shall see very shortly why it was named this way. >>=
is known as the monadic bind1 2, and allows us to perform computation in context on a term in context, thereby achieving composition in context.
is somewhat similar to fmap
, in that while fmap
allows us to apply an a -> b
onto an f a
, >>=
allows us to apply an a -> m b
onto an m a
Let us see an instance of Monad
instance Monad Maybe where
return :: a -> Maybe a
return = pure
(>>=) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
Nothing >>= _ = Nothing
Just x >>= f = f x
With this instance, instead of using fmap
to bring our Maybe Int
into a Maybe (Maybe Int)
, we can use >>=
to just bring it to a Maybe Int
x :: Int
x = 123
y :: Maybe Int
y = (`safeDiv` 4) x
z :: Maybe Int
z = y >>= (`safeDiv` 5)
As we know, function composition (g . f) x
is sort of to say "do f
and then do g
on x
". Similarly, when f
and g
are computations in context and x
is a term in context, x >>= f >>= g
also means "do f
and then do g
on x
"! However, >>=
is incredibly powerful because the actual definition of >>=
depends on the monad you use—therefore, monads allow us to overload composition in context!3
safeDiv | safeDiv
┏━━━━ | ┏━━━━
Int ━━━━┫ | Maybe Int >>= Int ━━━━┫ Maybe Int
┗━━━━ | ┗━━━━
Therefore, if you had f :: a -> b
and g :: b -> c
and x :: a
, you would write g (f x)
for f
and then g
. However, if you had f :: a -> m b
and g :: b -> m c
and x :: m a
, you would write x >>= f >>= g
for f
and then g
Beyond the Railways
As we know, data structures like Maybe
, Either
and Validation
support the railway pattern, and them being functors, applicatives and (in the case of Maybe
and Either
) monads makes them ergonomic to use. However, the use of functors, applicatives and monads extend beyond just the railway pattern.
As described in Chapter 4.1 (Context/Notions of Computation), types like []
and IO
provide context around a type. As it turns out, these types are also functors, applicatives and monads. While we have not touched IO
at all so far, and will only do so in the next chapter, let us see the instance definitions for []
instance Functor [] where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
fmap = map
instance Applicative [] where
pure :: a -> [a]
pure x = [x]
(<*>) :: [a -> b] -> [a] -> [b]
fs <*> xs = [f x | f <- fs, x <- xs]
instance Monad [] where
return :: a -> [a]
return = pure
(>>=) :: [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]
xs >>= f = [y | x <- xs, y <- f x]
Observe the definition of >>=
for lists. The idea is that whatever fmap f xs
produces (which is a 2+D list), xs >>= f
flattens that result (it doesn't flatten it recursively, just the top layer). It does so by applying f
onto every single x
s in the list. As per the type signature, each f x
produces a term of the type [b]
, which is a list. We extract each y
from that list, and put them all as elements of the resulting list. Let us see the action of >>=
through an example:
ghci> fmap (\x -> return x) [1, 2, 3]
[[1], [2], [3]] -- fmap gives a 2D list
ghci> [1, 2, 3] >>= (\x -> return x)
[1, 2, 3] -- >>= gives a 1D list
ghci> fmap (\x -> return (x, x + 1)) [1, 2, 3]
[[(1, 2)], [(2, 3)], [(3, 4)]] -- fmap gives a 2D list
ghci> [1, 2, 3] >>= (\x -> return (x, x + 1))
ghci> [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4)] -- >>= gives a 1D list
ghci> [1, 2] >>= (\x -> [3] >>= (\y -> >>= return (x, y)))
[(1, 3), (2, 3)]
The last function can be written a little more clearly. Suppose we want to write a function that produces the "cartesian product" of two lists. Writing this function using the monad methods can look unwieldy, but will ultimately pay off as you will see shortly:
cartesian_product :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
cartesian_product xs ys = xs >>= (\x ->
ys >>= (\y ->
return (x, y)))
As we expect, everything works!
ghci> cartesian_product [1,2] [3]
The definition of cartesian_product
above is hard to read. However, this form of programming is (as you will surely see) very common—we bind each x
from xs
, then bind each y
from ys
, and return (x, y)
. Why not let us write the same implementation in this way:
cartesian_product :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
cartesian_product xs ys = do
x <- xs
y <- ys
return (x, y)
Wouldn't this be much more straightforward? In fact, Haskell supports this! This is known as do
notation, and is supported as long as the expression's type is a monad. do
notation is just syntactic sugar for a series of >>=
and lambda expressions:
do e1 <- e2 ==> e2 >>= (\e1 -> whatever code)
whatever code
Therefore, the definition of cartesian_product
using do
notation is translated as follows:
do x <- xs xs >>= (\x -> xs >>= (\x ->
y <- ys ==> do y <- ys ==> ys >>= (\y ->
return (x, y) return (x, y)) return (x, y)))
More importantly, go back to the definition of cartesian_product
using do
notation. Compare that definition with the (more-or-less) equivalent definition in Python:
def cartesian_product(xs, ys):
for x in xs:
for y in ys:
yield (x, y)
What we have done was to recover imperative programming with do-notation! Even better: while for
loops in Python only work on iterables, do
notation in Haskell works on any monad!
-- do notation with lists
pairs :: [a] -> [(a, a)]
pairs ls = do x <- ls
y <- ls
return (x, y)
-- do notation with Maybe
z :: Maybe Int
z = do y <- 123 `safeDiv` 4
y `safeDiv` 5
-- do notation with Either
parseUser :: String -> String -> String -> Either String User
parseUser name email salary
= do e <- parseEmail email
s <- parseSalary salary
return $ User name e s
Other languages like Python, C etc. define keywords like for
, while
, if
as part of the language so that programmers can use different meanings of what and then means. For example, a while
loop lets you write programs like (1) check condition, and then (2) if its true do the loop body, and then (3) check the condition again, etc. In Functional Programming languages like Haskell, it is monads that decide what and then means—this is great because you get to define your own monads and decide what composition of computation means!
cartesian_product :: Monad m => m a -> m b -> m (a, b)
cartesian_product xs ys = do
x <- xs
y <- ys
return (x, y)
ghci> cartesian_product [1, 2] [3]
[(1, 3), (2, 3)]
ghci> cartesian_product (Just 1) (Just 2)
Just (1, 2)
ghci> cartesian_product (Just 1) Nothing
ghci> cartesian_product (Right 1) (Right 2)
Right (1, 2)
ghci> cartesian_product getLine getLine -- getLine is like input() in Python
alice -- user input
bob -- user input
As you can tell, each monad has its own way of composing computation in context and has its own meaning behind the context it provides. This is why monads are such a powerful tool for functional programming! It is for this reason that we will dedicate the entirety of the next chapter to monads.
You might notice that the monadic bind operator >>=
looks very similar to the Haskell logo. Monads are incredibly important in functional programming, and we shall spend an entire chapter dedicated to this subject.
Many popular languages call this flatMap
Just like how languages like C, C++ and Java have ;
to separate statements, i.e. a program like A;B
means do A
and then do B
, >>=
allows us to overload what and then means!
Key Takeaways
- Instead of functions with side-effects, pure functions can emulate the desired effects (like branching railways) using the right data structures as notions of computation
- We can operate in context using regular functions when the context is a functor
- We can combine context when the context is an applicative
- We can compose functions in context sequentially when they are monads
Railway Pattern in Python
Aside from do
-notation and all the niceties of programming with typeclasses, nothing else we have discussed in this chapter is exclusive to Haskell. In fact, many other languages have similar data structures to the ones we have seen, and are all functors and monads too! For example, we can implement safeDiv
in Java
using the built-in Optional
class, which is the same as Maybe
in Haskell, and to use its flatMap
method instead of >>=
in Haskell:
import java.util.Optional;
public class Main {
static Optional<Integer> safeDiv(int num, int den) {
if (den == 0) {
return Optional.empty();
return Optional.of(num / den);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Optional<Integer> x = safeDiv(123, 4)
.flatMap(y -> safeDiv(y, 5))
.flatMap(z -> safeDiv(z, 2));
Therefore, what is required for using the railway pattern are
- the right data structures that have happy/sad paths, just like
(or even[]
) - the right methods so that they are functors, applicatives, monads etc, ensuring that they adhere to the laws as derived from category theory
- idiomatic uses of these data structures write pure functions, and to use their methods to concisely express functorial, applicative or monadic actions
Give these a try in the exercises!
These exercises have questions that will require you to write code in Python and Haskell. All your Python code should be written in a purely-functional style.
Question 1
Create the following ADTs in Python:
- A singly linked list
- A
-like type, with "constructors"Just
- An
-like type, with "constructors"Left
- A
-like type, with "constructors"Success
. Because Python does not have higher-kinds, you may assume thatFailure
s always hold a list of strings.
Then define methods on all these types so that they are all functors, applicatives and monads (Validation
does not need to be a monad). fmap
can be called map
, <*>
can be called ap
, return
can just be pure
, and >>=
can be called flatMap
Due to Python's inexpressive type system, you are free to omit type annotations.
Try not to look at Haskell's definitions when doing this exercise to truly understand how these data structures work!
Example runs for each data structure follow:
# lists
>>> my_list = Node(1, Node(2, Empty()))
# map
>>> x: x + 1)
Node(2, Node(3, Empty()))
# pure
>>> List.pure(1)
Node(1, Empty())
# ap
>>> Node(lambda x: x + 1, Empty()).ap(my_list)
Node(2, Node(3, Empty()))
# flatMap
>>> my_list.flatMap(lambda x: Node(x, Node(x + 1, Empty())))
Node(1, Node(2, Node(2, Node(3, Empty()))))
>>> my_just = Just(1)
>>> my_nothing = Nothing()
# map
>>> x: x + 1)
>>> x: x + 1)
# pure
>>> Maybe.pure(1)
# ap
>>> Just(lambda x: x + 1).ap(my_just)
>>> Just(lambda x: x + 1).ap(my_nothing)
>>> Nothing().ap(my_just)
>>> Nothing().ap(my_nothing)
# flatMap
>>> my_just.flatMap(lambda x: Just(x + 1))
>>> my_nothing.flatMap(lambda x: Just (x + 1))
>>> my_left = Left('boohoo')
>>> my_right = Right(1)
# map
>>> x: x + 1)
>>> x: x + 1)
# pure
>>> Either.pure(1)
# ap
>>> Left('sad').ap(my_right)
>>> Left('sad').ap(my_left)
>>> Right(lambda x: x + 1).ap(my_right)
>>> Right(lambda x: x + 1).ap(my_left)
# flatMap
>>> my_right.flatMap(lambda x: Right(x + 1))
>>> my_left.flatMap(lambda x: Right(x + 1))
>>> my_success = Success(1)
>>> my_failure = Failure(['boohoo'])
# map
>>> x: x + 1)
>>> x: x + 1)
# pure
>>> Validation.pure(1)
# ap
>>> Failure(['sad']).ap(my_success)
>>> Failure(['sad']).ap(my_failure)
Failure(['sad', 'boohoo'])
>>> Success(lambda x: x + 1).ap(my_success)
>>> Success(lambda x: x + 1).ap(my_failure)
Question 2
Question 2.1: Unsafe Sum
Recall Question 6 in Chapter 1.4 (Exercises) where we defined a function sumDigits
in Haskell. Now write a function sum_digits(n)
that does the same, i.e. sums the digits of a nonnegative integer \(n\), in Python. Example runs follow:
>>> sum_digits(1234)
>>> sum_digits(99999)
Your Haskell definition should also run similarly:
ghci> sumDigits 1234
ghci> sumDigits 99999
Question 2.2: Safe Sum
Try entering negative integers as arguments to your functions. My guess is that something bad happens.
Let us make sum_digits
safe. Re-define sum_digits
so that we can drop the assumption that \(n\) is nonnegative (but will still be an integer), correspondingly using the Maybe
context to keep our function pure. Use the Maybe
data structure that you have defined from earlier for the Python version, and use Haskell's built-in Maybe
to do so. Example runs follow:
>>> sum_digits(1234)
>>> sum_digits(99999)
>>> sum_digits(-1)
ghci> sumDigits 1234
Just 10
ghci> sumDigits 99999
Just 45
ghci> sumDigits (-1)
Question 2.3: Final Sum
Now define a function final_sum(n)
that repeatedly calls sum_digit
until a single-digit number arises. Just like your safe implementation of sum_digit
, final_sum
should also be safe. Example runs follow:
>>> final_sum(1234)
>>> final_sum(99999)
>>> final_sum(-1)
ghci> finalSum 1234
Just 1
ghci> finalSum 99999
Just 9
ghci> finalSum (-1)
Tip: Use
-notation in your Haskell implementation!
Question 3
Question 3.1: Splitting Strings
Define a function split
that splits a string delimited by a character. This is very similar to s.split(c)
in Python. However, the returned result should be a singly-linked list—in Python, this would be the singly-linked-list implementation you defined in Question 1, and in Haskell, this would be just [String]
Example runs follow:
>>> split('.', 'hello. world!. hah')
Node('hello', Node(' world!', Node(' hah', Empty())))
>>> split(' ', 'a b')
Node('this', Node('', Node('', Node('is', Empty()))))
ghci> split '.' "hello. world!. hah"
["hello"," world!"," hah"]
ghci> split ' ' "a b"
Hint: The
function in Haskell was defined in the hands-on section in Chapter 4.4 (Railway Pattern#Validation).
Question 3.2: CSV Parsing
The Python csv
library allows us to read CSV files to give us a list of rows, each row being a list of cells, and each cell is a string. Our goal is to do something similar using the list data structure.
A CSV-string is a string where each row is separated by \n
, and in each row, each cell is separated by ,
. Our goal is to write a function csv
that receives a CSV-string and puts all the cells in a two-dimensional list. Example runs follow.
>>> csv('a,b,c\nd,e\nf,g,h')
Node(Node('a', Node('b', Node('c', Empty()))),
Node(Node('d', Node('e', Empty())),
Node(Node('f', Node('g', Node('h', Empty()))),
ghci> csv "a,b,c\nd,e\nf,g,h"
Question 4
The formula \(n\choose k\) is incredibly useful and has applications in domains like gamblingprobability and statistics, combinatorics etc. The way to compute \(n\choose k\) is straightforward:
\[\binom{n}{k} = \frac{n!}{k!(n - k)!}\]
Question 4.1: Factorial
Clearly, being able to compute factorials would make computing \(\binom{n}{k}\) more convenient. Therefore, write a function factorial
that computes the factorial of a nonnegative integer. Do so in Python and Haskell. Example runs follow.
>>> factorial(4)
>>> factorial(5)
ghci> factorial 4
ghci> factorial 5
Question 4.2: Safe Factorial
Just like we have done in Question 2, our goal is to make our functions safer! Re-define factorial
so that we can drop the assumption that the integer is nonnegative. In addition, your function should receive the name of a variable so that more descriptive error messages can be emitted. Use the Either
type. Again, do so in Python and Haskell. Example runs follow:
>>> factorial(4, 'n')
>>> factorial(5, 'k')
>>> factorial(-1, 'n')
Left('n cannot be negative!')
>>> factorial(-1, 'k')
Left('k cannot be negative!')
ghci> factorial 4 "n"
Right 24
ghci> factorial 5 "k"
Right 120
ghci> factorial (-1) "n"
Left "n cannot be negative!"
ghci> factorial (-1) "k"
Left "k cannot be negative!"
Question 4.3: Safe n choose k
Now let us use factorial
to define \(n\choose k\)! Use the formula described at the beginning of the question and our factorial
functions to define a function choose
that receives integers \(n\) and \(k\) and returns \(n\choose k\). Example runs follow:
>>> choose(5, 2)
>>> choose(-1, -3)
Left('n cannot be negative!')
>>> choose(1, -3)
Left('k cannot be negative!')
>>> choose(3, 6)
Left('n - k cannot be negative!')
ghci> choose 5 2
Right 10
ghci> choose (-1) (-3)
Left "n cannot be negative!"
ghci> choose 1 (-3)
Left "k cannot be negative!"
ghci> choose 3 6
Left "n - k cannot be negative!"
Question 4.4: n choose k With Validation
Notice that several things could go wrong with \(n\choose k\)! Instead of using Either
, change the implementation of factorial
so that it uses the Validation
applicative instead. This is so that all the error messages are collected. Your choose
function definition should not change, aside from its type. Example runs follow.
>>> choose(5, 2)
>>> choose(-1, -3)
Failure(['n cannot be negative!', 'k cannot be negative!'])
>>> choose(1, -3)
Failure(['k cannot be negative!'])
>>> choose(3, 6)
Failure(['n - k cannot be negative!'])
ghci> choose 5 2
Success 10
ghci> choose (-1) (-3)
Failure ["n cannot be negative!","k cannot be negative!"]
ghci> choose 1 (-3)
Failure ["k cannot be negative!"]
ghci> choose 3 6
Failure ["n - k cannot be negative!"]
Tip: With the
extension, you can actually usedo
notation onFunctor
s andApplicative
s. Give it a try by definingchoose
-notation! For more information on the conditions for when you can useApplicative
-notation, see the GHC Users Guide.
is not included in Haskell's Prelude. You can use theValidation
datatype definition and its supporting typeclass instances as defined in the hands-on portion of Chapter 4.4 (Railway Pattern#Validation).
Monads are a frequently recurring construct in functional programming, declarative programming and computer science, especially in programming language and logical semantics. In this chapter, we dive deeper into programming with monads and some additional supported operations beyond return
and >>=
and how to use them. Additionally, we show some more frequently used monads that go beyond the railway pattern, and show how monads themselves can be composed using monad transformers.
More on Monads
Recall from Chapter 4.5 (Railway Pattern#Monads) that monads support composition in context. This idea extends beyond the composition of functions that each branch out to happy and sad paths in the railway pattern. As you have seen, other types like []
don't have much to do with the railway pattern, but is still a monad. This because as long as a type describes some notion of computation, it can be a monad which supports composition in context. We have also seen how this can be useful when the programming language supports easy monadic computations, for example, with Haskell's do
However, if you observe the definition of the Monad
type class carefully (see GHC Base: Control.Monad), you might notice that there are more methods and monadic operations than just return
and >>=
Ignoring values
In an imperative programming language like Python, we can write standalone expressions as statements, primarily to perform some side-effects. For example:
def my_function(x):
print(x) # standalone statement
return x
We can, in fact, write the print
statement in the style of z <- print x
in Haskell, although that would be useless since that variable's value is not used at all and is not meaningful to begin with:
def my_function(x):
z = print(x) # why?
return x
Therefore, monads also have a method >>
that basically discards the result of a monadic action. This method has the following type signature, which, in comparing with that of >>=
should make this more apparent:
class Applicative m => Monad m where
return :: a -> m a
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
(>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b
As you can tell, unlike >>=
, the second argument to >>
is not a function, but is just another term of the monad. It ignores whatever a
is in context in the first argument, and only uses it for sequencing with the second argument of type m b
Thus, do
notation actually uses >>
when composing monadic operations when the result of an operation is to be discarded. We give some more rules of do
notation, including the rules for translating let
binds, which allows pure bindings, in contrast with <-
which defines a monadic bind. Note that in do
notation, there is no need to write in
for let
do s ==> s -- plain
do e1 <- e2 ==> e2 >>= (\e1 -> do s) -- monadic bind
do e ==> e >> do s -- monadic bind, ignore
do let x = e ==> let x = e in do s -- pure bind
For example, we have seen how >>=
on lists performs a for
loop of sorts. For lists, >>
does more or less the same thing, except that the values in the previous list cannot be accessed. For example,
ghci> [1, 2] >>= (\x -> [(x, 3)])
[(1, 3), (2, 3)]
ghci> [1, 2] >>= (\_ -> [3])
[3, 3]
ghci> [1, 2] >> [3]
[3, 3]
Of course, >>
on lists is not particularly useful, but we shall see some uses of >>
for other monads shortly.
