Algebraic Data Types
We have just seen different data types in Haskell, and introduced the concept of polymorphic types as demonstrated by examples in Python. Yet, we have not discussed how we can create our own (polymorphic) data types in Haskell!
Haskell is a purely functional language, so do not expect classes here. In OOP, objects have both data (attributes) and behaviour (methods), whereas this is not necessarily a principle in FP (although, you can have data types with functions as fields since functions are first-class). We already know how to create functions, so now we must investigate how we can create data types in a purely functional language.
If we think about it carefully, we might realize that data types are a mix of the following:
- A type and another type and…and yet another type
- A type or another type or…or yet another type
We can express the following types using and and or over other types:
- A
consists of a numerator (Int
) and a denominator (Int
) - A
consists of a name (String
) and an ID (Int
) - A
is eitherTrue
- A
is either an empty string or (a head character (Char
) and a tail list (String
)) - A polymorphic
is either (a leaf with a value of typea
) or (a node with a value (a
) and a left subtree (Tree a
) and a right subtree (Tree a
This formulation of data types as products (and) and/or sums (sum) is what is known as Algebraic Data Types (ADTs) (not to be confused with Abstract Data Types). In Haskell, types are sums of zero or more constructors; constructors are products of zero or more types.
Algebraic Data Types
To create a new data type in Haskell, we can use the data
keyword. Let us create a fraction type based on our algebraic
specification above:
data Fraction = Fraction Int Int
half :: Fractionhalf = Fraction 1 2
On the left hand side we have the declaration of the type, and on the
right hand side, a list of constructors separated by |
that help us create the type.
Note that the Fraction
on the right hand side is the name of
the constructor of the type; it in fact can be distinct from the name of
the type itself (which is very helpful when you have more than one
constructor). As you can see, to construct a Fraction
(the type), the
constructor receives two Int
s, one
numerator, and one denominator.
Then, defining the student type from our algebraic formulation above should also be straightforward:
data Student = S String Int
bob :: Studentbob = S "Bob" 123
Let us define the Bool
type, which should have two constructors, each
constructor not having any fields:
data Bool = True | False
true, false :: Booltrue = Truefalse = False
To construct a Bool
we can use either the True
constructor or the False
constructor. Neither of these
constructors receive any other fields.
We can also have multiple constructors that are products of more than
zero types, as we shall see in the algebraic formulation of a
data String = EmptyString | Node Char String
hello, empty :: Stringhello = Node 'h' (Node 'e' (Node 'l' (Node 'l' (Node 'o' EmptyString))))empty = EmptyString
Polymorphic Algebraic Data Types
Now we show examples of creating our own polymorphic data types. The way we would do so is similar to how we defined generic/polymorphic classes in Python.
Let us start from the bottom again by creating specialized versions of a
box type, this time in Haskell. We start by assuming that a box contains
an Int
data IntBox = IB Int
b :: IntBoxb = IB 1
@dataclassclass IntBox: value: int
b: IntBox = IntBox(1)
Then define a box that contains a String
data StrBox = SB String
b :: StrBoxb = SB "123"
@dataclassclass StrBox: value: str
b: StrBox = StrBox("123")
Again, they look more or less the same, except for the type of the
field. As such, we should allow Box
to be polymorphic by
introducing a type parameter:
data Box a = B a
x :: Box Intx = B 1y :: Box Stringy = B "123"
@dataclassclass Box[a]: value: a
x: Box[int] = Box(1)y: Box[str] = Box("abc")
Perfect! Let us try more complex polymorphic algebraic data types like linked lists and trees:
data LinkedList a = EmptyList | Node a (LinkedList a)cat :: LinkedList Charcat = Node 'c' (Node 'a' (Node 't' EmptyList))
data Tree a = Leaf a | TreeNode (Tree a) a (Tree a)tree :: Tree Inttree = TreeNode (Leaf 1) 2 (Leaf 3)
Constructors are actually functions!
ghci> data Fraction = F Int Intghci> :t FF :: Int -> Int -> Fractionghci> :t F 1F 1 :: Int -> Fractionghci> :t F 1 2F 1 2 :: Fraction
Record Syntax
We now have the facilities to define and construct data types and their
terms, but so far we are not able to access the fields of a data type
in Haskell. Unlike Python, we are not able to do something like
to obtain the numerator of a fraction x
, for example.
There are ways to define functions that do so and we will show them to
you in later sections, but for now, Haskell has record syntax that
automatically defines these accessor functions for us.
