
Monad Transformers

Monads support composition in context. Another question to ask is, can we compose monads? In other words, can we combine monads together?

Consider the example of finding the length of the path between two connected neighbours in a directed graph, except that we have each node connected to at most one edge. The way we might solve this problem is, once again, via DFS (which in this case is the same as BFS), except that our graph is now of type [(Node, Node)] and our function returns the length of the path instead of a Bool value describing whether the path exists:

type Node = Int
type Graph = [(Node, Node)]
dfs :: Node -> Node -> Graph -> Maybe Int
dfs src dst gph = aux src [] gph where
    aux :: Node -> [Node] -> Graph -> Maybe Int
    aux current visited gph'
      | arrived = return 0
      | alreadyVisited = Nothing
      | otherwise  = do
          n <- lookup current gph
          (+1) <$> aux n (current : visited) gph'
      where arrived = current == dst
            alreadyVisited = current `elem` visited

Notice that just like our previous definition of dfs, all our functions such as dfs and lookup involve some environment which we need to pass around! Let us try changing everything of type Graph -> Maybe Int to Reader Graph (Maybe Int) and modify our environment to no longer receive the gph argument:

type Node = Int
type Graph = [(Node, Node)]
dfs :: Node -> Node -> Reader Graph (Maybe Int)
dfs src dst = aux src [] where
    aux :: Node -> [Node] -> Reader Graph (Maybe Int)
    aux current visited 
      | arrived = return 0
      | alreadyVisited = Nothing
      | otherwise  = do
          n <- lookup current
          (+1) <$> aux n (current : visited)
      where arrived = current == dst
            alreadyVisited = current `elem` visited

Unfortunately, our code doesn't type check. This is because now our do block performs the monadic operations based on the definition of Reader, not on Maybe! As such, we may need significant rewrites to our function to introduce the Reader monad to our Maybe computation.

Enriching the Maybe Monad

Is there a better way? Yes! Let us try defining a new monad ReaderMaybe that essentially acts as both the Reader and the Maybe monads!

newtype ReaderMaybe env a = ReaderMaybe { runReaderMaybe :: Reader env (Maybe a) }

instance Functor (ReaderMaybe env) where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> ReaderMaybe env a -> ReaderMaybe env b
  fmap f (ReaderMaybe ls) = ReaderMaybe $ fmap (fmap f) ls

instance Applicative (ReaderMaybe env) where
  pure :: a -> ReaderMaybe env a
  pure = ReaderMaybe . pure . pure
  (<*>) :: ReaderMaybe env (a -> b) -> ReaderMaybe env a -> ReaderMaybe env b
  (ReaderMaybe f) <*> (ReaderMaybe x) = ReaderMaybe $ do
    maybe_f <- f
    case maybe_f of 
      Nothing -> return Nothing
      Just f' -> do
        maybe_x <- x
        case maybe_x of 
          Nothing -> return Nothing
          Just x' -> return $ Just (f' x')

instance Monad (ReaderMaybe env) where
  return :: a -> ReaderMaybe env a
  return = pure
  (>>=) :: ReaderMaybe env a -> (a -> ReaderMaybe env b) -> ReaderMaybe env b
  (ReaderMaybe ls) >>= f = ReaderMaybe $ do
    m <- ls
    case m of
      Just x -> runReaderMaybe $ f x
      Nothing -> return Nothing

All of these methods are tedious to define, however are somewhat straightforward. In particular, it relies on do notation on Readers to extract out the Maybe values, and performs the usual Maybe methods to compose them.

The result is that we can now make use of this ReaderMaybe monad in our dfs function:

dfs :: Node -> Node -> Graph -> Maybe Int
dfs src dst = runReaderMaybe (aux src []) where
    aux :: Node -> [Node] -> ReaderMaybe Graph Int
    aux current visited 
      | arrived = return 0
      | alreadyVisited = ReaderMaybe $ return Nothing
      | otherwise  = do
          n <- ReaderMaybe $ lookup current 
          (+1) <$> aux n (current : visited)
      where arrived = current == dst
            alreadyVisited = current `elem` visited

There are several points worthy of note in our new implementation:

  1. Most of this definition is the same as our original definition that works on the Maybe monad
  2. Because the aux function returns a ReaderMaybe term which wraps the actual Reader function, we write runReaderMaybe (aux src []) to expose the actual Reader Graph (Maybe Int) function
  3. In the alreadyVisited case, we cannot write alreadyVisited = Nothing since Nothing is not of the type ReaderMaybe Graph Int; we also cannot just write return Nothing since that has type ReaderMaybe env (Maybe a). As such, we have to use return @(Reader Graph) Nothing, then wrap it in the ReaderMaybe constructor
  4. Similar to (3), instead of lookup current, we have to wrap it around the ReaderMaybe constructor so that instead of having type Reader Graph (Maybe Int), ReaderMaybe $ lookup current will have type ReaderMaybe Graph Int, which is the correct type to have.