Monadic Equivalents of Functions
Due to the prevalence of monads, many of the familiar functions like map
and filter
have monadic equivalents. These are usually written with a postfix M
, such as mapM
or filterM
. In addition, such functions can also ignore results and are written with a postfix _
, such as mapM_
or filterM_
. We show what we mean by "monadic equivalent" by juxtaposing the type signatures of some familiar functions and their monadic counterparts:
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
mapM @[] :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filterM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a]
Let us see some examples of mapM
in action:
ghci> map (+2) [1, 2, 3]
[3, 4, 5]
ghci> map (Just . (+2)) [1, 2, 3]
[Just 3, Just 4, Just 5]
ghci> mapM (Just . (+2)) [1, 2, 3]
Just [3, 4, 5]
One example of mapM
over lists and Maybe
s is with validation. Let us suppose we want to read a list of strings as a list of integers. To start with, we can use a function readMaybe
that attempts to parse a String
into a desired data type:
ghci> import Text.Read
ghci> :{
ghci| toInt :: String -> Maybe Int
ghci| toInt = readMaybe
ghci| :}
ghci> toInt "123"
Just 123
ghci> toInt "hello"
The mapM
function allows us to ensure that all elements of a list of strings can be converted into Int
ghci> mapM toInt ["1", "2", "3"]
Just [1, 2, 3]
ghci> mapM toInt ["hello", "1", "2"]
Monadic Controls
Another useful tool that comes with monads are control functions. For example, in an imperative program we might write something like the following:
def f(x):
if x > 10:
return x
In Haskell, since if
statements are actually expressions and must have an else
branch, we might have to write something like the following:
f x = do
if x > 10
then someAction x
else return () -- basically does nothing
return x
Notice the return ()
expression. Because every "statement" in a do
block must be monadic, we must write a monadic expression in every branch. In addition, we are clearly using someAction
for its monadic effects, so the "returned" value is completely useless, likely just ()
(the unit type, which means nothing significant). Therefore, the corresponding else
branch must also evaluate to m ()
for whatever monad m
we are working with. This is a chore and much less readable!
Instead, we can use regular functions to simulate if ... then ...
statements in a monadic expression. This is the when
function defined in Control.Monad
when :: Applicative f => Bool -> f () -> f ()
As you can tell, when
receives a boolean condition and one monadic action and gives you a monadic action. Importantly, the monad wraps around ()
, which means that this operation is useful for some monadic effect, such as IO
. This allows our function above to be written as:
import Control.Monad
f x = do
when (x > 10) (someAction x)
return x
Although later we will see that the monadic action someAction
can actually cause side effects, it is not necessarily the case that side effects are the only reason why a monadic action m ()
is useful. Another example of this is the guard
guard :: Alternative f :: Bool -> f ()
If the monad you are working with is also an Alternative
, the guard
function, essentially, places a guard (like guards in imperative programming) based on a condition, returning the sad path immediately if the condition fails. To see this in action, let us see how we can use guard
to implement safeDiv
import Control.Monad
safeDiv1 :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
safeDiv1 x y = if y == 0
then Nothing
else Just (x `div` y)
safeDiv2 :: Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
safeDiv2 x y
= do guard (y /= 0)
return $ x `div` y
An Alternative
is an applicative structure that has an empty
case. For example, an empty
list is []
, and an empty
is Nothing
. The definition of guard
makes this really simple:
guard :: Alterative f => Bool -> f ()
guard True = pure ()
guard False = empty
Notice how guard
works in safeDiv2
. If y
is not 0
, then guard (y /= 0)
evaluates to Just ()
. Sequencing Just ()
with return $ x `div` y
gives Just (x `div` y)
. However, if y
is equal to 0
, then guard (y /= 0)
evaluates to Nothing
. We know that Nothing >>= f
for any f
will always give Nothing
, so Nothing >> x
will also always give Nothing
. Therefore, Nothing >> return (x `div` y)
will give us Nothing
. As you can see, guard
makes monadic control easy!
As before, guard
works on any Alternative
. For this reason, let us see how guard
works in the []
ghci> import Control.Monad
ghci> ls = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]
ghci> :{
ghci> ls2 = do x <- ls
ghci| guard (x > 0)
ghci| return x
ghci| :}
ghci> ls2
[1, 2]
As you can see, guard
essentially places a filter on the elements of the list! This is because [()] >> ls
just gives ls
, whatever ls
is, and [] >> ls
just gives []
. In fact, >>
over lists somewhat like the following function using a for
loop in Python:
>>> def myfunction(ls2, ls):
... x = []
... for _ in ls2:
... x.extend(ls)
... return x
>>> my_function([()], [1, 2, 3])
[1, 2, 3]
>>> my_function([], [1, 2, 3])
As you can tell, if f
is False
, then guard f >> ls
will give []
; otherwise, it will just give ls
itself. This makes it such that we now have a way to filter elements of a list! Better still, if we combined this with something else:
ghci> import Control.Monad
ghci> ls = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]
ghci> :{
ghci> ls2 = do x <- ls
ghci| guard (x > 0)
ghci| return $ x * 2
ghci| :}
ghci> ls2
[2, 4]
Notice how we have just recovered list comprehension! The definition of ls2
can also be written as the following:
ghci> ls = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]
ghci> ls2 = [x * 2 | x <- ls, x > 0]
ghci> ls2
[2, 4]
Thus, as you can see, list comprehensions are just monadic binds and guards specialized to lists! Even better, do
notation allows you to use guards
, monadic binds etc. in any order and over any monad, giving you maximum control over how you write monadic programs.
Other languages like Scala also have similar facilities for writing monadic computations. In fact, the Lean 4 programming language takes Haskell's do
notation much further (Ullrich and de Moura; 2022).
The monadic control functions described in this section are defined in the Control.Monad
module in Haskell's base
library, i.e., they need to be imported, but do not need to be installed (just like the math
library in Python).
Sebastian Ullrich and Leonardo de Moura. 2022. do
Unchained: Embracing Local Imperativity in a Purely Functional Language (Functional Pearl). Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL). 6(ICFP) Article 109 (August 2022), 28 pages. URL:
Commonly Used Monads
Thus far, we have looked at monads like []
, Maybe
and Either
. Recall that these monads describe the following notions of computation:
: nondeterminismMaybe
: potentially empty computationEither a
: potentially failing computation
However, there are many more monads that you will frequently encounter, and in fact, many libraries (even in other programming languages) expose classes or data types that work as monads. Most of these monads involve one or both of the following notions of computation:
- Reading from state
- Writing to, or editing state
In fact, side effects can also be seen as reading from and writing to state. In this section, we shall describe some commonly used monads that implement these ideas.
A very common pattern of computation is reading from state, i.e. performing computations based on some environment. For example, we may have a local store of users in an application, from which we retrieve some user information and do stuff with it. Typically, this is represented by a plain function of type env -> a
, where env
is the environment to read from, and a
is the type of the result that depends on the environment. For example, we can determine if two nodes are connected in a graph by using depth-first search—however, connectivity of two nodes depends on the graph, where two nodes might be connected in one graph, but not in another. Therefore, the result of a depth-first search depends on the graph. However, depth-first search requires us to look up the neighbours of a node so that we can recursively search them, thereby also depending on the graph. As such, we want some way to compose two functions that receive a graph (monadically).
In general, we can let any term of type env -> a
be seen as a term of type a
that depends on an environment env
. In other words, the type env -> ?
describes the notion of computation of something depending on an environment. And as it turns out, for any environment type env
, the partially applied type (->) env
i.e. env -> a
for all a
is a Monad
instance Functor ((->) env) where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> (env -> a) -> (env -> b)
fmap f x = f . x
instance Applicative ((->) env) where
pure :: a -> (env -> a)
pure = const
(<*>) :: (env -> (a -> b)) -> (env -> a) -> env -> b
(<*>) f g x = f x (g x)
instance Monad ((->) env) where
return :: a -> (env -> a)
return = pure
(>>=) :: (env -> a) -> (a -> (env -> b)) -> env -> b
(>>=) m f x = f (m x) x
The definition of fmap
is incredibly straightforward, essentially just doing plain function composition. The definition of pure
is just const
, where const
is defined to be const x = \_ -> x
, i.e. pure
receives some value and produces a function that ignores the environment and produces that value. <*>
takes two functions f
and g
and performs applicative application by applying each of them to the same environment x
. Most notably, <*>
applies the same environment unmodified to both functions. Finally, >>=
operates pretty similar to <*>
except with some changes to how the functions are applied.
For clarity, let's define a type alias Reader env a
which means that it is a type that reads an environment of type env
and returns a result of type a
type Reader = (->)
Then, let's try to implement depth-first search with the Reader
monad. First, we define some additional types, like the graph, which for us, has nodes as integers, and is represented using an adjacency list:
type Node = Int
type Graph = [(Node, [Node])]
Next, we define a function getNeighbours
which gets the nodes that are adjacent to a node in the graph:
getNeighbours :: Node -> Reader Graph [Node]
getNeighbours x = do
neighbours <- lookup x
return $ concat neighbours
Notice that our getNeighbours
function does not refer to the graph at all! We can just use do
notation, and Haskell knows how to compose these computations!
Using getNeighbours
, we can now define dfs
which performs a depth-first search via recursion:
dfs :: Node -> Node -> Reader Graph Bool
dfs src dst = aux [] src where
aux :: [Node] -> Node -> Reader Graph Bool
aux visited current
| arrived = return True
| alreadyVisited = return False
| otherwise = do
neighbours <- getNeighbours current
ls <- mapM (aux (current : visited)) neighbours
return $ or ls
where arrived = current == dst
alreadyVisited = current `elem` visited
Let us learn how this works. Within the dfs
function we define an auxiliary function that has a visited
parameter. This is so that a user using the dfs
function will not have to pass in the empty list as our visited
"set". The aux
function is where the main logic of the function is written. The first two cases are straightforward: (1) if we have arrived at the destination then we return True
, and (2) if we have already visited the current node then we return False
. If both (1) and (2) are not met, then we must continue searching the graph. We first get the neighbours of the current node using the getNeighbours
function, giving us neighbours
, which are the neighbours of the current node. Then, we recursively map aux
(thereby recursively performing dfs
) over all the neighbours. However, since aux
is a monadic operation, we use mapM
to map over the neighbours, giving us a list of results. We finally just check whether any of the nodes give us a positive result using the or
function, corresponding to the any
function in Python. Note one again that our dfs
function makes no mention of the map at all, and we do not even need to pass the map into getNeighbours
! The Reader
monad automatically passes the same environment into all the other Reader
terms that receive the environment.
Using the dfs
function is very simple. Since the Reader
monad is actually just a function that receives an environment and produces output, to use a Reader
term, we can just pass in the environment we want!
ghci> my_map = [(1, [2, 3])
, (2, [1])
, (3, [1, 4])
, (4, [3])
, (5, [6])
, (6, [5])]
ghci> dfs 5 6 my_map
ghci> dfs 5 2 my_map
ghci> dfs 1 2 [] -- empty map
Finally, note that we can retrieve the environment directly within the Reader
monad by just using the identity function id
ask :: Reader env env
ask = id
getNeighbours :: Node -> Reader Graph [Node]
getNeighbours x = do
my_graph <- ask -- gets the graph directly
let neighbours = lookup x my_graph
return $ concat neighbours
The dual of a Reader
is a Writer
. In other words, instead of reading from some state or environment, the Writer
monad has state that it writes to. The simplest example of this is logging. When writing an application, some (perhaps most) operations should be logged, so that we developers have usage information, crash dumps and so on, which can be later analysed.
In general, we can let any term of type (log, a)
be seen as a type a
that also has a log log
. And as it turns out, for any log type log
, the partially applied type (log,)
, i.e. (log, a)
for all a
is a Monad
instance Functor (log,) where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> (log, a) -> (log, b)
fmap f (log, a) = (log, f a)
instance Monoid log => Applicative (log,) where
pure :: a -> (log, a)
pure = (mempty,)
(<*>) :: (log, a -> b) -> (log, a) -> (log, b)
(<*>) (log1, f) (log2, x) = (log1 `mappend` log2, f x)
instance Monad (log,) where
return :: a -> (log, a)
return = pure
(>>=) :: (log, a) -> (a -> (log, b)) -> (log, b)
(log, a) >>= f = let (log2, b) = f a
in (log1 `mappend` log2, b)
Let's carefully observe what the instances say. The Functor
instance is straightforward—it applies the mapping function onto the second element of the tuple. The Applicative
and Monad
instances are more interesting. Importantly, just like the definition of the Applicative
instance for Validation
, the two logs are to be combined via an associative binary operation <>
, which in this case is mappend
. In most occasions, mappend
is the same as <>
. However, applicatives must also have a pure
operation. In the case of Either
and Validation
, pure
just gives a Right
or Success
, therefore not requiring any log
. However, in a tuple, we need some "empty" log
to add to the element to wrap in the tuple.
Thus, the log
not only must have an associative binary operation, it needs some "empty" term that acts as the identity of the binary operation:
\[E\oplus\textit{empty}=\textit{empty}\oplus E=E\]
\[E_1\oplus(E_2\oplus E_3)=(E_1\oplus E_2)\oplus E_3\]
This is known as a Monoid
, which is an extension of Semigroup
class Semigroup a => Monoid a where
mempty :: a
mappend :: a -> a -> a
Typically, mappend
is defined as <>
Recall that [a]
with concatenation is a Semigroup
. In fact, [a]
is also a Monoid
, where mempty
is the empty list!
ls ++ [] = [] ++ ls = ls
x ++ (y ++ z) = (x ++ y) ++ z
Therefore, as long as a
is a Monoid
, then (a, b)
is a monad!
Lastly, just like how Reader
s have an ask
function which obtains the environment, Writer
s have a write
function which writes a message to your log—the definition of write
makes this self-explanatory.
write :: w -> (w, ())
write = (,())
Let us see this monad in action. Just like with Validation
, we are going to let [String]
be our log.
type Writer = (,)
type Log = [String]
Then, we write an example simple function that adds a log message:
loggedAdd :: Int -> Int -> Writer Log Int
loggedAdd x y = do
let z = x + y
write [show x ++ " + " ++ show y ++ " = " ++ show z]
return z
Composing these functions is, once again, incredibly straightforward with do
loggedSum :: [Int] -> Writer Log Int
loggedSum [] = return 0
loggedSum (x:xs) = do
sum' <- loggedSum xs
loggedAdd x sum'
With this, the loggedSum
function receives a list of integers and returns a pair containing the steps it took to arrive at the sum, and the sum itself:
ghci> y = loggedSum [1, 2, 3]
ghci> snd y
ghci> fst y
["3 + 0 = 3","2 + 3 = 5","1 + 5 = 6"]
However, many times, we will also want to compose functions that do both reading from, and writing to or modifying state. In essence, it is somewhat a combination of the Reader
and Writer
monads we have seen. One example is pseudorandom number generation. A pseudorandom number generator receives a seed, and produces a random number and the next seed, which can then be used to generate more random numbers. The type signature of a pseudorandom number generation function would be something of the form:
randomInt :: Seed -> (Int, Seed)
This pattern extends far beyond random number generation, and can be used to encapsulate the idea of a stateful transformation. For this, let us define a type called State
newtype State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a, s) }
Notice the newtype
declaration. A newtype
declaration is basically a data
declaration, except that it must have exactly one constructor with exactly one field. In other words, a newtype
declaration is a wrapper over a single type, in our case, the type s -> (a, s)
. newtype
s only differ from their wrapped types while programming and during type checking, but have no operational differences—after compilation, newtype
s are represented exactly as the type they wrap, thereby introducing no additional overhead. However, newtype
declarations also behave like data
declarations, which allow us to create a new type from the types they wrap, allowing us to give new behaviours to the new type.
With this in mind, let us define the Monad
instance for our State
instance Functor (State s) where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> State s a -> State s b
fmap f (State f') = State $
\s -> let (a, s') = f' s
in (f a, s')
instance Applicative (State s) where
pure :: a -> State s a
pure x = State (x,)
(<*>) :: State s (a -> b) -> State s a -> State s b
(<*>) (State f) (State x) = State $
\s -> let (f', s') = f s
(x', s'') = x s'
in (f' x', s'')
instance Monad (State s) where
return :: a -> State s a
return = pure
(>>=) :: State s a -> (a -> State s b) -> State s b
(State f) >>= m = State $
\s -> let (a, s') = f s
State f' = m a
in f' s'
The instance definitions are tedious to define. Furthermore, nothing worthy of note is defined—the methods implement straightforward function composition. However, it is these methods that allow us to compose stateful computation elegantly!
Finally, just like ask
for Reader
s and write
for Writer
s, we have get
and put
to retrieve and update the state of the monad accordingly, and an additional modify
function which modifies the state:
put :: s -> State s ()
put s = State $ const ((), s)
get :: State s s
get = State $ \s -> (s, s)
modify :: (s -> s) -> State s ()
modify f = do s <- get
put (f s)
Let's try this with an example. Famously, computing the fibonacci numbers in a naive recursive manner is incredibly slow. Instead, by employing memoization, we can take the time complexity of said function from \(O(2^n)\) down to \(O(n)\). Memoization requires retrieving and updating state, making it an ideal candidate for using the State
We first define our state to be a table storing inputs and outputs of the function. Then, writing the fibonacci function is straightforward. Note the use of Integer
instead of Int
so that we do not have integer overflow issues when computing large fibonacci numbers:
type Memo = [(Integer, Integer)]
getMemoized :: Integer -> State Memo (Maybe Integer)
getMemoized n = lookup n <$> get
fib :: Integer -> Integer
fib n = fst $ runState (aux n) [] where
aux :: Integer -> State Memo Integer
aux 0 = return 0
aux 1 = return 1
aux n = do
x <- getMemoized n
case x of
Just y -> return y
Nothing -> do
r1 <- aux (n - 1)
r2 <- aux (n - 2)
let r = r1 + r2
modify ((n, r) :)
return r
The getMemoized
function essentially just performs a lookup of the memoized input from the state. Then, the fib
function defines an auxiliary function aux
like before, which contains the main logic describing the computation of the fibonacci numbers. In particular, the aux
function returns State Memo Integer
. As such, to access the underlying state processing function produced by aux n
, we must use the runState
accessor function as defined in the newtype
declaration for State
. runState (aux n)
gives us a function Memo -> (Integer, Memo)
, and thus passing in the empty memo (runState (aux n) []
) gives us the result. The result is a pair (Integer, Memo)
, and since we do not need the memo after the result has been computed, we just discard it and return it from fib
The aux
function is similarly straightforward, with the usual two base cases. In the recursive case aux n
, we first attempt to retrieve any memoized result using the getMemoized
function. If the result has already been computed (Just y
), then we return the memoized result directly. Otherwise, we recursively compute aux (n - 1)
and aux (n - 2)
. Importantly, aux (n - 1)
will perform updates to the state (the memo), which is then passed along automatically (via monadic bind) to the call to aux (n - 2)
, eliminating the exponential time complexity. Once r1
and r2
have been computed, the final result is r
. Of course, we add the entry n -> r
into the memo, and we can do so using the modify
function, where modify ((n, r) :)
prepends the pair (n, r)
onto the memo. Of course, we finally return r
after all of the above has been completed.
The result of this is polynomial-time fib
function that can comfortably compute large fibonacci numbers:
ghci> fib 1
ghci> fib 5
ghci> fib 10
ghci> fib 20
ghci> fib 100
ghci> fib 200
Until now, we still have no idea how Haskell performs simple side effects like reading user input or printing to the console. In fact, nothing we have discussed so far involves side effects, because Haskell is a purely functional programming language, and all functions are pure. One of the key innovations of monads is that it allows a purely functional programming language like Haskell to produce side effects... but how?
Typically, a function that produces side effects is a regular function, except that it will also cause some additional effects on the side. One example is the print
function in Python, which has the following type signature:
def print(x: object) -> NoneType: # prints to the console
# ...
However, notice that the State
monad is somewhat similar. A term of State s a
wraps a function s -> (a, s)
; it is a pure function that is meant to compute a term of type a
. However, it has the additional effect of depending on some state of type s
, and will also produce some new state also of type s
. Therefore, State s a
can be seen as an impure function/term of type a
, with the side effect of altering state.
What if the state s
was actually the real world itself? In essence, the function RealWorld -> (a, RealWorld)
is a function that receives the real world (as in, literally the world), and produces some term a
and a new state of the world? In this view, a function that prints to the console receives the current state of the world and computes nothing (just like how print
in Python returns None
), and also produces the new state of the world where text has been printed to the console. Then, input
in Python can be seen as a function that receives a state of the world containing user input, and produces the value entered by the user, retaining the current state of the world! These functions can thus actually be seen as pure functions, as long as we view the real world as a term in our programming language! In essence:
monad is theState
monad where the state is the real world.
This is how Haskell, a purely functional programming language, performs I/O, a side effect. In fact, our characterization of IO
is not merely an analogy, but is exactly how IO
is represented in Haskell:
newtype IO a = IO (State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, a #))
As such, after learning how the State
monad works, performing I/O in Haskell should now be straightforward, especially with do
notation. Let us finally, after five chapters, write a "Hello World" program.
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "Hello World!"
The putStrLn
function has type String -> IO ()
. It essentially receives a string to print, and alters the state of the world by adding the string to the console.
