The Existential Typeclass Antipattern
In Python, as long as a class abides by a protocol, the Python type system presumes that this class is a subclass of said protocol. Therefore, any object instantiated from such a class is also considered to be of the same type as the protocol. Thus, in our earlier example, shapes, houses and rooms are all considered to be the same type has HasArea
class HasArea(Protocol):
def area(self) -> float:
class Rectangle:
# ...
def area(self) -> float:
return # ...
class House:
# ...
def area(self) -> float:
return # ...
# the following is ok and well-typed
ls: list[HasArea] = [Rectangle(1, 2), House(...)]
However, this is not okay in Haskell because HasArea
is not a type, but a typeclass!
x = Triangle 2 3
y = R "bedroom" (Rectangle 3 4)
z = H [y]
ls = [x, y, z] -- error!
One question we might ask is, how do we replicate this ability in Python? I.e., how do we create a type that represents all types that implement HasArea
in Haskell?
Existential Types
Recall that polymorphic types are also called for-all types. Essentially, the definition of the type is independent of the type parameter. The idea behind for-all types is that we can substitute the type parameter with any other type to give a new type. For example, we know that the id
function has type forall a. a -> a
. Therefore, we can apply id
onto a type, say Int
, to give us a new function whose type is Int -> Int
The type variable a
is opaque to whoever defines the term of the polymorphic type. For example, when we define a polymorphic function:
singleton :: forall. a -> [a]
singleton x = []
The type of x
is just a
where we have no idea what a
is. Thus, the implementation of singleton
cannot make use of any knowledge of what a
is because it is just an opaque type variable. In contrast, anyone who uses singleton
can decide what type will inhabit a
x :: Int
y = singleton @Int x
As you can see, the caller of singleton
can decide to pass in the type Int
, and thus will know that the function application singleton @Int x
will evaluate to a term of type [Int]
One question you might ask is, we know that "for all" corresponds to \(\forall\) in mathematics. Are there also \(\exists\) types? The answer is yes! These are known as existential types: \[\exists\alpha.\tau\]
The idea behind existential types is that there is some type which inhabits the existential type variable to give a new type. For example the type \(\exists\alpha.[\alpha]\) means "some" list of elements. The term [1, 2]
can also be treated as having the type \(\exists\alpha.[\alpha]\) because we know that we can let \(\alpha\) be Int
and [1, 2]
is correctly of type [Int]
. Similarly, "abc"
can also be treated as having the type \(\exists\alpha.[\alpha]\) because we know that we can let \(\alpha\) be Char
and "abc"
is correctly of type [Char]
. However, [1, 'a']
is not of type \(\exists\alpha.[\alpha]\) since we cannot assign any type to \(\alpha\) so that the type of [1, 'a']
matches it.
An existential type reverses the relationship of type variable opacity. Recall that the implementer of a polymorphic function sees the type variable as opaque, while the user gets to decide what type inhabits the type variable. For an existential type, the implementer gets to decide what type inhabits the type variable, while the user of an existential type views the type variable as opaque.
Polymorphism: implementer does not know the type, must ignore it. User chooses the type.
Existential types: implementer chooses the type. User does not know the type, must ignore it.
Ideally, this allows us to define a type of lists \([\exists\alpha.\mathtt{HasArea}~\alpha\Rightarrow\alpha]\) (read: a list of elements, each of which are some \(\alpha\) that implements HasArea
), however the quantification of the type variable is inside the list constructor; these are called impredicative types. Haskell does not support impredicative types. What can we do now?
What we can try to do is to define a new wrapper type that stores elements of type \(\exists\alpha.\mathtt{HasArea}~\alpha\), like so:
data HasAreaType = HAT (∃a. HasArea a => a)
instance HasArea HasAreaType where
area :: HasAreaType -> Double
area (HAT x) = area x
However, perhaps surprisingly given what we've been talking about, Haskell does not even support existential types. What now?
Mental Model for Existential Types
Just like how we have given a mental model for polymorphism, we give a mental model for existential types. Recall that a polymorphic function is a function that receives a type parameter and returns a function that is specialized over the type parameter. For us, let us suppose that a term of an existential type \(\exists\alpha.\tau\) is a pair \((\beta,x)\) such that \(x\) has type \(\tau[\alpha:=\beta]\).
(Int, [1, 2])
is a term of type \(\exists\alpha.[\alpha]\) because[1, 2] :: [Int]
(Char, "abc")
is also a term of type \(\exists\alpha.[\alpha]\) because"abc" :: [Char]
Therefore, a function on an existential type can be thought of as a function receiving a pair, whose first element is a type, and the second element is corresponding term.
In our example above, the HAT
constructor would therefore have type
HAT :: (∃a. HasArea a => a) -> HasAreaType
Using our mental model, we destructure the existential type as a pair:
HAT :: (a :: *, HasArea a => a) -> HasAreaType
Recall currying, where a function over more than one argument is split into a function receiving one parameter and returning a function that receives the rest. We thus curry the HAT
constructor like so:
HAT :: (a :: *) -> HasArea a => a -> HasAreaType
Remember what it means for a function that receives a type as a parameter—this is a polymorphic function!
HAT :: forall a. HasArea a => a -> HasAreaType
Indeed, polymorphic functions simulate functions over existential types. Let us show more examples of this being the case. For example, the area
typeclass method is a function over something that implements HasArea
, and returns a Double
. Therefore, it should have the following function signature:
area :: (∃a. HasArea a => a) -> Double
However, we know that we can curry the existential type to get a polymorphic function, allowing us to recover the original type signature!
area :: forall a. HasArea a => Double
In another example, we know the EqExpr
constructor from the previous chapter is constructed by providing any two expressions that are amenable to equality comparisons:
EqExpr :: (∃a. Eq a => (Expr a, Expr a)) -> Expr Bool
Again, with currying, we recover our original type signature for EqExpr
EqExpr :: forall a. Eq a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool
With this in mind, we can now properly create our HAT
constructor and use the HasAreaType
type to put shapes, rooms and houses in a single list!
data HasAreaType where
HAT :: forall a. HasArea a => a -> HasAreaType
instance HasArea HasAreaType where
area :: HasAreaType -> area
area (HAT x) = area x
x = Triangle 2 3
y = R "bedroom" (Rectangle 3 4)
z = H [y]
ls :: [HasAreaType]
ls = [HAT x, HAT y, HAT z]
d = totalArea ls -- 27
The Antipattern
Notice that we went through this entire journey just so that we can put these different types in a list, which is so that we can compute the total area. However, in this case, we can actually just save the trouble and do this:
x = Triangle 2 3
y = R "bedroom" (Rectangle 3 4)
z = H [y]
ls :: [Double]
ls = [area x, area y, area z]
d = sum ls -- 27
Of course, there are definitely use cases for existential types like HasAreaType
. We frequently call these abstract data types. However, these are not commonly used. In fact, not knowing what existential types are should not affect your understanding of type classes and polymorphic types. In addition, encoding existential types as pairs is very handwave-y and is not even supported in Haskell. The closest analogue of real-world existential types is dependent pair types or \(\Sigma\)-types, which is different to the existential types we have seen. The demonstration that we have seen so far only serves as a mental model for why we write polymorphic functions were the return type does not depend on the type parameters.
The key point is that we should not immediately attempt to replicate OO design patterns in FP just because they are familiar. Trying to skirt around the restrictions of the type system is, generally, not a good idea (there are cases where that is useful, but such scenarios occur exceedingly infrequently).