When converting the original implementation based on Maybe into the new implementation based on ReaderMaybe Graph Int, one tip is to leave the implementation the same and just change the type signature of the functions to use ReaderMaybe Graph Int instead of Graph -> Maybe Int, then make use of typing information to correct the types in the program; in other words, "let the types guide your programming", like we have done in Chapter 2 (Types)! Furthermore, we are generally assured that everything works as expected because monads behave in the most obvious way!

Just like that, we are able to compose the Reader monad with the Maybe monad! Running dfs works exactly as we'd expect:

ghci> my_map = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1)]
ghci> dfs 1 4 my_map
ghci> dfs 1 2 my_map
Just 1
ghci> dfs 2 1 my_map
Just 2

Now, what if we wanted to enrich the Maybe monad with other notions of computation, such as [], IO etc? Suppose we follow the same procedure of enriching Maybe with Reader, but instead by enriching it with IO, giving us a new monad IOMaybe a which represents IO (Maybe a):

newtype IOMaybe a = IOMaybe { runIOMaybe :: IO (Maybe a) }

instance Functor IOMaybe where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> IOMaybe a -> IOMaybe b
  fmap f (IOMaybe io) = IOMaybe (fmap (fmap f) io)

instance Applicative IOMaybe where
  pure :: a -> IOMaybe a
  pure = IOMaybe . pure . pure
  (<*>) :: IOMaybe (a -> b) -> IOMaybe a -> IOMaybe b
  (IOMaybe f) <*> (IOMaybe x) = IOMaybe $ do
    maybe_f <- f
    case maybe_f of 
      Nothing -> return Nothing
      Just f' -> do
        maybe_x <- x
        case maybe_x of 
          Nothing -> return Nothing
          Just x' -> return $ Just (f' x')

instance Monad IOMaybe where
  return :: a -> IOMaybe a
  return = pure
  (>>=) :: IOMaybe a -> (a -> IOMaybe b) -> IOMaybe b
  (IOMaybe m) >>= f = IOMaybe $ do
    maybe_m <- m
    case maybe_m of
      Just x -> runIOMaybe $ f x
      Nothing -> return Nothing

There are several things worth thinking about. Firstly, so far, it appears that we have to re-create new instances for every notion of computation we want to enrich Maybe with. Secondly, you might realise that absolutely nothing about the definition of the instances care about the enriching monad. All of the definitions in the methods for ReaderMaybe and IOMaybe do not mention any Reader-specific or IO-specific functions. Instead, they all rely on their respective monad binds! Therefore, we can abstract these into a monad transformer.

Monad Transformers

A monad transformer MonadT m a enriches Monad with m. For example, the MaybeT m a monad transformer enriches Maybe with m. Therefore, our ReaderMaybe and IOMaybe monads can be represented exactly as MaybeT (Reader env) and MaybeT IO! The definition of MaybeT is virtually the exact same as the definitions of ReaderMaybe and IOMaybe, except that we do not refer to Reader or IO, and leave them as m:

newtype MaybeT m a = MaybeT { runMaybeT :: m (Maybe a) }

instance (Functor m) => Functor (MaybeT m) where
    fmap f (MaybeT x) = MaybeT $ fmap (fmap f) x

instance (Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (MaybeT m) where
    pure = MaybeT . return . Just
    mf <*> mx = MaybeT $ do
        mb_f <- runMaybeT mf
        case mb_f of
            Nothing -> return Nothing
            Just f  -> do
                mb_x <- runMaybeT mx
                case mb_x of
                    Nothing -> return Nothing
                    Just x  -> return (Just (f x))

instance (Monad m) => Monad (MaybeT m) where
    return = MaybeT . return . Just
    x >>= f = MaybeT $ do
        v <- runMaybeT x
        case v of
            Nothing -> return Nothing
            Just y  -> runMaybeT (f y)

With this Maybe monad transformer, we can rewrite our definition of dfs by replacing ReaderMaybe Graph Int with MaybeT (Reader Graph) Int!

dfs :: Node -> Node -> Graph -> Maybe Int
dfs src dst = runMaybeT (aux src []) where
    aux :: Node -> [Node] -> MaybeT (Reader Graph) Int
    aux current visited 
      | arrived = return 0
      | alreadyVisited = MaybeT $ return Nothing
      | otherwise  = do
          n <- MaybeT $ lookup current 
          (+1) <$> aux n (current : visited)
      where arrived = current == dst
            alreadyVisited = current `elem` visited

And now with the MaybeT monad transformer, we can enrich the Maybe monad with any other monad we want without having to redefine new types and new type class instances for each of the monads we are enriching Maybe with!

Monad Transformer Library

Because monads are so common in programming, the common monads already have their own monad transformers, and these are defined in the transformers and mtl libraries. If you want to use these commonly used monad transformers, just download the dependencies and import the libraries into your programs! But... how do we do that?

Build Tools and Package Managers

Most production programming languages have a package manager and build tool, and Haskell is no different. In fact, Haskell has several package managers and build tools you can use. Two of the main competing ones are cabal and stack, both of which can be installed via GHCup. For our purposes, we shall just use cabal since it is slightly simpler to use; most modern versions are generally fine, but for us, we shall use (at least) cabal-3.10.3.