Importantly, every Haskell program can be seen as the main
function, which has type IO ()
. Recall that IO
is just the State
monad, which wraps a function that receives the state of the real world at function application, and produces a new state of the world and some other pure computation. In essence, the main
function therefore has type State# RealWorld -> (# State# RealWorld, () #)
. Therefore, we can see, roughly, that when a Haskell program is run, the current state of the world is passed into main
, giving us a new state of the world where the program has completed execution!
Just like the State
monad, we can compose IO
operations monadically with do
notation. For example, the getLine
function has type IO String
, similar to input
in Python except it does not receive and print a prompt. Thus, we can write a program that reads the name of a user and says hello to that user like so:
-- Main.hs
main :: IO ()
main = do
name <- getLine
putStrLn $ "Hello " ++ name ++ "!"
Now, instead of loading the program with GHCi, we can compile this program with GHC into an executable!
ghc Main.hs
When we run the program, the program waits for us to enter a name, then says hello to us!
Yong Qi
Hello Yong Qi!
Other IO
operations can be found in Haskell's Prelude, and these should be relatively straightforward to understand.
Monad Transformers
Monads support composition in context. Another question to ask is, can we compose monads? In other words, can we combine monads together?
Consider the example of finding the length of the path between two connected neighbours in a directed graph, except that we have each node connected to at most one edge. The way we might solve this problem is, once again, via DFS (which in this case is the same as BFS), except that our graph is now of type [(Node, Node)]
and our function returns the length of the path instead of a Bool
value describing whether the path exists:
type Node = Int
type Graph = [(Node, Node)]
dfs :: Node -> Node -> Graph -> Maybe Int
dfs src dst gph = aux src [] gph where
aux :: Node -> [Node] -> Graph -> Maybe Int
aux current visited gph'
| arrived = return 0
| alreadyVisited = Nothing
| otherwise = do
n <- lookup current gph
(+1) <$> aux n (current : visited) gph'
where arrived = current == dst
alreadyVisited = current `elem` visited
Notice that just like our previous definition of dfs
, all our functions such as dfs
and lookup
involve some environment which we need to pass around! Let us try changing everything of type Graph -> Maybe Int
to Reader Graph (Maybe Int)
and modify our environment to no longer receive the gph
type Node = Int
type Graph = [(Node, Node)]
dfs :: Node -> Node -> Reader Graph (Maybe Int)
dfs src dst = aux src [] where
aux :: Node -> [Node] -> Reader Graph (Maybe Int)
aux current visited
| arrived = return 0
| alreadyVisited = Nothing
| otherwise = do
n <- lookup current
(+1) <$> aux n (current : visited)
where arrived = current == dst
alreadyVisited = current `elem` visited
Unfortunately, our code doesn't type check. This is because now our do
block performs the monadic operations based on the definition of Reader
, not on Maybe
! As such, we may need significant rewrites to our function to introduce the Reader
monad to our Maybe
Enriching the Maybe
Is there a better way? Yes! Let us try defining a new monad ReaderMaybe
that essentially acts as both the Reader
and the Maybe
newtype ReaderMaybe env a = ReaderMaybe { runReaderMaybe :: Reader env (Maybe a) }
instance Functor (ReaderMaybe env) where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> ReaderMaybe env a -> ReaderMaybe env b
fmap f (ReaderMaybe ls) = ReaderMaybe $ fmap (fmap f) ls
instance Applicative (ReaderMaybe env) where
pure :: a -> ReaderMaybe env a
pure = ReaderMaybe . pure . pure
(<*>) :: ReaderMaybe env (a -> b) -> ReaderMaybe env a -> ReaderMaybe env b
(ReaderMaybe f) <*> (ReaderMaybe x) = ReaderMaybe $ do
maybe_f <- f
case maybe_f of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just f' -> do
maybe_x <- x
case maybe_x of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just x' -> return $ Just (f' x')
instance Monad (ReaderMaybe env) where
return :: a -> ReaderMaybe env a
return = pure
(>>=) :: ReaderMaybe env a -> (a -> ReaderMaybe env b) -> ReaderMaybe env b
(ReaderMaybe ls) >>= f = ReaderMaybe $ do
m <- ls
case m of
Just x -> runReaderMaybe $ f x
Nothing -> return Nothing
All of these methods are tedious to define, however are somewhat straightforward. In particular, it relies on do
notation on Reader
s to extract out the Maybe
values, and performs the usual Maybe
methods to compose them.
The result is that we can now make use of this ReaderMaybe
monad in our dfs
dfs :: Node -> Node -> Graph -> Maybe Int
dfs src dst = runReaderMaybe (aux src []) where
aux :: Node -> [Node] -> ReaderMaybe Graph Int
aux current visited
| arrived = return 0
| alreadyVisited = ReaderMaybe $ return Nothing
| otherwise = do
n <- ReaderMaybe $ lookup current
(+1) <$> aux n (current : visited)
where arrived = current == dst
alreadyVisited = current `elem` visited
There are several points worthy of note in our new implementation:
- Most of this definition is the same as our original definition that works on the
monad - Because the
function returns aReaderMaybe
term which wraps the actualReader
function, we writerunReaderMaybe (aux src [])
to expose the actualReader Graph (Maybe Int)
function - In the
case, we cannot writealreadyVisited = Nothing
is not of the typeReaderMaybe Graph Int
; we also cannot just writereturn Nothing
since that has typeReaderMaybe env (Maybe a)
. As such, we have to usereturn @(Reader Graph) Nothing
, then wrap it in theReaderMaybe
constructor - Similar to (3), instead of
lookup current
, we have to wrap it around theReaderMaybe
constructor so that instead of having typeReader Graph (Maybe Int)
,ReaderMaybe $ lookup current
will have typeReaderMaybe Graph Int
, which is the correct type to have.
When converting the original implementation based on Maybe
into the new implementation based on ReaderMaybe Graph Int
, one tip is to leave the implementation the same and just change the type signature of the functions to use ReaderMaybe Graph Int
instead of Graph -> Maybe Int
, then make use of typing information to correct the types in the program; in other words, "let the types guide your programming", like we have done in Chapter 2 (Types)! Furthermore, we are generally assured that everything works as expected because monads behave in the most obvious way!
Just like that, we are able to compose the Reader
monad with the Maybe
monad! Running dfs
works exactly as we'd expect:
ghci> my_map = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1)]
ghci> dfs 1 4 my_map
ghci> dfs 1 2 my_map
Just 1
ghci> dfs 2 1 my_map
Just 2
Now, what if we wanted to enrich the Maybe
monad with other notions of computation, such as []
, IO
etc? Suppose we follow the same procedure of enriching Maybe
with Reader
, but instead by enriching it with IO
, giving us a new monad IOMaybe a
which represents IO (Maybe a)
newtype IOMaybe a = IOMaybe { runIOMaybe :: IO (Maybe a) }
instance Functor IOMaybe where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> IOMaybe a -> IOMaybe b
fmap f (IOMaybe io) = IOMaybe (fmap (fmap f) io)
instance Applicative IOMaybe where
pure :: a -> IOMaybe a
pure = IOMaybe . pure . pure
(<*>) :: IOMaybe (a -> b) -> IOMaybe a -> IOMaybe b
(IOMaybe f) <*> (IOMaybe x) = IOMaybe $ do
maybe_f <- f
case maybe_f of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just f' -> do
maybe_x <- x
case maybe_x of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just x' -> return $ Just (f' x')
instance Monad IOMaybe where
return :: a -> IOMaybe a
return = pure
(>>=) :: IOMaybe a -> (a -> IOMaybe b) -> IOMaybe b
(IOMaybe m) >>= f = IOMaybe $ do
maybe_m <- m
case maybe_m of
Just x -> runIOMaybe $ f x
Nothing -> return Nothing
There are several things worth thinking about. Firstly, so far, it appears that we have to re-create new instances for every notion of computation we want to enrich Maybe
with. Secondly, you might realise that absolutely nothing about the definition of the instances care about the enriching monad. All of the definitions in the methods for ReaderMaybe
and IOMaybe
do not mention any Reader
-specific or IO
-specific functions. Instead, they all rely on their respective monad binds! Therefore, we can abstract these into a monad transformer.
Monad Transformers
A monad transformer MonadT m a
enriches Monad
with m
. For example, the MaybeT m a
monad transformer enriches Maybe
with m
. Therefore, our ReaderMaybe
and IOMaybe
monads can be represented exactly as MaybeT (Reader env)
and MaybeT IO
! The definition of MaybeT
is virtually the exact same as the definitions of ReaderMaybe
and IOMaybe
, except that we do not refer to Reader
or IO
, and leave them as m
newtype MaybeT m a = MaybeT { runMaybeT :: m (Maybe a) }
instance (Functor m) => Functor (MaybeT m) where
fmap f (MaybeT x) = MaybeT $ fmap (fmap f) x
instance (Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (MaybeT m) where
pure = MaybeT . return . Just
mf <*> mx = MaybeT $ do
mb_f <- runMaybeT mf
case mb_f of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just f -> do
mb_x <- runMaybeT mx
case mb_x of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just x -> return (Just (f x))
instance (Monad m) => Monad (MaybeT m) where
return = MaybeT . return . Just
x >>= f = MaybeT $ do
v <- runMaybeT x
case v of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just y -> runMaybeT (f y)
With this Maybe
monad transformer, we can rewrite our definition of dfs
by replacing ReaderMaybe Graph Int
with MaybeT (Reader Graph) Int
dfs :: Node -> Node -> Graph -> Maybe Int
dfs src dst = runMaybeT (aux src []) where
aux :: Node -> [Node] -> MaybeT (Reader Graph) Int
aux current visited
| arrived = return 0
| alreadyVisited = MaybeT $ return Nothing
| otherwise = do
n <- MaybeT $ lookup current
(+1) <$> aux n (current : visited)
where arrived = current == dst
alreadyVisited = current `elem` visited
And now with the MaybeT
monad transformer, we can enrich the Maybe
monad with any other monad we want without having to redefine new types and new type class instances for each of the monads we are enriching Maybe
Monad Transformer Library
Because monads are so common in programming, the common monads already have their own monad transformers, and these are defined in the transformers
and mtl
libraries. If you want to use these commonly used monad transformers, just download the dependencies and import
the libraries into your programs! But... how do we do that?
Build Tools and Package Managers
Most production programming languages have a package manager and build tool, and Haskell is no different. In fact, Haskell has several package managers and build tools you can use. Two of the main competing ones are cabal
and stack
, both of which can be installed via GHCup. For our purposes, we shall just use cabal
since it is slightly simpler to use; most modern versions are generally fine, but for us, we shall use (at least) cabal-3.10.3
Project Initialization
Using cabal
is very simple. First, to create a new Haskell project, create an empty directory and run cabal init
is the shell prompt of the terminal, do not enter >
as part of the command)
> mkdir my-project
> cd my-project
> cabal init
Then, cabal
will take you through a series of questions to initialize the project. Some notable options are:
- Executables are programs that can be executed; libraries are code that other Haskell users can import. For us, choose to build an executable
- The main module of the executable should be
. TheMain.lhs
option is for writing literate Haskell programs. You can use that as well, although for us, it is significantly easier to just useMain.hs
and write plain Haskell programs. - The language for our executable should be GHC2021, giving us as many of the latest features as we can have without having to include them as language extensions.
The result of running cabal init
is that your project directory has been initialized with several parts:
- The
directory (or whatever name you have chosen) stores the source code of your program my-project.cabal
is the specification of your project.
Project Configuration
Let us investigate what is in my-project.cabal
(some comments and fields omitted for concision):
cabal-version: 3.0
-- ...
common warnings
ghc-options: -Wall
executable my-project
import: warnings
main-is: Main.hs
-- Modules included in this executable, other than Main.
-- other-modules:
-- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
-- other-extensions:
-- Other library packages from which modules are imported.
build-depends: base ^>=
-- Directories containing source files.
hs-source-dirs: app
-- Base language which the package is written in.
default-language: GHC2021
The executable my-project
clause describes some of the specifications of our project. In particular, the build-depends
field describes any external dependencies we wish to include. These dependencies can be automatically pulled from Hackage by cabal
, as long as we specify the name, and optionally the version, of the package. For example, we want the Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
module in transformers
library. Hence, to include the transformers
library to have access to monad transformers, just include transformers
in build-depends
-- ...
executable my-project
-- ...
-- Other library packages from which modules are imported.
build-depends: base ^>=
, transformers
-- ...
Then, run cabal install
to install all our dependencies!
> cabal install
Resolving dependencies...
Symlinking 'my-project' to '/path/to/.local/bin/my-project'
And that's all! Just like that, we now have access to transformers
functions, data types, classes and methods!
Writing the Program
Let us try creating a simple executable program in our project. First, we create our simple graph library. Right now, our project directory looks like this:
├─ my-project.cabal
├─ app/
│ └─ Main.hs
└─ ...
Let us create a simple graph library by creating a file my-project/app/Data/Graph.hs
, therefore our directory structure becomes:
├─ my-project.cabal
├─ app/
│ ├─ Main.hs
│ └─ Data/
│ └─ Graph.hs
└─ ...
This creates a new module called Data.Graph
. We must include this in our cabal
file so that cabal
knows to compile it as well. Head back to my-project.cabal
, and include Data.Graph
in the other-modules
-- ...
executable my-project
-- ...
-- Modules included in this executable, other than Main.
other-modules: Data.Graph
-- ...
Now, open Graph.hs
and write some code! In particular:
- Declare the name of the module. In this case, the module is called
because it is in theData
directory and the file name isGraph.hs
. - Import the
module to have access toMaybeT
, and theControl.Monad.Trans.Reader
monad to have access to theReader
monad. - Define our
module Data.Graph where
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
type Graph = [(Node, Node)]
type Node = Int
type GraphProcessor = MaybeT (Reader Graph) Int
dfs :: Node -> Node -> Graph -> Maybe Int
dfs src dst = runReader $ runMaybeT (aux src []) where
aux :: Node -> [Node] -> GraphProcessor
aux current visited
| arrived = return 0
| alreadyVisited = MaybeT $ return Nothing
| otherwise = do
n <- MaybeT $ reader $ lookup current
(+1) <$> aux n (current : visited)
where arrived = current == dst
alreadyVisited = current `elem` visited
Note that our Reader
monad shown in the previous chapter is quite different to the one defined in transformers
. In fact, Reader env a
is actually defined as ReaderT env Identity a
. This is because it is generally quite uncommon to use the Reader
monad by itself, since what it represents is just a plain function. The ReaderT
monad transformer is defined as such:
newtype ReaderT r m a = ReaderT { runReaderT :: r -> m a }
type Reader env a = ReaderT env Identity a
And the Identity
monad is completely uninteresting:
newtype Identity a = Identity { runIdentity :: a }
As such, the transformers
library exposes some helper functions to make working with the plain Reader
monad easier; for example, the runReader
function extracts the enclosed function from a ReaderT
, and the reader
function transforms a function into a ReaderT
We are done with our Graph
library. Now, open app/Main.hs
and write the following to see our dfs
function in action (note that print
is defined as putStrLn . show
module Main where
import Data.Graph
myGraph :: Graph
myGraph = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1), (4, 5)]
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ dfs 1 2 myGraph
print $ dfs 1 5 myGraph
We are done with developing our simple application! Compiling and running our program is simple with the help of build tools like cabal
. In the terminal, just enter cabal run
to compile the program (if changes have been made) and execute it!
> cabal run
Just 1
Monads in the Wild
Monads are so ubiquitous in programming that most libraries (even in general-purpose programming languages) expose monads. For example, the ReactiveX library in Java, which provides facilities for reactive programming, exposes an Observable
class, which is a monad. In addition, most stream processors in data streaming libraries (across many languages) are also monads. You will typically know when something is a monad if it has a method called flatMap
, which is the same as >>=
in Haskell.
Therefore, whenever you are defining your own libraries for your own needs, think about what behaviours your library should support:
- Does your library involve nondeterminism or streams/lists of data?
- Does your library perform I/O?
- Does your library produce potentially empty computation?
- Does your library potentially fail?
- Does your library read from an environment?
- Does your library write to additional state?
- Does your library process state?
If the answer to one (or more) of the questions above is yes, chances are, your library should expose a monad! Furthermore, if you are writing Haskell code, your library functions can likely be described as the composition of some of the commonly used monads provided in Haskell's Prelude, the transformers
library, or the mtl
Give this a try in the exercises and the assignment!
In software engineering, the need to perform multiple tasks simultaneously gives rise to two (not mutually exclusive) approaches: concurrency and parallelism. For example, game servers are not monolithic entities; rather, a game server comprises many components, each interacting with the external world. One component might be dedicated to managing user chats, while several others process players' inputs and relay state updates back to them. Meanwhile, yet another component might be tasked with the complex calculations of game physics. This phenomenon is widely known as concurrency. Importantly, the successful operation of such a concurrent program doesn’t necessarily rely on multiple processing cores, though their presence can certainly enhance performance and responsiveness.
On the other hand, parallel programs are typically centered around solving a single problem. For example, the act of summing the numbers in a large stream can be done sequentially; however, we prefer to split the large stream into smaller segments, and have one core dedicated to summing one segment, essentially allowing many cores to work in parallel to compute the main result. This is known as parallelism. Similarly, the functionality of a parallel program doesn’t inherently depend on the availability of multiple cores.
Another key distinction between concurrent and parallel programs is how they engage with the outside world. By their very nature, concurrent programs are in constant interaction with networking protocols, databases, and similar systems. In contrast, a typical parallel program tends to be more focused in its operation. It streams in data, processes it intensively for a period, and then outputs the results, with minimal further I/O during that time.
The lines between concurrency and parallelism can often be blurred, particularly in traditional programming languages that compel developers to utilize the same constructs for both approaches.
In this chapter, we will see how functional programming concepts can be applied to concurrency and parallelism. For our course, assume that all our concurrent and parallel programs operate within the confines of a single OS process. We will then briefly look at some pitfalls of traditional concurrent and parallel programming, and see how purely functional languages tackle these.
Concurrent Programming
In a usual sequential program, we do one thing completely after another. For example, if there are two tasks to do, A
and B
, then we will do A
until completion, then do B
until completion:
do A completely
do B completely
In a concurrent program, we do a little bit of either, arbitrarily:
work on A for 2ms
work on B for 1ms
work on A for 3ms
work on B for 6ms
work on A for 1ms
One of the advantages of writing concurrent programs (even in the presence of only a single operating system process) is that it would appear to the user that both tasks are executed simultaneously, making the program feel more fluid and have lower latency.
Typically, most programming languages provide building blocks for writing concurrent programs in the form of independent threads of control. Haskell is no exception. In Haskell, a thread is an I/O action that executes independently of other threads. To create a thread, we import the Control.Concurrent
module and use the forkIO
function. In the following example, we have one I/O action that writes Hello World!
to a new file called
, and use forkIO
to independently execute that I/O action in a separate thread immediately.
ghci> import Control.Concurrent
ghci> :t forkIO
forkIO :: IO () -> IO ThreadId
ghci> import System.Directory
ghci> forkIO (writeFile "" "Hello World!") >> doesFileExist ""
The Haskell runtime does not specify an order in which threads are executed. Thus, the file
created by the new thread may or may not have been created by the time the original thread checks for its existence. If we try this example once, and then remove
and try again, we may get a different result the second time. In general, concurrent programs are nondeterministic.
From earlier, we stated that concurrent programs can "hide" the latency of programs by executing multiple tasks concurrently. This makes applications more responsive. For example, a web browser needs to process user input (like button clicks etc.) and page loads or running JavaScript processes. If a web browser were programmed sequentially, then the page must load completely before the user can interact with the browser at all. In addition, JavaScript processes will usually be running in the background, and while it is doing so, the user cannot interact with the browser either. However, since web browsers are (almost always) concurrent, the user can continue to interact with them while background processes are running, even if the browser is only running on a single CPU core.
A toy example demonstrating this is as follows. We shall write a program that receives some user input and creates a large file with user specified contents:
import Data.List
writeContents :: String -> String -> IO ()
writeContents file_name contents = do
let c = intercalate "\n" $ replicate 1000000 (intercalate "" $ replicate 100 contents)
writeFile file_name c
putStrLn $ file_name ++ " written"
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Enter filename:"
x <- getLine
if x == "exit"
then return ()
else do putStrLn "Enter file contents:"
y <- getLine
forkIO $ writeContents x y
Observe the main
I/O action. All main
does is to read user input. The logic for writing the user input to a file is done by writeContents
, which is done on a separate thread. This way, main
can read user input immediately after writeContents
is forked, and is ready to read more user input again, without having to wait for writeContents
to complete its task first. If we hadn't used forkIO
, main
would perform the writing on the same thread completely, which may take a while, before being able to read user input again.