Let us re-create the Student
type, this time using record
syntax to automatically derive functions that obtain their names and
data Student = S { name :: String, studentId :: Int }
With this, we no longer need to define our own functions that access these fields for us. Record syntax is great for giving names to fields! Importantly, record syntax is nothing special, and we can continue to create terms of those types by way of usual constructor application.
x, y :: Studentx = S { name = "Alice", id = 123 }y = S "Bob" 456
Let’s try loading this into GHCI and see the accessor functions in action:
ghci> :l Student.hs...ghci> name x"Alice"ghci> studentId y456
You can also make use of record syntax to express record updates. For example, we can update Alice to have the ID of 456 like so:
ghci> studentId x123ghci> z = x { studentId = 456 }ghci> name z"Alice"ghci> studentId z456
Of course, the original term was not actually updated since everything is immutable in Haskell—x { id = 456 }
simply constructs a new term that contains the same values for all its fields, except where the id
field now takes the value 456
We can even mix and match these different forms of constructor definitions, or create large data structures!
data Department = D {name' :: String, courses :: [Course]}data Course = C { code :: String, credits :: Int, students :: [Student] }data Student = UG { homeFac :: String, name :: String, id :: Int } | PG [String] String Int
alice = UG "SoC" "Alice" 123bob = PG ["SoC", "YLLSoM"] "Bob" 456it5100a = C "IT5100A" 2 [alice]it5100b = C "IT5100B" 2 [alice, bob]cs = D "Computer Science" [it5100a, it5100b]
More on Polymorphism
Now that we have shown how to create our own algebraic data types in Haskell (and polymorphic ones), we step aside and give a mental model for understanding polymorphism. Recall that we have described polymorphic functions and types as functions/types that quantifies/parameterizes types; in other words, they receive a type as a parameter.
Recall in the lambda calculus that
and when we call or apply this function, we are substituting the parameter for the argument of the function application:
In Haskell and Python (the expression in parentheses is a lambda expression):
ghci> (\x -> x + 4) 37
>>> (lambda x: x + 4)(3)7
A typed variant of the lambda calculus known as System
Calling or applying this function with a type argument, once again, substitutes the type parameter with the type argument:
We can show this with an example in Haskell. Explicit type arguments
must be enabled with a language extension and the type arguments must be
prefixed by @
ghci> :set -XTypeApplications -fprint-explicit-forallsghci> :{ghci| f :: forall a. a -> [a]ghci| f x = [x]ghci| :}
ghci> :t ff :: forall a. a -> [a]
ghci> :t f @Intf @Int :: Int -> [Int]
ghci> f @Int 1[1]
On the other hand, polymorphic types can be seen as functions at the
type-level. These are “functions” that receive types and return types!
For example, we can define a Pair
type that is polymorphic
in its component types. Thus, the Pair
type itself (not its
constructor!) receives two types, and returns the resulting
type specialized to those component types. This makes
what is known as a type constructor.
To observe this fact, know that types are to terms as kinds are to
types: they describe what kind of type a type is. The usual types that
we encounter Int
, [[Char]]
etc. have kind
, and type constructors or “type-level functions” have
kind * -> *
for example. Below, we show that
is a type constructor of kind * -> * -> *
which makes sense since it receives two types and returns the
specialized type of the Pair
ghci> data Pair a b = P a bghci> :k PairPair :: * -> * -> *ghci> :k Pair IntPair Int :: * -> *ghci> :k Pair Int StringPair Int String :: *
We know that we can have higher-order functions, for example, the type
of map
might be something like
(a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
. Can we have higher-order type
constructors? Yes! These are known as higher kinds or higher-kinded
types. These types receive type constructors as type arguments. Let
us construct a higher-kinded type that receives a type constructor and
applies it onto a type:
ghci> data Crazy f a = C (f a)
Upon visual inspection we can see that f
must be a type constructor,
because the constructor C
receives a term of type f a
What’s crazier is, when inspecting the kind of Crazy
, we see
that it exhibits kind polymorphism:
ghci> :set -fprint-explicit-forallsghci> :k CrazyCrazy :: forall {k}. (k -> *) -> k -> *
To give you an example of how this might work, because we know we can
construct lists of any type, []
(the type, not the empty
list) must be a type constructor. We can thus pass the []
type constructor into Crazy
ghci> :k Crazy []Crazy [] :: * -> *ghci> :k Crazy [] IntCrazy [] Int :: *
How might this work? We see that Crazy [] Int
has kind *
so we should be able to construct a term of this type. We can do so by
using the C
constructor defined above! To be clear, let’s
see the specialized version of the constructor with the type arguments
ghci> :t C @[] @IntC @[] @Int :: [Int] -> Crazy [] Int
As we can see, to construct a term of this type, we just need to pass in
a list of integers to C
ghci> x :: Crazy [] Int = C [1]
We can in fact instantiate other crazy types with different type constructors:
ghci> data Box a = B aghci> y :: Crazy Box Int = C (B 2)
The utility of higher-kinded types may not be apparent to you now; later on we might see some of them in action!