Project Initialization

Using cabal is very simple. First, to create a new Haskell project, create an empty directory and run cabal init (> is the shell prompt of the terminal, do not enter > as part of the command)

> mkdir my-project
> cd my-project
> cabal init

Then, cabal will take you through a series of questions to initialize the project. Some notable options are:

  • Executables are programs that can be executed; libraries are code that other Haskell users can import. For us, choose to build an executable
  • The main module of the executable should be Main.hs. The Main.lhs option is for writing literate Haskell programs. You can use that as well, although for us, it is significantly easier to just use Main.hs and write plain Haskell programs.
  • The language for our executable should be GHC2021, giving us as many of the latest features as we can have without having to include them as language extensions.

The result of running cabal init is that your project directory has been initialized with several parts:

  • The app directory (or whatever name you have chosen) stores the source code of your program
  • my-project.cabal is the specification of your project.

Project Configuration

Let us investigate what is in my-project.cabal (some comments and fields omitted for concision):

cabal-version:      3.0
-- ...
common warnings
    ghc-options: -Wall
executable my-project
    import:           warnings
    main-is:          Main.hs

    -- Modules included in this executable, other than Main.
    -- other-modules:

    -- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
    -- other-extensions:

    -- Other library packages from which modules are imported.
    build-depends:    base ^>=

    -- Directories containing source files.
    hs-source-dirs:   app

    -- Base language which the package is written in.
    default-language: GHC2021

The executable my-project clause describes some of the specifications of our project. In particular, the build-depends field describes any external dependencies we wish to include. These dependencies can be automatically pulled from Hackage by cabal, as long as we specify the name, and optionally the version, of the package. For example, we want the Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe module in transformers library. Hence, to include the transformers library to have access to monad transformers, just include transformers in build-depends.

-- ...
executable my-project
    -- ...
    -- Other library packages from which modules are imported.
    build-depends:    base ^>=
                    , transformers
    -- ...

Then, run cabal install to install all our dependencies!

> cabal install
Resolving dependencies...
Symlinking 'my-project' to '/path/to/.local/bin/my-project'

And that's all! Just like that, we now have access to transformers functions, data types, classes and methods!

Writing the Program

Let us try creating a simple executable program in our project. First, we create our simple graph library. Right now, our project directory looks like this:

├─ my-project.cabal
├─ app/
│   └─ Main.hs
└─ ...

Let us create a simple graph library by creating a file my-project/app/Data/Graph.hs, therefore our directory structure becomes:

├─ my-project.cabal
├─ app/
│   ├─ Main.hs
│   └─ Data/
│        └─ Graph.hs
└─ ...

This creates a new module called Data.Graph. We must include this in our cabal file so that cabal knows to compile it as well. Head back to my-project.cabal, and include Data.Graph in the other-modules field:

-- ...
executable my-project
    -- ...
    -- Modules included in this executable, other than Main.
    other-modules:    Data.Graph
    -- ...

Now, open Graph.hs and write some code! In particular:

  1. Declare the name of the module. In this case, the module is called Data.Graph because it is in the Data directory and the file name is Graph.hs.
  2. Import the Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe module to have access to MaybeT, and the Control.Monad.Trans.Reader monad to have access to the Reader monad.
  3. Define our dfs function.
module Data.Graph where

import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader

type Graph = [(Node, Node)]
type Node = Int

type GraphProcessor = MaybeT (Reader Graph) Int

dfs :: Node -> Node -> Graph -> Maybe Int
dfs src dst = runReader $ runMaybeT (aux src []) where
    aux :: Node -> [Node] -> GraphProcessor
    aux current visited 
      | arrived = return 0
      | alreadyVisited = MaybeT $ return Nothing
      | otherwise  = do
          n <- MaybeT $ reader $ lookup current 
          (+1) <$> aux n (current : visited)
      where arrived = current == dst
            alreadyVisited = current `elem` visited

Note that our Reader monad shown in the previous chapter is quite different to the one defined in transformers. In fact, Reader env a is actually defined as ReaderT env Identity a. This is because it is generally quite uncommon to use the Reader monad by itself, since what it represents is just a plain function. The ReaderT monad transformer is defined as such:

newtype ReaderT r m a = ReaderT { runReaderT :: r -> m a }
type Reader env a = ReaderT env Identity a

And the Identity monad is completely uninteresting:

newtype Identity a = Identity { runIdentity :: a }

As such, the transformers library exposes some helper functions to make working with the plain Reader monad easier; for example, the runReader function extracts the enclosed function from a ReaderT, and the reader function transforms a function into a ReaderT.

We are done with our Graph library. Now, open app/Main.hs and write the following to see our dfs function in action (note that print is defined as putStrLn . show)!

module Main where

import Data.Graph

myGraph :: Graph
myGraph = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 1), (4, 5)]

main :: IO ()
main = do
  print $ dfs 1 2 myGraph
  print $ dfs 1 5 myGraph

We are done with developing our simple application! Compiling and running our program is simple with the help of build tools like cabal. In the terminal, just enter cabal run to compile the program (if changes have been made) and execute it!

> cabal run
Just 1