Communication Between Threads
The simplest way to share information between two threads is to let them both use a variable. In our file generation, the main thread shares both the name of a file and its contents with the other thread. Because Haskell data is immutable by default, this poses no risks: neither thread can modify the other's view of the file's name or contents. However, we will often need to have threads actively communicating with each other. For example, GHC does not provide a way for one thread to emit data to another thread, or let another thread know that it is still executing or has terminated.
The way we do this in Haskell is to use a synchronizing variable called the MVar
. An MVar
is essentially a mutable variable holding a value. You can put something in a variable making it full, and take out the value from a full MVar
, making it empty.
ghci> import Control.Concurrent.MVar
ghci> :t putMVar
putMVar :: MVar a -> a -> IO ()
ghci> :t takeMVar
takeMVar :: MVar a -> IO a
Importantly, using putMVar
on a full MVar
causes the thread to block until the MVar
becomes empty; dually, using takeMVar
on an empty MVar
causes the thread to block until the MVar
becomes full.
An example of using MVar
s is as follows. We are going to use the same toy example from earlier, except we are going to ensure that only one thread can perform file writing. This is so that we do not hog computing resources from other parts of our system (which there aren't, but suppose there are):
import Data.List
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
writeContents :: String -> String -> MVar () -> IO ()
writeContents file_name contents lock = do
takeMVar lock
putStrLn $ "Write to " ++ file_name ++ " started"
let !c = intercalate "\n" $ replicate 1000000 (intercalate "" $ replicate 500 contents)
writeFile file_name c
putStrLn $ file_name ++ " written"
putMVar lock ()
mainLoop :: MVar () -> IO ()
mainLoop lock = do
putStrLn "Enter filename:"
x <- getLine
if x == "exit"
then do takeMVar lock
return ()
else do putStrLn "Enter file contents:"
y <- getLine
forkIO $ writeContents x y lock
mainLoop lock
main :: IO ()
main = do
lock <- newMVar ()
mainLoop lock
Upon executing this program, the main
I/O action initializes a single MVar
which is then passed onto other parts of the program. The mainLoop
action does the same as before, except that it receives the lock
from main
. Note the then
branch in mainLoop
—if the user enters exit
, it waits for the lock
to be filled with a value, signalling the completion of file writing, before exiting the program. Importantly, takeMVar
wakes up in FIFO order. In other words, we are guaranteed that no more threads of writeContents
will be waiting to be executed at this point, because takeMVar
will only wake up the mainLoop
thread once all earlier writeContents
threads have been executed. The writeContents
action performs the actual file writing as per usual; however, it first acquires the shared lock
before executing the file writing operation, before putting back the lock
value. This is so that only one thread can perform writeContents
at any time.
Aside from MVar
s, we can also provide one-way communication channels via the Chan
type. Threads can write to channels (without blocking), and can read from channels (blocking if the channel is empty):
ghci> import Control.Concurrent.Chan
ghci> :t writeChan
writeChan :: Chan a -> a -> IO ()
ghci> :t readChan
readChan :: Chan a -> IO a
An example is as follows:
import Data.List
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
writeContents :: Chan String -> IO ()
writeContents chan = do
file_name <- readChan chan
contents <- readChan chan
putStrLn $ "Write to " ++ file_name ++ " started"
let !c = intercalate "\n" $ replicate 1000000 (intercalate "" $ replicate 500 contents)
writeFile file_name c
putStrLn $ file_name ++ " written"
writeContents chan
mainLoop :: Chan String -> IO ()
mainLoop chan = do
putStrLn "Enter filename:"
x <- getLine
if x == "exit"
then return ()
else do putStrLn "Enter file contents:"
y <- getLine
writeChan chan x
writeChan chan y
mainLoop chan
main :: IO ()
main = do
chan <- newChan :: IO (Chan String)
forkIO $ writeContents chan
mainLoop chan
In this example, only two threads are ever spawned: (1) the main thread which runs main
and mainLoop
, which, like before, only reads user input and passes the file name and contents to the other thread, which performs file writing. main
initializes the channel and forks another thread to writeContents
. mainLoop
receives user input and passes them through the channel, which is read by writeContents
for file writing.
More Cores!
Thus far, we have only discussed how the Haskell runtime is able to spark new threads of control. As said before, this does not guarantee that the program is actually running on multiple cores. In fact, by default, the program only runs on a single core. We can inspect this by using the numCapabilities
import GHC.Conc
main :: IO ()
main = print numCapabilities
> ghc Main.hs
> ./Main
There is in fact, a way to set the number of CPU cores being used by the Haskell runtime. This can be done using the setNumCapabilities
import Control.Concurrent
main :: IO ()
main = do setNumCapabilities 4
print numCapabilities
However, compiling and running this program gives a warning:
ghc Main.hs
Main: setNumCapabilities: not supported in the non-threaded RTS
The reason for this is because Haskell uses two runtime systems: (1) a non-threaded runtime, and (2) a threaded runtime. By default, compiling our program with ghc
links the non-threaded runtime, which is not able to leverage multiple cores. Therefore, if we want to use multiple cores, we have to use the threaded runtime instead. This can be done by compiling the program with the -threaded
ghc Main.hs -threaded
Another way to specify the number of cores being used is to provide the +RTS -Nx
option, where x
is the number of cores we would like to use.
If we are using cabal
to build our project, we can provided -threaded
as a GHC option via the ghc-options
executable playground
-- ...
ghc-options: -threaded
And execute it with cabal run -- +RTS -Nx
Let's give this a try!
import Data.List
import Control.Concurrent
writeContents :: String -> String -> Chan () -> IO ()
writeContents file_name contents chan = do
putStrLn $ "Write to " ++ file_name ++ " started"
let !c = intercalate "\n" $ replicate 1000000 (intercalate "" $ replicate 500 contents)
writeFile file_name c
putStrLn $ file_name ++ " written"
writeChan chan ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
n <- getNumCapabilities
putStrLn $ "Number of cores: " ++ show n
chan <- newChan :: IO (Chan ())
forkIO $ writeContents "abc" "def" chan
forkIO $ writeContents "def" "ghi" chan
_ <- readChan chan
_ <- readChan chan
return ()
This program is simple. The main
I/O action creates a channel and passes them to two threads that perform file writing. Once each thread has completed writing the file, they will also write to the channel, signalling completion. The main
I/O action will only terminate once both threads have completed.
Let's try timing our program with different runtime options. The first execution command runs our program with 4 cores, while the second one only uses 1. We use the time
shell command to time the execution of each program:
> time cabal run playground -- +RTS -N4
Number of cores: 4
Write to abc started
Write to def started
abc written
def written
Executed in 6.44 secs fish external
usr time 10.76 secs 379.00 micros 10.76 secs
sys time 1.15 secs 137.00 micros 1.15 secs
> time cabal run
Number of cores: 1
Write to def started
Write to abc started
def written
abc written
Executed in 12.02 secs fish external
usr time 10.78 secs 0.00 micros 10.78 secs
sys time 0.84 secs 560.00 micros 0.84 secs
Notice that the usr
and sys
times for both are roughly similar. This is not surprising, because usr
and sys
times reflect CPU execution time; loosely, if the CPU spends 1s executing on one core and 1s executing on another core, then the total of usr
and sys
time reported with be 2s. This is to be expected, because the same amount of work needs to be done to write to our files. However, what we really want to profile is the real or wall clock time, i.e. how much time had elapsed on the clock. As you can see, the multicore execution ran roughly 2x faster than the single core execution, since we have two files we can write in parallel!
Parallel Programming
Let us now turn our focus to parallel programming. For many large problems, we could divide them into chunks and evaluate the solution for these chunks at the same time on multiple cores, before combining the results, just like a divide-and-conquer approach. However, doing so is traditionally seen as difficult, and we usually use the same libraries and language primitives that are used for concurrency to develop a parallel program. Writing parallel programs in general-purpose imperative languages can be complex and tedious.
While we could certainly use Haskell’s concurrency features like forkIO
, MVar
and Chan
to develop parallel code, there is a much simpler approach available to us. All we need to do is to annotate some sub-expressions in our functions to make them evaluated in parallel.
Non-Strict Evaluation
In the very beginning of this course, we described Haskell as a non-strict evaluation language. That is, Haskell decides the evaluation strategy for us, unlike other strict evaluation languages where things are evaluated in a deterministic and specific format. For example, in Python, a function call is evaluated by first fully evaluating its arguments, then executing each statement in the function from top down. Haskell generally only evaluates terms by need, giving rise to a notion of lazy evaluation.
The key idea of attaining parallelism in Haskell is by specifying parallel evaluation strategies.
Strict Evaluation
Before we bgin describing how to evaluate terms in parallel, we must first describe how we can even force the evaluation of a term in the first place. For example, in the following program:
ghci> x = [1..]
ghci> y = sum x
virtually nothing is evaluated, and GHCI does not enter an infinite loop. This is because there is as yet no demand for the evaluation of y
. Of course, if we attempt to evaluate y
, we do arrive at an infinite loop, because evaluating the actual sum of x
is required to determine what y
Therefore, whenever an expression is encountered, Haskell allocates a thunk as a uncomputed placeholder for the result of the expression evaluation. The thunk is only evaluated by need (usually as little as possible) to evaluate other parts of code.
For example:
ghci> x = [1..]
ghci> case x of { [] -> 0; (x:xs) -> x }
Notice that the case
expression demands the evaluation of x
. However, it does not demand the complete evaluation of x
. Instead, it only demands to know the constructor of x
. Therefore, when executing x = [1..]
, Haskell puts a completely unevaluated thunk, for x
, and the case
expression then evaluates x
to head normal form (HNF) (evaluating to the constructor but not its arguments)1 to perform the case analysis.
Another example of lazy evaluation is with let
ghci> let x = [1..]; y = sum x in 1 + 2
Again, Haskell does not evaluate y
at all since it is not demanded in the evaluation of 1 + 2
This may be a problem for concurrency and parallelism, because it is possible for forkIO
to push an I/O action to a different thread, only for that thread to allocate an unevaluated thunk for it, and when its evaluation is demanded, the evaluation is done on the main thread!
expensive :: MVar String -> IO ()
expensive var = do
putMVar var expensivelyComputedString
main :: IO ()
main = do
var <- newEmptyMVar
forkIO $ expensive var
result <- takeMVar var
print result
The program above gives the impression that the expensive computation is done on the forked thread. However, in reality, what could happen is that the thread running expensive
only allocates a thunk for expensivelyComputedString
, and returns. Then, when the result
is demanded in the main
I/O action running in the main thread, it is the main thread that computes the expensively computed string, thereby, achieving nothing from the concurrency.
It is for this reason that Haskell exposes primitives for deciding the evaluation of expressions. The one most used is seq
, which introduces an artificial demand for an expression to be evaluated to head normal form:
ghci> :t seq
seq :: a -> b -> b
The expression x `seq` y
evaluates to y
, but creates an artificial demand for the evaluation of x
as well. Therefore, evaluating the following expression does not terminate:
ghci> let x = [1..]; y = sum x in y `seq` 1 + 2
However, notice that the following does terminate:
ghci> let x = [1..] in x `seq` 1 + 2
This is because seq
only creates an artificial demand for x
to be evaluated to head normal form, i.e. up to the evaluation of its constructor.
What we can do instead is to introduce a new evaluation strategy for forcing the full evaluation of a list:
ghci> :{
ghci| deepSeq :: [a] -> b -> b
ghci| deepSeq [] x = x
ghci| deepSeq (x:xs) y = x `seq` deepSeq xs y
ghci| :}
ghci> x = [1..]
ghci> x `seq` 1
ghci> x `deepSeq` 1
Using deepSeq
now forces the full evaluation of x
, which obviously does not terminate because x
is infinitely large! However, note that deepSeq
only evaluates the elements to HNF—therefore, if x
were a, for example, a two-dimensional list, the individual one-dimensional lists in x
are only evaluated to HNF, i.e. only their constructors are evaluated.
Parallel Evaluation
Since parallel programming is all about deciding what expressions to evaluate in parallel, all we need is some primitives that tell the compiler to evaluate an expression in parallel, just like seq
! The GHC.Conc
module exposes two evaluation primitives, par
and pseq
that allows us to do parallel programming easily:
ghci> import GHC.Conc
ghci> :t par
par :: a -> b -> b
ghci> :t pseq
pseq :: a -> b -> b
is straightforward to understand: x `par` y
is an expression stating that there is an artificial demand for x
that could be evaluated to HNF in parallel. However, par
does not guarantee the parallel evaluation of x
. This is because x
could be a cheap computation that does not need to be, and should not be, evaluated in parallel, or that there are not enough cores available for the parallel evaluation of x
Then, what is pseq
for? Notice this: in an expression x `par` f x y
, we claim to want to evaluate x
in parallel to HNF, and then combine it with y
using f
in the current thread. However, this requires a guarantee that y
is evaluated on the current thread before the current thread attempts to evaluate x
. Otherwise, it could be that par
will queue a spark for the evaluation of x
, and before a new thread can be sparked for that evaluation, the current thread evaluates f x y
, which performs the evaluation of x
first; therefore, no parallel evaluation of x
happens, defeating of par
in the first place.
Therefore, we need some primitive that performs the evaluation of an expression to HNF before another expression. seq
does not do this; x `seq` y
only claims to evaluate x
to HNF, but does not enforce that to happen before y
. In contrast, pseq
does. x `pseq` y
guarantees that the evaluation of x
to HNF happens before the evaluation of y
As such, par
and pseq
allow us to annotate computations with evaluation strategies to describe what computation happens in parallel, and what that computation is in parallel with. For example, the expression x `par` (y `pseq` f x y)
states roughly that x
happens in parallel with y
, then the results are combined using f
For example, let us try writing a parallel (but still exponential) fibonacci:
fib :: Int -> Integer
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n = n1 `par` (n2 `pseq` (n1 + n2))
where n1 = fib (n - 1)
n2 = fib (n - 2)
Aside from the usual base cases, the recursive case computes the \(n-1\) and \(n - 2\) fibonacci numbers in parallel, then combines them together with addition. Described in words, the recursive case computes fib (n - 1)
in parallel with fib (n - 2)
by queueing a spark for fib (n - 1)
and evaluating fib (n - 2)
in the current thread, then adds the results together with plain addition.
Computing fib 45
shows that for large values, having more cores makes a big difference.
> time cabal run playground -- +RTS -N20
Number of cores: 20
Executed in 3.29 secs fish external
usr time 53.14 secs 319.00 micros 53.14 secs
sys time 0.47 secs 129.00 micros 0.47 secs
> time cabal run playground -- +RTS -N1
Number of cores: 1
Executed in 12.93 secs fish external
usr time 12.61 secs 418.00 micros 12.61 secs
sys time 0.08 secs 171.00 micros 0.08 secs
When Should We Parallelize?
However, notice the usr
time for the case of running our program on 20 cores. Clearly, the CPU does more than 4x more work than the single core case; it just so happens that leveraging more cores makes the speed-ups outweigh the additional overhead. Indeed, while par
is cheap, it is not free. Although Haskell threads are lightweight, threads in general will always incur some additional overhead, and at some point, the benefits of computing something in parallel are outweighed by the overhead of spawning a new thread for its computation. For example, in the case of computing fib 3
, it is frankly completely unnecessary to compute fib 2
and fib 1
in parallel, since both are such small computations that run incredibly quickly.
Let us amend our implementation to only use parallelism for larger values. Smaller values are computed sequentially:
fib :: Int -> Integer
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
-- sequential for small n
fib n | n <= 10 = fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)
-- parallel for large n
fib n = n1 `par` (n2 `pseq` (n1 + n2))
where n1 = fib (n - 1)
n2 = fib (n - 2)
The execution time shows a significant speed-up on both the single core and multicore runtimes!
> time cabal run playground -- +RTS -N20
Number of cores: 20
Executed in 892.37 millis fish external
usr time 13.01 secs 646.00 micros 13.00 secs
sys time 0.18 secs 0.00 micros 0.18 secs
> time cabal run playground -- +RTS -N1
Number of cores: 1
Executed in 6.81 secs fish external
usr time 6.71 secs 453.00 micros 6.71 secs
sys time 0.03 secs 0.00 micros 0.03 secs
Generally speaking, knowing when to parallelize is a matter of experimentation, trial-and-error and engineering experience. It highly depends on the computation you are trying to parallelize, the kind of computation you are doing, the usual inputs to the computation, and so on.
Parallel Strategies
Let us try writing a parallel mergesort:
mergesort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
mergesort [] = []
mergesort [x] = [x]
mergesort ls
| n < 100 = merge left' right'
| otherwise = par left' $ pseq right' $ merge left' right'
where n = length ls `div` 2
merge [] ys = ys
merge xs [] = xs
merge (x:xs) (y:ys)
| x <= y = x : merge xs (y : ys)
| otherwise = y : merge (x:xs) ys
(left, right) = splitAt n ls
left' = mergesort left
right' = mergesort right
Our mergesort
function does a typical merge sort, except from the fact that we are using an immutable list. Let us write a supporting main
function to test our program:
main :: IO ()
main = do
n <- getNumCapabilities
putStrLn $ "Number of cores: " ++ show n
let ls :: [Int] = [10000000, 9999999..1]
ls' = mergesort ls
print $ length ls'
> time cabal run playground -- +RTS -N20
Number of cores: 20
Executed in 3.58 secs fish external
usr time 16.02 secs 381.00 micros 16.02 secs
sys time 1.39 secs 159.00 micros 1.39 secs
> time cabal run playground -- +RTS -N1
Number of cores: 1
Executed in 6.11 secs fish external
usr time 5.62 secs 0.00 micros 5.62 secs
sys time 0.43 secs 586.00 micros 0.43 secs
From before, recall that because Haskell is a lazy language, it may be the case that not all the supposedly parallel computation happens in the other thread. Since both par
and pseq
evaluate their first arguments only to HNF, it really only does evaluation up until it determines the constructor of the list after sorting, leaving the remainder of the list unevaluated. Then, in main
, when we obtain the length
of the list, the main thread may then have to evaluate the remainder of the list in the same thread. Let us extract some more performance out of our parallel evaluation by actually evaluating everything deeply in the parallel computation using deepSeq
from before:
mergesort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
mergesort [] = []
mergesort [x] = [x]
mergesort ls
| n < 100 = merge left' right'
| otherwise = par (deepSeq left') $ pseq right' $ merge left' right'
where n = length ls `div` 2
merge [] ys = ys
merge xs [] = xs
merge (x:xs) (y:ys)
| x <= y = x : merge xs (y : ys)
| otherwise = y : merge (x:xs) ys
(left, right) = splitAt n ls
left' = mergesort left
right' = mergesort right
deepSeq :: [a] -> ()
deepSeq [] = ()
deepSeq (x:xs) = x `seq` deepSeq xs
Now we should notice some more performance gains!
> time cabal run playground -- +RTS -N20
Number of cores: 20
Executed in 2.89 secs fish external
usr time 18.04 secs 365.00 micros 18.04 secs
sys time 0.68 secs 145.00 micros 0.67 secs
> time cabal run playground -- +RTS -N1
Number of cores: 1
Executed in 6.18 secs fish external
usr time 5.59 secs 362.00 micros 5.59 secs
sys time 0.46 secs 145.00 micros 0.46 secs
Some very smart people have also come up with nice and elegant ways to write parallel code. For example, using the parallel
library, we can express parallel programs with Strategy
's in the Eval
mergesort :: (Ord a, NFData a) => [a] -> [a]
mergesort [] = []
mergesort [x] = [x]
mergesort ls
| n < 100 = merge left' right'
| otherwise = runEval $ do
l <- rparWith rdeepseq left'
r <- rseq right'
return $ merge l r
where n = length ls `div` 2
(left, right) = splitAt n ls
left' = mergesort left
right' = mergesort right
merge [] ys = ys
merge xs [] = xs
merge (x:xs) (y:ys)
| x <= y = x : merge xs (y : ys)
| otherwise = y : merge (x:xs) ys
Strategies also allow us to separate algorithm from evaluation. For example, we can write a parallel fibonacci like so:
fib :: Int -> Integer
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n | n <= 10 = fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)
fib n = runEval $ do
n1 <- rpar (fib (n - 1))
n2 <- rseq (fib (n - 2))
return $ n1 + n2
Alternatively, we can make clear the distinction between the underlying algorithm and the evaluation strategy with using
fib :: Int -> Integer
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n | n <= 10 = n1 + n2
| otherwise = (n1 + n2) `using` strat
where n1 = fib (n - 1)
n2 = fib (n - 2)
strat v = do { rpar n1; rseq n2; return v }
We will leave it up to you to learn more about parallel Haskell with the parallel
library. For more information, you may read the paper by Marlow et al.; 2010 that describes it. We shall not cover these because they, along with par
and pseq
, are much more Haskell-specific and less applicable to code written in general-purpose languages. The only goal of this chapter, which we hope has been achieved, is to show how easy it is to introduce parallelism to regular sequential programs in a purely functional programming language.