Although this might confuse you so far, what we have demonstrated merely serves to demonstrate the idea that parametric polymorphism can be thought of the phenomenon where something (type or term) can receive a type and give you a type or term, just as we have stated at the beginning of Chapter 2.2 (Polymorphism).
Other Polymorphisms
At the start of Chapter 2.2 (Polymorphism) we introduced three questions, two of which have been answered. Let us restate the final question and pose one more:
- Can types depend on terms?
- Are there other kinds of polymorphism?
The answers to both questions is yes. Types that depend on terms are known as dependent types, which we shall not cover in this course. There are also other kinds of polymorphisms, some of which you have already dealt with. Subtype polymorphism is used frequently in OOP, since subclasses are types that are subtypes of their superclasses. An umbrella term ad-hoc polymorphism generally refers to overloading, which we shall discuss in the future. There are also more kinds of polymorphisms, but we shall not discuss them in this course.
Python (and several other mainstream languages) is quite special, being a multi-paradigm language means that several forms of polymorphism are applicable to it. In particular, we have seen that Python supports parametric polymorphism, and since Python supports OOP, it also has subtype polymorphism. Despite Python not having algebraic data types (yet), we may also formulate our types to behave similarly to Algebraic Data Types. Two formulations we may attempt are: 1) with types as unions and constructors as classes, 2) with types as classes and constructors as their subclasses. Below we present both formulations for the linked list type:
type List[a] = Node[a] | Empty
@dataclassclass Empty: pass
@dataclassclass Node[a]: head: a tail: List[a]
x: List[int] = Node(1, Node(2, Empty()))
from typing import Any@dataclassclass List[a]: pass
@dataclassclass Empty(List[Any]): pass
@dataclassclass Node[a](List[a]): head: a tail: List[a]
x: List[int] = Node(1, Node(2, Empty()))
There are some differences between the two formulations, and between
these with Haskell’s Algebraic Data Types. Most importantly, in Haskell,
data types are types, but constructors are not. This is unlike Python,
where all classes are types. That means a variable of type
is valid in Python, but a variable of type
Node Int
is not in Haskell.
Generalized Algebraic Data Types
However, something interesting is going on here. In the second
formulation, a Node[a]
is a List[a]
, which makes sense. On
the other hand, an Empty
can be typed as List[Any]
, because an empty
list fits all kinds of lists. An interesting observation you might see
is that the supertype of our “constructors” need not strictly be
, it could be any kind of list!
Consider the following example of defining simple expressions in a programming language, which is defined polymorphically using OOP:
from dataclasses import dataclassclass Expr[a]: def eval(self) -> a: raise Exception
The Expr
class is parameterized by the type of its evaluation. From
this class we may now create subclasses of Expr
. For example, some
simple numeric expressions.
@dataclassclass LitNumExpr(Expr[int]): n: int def eval(self) -> int: return self.n
@dataclassclass AddExpr(Expr[int]): lhs: Expr[int] rhs: Expr[int] def eval(self) -> int: return self.lhs.eval() + self.rhs.eval()
We can then create other kinds of expressions. For example, an equality expression that returns booleans:
@dataclassclass EqExpr[a](Expr[bool]): lhs: Expr[a] rhs: Expr[a] def eval(self) -> bool: return self.lhs.eval() == self.rhs.eval()
Or even a conditional expression whose evaluated type is parameterized:
@dataclassclass CondExpr[a](Expr[a]): cond: Expr[bool] true: Expr[a] false: Expr[a] def eval(self) -> a: return self.true.eval() if self.cond.eval() else self.false.eval()
Let’s try this out! Suppose we would like to evaluate the following expression:
if 1 == 2 then 1 + 1 else 0
Let’s write this in the program using our classes and evaluate it!
zero: Expr[int] = LitNumExpr(0)one: Expr[int] = LitNumExpr(1)two: Expr[int] = LitNumExpr(2)one_plus_one: Expr[int] = AddExpr(one, one)one_eq_two: Expr[bool] = EqExpr(one, two)cond: Expr[int] = CondExpr(one_eq_two, one_plus_one, zero)print(cond.eval()) # 0
How do we create such an algebraic data type in Haskell? For this, we have to use Generalized Algebraic Data Types (GADTs). Loosely, these are algebraic data types like before, except that each constructor can decide what type it returns!
First, let us formulate our original algebraic data types using GADT syntax.
data LinkedList a where EmptyList :: LinkedList a -- this is a different a! Node :: b -> LinkedList b -> LinkedList b
Now let us take it a step further, and truly customize the constructors
of an Expr
data Expr a where LitNumExpr :: Int -> Expr Int AddExpr :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int EqExpr :: Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool CondExpr :: Expr Bool -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a
Pretty neat huh! There are many uses of GADTs, and we might see them in
the future. In the next section, we will show you how we can write
functions against algebraic data types and GADTs, including how we can
implement the eval