

Question 1

Without using GHCI, determine the types of the following expressions:

  1. 1 + 2 * 3
  2. (show . )
  3. ( . show)
  4. \ (a, b) -> a == b

Question 2

You are given the following untyped program:

type Tree[a] = Empty | TreeNode[a]
type List[a] = Empty | ListNode[a]

class Empty:
    def to_list(self):
        return []

class ListNode[a]:
    head: a
    tail: List[a]
    def to_list(self):
        return [self.head] + self.tail.to_list()

class TreeNode[a]:
    l: Tree[a]
    v: a
    r: Tree[a]
    def to_list(self):
      return self.l.to_list() + [self.v] + self.r.to_list()

def flatten(ls):
    if not ls: return []
    return ls[0].to_list() + flatten(ls[1:])

ls = [ListNode(1, Empty()), TreeNode(Empty(), 2, Empty())]
ls2 = flatten(ls)

Fill in the type signatures of all the methods and functions and the type annotations for the ls and ls2 variables so that the type-checker can verify that the program is type-safe. The given type annotations should be general enough such that defining a new class and adding an instance of it to ls requires no change in type annotation:

class Singleton[a]:
  x: a
  def to_list(self):
    return [self.x]
ls = [ListNode(1, Empty()), TreeNode(Empty(), 2, Empty()),
# ...

Question 3

Defined below is a data type describing clothing sizes.

data Size = XS | S | M | L | XL
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Bounded, Enum)

Proceed to define the following functions:

  • smallest produces the smallest size
  • descending produces a list of all the sizes from large to small
  • average produces the average size of two sizes; in case there isn't an exact middle between two sizes, prefer the smaller one

Example runs follow.

ghci> smallest :: Size
ghci> descending :: [Size]
[XL, L, M, S, XS]
ghci> average XS L

However, take note that your functions must not only work on the Size type. Some of these functions can be implemented with the typeclass methods that Size derives. You should implement your solution based on these methods so that your function can be as general as possible. In particular, we should be able to define a new type which derives these typeclasses, and all your functions should still work on them as we should expect. An example is as follows:

ghci> :{
ghci| data Electromagnet = Radio | Micro | IR | Visible | UV | X | Gamma
ghci|    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Bounded, Enum)
ghci| :}
ghci> smallest :: Electromagnet
ghci> descending :: [Electromagnet]
[Gamma, X, UV, Visible, IR, Micro, Radio]
ghci> average Gamma Radio

Question 4

Implement the mergesort algorithm as a function mergesort. Ignoring time complexity, your algorithm should split the list in two, recursively mergesort each half, and merge the two sorted sublists together. Example runs follow:

ghci> mergesort [5,2,3,1,2]
ghci> mergesort "edcba"

Question 5

Recall Chapter 2.3 (Types#Algebraic Data Types) where we defined an Expr GADT.

data Expr a where
  LitNumExpr :: Int -> Expr Int
  AddExpr :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
  -- ...

eval :: Expr a -> a
eval (LitNumExpr x) = x
eval (AddExpr e1 e2) = eval e1 + eval e2
  -- ... 

Now that we have learnt typeclasses, let us attempt to separate each constructor of Expr as individual types, while still preserving functionality; the purpose of this being to keep the Expr type modular and extensible:

data LitNumExpr = -- ...
data AddExpr = -- ...

while still being able to apply eval on any of those expressions:

-- 2 + 3
ghci> eval (AddExpr (LitNumExpr 2) (LitNumExpr 3))
-- if 2 == 1 + 1 then 1 + 2 else 4
ghci> eval (CondExpr 
  (EqExpr (LitNumExpr 2) 
          (AddExpr (LitNumExpr 1) (LitNumExpr 1))) 
  (AddExpr (LitNumExpr 1) (LitNumExpr 2))
  (LitNumExpr 4))

Proceed to define all these different types of expressions and their corresponding implementations for eval:

  • LitNumExpr. A literal integer, such as LitNumExpr 3.
  • AddExpr. An addition expression in the form of \(e_1 + e_2\), such as AddExpr (LitNumExpr 1) (LitNumExpr 2) representing \(1 + 2\)
  • EqExpr. An equality comparison expression in the form of \(e_1 = e_2\), such as Eq (LitNumExpr 1) (LitNumExpr 2) representing \(1 = 2\)
  • CondExpr. A conditional expression in the form of \(\text{if }e\text{ then } e_1 \text{ else }e_2\)

Question 6

In Python, a sequence is a data structure that has a length and a way to obtain elements from it by integer indexing. Strings, ranges, tuples and lists are all sequences in Python:

>>> len([1, 2, 3])
>>> 'abcd'[3]

Our goal is to create something similar in Haskell. However, instead of loosely defining what a sequence is, like Python does, we shall create a typeclass called Sequence and allow all types that implements these methods to become a sequence formally (at least, to the compiler)!

Proceed to define a typeclass called Sequence with two methods:

  • (@) does indexing, so ls @ i is just like ls[i] in Python; if the index i is out of bounds, the method should panic (you can let it return undefined in this case)
  • len produces the length of the sequence
  • prepend prepends an element onto the sequence

Then define instances for [a] to be a sequence over a's! Example runs follow:

ghci> x :: [Int] = [1, 2, 3, 4]
ghci> x @ 2
ghci> x @ 4
-- some error...
ghci> len x
ghci> x `prepend` 5
[5, 1, 2, 3, 4]
ghci> len "abcde"
ghci> "abcde" @ 0

What's really neat about using typeclasses instead of defining a separate Sequence data type is that any type that conforms to the specification in our Sequence typeclass can become a valid sequence. For example, one sequence we might want is a sequence of () (the unit type, which only has one constructor with no arguments, and terms of this type signify "nothing significant", similar to void in other languages).1 Because each element of such a sequence carries no information, instead of creating such a sequence using a list, i.e. a list of type [()], we can instead use Int as our sequence!

ghci> x :: Int = 4
ghci> x @ 2
ghci> x @ 4
-- some error...
ghci> len x
ghci> (x `prepend` 5) @ 4

Proceed to define a typeclass instance for Int such that Ints are sequences of ().


This is an extremely contrived example. The main point we are driving home is that we can create very concise implementations of data structures based on domain-specific knowledge.