Usually expressions are evaluated to weak head normal form (WHNF), although the distinction is not crucial for our understanding.
Simon Marlow, Patrick Maier, Hans-Wolfgang Loidl, Mustafa K. Aswad, and Phil Trinder. 2010.seq
No More: Better Strategies for Parallel Haskell. In Proceedings of the third ACM Haskell symposium on Haskell (Haskell '10). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 91–102.
Software Transactional Memory
Concurrency and parallelism is, generally, really hard. This is because the ordering of concurrent and parallel evaluation is nondeterministic, and the traditional threaded model of concurrent programming with threads make working with concurrent operations and composing them is very difficult and error-prone. MVar
s and Haskell's runtime make this slightly safer (if you have done concurrency in other languages like C before, you might be able to see why), but are still vulnerable to the same issues that plague concurrent and parallel programs.
To give you a toy example, suppose we have two threads, one which acquires two MVar
s a
and b
and adds the value of a
to b
, and another which swaps their values. One possible implementation might be the following, with a deadly vulnerability hidden in plain sight:
swap :: MVar a -> MVar a -> Chan () -> IO ()
swap a b chan = do
x <- takeMVar a
y <- takeMVar b
putMVar a y
putMVar b x
writeChan chan () -- signal done
addToMVar :: Num a => MVar a -> MVar a -> Chan () -> IO ()
addToMVar a b chan = do
y <- takeMVar b
x <- takeMVar a
let z = x + y
putMVar b z
putMVar a x
writeChan chan () -- signal done
main :: IO ()
main = do
a <- newMVar 1 :: IO (MVar Int)
b <- newMVar 2 :: IO (MVar Int)
chan <- newChan :: IO (Chan ())
forkIO $ addToMVar a b chan
forkIO $ swap a b chan
_ <- readChan chan
_ <- readChan chan
x <- takeMVar a
y <- takeMVar b
print x
print y
return ()
In this program, several things could happen:
starts first, and is able to acquire the values from bothMVar
, thus executing completely and putting new values toa
to useaddToMVar
starts first and is able to acquire the values from bothMVar
, thus executing completely and putting new values toa
to useswap
starts first and acquiresa
, shortly thereafteraddToMVar
begins and acquiresb
. Nowswap
is waiting forb
, andaddToMVar
is waiting fora
starts first and acquiresb
, shortly thereafterswap
begins and acquiresa
. Nowswap
is waiting forb
, andaddToMVar
is waiting fora
The last two scenarios result in something known as a deadlock and causes all these threads to wait and to be unable to continue. In particular, this deadlock was caused by a lock ordering inversion, a very common mistake that is usually undetectable by the compiler, and only starts causing problems at runtime! Scenarios like these are known as race conditions, and yes, while there are tools to detect race conditions, detecting all race conditions is undecidable, and thus is an impossible problem to solve. Are there tools to help us reduce of likelihood of running into race conditions?
Haskell supports something known as software transactional memory (STM) (Harris et al.; 2005), which is very similar to transactions in databases with ACID guarantees. Notice that this deadlock situation could go away if swap
and addToMVar
acquired both locks in one atomic operation, so that neither thread can interleave an MVar
acquisition! STM provides such facilities to allow us to define, compose and work with atomic transactions. All we need to do is to install the stm
Key Ideas
Instead of working with the IO
monad, STM constructs work within the STM
monad. Under the hood, the stm
implementation handles all the coordination, so as programmers, as long as we are working within the STM
monad, we can regard these operations as atomic. In other words, an STM transaction appears to take place indivisibly. All transactional operations are within STM
, and can only be escaped to IO
using atomically
ghci> import Control.Concurrent.STM
ghci> :t atomically
atomically :: STM a -> IO a
An atomically
block is treated as a single I/O operation, so the STM
operations cannot interleave. In addition, the atomically
block executes a transaction entirely, or not at all.
Now let us try using STM
for communications between threads. We are going to create a transaction for atomically acquiring both MVar
s. Of course, instead of MVar
, which operates in the IO
monad, the Control.Concurrent.STM
module exposes a TMVar
, sort of like a transactional MVar
that lives in the STM
monad. Let us write this transaction:
takeBothTMVars :: TMVar a -> TMVar b -> STM (a, b)
takeBothTMVars a b = do
x <- takeTMVar a
y <- takeTMVar b
return (x, y)
As you can see, this looks just like an equivalent version written for MVar
takeBothMVars :: MVar a -> MVar b -> IO (a, b)
takeBothMVars a b = do
x <- takeMVar a
y <- takeMVar b
return (x, y)
Now let us rewrite our original deadlocked program using TMVar
s and STM
, focusing temporarily on the swap
function. Recall that we want to take both TMVar
s as a single atomic operation, hence we defined an STM
operation takeBothTMVars
that does so. To actually perform this operation as a single I/O action, we have to use atomically
which performs the transaction, atomically:
swap :: TMVar a -> TMVar a -> Chan () -> IO ()
swap a b chan = do
(x, y) <- atomically $ takeBothTMVars a b
-- ...
This way, the transaction is done in one fell swoop, and if either TMVar
s are empty, the thread running swap
will block until both become available. We can do the same for addToMVar
, but this time, we are going to introduce lock-order inversion again by swapping the arguments to takeBothTMVars
addToMVar :: Num a => TMVar a -> TMVar a -> Chan () -> IO ()
addToMVar a b chan = do
(y, x) <- atomically $ takeBothTMVars b a
Although we swapped the arguments to takeBothTMVars
, thereby introducing lock-order inversion, operationally, there is no difference, since takeBothTMVars
is regarded as a single atomic operation anyway. We then continue defining the rest of the program which should be similar to before. Importantly, note that to create a new TMVar
within IO
for coordination, we use the newTMVarIO
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Control.Concurrent.STM
takeBothTMVars :: TMVar a -> TMVar b -> STM (a, b)
takeBothTMVars a b = do
x <- takeTMVar a
y <- takeTMVar b
return (x, y)
putBothTMVars :: TMVar a -> a -> TMVar b -> b -> STM ()
putBothTMVars a x b y = do
putTMVar a x
putTMVar b y
swap :: TMVar a -> TMVar a -> Chan () -> IO ()
swap a b chan = do
(x, y) <- atomically $ takeBothTMVars a b
atomically $ putBothTMVars a y b x
writeChan chan ()
addToMVar :: Num a => TMVar a -> TMVar a -> Chan () -> IO ()
addToMVar a b chan = do
(y, x) <- atomically $ takeBothTMVars b a
let z = x + y
atomically $ putBothTMVars a x b z
writeChan chan ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
a <- newTMVarIO 1 :: IO (TMVar Int)
b <- newTMVarIO 2 :: IO (TMVar Int)
chan <- newChan :: IO (Chan ())
forkIO $ addToMVar a b chan
forkIO $ swap a b chan
_ <- readChan chan
_ <- readChan chan
x <- atomically $ takeTMVar a
y <- atomically $ takeTMVar b
print x
print y
We don't have to only use STM for coordination between threads (although that is certainly a great use case). As long as we want atomic memory transactions, it is highly likely that STM is applicable.
For example, suppose we have some in-memory shared state, such as a counter, and users (perhaps across the network) can modify this counter. Modifying the counter requires two things: (1) reading the existing counter, (2) modifying the read value, (3) updating the counter with the modified value. To prevent data races, we want all these operations to be done in one fell swoop (i.e. as a single transaction).
incVar :: TVar Int -> STM Int
incVar v = do
x <- readTVar v
let y = x + 1
writeTVar v y
return y
Now we're not afraid to compose incVar
with other STM operations, even if they are done concurrently!
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
-- Increments a 'TVar'
incVar :: TVar Int -> STM Int
incVar v = do
x <- readTVar v
let y = x + 1
writeTVar v y
return y
-- IO Action that increments a TVar five times
aIncVar :: TVar Int -> IO ()
aIncVar v = aux 5 where
aux :: Int -> IO ()
aux 0 = return ()
aux n = do
r <- atomically $ incVar v
print r
aux (n - 1)
main :: IO ()
main = do
n <- getNumCapabilities
putStrLn $ "Number of cores: " ++ show n
-- Initialize the counter
counter <- newTVarIO 0 :: IO (TVar Int)
-- For example, run four threads that increment the counter 5 times
forkIO $ aIncVar counter
forkIO $ aIncVar counter
forkIO $ aIncVar counter
forkIO $ aIncVar counter
-- Sleep so we can wait for the other threads to complete
threadDelay 1000000
When executing this program, you should notice that the counter is being incremented correctly, with a final value of 20
The stm
library provides many other useful facilities for writing transactional programs. Refer to the library documentation or the original paper for more details.
Concurrent and Parallel Programming in Haskell
In summary, concurrent and parallel programming in Haskell is, generally, not too dissimilar to that in other general-purpose languages. However, because Haskell is a purely functional and non-strict evaluation language, there are several neat things at our disposable. For one, it is relatively straightforward to fork an I/O action to be performed concurrently, and to use synchronizing variables like MVar
for communication between threads. Importantly, the Haskell runtime ensures that MVar
s are only taken from or put by one thread, so synchronization is inherent in its implementation. However, using MVar
s alone can get cumbersome especially when dealing with multiple concurrent operations that do not compose well; hence, the introduction of STM for atomic transactions to reduce the likelihood of accidentally introducing race conditions and deadlocks. In addition, because Haskell has non-strict evaluation, parallelizing it is fairly straightforward, by simply annotating the functions with par
and pseq
function applications to describe what operation should be done in parallel with what else.
Most importantly, ideas like I/O actions, STM transactions and even parallel evaluation strategies are all exposed as monads, and programs that are written with these can make use of all the guarantees and conveniences that monads have to offer. As before, monads are some of the most powerful concepts in programming, and it helps dramatically to have programming languages that make working with them easy.
Lastly, concurrency and parallelism are huge topics in Computer Science in and of itself. Since many of what is described in this course are not as generally applicable to other general-purpose languages, many of the details are omitted. More information is readily available online and in the original papers describing the various systems like Concurrent and Parallel Haskell, and STM. This may be useful if you are interested in a pursuing a career involving Haskell development, or wish to learn, more deeply, about some of the ideas we have presented.
Tim Harris, Simon Marlow, Simon Peyton-Jones, and Maurice Herlihy. 2005. Composable memory transactions. In Proceedings of the tenth ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and practice of parallel programming (PPoPP '05). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 48–60. highly recommend that you work through the exercises before looking at the worked solutions!
Course Introduction
Question 1
. \((3\times 4) +5 = 12 + 5 = 17\). -
. \(3 + (4 \times 5) = 3 + 20 = 23\). Note that*
has higher precedence than+
. -
. Exponentiation has a higher precedence than modulo (non-operator functions likemod
that are called in an infix manner can have a well-defined operator precedence level). -
. Regular division of integers gives aFractional
type. -
. Thediv
function is similar to//
in Python. -
. First we evaluate the conditionlet x = 3 in x + 3
evaluates to3 + 3
which therefore is6
. Clearly6 /= 5
is true, so we need to also evaluate3 < 4
, which is also true.&&
is the same asand
in Python, soTrue and True
is thereforeTrue
. Thus, the whole expression evaluates to the if branch, which is1
. -
is actually justTrue
by definition, sonot True
. -
It actually causes a compile-time error since it is a type error.
receive pairs, so these functions do not work on triples. -
. Thesucc
function returns the successor of any enumerable type. For numbers, this would be one more than the number. -
. Straightforward. Notice that Haskell's Prelude (the built-in stuff) comes with many math functions. -
. Theelem
function is similar toin
in Python. -
. When writinglet
bindings in a single line, we can separate multiple definitions with;
. Therefore, we have defined two functionsf
which add one and multiply by 2 respectively. The.
operator is function composition, where \((g\circ f)(x) = g(f(x))\), so(g . f) 1
is the same asg (f 1)
, which evaluates to4
. -
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
. This is straightforward, since++
concatenates two lists. -
returns the first element of the list. -
[2, 3]
returns the suffix of the list without the first element. -
[1, 2]
returns the list without the last element. -
is indexing. -
checks whether a list is empty. -
. Obvious. -
.drop n
drops the firstn
elements of a list. -
[-1, 0, 1, 2, 3]
.take n
takes the firstn
elements of a list. The range[-1..]
is an infinitely long range from-1
to infinity. -
[5, 1, 2 ,3]
.dropWhile f
will drop elements from a list untilf
returns false for an element. -
. The easiest way to see this is by converting this to the equivalent Python expression:>>> sum([x[0] for x in [(i, j) for i in range(1, 5) for j in range(-1, 2)]])
Going back to Haskell land, let us evaluate the inner list first.
[(i, j) | i <- [1..4], j <- [-1..1]]
gives[(1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (2, -1), ..., (4, 1)]
then,[fst x | x <- ...]
would therefore give[1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4]
which sums to 30.
Question 2
Idea: take the last elements of both lists, and check for
equality. For this, we can use the last
eqLast xs ys = last xs == last ys
Question 3
Idea: reverse the string, and check if the string and its
reverse are equal. For this, we can use the reverse
isPalindrome w = w == reverse w
Question 4
taxiFare f r d = f + r * d
Question 5
There are several ways to approach this problem. Let us
first define the ingredientPrice
function which should be
straightforward to do.
ingredientPrice i
| i == 'B' = 0.5
| i == 'C' = 0.8
| i == 'P' = 1.5
| i == 'V' = 0.7
| i == 'O' = 0.4
| i == 'M' = 0.9
Then we can define burgerPrice
recursively. If the string is
empty then the price is 0. Otherwise, take the price of the first
ingredient and add that to the price of the remaining burger.
burgerPrice burger
| null burger = 0
| otherwise =
let first = ingredientPrice (head burger)
rest = burgerPrice (tail burger)
in first + rest
Of course, we know that we can do the following in Python quite nicely:
def burger_price(burger):
return sum(ingredient_price(i) for i in burger)
This can be done in Haskell too as follows:
burgerPrice burger = sum [ingredientPrice i | i <- burger]
We can also replace the comprehension expression in Python using
def burger_price(burger):
return sum(map(ingredient_price, burger))
Haskell also has a map
(or fmap
) function that
does the same thing:
burgerPrice burger = sum $ map ingredientPrice burger
The $
sign is just regular function application, except that $
very weakly. So sum $ map ingredientPrice burger
is basically
sum (map ingredientPrice burger)
Finally, notice that
burgerPrice x = sum ((map ingredientPrice) x)
, so
effectively we can finally define our function this way:
burgerPrice = sum . map ingredientPrice
where ingredientPrice i
| i == 'B' = 0.5
| i == 'C' = 0.8
| i == 'P' = 1.5
| i == 'V' = 0.7
| i == 'O' = 0.4
| i == 'M' = 0.9
To see this, let \(b\) be burgerPrice
, \(g\) be sum
and \(f\) be
map ingredientPrice
. We have shown that \[b(x) = g(f(x))\] By
definition, \[b = g\circ f\]
This style of writing functions is known as point-free style, where functions are expressed as a composition of functions.
Question 6
Again, there are several ways to solve this. To do so numerically, we can define our function recursively:
\[s(n) = \begin{cases} n & \text{if } n < 10\\ n \mod 10 + s(\lfloor n \div 10 \rfloor) & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\]
sumDigits n
| n < 10 = n
| otherwise = n `mod` 10 + sumDigits (n `div` 10)
Alternatively, we may convert n
into a string, convert each character
into integers, then obtain the sum. This might be expressed in Python
def sum_digits(n):
return sum(map(int, str(n)))
Converting n
into a string can be done by show
ghci> show 123
Converting back into an integer can be done with read
(you have to
explicitly state the output type of the read
function since this can
be ambiguous):
ghci> read "123" :: Int
However, we can't read
from characters since the read
receives strings. Good thing that strings are lists of characters, so by
putting the character in a list, we now obtain the ability to read a
digit (as a character) as an integer.
ghci> read '1' :: Int
-- error!
ghci> read ['1'] :: Int
To put things into lists, we can use the return
ghci> return '1' :: String
ghci> (read . return) '1' :: Int
Thus, the read . return
function allows us to parse each character
into an integer. Combining this with what we had before, we can obtain
the list of the digits (as integers) from n
ghci> [(read . return) digit | digit <- show 123] :: [Int]
[1, 2, 3]
Again, we can use map
instead of list comprehension.
ghci> map (read . return) (show 123) :: [Int]
[1, 2, 3]
Obtaining the sum of this list gives us exactly what we want. Thus, our
function is succinctly defined as follows:
sumDigits = sum . map (read . return) . show
Question 7
Idea: drop the first start
elements, then take the
stop - start
elements after that.
ls @: (start, stop) = take (stop - start) (drop start ls)
Question 1
has typeInt
, soshow x
has typeString
. Recall thatString
is an alias for[Char]
. Although the expression evaluates to[]
which has typeforall a. [a]
, because both branches of the conditional expression must have the same type, the type of the expression is thus specialized into[Char]
.[a] -> [a]
has typeforall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
, since[]
is also polymorphic with typeforall a. [a]
, there is no need to specialize the resulting function call expression. This makes sense because any list can be concatenated with the empty list.[Int] -> [Int]
. Themap
function has type(a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
. Since we have supplied a functionInt -> Int
, we are thus specializinga
.(a -> [Int]) -> a -> String
. Recall that(.)
has typeforall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. The function\(x :: Int) -> show x
has typeInt -> String
. Thus, substitutingb
respectively, we get our answer.(String -> a) -> Int -> a
. Note that(+3)
is\x -> x + 3
, while(3+)
is\x -> 3 + x
. As such, the answer here follows the same reasoning except that the argument to(.)
is at the second position.(a, b) -> c -> (a, c)
. Note that(,)
is the tuple (pair) constructor which has typeforall a, b. a -> b -> (a, b)
.(a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
. As we know,filter
receives a function that tests each element, and returns the list with only the elements that pass the test.
Question 2
:Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
. This function can be polymorphic but requires thata
is amenable to equality comparisons, so we add theEq
constraint to it. We will discuss more on typeclasses next week.isPalindrome
:Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
. The reason for theEq
constraint is because we need to compare the two lists for equality, which means that the elements of both lists must be amenable to equality comparisons!burgerPrice
:Fractional a => String -> a
. Notice once again that we have another typeclass constraint in this function signature. Typeclasses are incredibly common, and hopefully this might motivate you to understand these in the subsequent lectures. Nonetheless, if you had answeredString -> Double
, that is fair as well.@:
:[a] -> (Int, Int) -> [a]
. The function receives a list, a pair of two integers, and produces a slice of the list of the same type.
Question 3
Let us first define a type that describes valid ingredients and a function on this type that gives their prices:
data Ingredient = B | C | P | V | O | M
price :: Ingredient -> Rational
price B = 0.5
price C = 0.8
price P = 1.5
price V = 0.7
price O = 0.4
price M = 0.9
Then, we can define a valid burger being a list of ingredients. For this, we can define a type alias like so:
type Burger = [Ingredient]
Type aliases are nothing special; more or less, they are nicknames for
types. There is no difference between the Burger
types, just like how there is no difference
between String
and [Char]
. Then, we can define
our burgerPrice
function with pattern matching in a very standard way:
burgerPrice :: Burger -> Rational
burgerPrice [] = 0
burgerPrice (i : is) = price i + burgerPrice is
Let us take this a step further by observing the following function in Haskell's prelude:
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr f n [] = n
foldr f n (x : xs) =
let r = foldr f n xs
in f x r
In practice, this does something very familiar: \[\textit{foldr}(f, n, [a_1,\dots,a_n]) = f(a_1,f(a_2,\dots f(a_{n-1}, f(a_n, n))\dots ))\]
This looks like the right-associative equivalent of reduce
in Python!
