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Industry Readiness: Typed Functional Programming

by Foo Yong Qi

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This is a set of lecture notes for students enrolled in IT5100A—Industry Readiness: Typed Functional Programming in NUS SoC.

About IT5100A

Typed functional programming are becoming more widely adopted in industry, as can be seen in the success of a number of advanced programming languages, such as OCaml, Haskell and Scala 3. These advanced languages offer a range of expressive features to allow robust, reusable and high-performing software codes to be safely and rapidly developed. This course will cover key programming techniques of typed functional programming that are becoming widely adopted, such as strong typing, code composition and abstraction, effect handlers, and safe techniques for asynchronous and concurrent programming.

About These Notes

I hope that these notes can be used as good supplementary material for those looking to learn the concepts of Typed Functional Programming in more detail. Each of these chapters comes with exercises in Python and Haskell so that you're able to replicate some of the ideas from purely-functional languages in general-purpose multi-paradigm languages.

Therefore, to avoid confusion, code blocks are annotated with the logo of the target programming language on the left. Examples below. (Readers on mobile might have to rotate their phones to landscape to view the logos.)


this = 'is some Python code'


this :: String
this = "is some Haskell code"


class This {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("is some Java code");

Lean 4

def this: String := "is some Lean 4 code"


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Author: Foo Yong Qi -

© 2024 Foo Yong Qi. All Rights Reserved.

Release History


13 OctWriteup on Monads, excluding exercises
10 OctWriteup on the existential typeclass pattern
28 Sep
  • Additional writeups and bug fixes in the existing chapters
  • Bug fixes in operator highlighting in code blocks in light modes.
  • Recap on first-class functions and lambda calculus.
  • Solutions to exercises for the first four chapters.
26 SepThe first draft of these notes have been released with the first four chapters completed.