(The equivalent of reduce
in Haskell is the foldl
\[\textit{reduce}(f, n, [a_1,\dots,a_n]) = f(f(\dots f(n, a_1), a_2), \dots, a_n)\]
This hints to us that in the definition of foldr
, f
is the combiner
function and n
is the initial value. This corresponds very nicely to
. Let us try rewriting our burgerPrice
function to see
burgerPrice [] = 0
burgerPrice (x : xs) =
let r = burgerPrice xs
f a b = price a + b
-- alternatively,
-- f = (+) . price
in f x r
As you can see, if we let f
be (+) . price
and n
be 0
, we can
define burgerPrice
based on foldr
burgerPrice = foldr ((+) . price) 0
Question 4
Solutions are self-explanatory.
dropConsecutiveDuplicates :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
dropConsecutiveDuplicates [] = []
dropConsecutiveDuplicates [x] = [x]
dropConsecutiveDuplicates (x : xx : xs)
| x == xx = dropConsecutiveDuplicates (x : xs)
| otherwise = x : dropConsecutiveDuplicates (xx : xs)
Question 5
As hinted by the example runs, a zipper is a tuple of two lists. The idea is to model a zipper as two stacks. This is great because singly-linked lists (with head pointers), as we know, can model stacks.
type ListZipper a = ([a], [a])
mkZipper :: [a] -> ListZipper a
mkZipper ls = ([], ls)
Functions for traversing and replacing the elements of the zipper should
be straightforward to define. Note that the @
symbol binds the entire
pattern on the right to the name on the left.
l, r :: ListZipper a -> ListZipper a
l x@([], _) = x
l (x : xs, ys) = (xs, x : ys)
r x@(_,[]) = x
r (xs, y : ys) = (y : xs, ys)
setElement :: a -> ListZipper a -> ListZipper a
setElement x (xs,[]) = (xs, [x])
setElement x (xs, _ : ys) = (xs, x : ys)
Question 6
To start, we define a binary tree. This is very similar to the
tree examples that we have given, except that we allow the tree to be
empty. Note that you might be tempted to put the Ord
constraint at the data type declaration itself. This is deprecated, and
also not recommended.
data SortedSet a = Empty | Node (SortedSet a) a (SortedSet a)
Let us start with the function to add elements to the sorted set. This should be straightforward if you remember how BST algorithms are defined.
(@+) :: Ord a => SortedSet a -> a -> SortedSet a
Empty @+ x = Node Empty x Empty
t@(Node left a right) @+ x
| x == a = t
| x < a = Node (left @+ x) a right
| otherwise = Node left a (right @+ x)
Given a BST, to get the list of elements in sorted order, perform an inorder traversal.
setToList :: SortedSet a -> [a]
setToList Empty = []
setToList (Node left a right) = setToList left ++ (a : setToList right)
Converting a list into a sorted set can be done by repeated applications
of @+
over the elements of the list. This should hint to us that we
can use a fold over the list. Note that the flip
function flips the
arguments of a function: i.e. flip f x y = f y x
sortedSet :: Ord a => [a] -> SortedSet a
sortedSet = foldr (flip (@+)) Empty
Finally, determining if an element is a member of the sorted set is a matter of binary search.
in' :: Ord a => a -> SortedSet a -> Bool
in' _ Empty = False
in' x (Node left a right)
| x == a = True
| x < a = in' x left
| otherwise = in' x right
An alternative to this implementation is to use AVL trees instead of plain BSTs. We provide an implementation of AVL trees at the end of this chapter.
Question 7
We start with the base definition which should be self-explanatory.
-- Haskell
data Shape = Circle Double | Rectangle Double Double
area :: Shape -> Double
area (Circle r) = pi * r ^ 2
area (Rectangle w h) = w * h
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from math import pi
class Shape(ABC):
def area(self) -> float:
class Circle(Shape):
radius: float
def area(self) -> float:
return pi * self.radius ** 2
class Rectangle(Shape):
width: float
height: float
def area(self) -> float:
return self.width * self.height
We start with the first extension of our problem by creating a new shape
called Triangle
. Notice that to add representations of our types in
our Haskell implementation, we must have access to edit whatever we've
written before. This is unlike our OO implementation in Python, where by
adding a new shape, we can just define a completely separate subclass
and define the area
method for that class.
data Shape = Circle Double
| Rectangle Double Double
| Triangle Double Double
area :: Shape -> Double
area (Circle r) = pi * r ^ 2
area (Rectangle w h) = w * h
area (Triangle w h) = w * h / 2
class Triangle(Shape):
width: float
height: float
def area(self) -> float:
return self.width * self.height / 2
However, proceeding with the second extension, we see that the opposite is true: adding a new function does not require edit access in our Haskell implementation since we can just define a separate function, but it is required for our Python implementation since we have to add this method to all the classes we have defined!
scale :: Double -> Shape -> Shape
scale n (Circle r) = Circle (r * n)
scale n (Rectangle w h) = Rectangle (w * n) (h * n)
scale n (Triangle w h) = Triangle (w * n) (h * n)
class Shape(ABC):
def area(self) -> float:
def scale(self, n: float) -> 'Shape':
class Circle(Shape):
radius: float
def area(self) -> float:
return pi * self.radius ** 2
def scale(self, n: float) -> Shape:
return Circle(n * self.radius)
class Rectangle(Shape):
width: float
height: float
def area(self) -> float:
return self.width * self.height
def scale(self, n: float) -> Shape:
return Rectangle(self.width * n, self.height * n)
class Triangle(Shape):
width: float
height: float
def area(self) -> float:
return self.width * self.height / 2
def scale(self, n: float) -> Shape:
return Triangle(self.width * n, self.height * n)
Question 8
Defining additional constructors for our expressions GADT is
relatively straightforward, and so is extending our eval
function. We write the entire implementation here.
data Expr α where
LitNumExpr :: Int -> Expr Int
AddExpr :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
EqExpr :: Eq α => Expr α -> Expr α -> Expr Bool
CondExpr :: Expr Bool -> Expr α -> Expr α -> Expr α
LitBoolExpr :: Bool -> Expr Bool
AndExpr :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool -> Expr Bool
OrExpr :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool -> Expr Bool
FuncExpr :: (α -> β) -> Expr (α -> β)
FuncCall :: Expr (α -> β) -> Expr α -> Expr β
eval :: Expr α -> α
eval (LitNumExpr n) = n
eval (AddExpr a b) = eval a + eval b
eval (EqExpr a b) = eval a == eval b
eval (CondExpr a b c) = if eval a then eval b else eval c
eval (LitBoolExpr b) = b
eval (AndExpr a b) = eval a && eval b
eval (OrExpr a b) = eval a || eval b
eval (FuncExpr f) = f
eval (FuncCall f x) = (eval f) (eval x)
Question 9
Bank Accounts
Bank Account ADT
As in the lecture notes, simulating ADTs in Python can be done either with an (abstract) class, or a type alias. In our case, we shall use the latter.
First, we create the type:
type BankAccount = NormalAccount | MinimalAccount
Then, we create the NormalAccount
from dataclasses import dataclass
class NormalAccount:
account_id: str
balance: float
interest_rate: float
class MinimalAccount:
account_id: str
balance: float
interest_rate: float
Basic Features
For our two basic features, we shall employ a simple helper function that sets the amount of a bank account. Notice once again that we do not mutate any data structure in our program!
def _set_balance(amt: float, b: BankAccount) -> BankAccount:
match b:
case NormalAccount(id, _, i):
return NormalAccount(id, amt, i)
case MinimalAccount(id, _, i):
return MinimalAccount(id, amt, i)
Then, the basic features can be defined in terms of our
helper function.
def deposit(amt: float, b: BankAccount) -> BankAccount:
return _set_balance(b.balance + amt, b)
def deduct(amt: float, b: BankAccount) -> tuple[bool, BankAccount]:
if amt > b.balance:
return (False, b)
return (True, _set_balance(b.balance - amt, b))
Advanced Features
At this point, implementing the advanced features should not be too difficult.
def _cmpd(p: float, r: float) -> float:
return p * (1 + r)
def compound(b: BankAccount) -> BankAccount:
match b:
case NormalAccount(id, bal, i):
return NormalAccount(id, _cmpd(bal, i), i)
case MinimalAccount(id, bal, i):
new_bal: float = max(bal - 20, 0) if bal < 1000 else bal
return MinimalAccount(id, _cmpd(new_bal, i), i)
def transfer(amt: float, from_: BankAccount, to: BankAccount) -> tuple[bool, BankAccount, BankAccount]:
success: bool
from_deducted: BankAccount
success, from_deducted = deduct(amt, from_)
if not success:
return (False, from_, to)
return (True, from_deducted, deposit(amt, to))
Operating on Bank Accounts
Operations ADT
The ADT definition is pretty straightforward:
type Op = Transfer | Compound
class Transfer:
amount: float
from_: str
to: str
class Compound:
Processing One Operation
It's easier to write the functions that perform each individual operation first, especially since they are more involved with dictionary lookups etc. Take note of the fact that all of the data structures are unchanged!
# Type alias for convenience
type BankAccounts = dict[str, BankAccount]
def _compound_all(mp: BankAccounts) -> BankAccounts:
return {k : compound(v) for k, v in mp.items()}
def _transfer(amt: float, from_: str, to: str, mp: BankAccounts) -> tuple[bool, BankAccounts]:
if from_ not in mp or to not in mp:
return (False, mp)
success: bool
new_from: BankAccount
new_to: BankAccount
success, new_from, new_to = transfer(amt, mp[from_], mp[to])
if not success:
return (False, mp)
new_mp: BankAccounts = mp | { from_: new_from, to: new_to }
return (True, new_mp)
Then, the process_one
function is easy to define since we can
just invoke our helper functions:
def process_one(op: Op, mp: BankAccounts) -> tuple[bool, BankAccounts]:
match op:
case Transfer(amt, from_, to):
return _transfer(amt, from_, to, mp)
case Compound():
return (True, _compound_all(mp))
Process All Operations
Given the process_one
function, the process_all
function should be straightforward. Note once again that none of the
data structures are being mutated and we use recursion. The last
statement is only used to suppress pyright
def process_all(ops: list[Op], mp: BankAccounts) -> tuple[list[bool], BankAccounts]:
match ops:
case []:
return [], mp
case x, *xs:
op_r, mp1 = process_one(x, mp)
rs, mp2 = process_all(xs, mp1)
return [op_r] + rs, mp2
case _: raise
Polymorphic Processing
Notice that if we had received the process_one
function as an
argument then we would now have a higher-order function:
from typing import Callable
# For brevity
type P = Callable[[Op, BankAccounts], tuple[bool, BankAccounts]]
def process_all(process_one: P, ops: list[Op], mp: BankAccounts) -> tuple[list[bool], BankAccounts]:
match ops:
case []:
return [], mp
case x, *xs:
op_r, mp1 = process_one(x, mp)
rs, mp2 = process_all(process_one, xs, mp1)
return [op_r] + rs, mp2
case _: raise
Now notice that process_all
's implementation does not depend
on Op
, bool
or BankAccounts
. Let us
make this function polymorphic by replacing Op
with A
with B
and bool
with C
def process[A, B, C](f: Callable[[A, B], tuple[C, B]], ops: list[A], mp: B) -> tuple[list[C], B]:
match ops:
case []:
return [], mp
case x, *xs:
op_r, mp1 = f(x, mp)
rs, mp2 = process(f, xs, mp1)
return [op_r] + rs, mp2
case _: raise
AVL Trees
Here we show an example of using AVL trees as sorted sets. Notice our AVL tree has nice pretty printing, pretty cool huh! We will learn how to define the string representation of a type in subsequent lectures.
ghci> x = fromList [1,1,1,2,2,2,8,5,4,3,5,9,0,10,0,7,8,3]
ghci> x
3 9
┏━━━┻━━━┓ ┏━┻━┓
1 5 8 10
┏━┻━┓ ┏━┛
0 2 4
ghci> x @+ 6 @+ 11 @+ 14 @+ 12 @+ 15
3 11
┏━━━┻━━━┓ ┏━━━━┻━━━━━┓
1 5 9 14
┏━┻━┓ ┏━┻━┓ ┏━┻━┓ ┏━━┻━━┓
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 15
We first start with some declarations and imports.
module Avl ( AVL(Empty), in', toList, fromList, (@+)) where
import Data.List (intercalate)
data AVL a = Empty | Node (AVL a) a (AVL a)
deriving Eq
in' :: Ord a => a -> AVL a -> Bool
toList :: AVL a -> [a]
fromList :: Ord a => [a] -> AVL a
(@+) :: Ord a => AVL a -> a -> AVL a
infixl 7 @+
Next, we provide implementations of these declarations. Many of these
are identical to that of our sorted set implementation using BSTs; the
only difference is in @+
where AVL trees have to perform height
balancing if the balance factor exceeds the range \([-1, 1]\).
in' _ Empty = False
in' x (Node left a right)
| x == a = True
| x < a = in' x left
| otherwise = in' x right
toList Empty = []
toList (Node left a right) = toList left ++ (a : toList right)
fromList = foldr (flip (@+)) Empty
Empty @+ x = Node Empty x Empty
o@(Node left a right) @+ x
| x < a =
let newLeft = left @+ x
newTree = Node newLeft a right
in if bf newTree > -2 then newTree
let t
| bf newLeft > 0 = Node (rotateLeft newLeft) a right
| otherwise = newTree
in rotateRight t
| x > a =
let newRight = right @+ x
newTree = Node left a newRight
in if bf newTree < 2 then newTree
else let t
| bf newRight < 0 = Node left a (rotateRight newRight)
| otherwise = newTree
in rotateLeft t
| otherwise = o
The implementation of these functions involve some additional helper functions for obtaining balance factors and rotations, which we declare and define here:
-- Implementation helpers
height :: AVL a -> Int
height Empty = 0
height (Node left _ right) = 1 + max (height left) (height right)
rotateLeft :: AVL a -> AVL a
rotateLeft Empty = Empty
rotateLeft t@(Node _ _ Empty) = t
rotateLeft (Node left a (Node ll b right)) = Node (Node left a ll) b right
rotateRight :: AVL a -> AVL a
rotateRight Empty = Empty
rotateRight t@(Node Empty _ _) = t
rotateRight (Node (Node left b rr) a right) = Node left b (Node rr a right)
bf :: AVL a -> Int -- balance factor
bf Empty = 0
bf (Node l _ r) = height r - height l
Finally, we write functions to support pretty printing.
-- Pretty printing
strWidth :: Show a => AVL a -> Int
strWidth Empty = 0
strWidth (Node left a right) =
let leftWidth = strWidth left
l = if leftWidth > 0 then leftWidth + 1 else 0
centerWidth = length $ show a
rightWidth = strWidth right
r = if rightWidth > 0 then rightWidth + 1 else 0
in l + centerWidth + r
leftPad :: Int -> String -> String
leftPad 0 s = s
leftPad n s = leftPad (n - 1) (' ' : s)
rightArm, leftArm :: Int -> String
rightArm n = aux n where
aux n'
| n' == n = '┗' : aux (n' - 1)
| n' > 0 = '━' : aux (n' - 1)
| otherwise = "┓"
leftArm n = aux n where
aux n'
| n' == n = '┏' : aux (n' - 1)
| n' > 0 = '━' : aux (n' - 1)
| otherwise = "┛"
bothArm :: Int -> Int -> String
bothArm mid right = aux 0 where
aux n'
| n' == 0 = '┏' : aux 1
| n' /= mid && n' < right = '━' : aux (n' + 1)
| n' == mid = '┻' : aux (n' + 1)
| otherwise = "┓"
toRowList :: Show a => AVL a -> [String]
toRowList Empty = []
toRowList (Node Empty a Empty) = [show a]
toRowList (Node Empty a right) =
let x = toRowList right
nodeLength = length $ show a
y = map (leftPad (nodeLength + 1)) x
rroot = rootAt right + nodeLength + 1
in show a : rightArm rroot : y
toRowList (Node left a Empty) =
let x = toRowList left
lroot = rootAt left
nodeAt = strWidth left + 1
in leftPad nodeAt (show a) : leftPad lroot (leftArm (nodeAt - lroot)) : x
toRowList (Node left a right) =
let l = toRowList left
r = toRowList right
lw = strWidth left
rpadding = lw + 2 + length (show a)
rr = zipStringTree rpadding l r
lroot = rootAt left
rroot = rootAt right
nodeAt = lw + 1
f = leftPad (lw + 1) (show a)
s = leftPad lroot (bothArm (nodeAt - lroot) (rroot - lroot + rpadding))
in f : s : rr
rightPadTo :: Int -> String -> String
rightPadTo n s
| ls >= n = s
| otherwise = let n' = n - ls
s' = leftPad n' []
in s ++ s'
where ls = length s
rootAt :: Show a => AVL a -> Int
rootAt Empty = 0
rootAt (Node Empty _ _) = 0
rootAt (Node left _ _) = strWidth left + 1
zipStringTree :: Int -> [String] -> [String] -> [String]
zipStringTree _ [] [] = []
zipStringTree _ l [] = l
zipStringTree n [] r = map (leftPad n) r
zipStringTree n (l : ls) (r : rs) =
let res = zipStringTree n ls rs
c = rightPadTo n l ++ r
in c : res
instance Show a => Show (AVL a) where
show Empty = ""
show t = intercalate "\n" $ toRowList t
Question 1
Num a => a
. Because all of1
can be interpreted as any number, the entire expression can likewise be interpreted as any number.Show b => (a -> b) -> a -> String
. The type ofshow
isShow a => a -> String
, in other words, any type that implements theShow
typeclass can be converted into aString
. Therefore,(show .)
can receive any functiona -> b
, so that the result is a function that receivesa
and producesString
Show a => (String -> b) -> a -> b
. Similar to the above.Eq a => (a, a) -> Bool
. The elements of the tuple must be amenable to equality comparisons, and therefore must be of the same typea
Question 2
The idea is to create a protocol that describes classes that
have a to_list
function. In the following solution, the
protocol is called ToList
from typing import Any
type Tree[a] = Empty | TreeNode[a]
type List[a] = Empty | ListNode[a]
class Empty:
def to_list(self) -> list[Any]:
return []
class ListNode[a]:
head: a
tail: List[a]
def to_list(self) -> list[a]:
return [self.head] + self.tail.to_list()
class TreeNode[a]:
l: Tree[a]
v: a
r: Tree[a]
def to_list(self) -> list[a]:
return self.l.to_list() + [self.v] + self.r.to_list()
class ToList[a](Protocol):
def to_list(self) -> list[a]:
def flatten[a](ls: list[ToList[a]]) -> list[a]:
if not ls: return []
return ls[0].to_list() + flatten(ls[1:])
ls: list[ToList[int]] = [ListNode(1, Empty()), TreeNode(Empty(), 2, Empty())]
ls2: list[int] = flatten(ls)
Question 3
The smallest
function can be implemented directly with the minBound
method of the Bounded
smallest :: Bounded a => a
smallest = minBound
The descending
function can also be implemented directly with the Bounded
and Enum
methods. The idea is to construct a range (which requires Enum
) starting from maxBound
and enumerating all the way to minBound
. You can either construct a range starting from minBound
to maxBound
and then reverse the list, or you can start from maxBound
, followed by pred maxBound
comes from Enum
), and end at minBound
descending :: (Bounded a, Enum a) => [a]
descending = [maxBound,pred maxBound..minBound]
The average
function can be implemented by converting the two terms to integers using fromEnum
, then take the average, and use toEnum
to bring it back to the desired term.
average :: Enum a => a -> a -> a
average x y = toEnum $ (fromEnum x + fromEnum y) `div` 2
Question 4
Any list of elements that can be ordered, i.e. any list over a type implementing Ord
can be sorted!
import Data.List (splitAt)
mergesort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
mergesort ls
| len <= 1 = ls
| otherwise = let (l, r) = splitAt (len `div` 2) ls
l' = mergesort l
r' = mergesort r
in merge l' r'
where len :: Int
len = length ls
merge :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
merge [] x = x
merge x [] = x
merge l@(x : xs) r@(y : ys)
| x <= y = x : merge xs r
| otherwise = y : merge l ys
Question 5
Before we even begin, it will be helpful to decide what
our typeclass will look like. The typeclass should be abstracted over
the type of expression and the type from evaluating it. Therefore, it
should be something like Expr e a
, where
eval :: e -> a
. However, we know that e
characterizes a
, therefore we should add this as a
functional dependency of our typeclass.
class Expr e a | e -> a
eval :: e -> a
-- for clarity
type IntExpr e = Expr e Int
type BoolExpr e = Expr e Bool
Then, our types will all contain types that implement the
First, to start we have numeric literals, which is straightforward.
data LitNumExpr = LitNumExpr Int
instance Expr LitNumExpr Int where
eval :: LitNumExpr -> Int
eval (LitNumExpr x) = x
is more interesting. We require that the component
expressions must be evaluated to an Int
. As such, we
constrain the component addends with IntExpr
as follows:
data AddExpr where
AddExpr :: (IntExpr e, IntExpr e') => e -> e' -> AddExpr
instance Expr AddExpr Int where
eval :: AddExpr -> Int
eval (AddExpr e1 e2) = eval e1 + eval e2
To define EqExpr
, we have to allow expressions of any type
that evaluates to any type that is amenable to equality comparisons:
data EqExpr where
EqExpr :: (Eq a, Expr e a, Expr e' a) => e -> e' -> EqExpr
instance Expr EqExpr Bool where
eval :: EqExpr -> Bool
eval (EqExpr e1 e2) = eval e1 == eval e2
Finally, to define a CondExpr
we must allow it to evaluate
to any type, and thus should be parameterized.
data CondExpr a where
CondExpr :: (BoolExpr c, Expr e a, Expr e' a)
=> c -> e -> e' -> CondExpr a
instance Expr (CondExpr a) a where
eval :: CondExpr a -> a
eval (CondExpr c e1 e2) = if eval c then eval e1 else eval e2
Question 6
As per usual, we are going to define a typeclass Sequence
that defines the methods @
, len
and prepend
. The type parameters of Sequence
is tricky. One possibility is for Sequence
to be higher-kinded:
class Sequence e s where
(@) :: s e -> Int -> e
len :: s e -> Int
prepend :: s e -> e -> s e
instance Sequence [] a where
-- ...
However, this will not work when having Int
s as sequences because Int
is not a type constructor. Therefore, we will just let s
be the full sequence type, and introduce a functional dependency s -> e
so that the sequence type s
uniquely characterizes the type of the elements of that sequence:
class Sequence e s | s -> e where
(@) :: s -> Int -> e
len :: s -> Int
prepend :: s -> e -> s
In which case, the Sequence
instances for [a]
and Int
becomes quite straightforward:
instance Sequence a [a] where
(@) :: [a] -> Int -> a
(@) = (!!)
len :: [a] -> Int
len = length
prepend :: [a] -> a -> [a]
prepend = flip (:)
instance Sequence () Int where
(@) :: Int -> Int -> ()
i @ j
| j < 0 || j >= i = undefined
| otherwise = ()
len :: Int -> Int
len = id
prepend :: Int -> () -> Int
prepend = const . (+1)
Question 1
To implement these classes and methods, just "convert" the Haskell definitions to Python code. Note that Validation
is not a monad.
from typing import Any
from dataclasses import dataclass
class List:
def pure(x): return Node(x, Empty())
# Convenience method for Question 3
def from_list(ls):
match ls:
case []: return Empty()
case x, *xs: return Node(x, List.from_list(xs))
class Node(List):
head: object
tail: List
def map(self, f):
return Node(f(self.head),
def ap(self, x):
tails = self.tail.ap(x)
heads = Node._ap(self.head, x)
return heads.concat(tails)
# helper method
def _ap(f, xs):
match xs:
case Empty(): return Empty()
case Node(l, r): return Node(f(l), Node._ap(f, r))
def concat(self, xs):
return Node(self.head, self.tail.concat(xs))
def flatMap(self, f):
return f(self.head).concat(self.tail.flatMap(f))
class Empty(List):
def map(self, f): return self
def concat(self, xs): return xs
def ap(self, x): return self
def flatMap(self, f): return self
class Maybe:
def pure(x): return Just(x)
class Just(Maybe):
val: object
def map(self, f): return Just(f(self.val))
def ap(self, x):
match x:
case Just(y): return Just(self.val(y))
case Nothing(): return x
def flatMap(self, f): return f(self.val)
class Nothing:
def map(self, f): return self
def ap(self, x): return self
def flatMap(self, f): return self
class Either:
def pure(x): return Right(x)
class Left(Either):
inl: object
def map(self, f): return self
def ap(self, f): return self
def flatMap(self, f): return self
class Right(Either):
inr: object
def map(self, f): return Right(f(self.inr))
def ap(self, f):
match f:
case Left(e): return f
case Right(x): return Right(self.inr(x))
def flatMap(self, f): return f(self.inr)
class Validation:
def pure(x): return Success(x)
class Success:
val: object
def map(self, f): return Success(f(self.val))
def ap(self, f):
match f:
case Failure(e): return f
case Success(x): return Success(self.val(x))
class Failure:
err: list[str]
def map(self, f): return self
def ap(self, f):
match f:
case Failure(err): return Failure(self.err + err)
case Success(x): return self
Question 2
Question 2.1: Unsafe Sum
The Python implementation of sum_digits
can be a Haskell rewrite of your sumDigits
solution for Question 6 in Chapter 1.4 (Course Introduction#Exercises):
def sum_digits(n):
return n if n < 10 else \
n % 10 + sum_digits(n // 10)
Question 2.2: Safe Sum
The idea is to have sum_digits
return a Maybe
object. In particular, the function should return Nothing
if n
is negative, and Just x
when n
is positive and produces result x
def sum_digits(n):
return Nothing() if n < 0 else \
Just(n) if n < 10 else \
sum_digits(n // 10).map(lambda x: x + n % 10)
sumDigits :: Int -> Maybe Int
sumDigits n
| n < 0 = Nothing
| n < 10 = Just n
| otherwise = (n `mod` 10 +) <$> sumDigits (n `div` 10)
Question 2.3: Final Sum
The result of sum_digits
is a Maybe[int]
, and sum_digits
itself has type int -> Maybe[int]
. To compose sum_digits
with itself we can use flatMap
or >>=
def final_sum(n):
n = sum_digits(n)
return n.flatMap(lambda n2: n2 if n2 < 10 else final_sum(n2))
finalSum :: Int -> Maybe Int
finalSum n = do
n' <- sumDigits n
if n' < 10
then Just n'
else finalSum n'
Question 3
Question 3.1: Splitting Strings
in Python can be implemented with the str.split
method. The split
function for Haskell is shown in Chapter 4.4 (Railway Pattern#Validation).
# Uses the convenience method from_list in the List class
def split(char, s):
return List.from_list(s.split(char))
Question 3.2: CSV Parsing
Split the string over \n
, then split each string in that list over ,
using map
def csv(s):
return split('\n', s)
.map(lambda x: split(',', x))
csv :: String -> [[String]]
csv s = split ',' <$> (split '\n' s)
Question 4
Question 4.1: Factorial
Should be boring at this point.
def factorial(n):
return 1 if n <= 1 else \
n * factorial(n - 1)
factorial :: Int -> Int
factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n - 1)
Question 4.2: Safe Factorial
The idea is to return a Left
if n
is negative, Right
with the desired result otherwise. Typically, Right
is the happy path.
def factorial(n, name):
if n < 0:
return Left(name + ' cannot be negative!')
if n <= 1:
return Right(1)
return factorial(n - 1, name).map(lambda x: x * n)
factorial :: Int -> String -> Either String Int
factorial n name
| n < 0 = Left $ name ++ " cannot be negative!"
| n <= 1 = Right 1
| otherwise = (n*) <$> factorial (n - 1) name
Question 4.3: Safe n choose k
Idea: Compute \(n!\), \(k!\) and \((n - k)!\) in "parallel", combine with ap
def choose(n, k):
nf = factorial(n, 'n')
kf = factorial(k, 'k')
nmkf = factorial(n - k, 'n - k')
div = lambda x: lambda y: lambda z: x // y // z
choose :: Int -> Int -> Either String Int
choose n k
= let nf = factorial n "n"
kf = factorial k "k"
nmkf = factorial (n - k) "n - k"
f x y z = x `div` y `div` z
in f <$> nf <*> kf <*> nmkf
With the ApplicativeDo
language extension enabled, you can just use do
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
choose :: Int -> Int -> Either String Int
choose n k = do
nf <- factorial n "n"
kf <- factorial k "k"
nmkf <- factorial (n - k) "n - k"
return $ nf `div` kf `div` nmkf
Question 4.4
Redefine factorial
to use Validation
instead of Either
def factorial(n, name):
if n < 0:
return Failure([f'{name} cannot be negative!'])
if n <= 1:
return Success(1)
return factorial(n - 1, name).map(lambda x: n * x)
factorial :: Int -> String -> Validation [String] Int
factorial n name
| n < 0 = Failure [name ++ " cannot be negative!"]
| n <= 1 = Success 1
| otherwise = (n*) <$> factorial (n - 1) name
Finally, update the type signature of choose
(we do not need to do so in Python).
choose :: Int -> Int -> Validation [String] Int
choose n k = do
nf <- factorial n "n"
kf <- factorial k "k"
nmkf <- factorial (n - k) "n - k"
return $ nf `div` kf `div` nmkf
In this chapter we will do a brief recap of some of the basic concepts you might have learnt in IT5001. If you haven't, fret not. The recap should provide enough context for you to read the rest of these notes.
Something is recursive if it is defined using itself. A simple (albeit hardly useful and contrived) example is the following function:
def f(n):
return f(n + 1)
As defined, the body of function f
invokes itself. In other
words, it is defined using itself. Readers who are unconvinced that
is not a recursive definition may see that it is analogous
to the following mathematical definition, which is clearly recursive:
$$f(n) = f(n + 1) = f(n + 2) = f(n + 3) = \dots$$
Data types can also be defined recursively:
from abc import ABC
from dataclasses import dataclass
class SinglyLinkedList(ABC):
class Empty(SinglyLinkedList):
class Node(SinglyLinkedList):
head: object
tail: SinglyLinkedList
Likewise, you can see that the SinglyLinkedList
class has a subclass
which itself holds another SinglyLinkedList
. This makes
a recursive data structure.
The core idea we present in this section is that we can write recursive functions by thinking structural-inductively.
We shall begin by describing a proof by induction for a statement over the natural numbers. The principle of a proof by induction is as follows: given a predicate \(P(n)\) over the natural numbers, if we can show:
- \(P(0)\) is true
- \(\forall n \in \mathbb{N}.~P(n)\to P(n + 1)\) (for all natural numbers \(n\), \(P(n)\) implies \(P(n + 1)\))
Then \(P(n)\) is true for all natural numbers \(n\). This works because of modus ponens.
\[\frac{p~~~~~~~~p\to q}{q} \text{Modus Ponens}\]
Modus Ponens codifies the following idea: if a proposition \(p\) is true, and if \(p\) implies \(q\), then \(q\) is true. To show how this allows proofs by induction, we see that we have a proof of \(P(0)\). Since we also know that \(P(0)\) implies \(P(0 + 1) = P(1)\), by modus ponens, \(P(1)\) is true. We also know that \(P(1)\) implies \(P(2)\), and since from earlier \(P(1)\) is true, by modus ponens, \(P(2)\) is also true, and so on.
\[\frac{P(0)~~~~~~~~\forall k \in \mathbb{N}. P(k)\to P(k + 1)}{\forall n \in \mathbb{N}. P(n)} \text{Induction}\] Let us attempt to write a proof by induction. We start with an implementation of the factorial function, then prove that it is correct:
def factorial(n):
return 1 if not n else \
n * factorial(n - 1)
Proposition. Let \(P(n)\) be the proposition that
returns \(n!\). Then, for all natural numbers \(n\), \(P(n)\) is true.
Proof. We prove \(P(0)\) and \(\forall n\in\mathbb{N}.~P(n)\to P(n + 1)\) separately.
Basis. Trivial. \(0! = 1\). Furthermore, by definition,
returns 1
. In other words, \(P(0)\) is
Inductive. Suppose for some natural number \(k\),
\(k! = k \times (k - 1) \times \dots \times 1\).
- By definition of
,factorial(k + 1)
returns(k + 1) * factorial(k)
. - By our supposition, this evaluates to \((k + 1) \times k!\), which is, by definition, \((k + 1)!\).
Thus, if for some \(k\), factorial(k)
returns \(k!\), then
factorial(k + 1)
returns \((k + 1)!\). In other words,
\(\forall k\in\mathbb{N}.~P(k) \to P(k + 1)\).
As such, since we have proven \(P(0)\) and \(\forall k\in\mathbb{N}.~P(k)\to P(k+1)\), we have proven \(\forall n\in\mathbb{N}.~P(n)\) by induction. ◻
Recursion via Inductive Reasoning
Naturally (haha), the next question to ask would be, "how do we make use of induction to write recursive functions?" As above, the recipe for a proof by induction involves (broadly) two steps:
- Proof of the basis, e.g. \(P(0)\)
- The inductive proof, e.g. \(P(k)\to P(k + 1)\). Typically, the inductive step is completed by supposing \(P(k)\) for some \(k\), and showing \(P(k + 1)\).
We can write recursive functions similarly by providing:
- Non-recursive computation for the result of the base-case, e.g. \(f(0)\);
- Recursive computation of \(f(k + 1)\) based on the result of \(f(k)\) assuming that \(f(k)\) gives the correct result.
Let us start with a simple description of the natural numbers: $$\begin{aligned} 0 &\in \mathbb{N} &&\triangleright~0\text{ is a natural number}\\ n \in \mathbb{N} &\to S(n) \in \mathbb{N} && \triangleright~\text{if }n \text{ is a natural number then it has a successor that is also a natural number} \end{aligned}$$
In our usual understanding of the natural numbers, \(S(n) = n + 1\).
A formulation of the natural numbers in Python might be the following:
class Nat: pass
class Zero(Nat): pass
class Succ(Nat):
pred: Nat
In which case, the number 3 can be written as follows:
three = Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero())))
Let us attempt to define addition over the natural numbers as we have formulated above, recursively:
>>> three = Succ(Succ(Succ(Zero())))
>>> two = Succ(Succ(Zero()))
>>> add(three, two)
We might decide to perform recursion on the first addend (doing so on the second addend is fine as well). In computing \(m + n\) there are two possibilities for what \(m\) could be:
- \(0\), or
- the successor of some natural number \(k\).
The first case is straightforward since \(0\) itself is non-recursive (see the definition of Zero
above), and \(0 + n\) is
just \(n\). In the other case of \(m + n\) where \(m = S(k)= k + 1\) for some
\(k\), assuming (via our inductive hypothesis) that add(k, n)
correctly gives \(k + n\), then \(m + n\) is \((k + n) + 1\) which can be done
by Succ(add(k, n))
Therefore, we arrive at the following solution:
def add(m, n):
return n if m == Zero() else \
Succ(add(m.pred, n))
Using structural pattern matching which we present in Chapter 2.4 (Pattern Matching), we may also write the following definition which might be more intuitive:
def add(m, n):
match m:
case Zero(): return n
case Succ(k): return Succ(add(k, n))
At this point you might be wondering why we had given such an odd
formulation of the natural numbers in Python, when we could have used
the int
type instead (we totally could). One core idea we
would like to make apparent in this formulation, is that recursion via
inductive reasoning can be done over the structure of data. Our
formulation shows that natural numbers are recursive data structures,
where the successor of a natural number has a predecessor who is also,
likewise, a natural number. This should make writing recursive functions
over other kinds of recursive data structures not too great of a leap from
writing recursive functions over natural numbers. To show this, consult
our SinglyLinkedList
data structure from above before we proceed to
write recursive functions over them using inductive reasoning.
First, we shall write a function that appends an element to the end of a singly-linked list.
>>> append(1, Empty())
>>> append(2, append(1, Empty()))
We can perform recursion over the structure of the list. There are two possible structures of the list:
- The empty list
- A node of a head element and a tail list
In the former, we append to an empty list, which should give the singleton. Note once
again that because the empty list is non-recursive, our solution for
appending to the empty list likewise requires no recursion. For the
second case of \([e_1, e_2,\dots,e_n]\) (shorthand for
\(\mathtt{Node}(e_1, [e_2,\dots,e_n])\)), assume that our solution is
correct for the substructure of the Node
, i.e.
\(\mathtt{append}(x, [e_2,\dots,e_n]) = [e_2,\dots,e_n, x]\). Our goal is
to have
$$\mathtt{append}(x, \mathtt{Node}(e_1, [e_2,\dots,e_n])) = \mathtt{Node}(e_1, [e_2,\dots,e_n,x])$$
Observe that:
$$\begin{aligned} \mathtt{append}(x, \mathtt{Node}(e_1, [e_2,\dots,e_n])) &= \mathtt{Node}(e_1, [e_2,\dots,e_n,x])\\ &= \mathtt{Node}(e_1, \mathtt{append}(x, [e_2,\dots,e_n])) \end{aligned}$$
Therefore, we can write:
def append(x, ls):
if ls == Empty():
return Node(x, Empty())
return Node(ls.head, append(x, ls.tail))
# Using structural pattern matching:
def append2(x, ls):
match ls:
case Empty():
return Node(x, Empty())
case Node(e1, xs):
return Node(e1, append2(x, xs))
We shall give another example by writing list reversals recursively, going straight into our derivation. Reversing the empty list gives the empty list. For nonempty lists our goal is to have \(\mathtt{reverse}([e_1,\dots,e_n])=[e_n,\dots,e_1]\). Assuming that \(\mathtt{reverse}([e_2,\dots,e_n])=[e_n,\dots,e_2]\), we can see that \([e_n,\dots,e_1] = \mathtt{append}(e_1, [e_n,\dots,e_2])\), giving us the following formulation:
def reverse(ls):
if ls == Empty():
return Empty()
return append(ls.head, reverse(ls.tail))
# Using structural pattern matching:
def reverse2(ls):
match ls:
case Empty(): return Empty()
case Node(e1, xs): return append(e1, reverse2(xs))
By this point you should be able to see that recursion can be done via the following based on the structure of the data:
- If the structure of the data is non-recursive, provide a non-recursive computation that computes the result directly
- If the structure of the data is recursive, recursively solve the problem on the
substructure(s) of the data (e.g.
of the natural number or list), and include its result in your main result
You should be well aware that data structures may be more complex. For example, solving a problem for a structure may require more than one recursive calls, one non-recursive call and one recursive call, etc. To make this apparent, let us look at a formulation of a binary tree of integers:
class Tree: pass
class EmptyTree(Tree): pass
class TreeNode(Tree):
left: Tree
val: int
right: Tree
Now let us attempt to write a function that sums all integers in the
tree. Again there are two possible structures a tree can have: the first
being the empty tree, which has sum 0. For tree nodes, we have two
subtrees, left
and right
, from whom we may recursively obtain their
sums using our function. Then, the sum of the entire tree is just the
total of the value at the node, the sum of the left subtree and the sum
of the right subtree:
def sum_tree(t):
if t == EmptyTree():
return 0
return t.val + sum_tree(t.left) + sum_tree(t.right)
# Structural pattern matching
def sum_tree(t):
match t:
case EmptyTree(): return 0
case TreeNode(l, v, r):
return sum_tree(l) + v + sum_tree(r)
In summary, our formulation of the natural numbers reveals that numbers are also structurally recursive, and therefore, are amenable to recursive computations. We can extend this idea to all recursive structures, which as you will see in these notes, is very common.
First-Class Functions
When we say that a language has first-class functions, what we mean is that functions are just regular terms or objects just like other terms and objects that you frequently encounter. Therefore, they can be assigned to variables, passed in as arguments and returned from functions. A language like Python (and of course, functional programming languages like Haskell and Lean) has first-class functions, making the following program completely valid:
def foo():
return 1
x = foo
y = x() # 1
Although this program seems extremely weird, especially for those who are familiar with languages like C and Java, it totally works. The idea is, at least in Python, that functions are also objects, and therefore the foo
name or variable actually stores a reference to the function that always returns 1
. This reference can be assigned to any other variable like x
because foo
is also a reference to an object! Then, when we invoke x
, the Python runtime looks-up the reference stored in x
which points to the foo
function, and thus evaluates to 1
Then, a function that receives functions as arguments or returns functions is known as a higher-order function. Let us look at the following examples:
def add(x):
def add_x(y):
return x + y
return add_x
Invoking this function is slightly weird, although still behaves more-or-less as expected:
>>> add(1)(2)
As you can see, add
defines a local function add_x
that receives y
and returns x + y
, for whatever x
was passed into add
. Then, add
returns the add_x
function itself! Therefore, add(1)
actually evaluates to the function add_x
where x
is 1
, and when that is invoked, it evaluates to 1 + 2
which is 3
! This is an example of a function that returns a function, making it a higher-order function.
Another example is as follows:
def map(f, it):
return (f(i) for i in it)
This function invokes the argument f
, passing each i
from it
. Therefore, f
is a function! An example of using map
is as follows:
>>> def add_1(x): return x + 1
>>> list(map(add_1, [1, 2, 3]))
[2, 3, 4]
As you can see, map
applies add_1
to every single element of [1, 2, 3]
and yields them into the resulting list, thereby giving us [2, 3, 4]
! Again, since map
receives functions like add_1
, it is also a higher-order function.
Having to write simple functions like add_1
is incredibly cumbersome. As such, languages like Python and Java make it easy to define anonymous functions, usually named lambda expressions1. A lambda expression in Python looks like this:
>>> list(map(lambda x: x + 1, [1, 2, 3]))
[2, 3, 4]
The idea is simple: the variable names to the left of :
are the function's parameters, and the expression to the right of :
is its return value. Obviously, this makes lambda
expressions more restrictive since we cannot express multi-statement functions, but that is not the point. It provides a convenient syntax for defining short functions, which comes in handy very frequently.
Nested Functions and Closures
You have likely been introduced to the idea of a nested function, i.e. it is a function that is defined locally within another function. And example is as follows:
def f(x):
def g(y):
return x + y
return g
defines a nested local function g
. In a sense, a nested function is just a function defined within a function. However, recall that local variables and definitions are typically erased from the call stack once the function has returned. Therefore, when an expression like f(2)
is evaluated, the Python runtime should allocate a stack frame for f
, which, internally defines g
and has the local binding for x = 2
. The function returns the reference stored in g
. As the function is returned, all the local variables should have been torn down, such as the local variable g
(however, the heap reference stored in g
(which points to the local function definition) is returned to the caller of f
, so it remains in memory and is accessible). However, x
, containing the reference to the value 2
should also be cleaned up since x
is a local variable! In this case, how does f(2)(3)
become 5
if the local variable x
has been cleaned and the binding has been forgotten?
It turns out that languages that have first-class functions frequently support closures, that is, an environment that remembers the bindings of local variables. Therefore, when f(2)
is invoked, it does not return g
as-is, with a reference to some local x
with no binding. Instead, it returns g
with an environment containing the binding x = 2
. As such, when we then invoke that function passing in 3
(i.e. f(2)(3)
), it returns x + y
where y
is obviously 3
, but is also able to look up the environment x = 2
, thereby evaluating to 5
Nested functions and closures thereby support the phenomenon known as currying, which is to have a multi-parameter function being converted to successive single-parameter functions. Without loss of generality, suppose we have a function f(x, y, z)
. Currying this function gives us a function f(x)
, which returns a function g
, defined as g(y)
, that function returns another function h
defined as h(z)
, and h
does whatever computation f(x, y, z)
does. We offer the following simple example:
def add(x, y, z):
return x + y + z
# Curried
def add_(x):
def g(y):
def h(z):
return x + y + z
return h
return g
# Simpler definition with lambda expressions
def add__(x):
return lambda y: lambda z: x + y + z
# the scope of lambda expressions extend as far to the right
# as possible, and therefore should be read as
# lambda y: (lambda z: (x + y + z))
Currying supports partial function application, which supports code re-use. You will see many instances of currying used throughout these notes, and hopefully this will become second-nature to you.
Parameterizing Behaviour
Consider the following functions:
def sum_naturals(n):
return sum(i for i in range(1, n + 1))
def sum_cubes(n):
return sum(i ** 3 for i in range(1, n + 1))
Clearly, the only difference between these two functions are the terms to sum. However, the difference in i
and i ** 3
cannot be abstracted into a single term. Instead, what we have to do is to abstract these as a function f
on i
! As such, what we want is to have a function that parameterizes behaviour, instead of just parameterizing values.
Since Python supports first-class functions, doing so is straightforward.
def sum_terms(n, f):
return sum(f(i) for i in range(1, n + 1))
Then, we can use our newly defined sum_terms
function to re-define sum_naturals
and sum_cubes
sum_naturals = lambda n: sum_terms(n, lambda i: i)
sum_cubes = lambda n: sum_terms(n, lambda i: i ** 3)
The process of abstracting over behaviour is no different when defining functions to abstract over data/values. Just retain similarities and parameterize differences! As another example, suppose we have two functions:
def scale(n, seq):
return (i * n for i in seq)
def square(seq):
return (i ** 2 for i in seq)
Again, we can retain the similarities (most of the code is similar), and parameterize the behaviour of either scaling each i
or squaring each i
. This can be written as a function transform
, which we can use to re-define scale
and square
# If you notice carefully, this is more-or-less the implementation of map
def transform(f, seq):
return (f(i) for i in seq)
scale = lambda n, s: transform(lambda i: i * n, s)
square = lambda s: transform(lambda i: i ** 2, s)
In fact, we can use the transform
function to transform any iterable in whatever way we want!
Manipulating Functions
On top of partial function application and parameterizing behaviour, we can use functions to manipulate/transform functions! Doing so typically requires us to define functions that receive and return functions. For example, if we want to create a function that receives a function f
and returns a new function that applies f
twice, we can write:
def twice(f):
return lambda x: f(f(x))
mult_four = twice(lambda x: x * 2)
print(mult_four(3)) # 12
As you can see, twice
receives a function and returns a new function that applies the input function twice. In fact, we can take this further by generalizing twice
, i.e. defining a function compose
that performs function composition:
\[(g\circ f)(x) = g(f(x))\]
def compose(g, f):
return lambda x: g(f(x))
mult_four = compose(lambda x: x * 2, lambda x: x * 2)
plus_three_mult_two = compose(lambda x: x * 2, lambda x: x + 3)
print(mult_four(3)) # 12
print(plus_three_mult_two(5)) # 16
This is a really powerful idea and you will see this phenomenon frequently in this course.
Specific to Python, we can use single-parameter function-manipulating functions like twice
as decorators:
def mult_four(x):
return x * 2
print(mult_four(3)) # 12
Although the definition of mult_four
actually only multiplies the argument by 2
, the twice
decorator transforms it to be applied twice, therefore multiplying the argument by 4
! While decorators are useful, Haskell does not have decorators similar to this, although, frankly, this is not a required feature in Haskell since it has features much more ergonomic than this.
Map, Filter, Reduce and FlatMap
There are several higher-order functions that are frequently used in programming. One of these functions is map
, and is more-or-less defined as such:
def map(f, ls):
return (f(i) for i in ls)
This is exactly what you've seen earlier in transform
! The idea is that map
receives a function that maps each element of the iterable ls
, and produces an iterable containing those transformed elements. Using it is incredibly straightforward:
>>> list(map(lambda i: i + 1, [1, 2, 3]))
[2, 3, 4]
>>> list(map(lambda i: i * 2, [1, 2, 3]))
[2, 4, 6]
As you can see, map
allows us to transform every element of an input iterable using a function. Another function, filter
, filters out elements that do not meet a predicate:
def filter(f, ls):
return (i for i in ls if f(i))
>>> list(filter(lambda x: x >= 0, [-2, -1, 0, 1]))
[0, 1]
and filter
are powerful tools for transforming an iterable/sequence. However, what about aggregations? For this, we have the reduce
def reduce(f, it, init):
for e in it:
init = f(init, e)
return init
As you can see, reduce
receives three arguments: (1) a binary operation f
that combines two elements (the left element is initially the init
term, and also holds every successive application of f
, i.e. it is the accumulator), (2) the iterable it
, and (3) the initial value init
. It essentially abstracts over the accumulator pattern that you have frequently seen, such as a function that sums over numbers or reverses a list:
def sum(ls):
acc = 0
for i in ls:
acc = acc + i
return acc
def reverse(ls):
acc = []
for i in ls:
acc = [i] + acc
return acc
In summary, 0
in sum
and []
in reverse
acts as init
in reduce
; ls
in both functions act as it
in reduce
; lambda acc, i: acc + i
and lambda acc, i: [i] + acc
acts as f
in reduce
. We can therefore rewrite both of these functions using reduce
as such:
>>> sum = lambda ls: reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, ls, 0)
>>> reverse = lambda ls: reduce(lambda x, y: [y] + x, ls, [])
>>> sum([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> reverse([1, 2, 3, 4])
[4, 3, 2, 1]
Another way to view reduce
is as a left-associative fold. To give you an example, suppose we are calling reduce
with arguments f
, [1, 2, 3, 4]
and i
as the initial value. Then, reduce(f, [1, 2, 3, 4], i)
would be equivalent to:
reduce(f, [1, 2, 3, 4], i) ==> f(f(f(f(i, 1), 2), 3), 4)
One last function that should be unfamiliar to Python developers is a flatMap
function, which performs map
, but also does a one-layer flattening of the result. This function is available in other languages like Java, JavaScript and many other languages due to its connection to monads, but we shall give a quick view of what it might look like in Python:
def flat_map(f, it):
for i in it:
for j in f(i):
yield j
The idea is that f
receives an element of it
and returns an iterable, and we loop through the elements of that iterable and yield them individually. Take for example a function that turns integers into lists of their digits:
>>> to_digits = lambda n: list(map(int, str(n)))
>>> to_digits(1, 2, 3, 4)
[1, 2, 3, 4]
If we had used map
over a list of integers, we get a two-dimensional list of integers, where each component list is the list of digits of the corresponding integer:
>>> list(map(to_digits, [11, 22, 33]))
[[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]]
If we had used flat_map
instead, we would get the same mapping of integers into lists of digits; however, the list is flattened into a list of digits of all the integers:
>>> list(flat_map(to_digits, [11, 22, 33]))
[1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3]
The term lambda expression is inspired from the \(\lambda\)-calculus.
Lambda Calculus
The \(\lambda\) calculus, invented by Alonzo Church, is, essentially, one of the simplest formal "programming" languages. It has a simple syntax and semantics for how programs are evaluated.
Let us first consider the untyped \(\lambda\) calculus containing variables, atoms1, abstractions and applications. The syntax of \(\lambda\) terms e
in the the untyped \(\lambda\) calculus is shown here:
e ::= v > variables like x, y and z
| a > atoms like 1, 2, True, +, *
| λv.e > function abstraction, such as def f(v): return e
| e e' > function call a.k.a function application such as e(e')
Part of the motivation for this new language is for expressing higher-order functions. For example, if we wanted to define a function like:
def add(x):
def g(y):
return x + y
return g
Doing so mathematically might be a little clumsy. Instead, with the \(\lambda\) calculus, we can write it like so:
\[\textit{add} = \lambda x.\lambda y. x + y\]
Just like in Python, the scope of a \(\lambda\) abstraction extends as far to the right as possible, so the function above should be read as:
\[\textit{add} = \lambda x.(\lambda y. (x + y))\]
We show the correspondence between terms in the \(\lambda\) calculus with lambda expressions in Python:
\(\lambda\) term | Python Expression |
\(\lambda x. x + 1\) | lambda x: x + 1 |
\(\lambda x. \lambda y. x~y\) | lambda x: lambda y: x(y) |
\((\lambda x. 2 \times x)~y\) | (lambda x: 2 * x)(y) |
Function applications are left-associative, therefore \(e1~e2~e3\) should be read as \((e1 ~ e2) ~ e3\), and in Python, e1(e2)(e3)
should be read as (e1(e2))(e3)
To begin describing how \(\lambda\) calculus executes a program (which is really just a \(\lambda\) term), we first distinguish between free and bound variables in a \(\lambda\) term.
Definition 1 (Free Variables). A variable \(x\) in a \(\lambda\) term \(e\) is
- bound if it is in the scope of a \(\lambda x\) in \(e\)
- free otherwise
Then, the functions \(BV\) and \(FV\) produce the bound and free variables of a \(\lambda\) term respectively. For example, \(FV(\lambda x. \lambda y. x ~ y ~ z) = \{z\}\).
Now we want to be able to perform substitutions of variables with terms. For example, when we have an application of the form \((\lambda x. e_1) ~ e_2\), what we want is for \(e_2\) to be substituted with \(x\) in \(e_1\), just like the following function in Python:
def f(x): return x + 1
f(2) # becomes 2 + 1 which is 3, because we substituted x with 2
However, this is not straightforward because we may introduce name clashes. For example, if we had \((\lambda x. \lambda y. x ~ y) y\), performing a function call with naive substitution gives us \(\lambda y. y ~ y\) which is wrong, because now the free variable \(x\) is substituted with the bound variable \(y\), so the meaning is not preserved. As such, we define substitutions on \(\lambda\) terms keeping this in mind.
Definition 2 (Substitution). \(e_1[x := e_2]\) is the substitution of all free occurrences of \(x\) in \(e_1\) with \(e_2\), changing the names of bound variables to avoid name clashes. Substitution is defined by the following rules:
- \(x[x := e] \equiv e\)
- \(a[x := e] \equiv a\) where \(a\) is an atom
- \((e_1 ~ e_2)[x := e_3] \equiv (e_1[x := e_3])(e_2[x := e_3])\)
- \((\lambda x.e_1)[x := e_2] \equiv \lambda x.e_1\) since \(x\) is not free
- \((\lambda y.e_1)[x := e_2] \equiv \lambda y.e_1\) if \(x \notin FV(e_1)\)
- \((\lambda y.e_1)[x := e_2] \equiv \lambda y.(e_1[x:=e_2])\) if \(x \in FV(e_1)\) and \(y\notin FV(e_2)\)
- \((\lambda y.e_1)[x := e_2] \equiv \lambda z.(e_1[y:=z][x := e_2])\) if \(x \in FV(e_1)\) and \(y\in FV(e_2)\)
We give some example applications of each rule:
- \(x[x := \lambda x. x] \equiv \lambda x. x \)
- \(1[x := \lambda x. x] \equiv 1 \)
- \((x ~ y)[x := z] \equiv z ~ y\)
- \((\lambda x. x+1)[x := y] \equiv \lambda x. x + 1\)
- \((\lambda y. \lambda x. x+y)[x := z] \equiv \lambda y. \lambda x. x+y\)
- \((\lambda y. x+y)[x := z] \equiv \lambda y. z+y\)
- \((\lambda y. x+y)[x := y] \equiv \lambda z. y+z\) (rename \(y\) to \(z\) before performing substitution)
The last rule where variables are renamed to avoid name clashes introduces a form of equivalence known as \(\alpha\) congruence. It captures the idea that renaming parameters in functions does not change its meaning. For example, the two functions below are, in operation, identical:
def f(x):
return x + 1
def f(y):
return y + 1
In other words, if two terms differ only in the name of the bound variables, they are said to be \(\alpha\) congruent.
Finally, we get to the actual semantics of \(\lambda\) calculus, which is described by \(\beta\) reduction. Essentially it is as we have briefly described earlier—a function application (lambda x: e1)(e2)
, evaluates to e1
where x
is substituted with e2
\[(\lambda x. e) ~ y \triangleright_\beta e[x := y]\]
For example:
\[\begin{align*} (\lambda x.\lambda y. x ~ y)(\lambda x. x + 1)(2) &\triangleright_\beta (\lambda y. x ~ y)[x := \lambda x. x + 1] (2)\\ & \equiv (\lambda y. (\lambda x. x + 1) ~ y)(2)\\ & \triangleright_\beta ((\lambda x. x + 1) ~ y)[y := 2]\\ & \equiv (\lambda x. x + 1)(2)\\ & \triangleright_\beta (x + 1)[x := 2]\\ & \equiv 2 + 1 \\ & \equiv 3 \end{align*} \]
This is more-or-less how Python evaluates function calls:
>>> (lambda x: lambda y: x(y))(lambda x: x + 1)(2)
Typed Variants
Python has types, which describes the class from which an object was instantiated:
>>> type(1)
<class 'int'>
>>> type(1.0)
<class 'float'>
We will describe more on types in Chapter 2 (Types). But for now, know that we can also assign types to terms in the \(\lambda\) calculus, giving us new forms of \(\lambda\) calculi. The simplest type system we can add to the \(\lambda\) calculus is, well, simple types, forming the simply-typed \(\lambda\) calculus.
For now, we shall restrict types to be the base types to only include int
, giving us a new language for the calculus:
e ::= v > variables like x, y and z
| a > atoms like 1, 2, +, *
| λv: t.e > function abstraction, such as def f(v: t): return e
| e e' > function call a.k.a function application such as e(e')
t ::= int > base type constants, only including integers
| t -> t' > type of functions; -> is right-associative
The introduction of types to the calculus now adds the notion of well-typedness to the language. Specifically, not all terms in the untyped \(\lambda\) calculus are well-typed in the simply typed \(\lambda\) calculus. To formalize this notion of well-typedness, we define typing rules that dictate when a term is well-typed, and what type a term has.
First we have typing environments \(\Gamma,\Delta,\dots,\) which are sets (or sometimes lists) of typing assumptions of the form \(x:\tau\), stating that we are assuming that \(x\) has type \(\tau\). Then, the typing relation \(\Gamma\vdash e: \tau\) states that in the context \(\Gamma\), the term \(e\) has type \(\tau\). The reason we need typing environments is so that the types of in-scope bound variables in \(\lambda\) terms are captured and can be used in the derivation of the types of terms. Instances of typing relations are known as typing judgements.
The validity of a typing judgement is shown by providing a typing derivation that is constructed using typing rules, which are inference rules:
\[\frac{A_1 ~ A_2 ~ \dots ~ A_n}{B}\]
Which basically states that if all the statements \(A_i\) are valid, then the statement \(B\) is also valid.
Then, the simply-typed \(\lambda\) calculus uses the following rules.
- If a variable \(x\) has type \(\tau\) in \(\Gamma\) then in the context \(\Gamma\), \(x\) has type \(\tau\) \[ \frac{x:\tau \in \Gamma}{\Gamma \vdash x : \tau} \]
- If an atom \(a\) has type \(\tau\) then we can also judge the type of \(a\) accordingly \[ \frac{a\text{ is an atom of type }\tau}{\Gamma \vdash a: \tau} \]
- Abstraction: If in a certain context we can assume that \(x\) has type \(\tau_1\) to conclude \(e\) has type \(\tau_2\), then the same context without this assumption shows that \(\lambda x:\tau_1.e\) has type \(\tau_1\to\tau_2\) \[ \frac{\Gamma,x:\tau_1\vdash e:\tau_2}{\Gamma \vdash (\lambda x:\tau_1.e) : \tau_1 \to \tau_2} \]
- Application: If in a certain context \(e_1\) has type \(\tau_1\to\tau_2\) and \(e_2\) has type \(\tau_1\), then \(e_1 ~ e_2\) has type \(\tau_2\) \[ \frac{\Gamma \vdash e_1: \tau_1\to\tau_2 ~~~~~~ \Gamma \vdash e_2: \tau_1}{\Gamma \vdash (e_1 ~ e_2) :\tau_2} \]
These rules can be used to perform type checking (the procedure of checking the well-typedness of a term) or type reconstruction (the procedure of finding the types of terms where their typing information is not present, as is the case in the untyped \(\lambda\) calculus).
For example, in our calculus we can show that \(\lambda x: \mathtt{int}\to\mathtt{int}. \lambda y:\mathtt{int}.x ~ y\) has type \((\mathtt{int}\to\mathtt{int})\to\mathtt{int}\to\mathtt{int}\) and is therefore a well-typed term:
\[ \frac{x:\mathtt{int}\to\mathtt{int} \in \Gamma,x:\mathtt{int}\to\mathtt{int},y:\mathtt{int}}{\Gamma, x: \mathtt{int}\to\mathtt{int}, y:\mathtt{int}\vdash x:\mathtt{int}\to\mathtt{int}} \]
\[ \frac{y:\mathtt{int}\in \Gamma,x:\mathtt{int}\to\mathtt{int},y:\mathtt{int}}{\Gamma, x: \mathtt{int}\to\mathtt{int}, y:\mathtt{int}\vdash y:\mathtt{int}} \]
\[ \frac{\Gamma,x:\mathtt{int}\to\mathtt{int},y:\mathtt{int}\vdash x: \mathtt{int}\to\mathtt{int}~~~~~~~ \Gamma,x:\mathtt{int}\to\mathtt{int},y:\mathtt{int}\vdash y: \mathtt{int}}{\Gamma, x: \mathtt{int}\to\mathtt{int}, y:\mathtt{int}\vdash (x ~ y):\mathtt{int}} \]
\[ \frac{\Gamma, x: \mathtt{int}\to\mathtt{int}, y:\mathtt{int}\vdash (x ~ y):\mathtt{int}}{\Gamma, x: \mathtt{int} \to \mathtt{int} \vdash (\lambda y: \mathtt{int}. x ~ y) : \mathtt{int}\to\mathtt{int}} \]
\[ \frac{\Gamma, x: \mathtt{int} \to \mathtt{int} \vdash (\lambda y: \mathtt{int}. x ~ y) : \mathtt{int}\to\mathtt{int}}{\Gamma\vdash (\lambda x: \mathtt{int} \to \mathtt{int}.\lambda y: \mathtt{int}. x ~ y) : (\mathtt{int}\to\mathtt{int})\to\mathtt{int}\to\mathtt{int}} \]
That means the following lambda expression in Python (assuming only int
exists as a base type) will have the same type:
>>> f = lambda x: lambda y: x(y) # (int -> int) -> int -> int
>>> my_fn = lambda x: x + 1 # int -> int
# f(my_fn): int -> int
# f(my_fn)(3): int
>>> f(my_fn)(3) # int
>>> type(f(my_fn)(3))
class <'int'>
The actual untyped \(\lambda\) calculus does not have atoms like numbers, booleans etc. However, for simplicity's sake we shall include them in the language. The version we present is frequently termed the applied \(\lambda\) calculus, in contrast with usual presentations known as the pure \(\lambda\) calculus which omits atoms.