Typeclasses are a type system construct that enables ad-hoc polymorphism. Essentially, a typeclass is a nominal classification of types that all support some specified behaviour, by having each type providing its type-specific implementation for those behaviours. Alternatively, a typeclass can be seen as a constraint for a type to support specified behaviours.
Just like classes in OOP are blueprints for creating instances of the class (objects), a typeclass is a blueprint for creating typeclass instances. This time, a typeclass provides the interface/specification/contract for members of the typeclass to adhere to, and typeclass instances provide the actual type-specific implementations of functions specified in the typeclass. In essence, a typeclass is a constraint over types, and a typeclass instance is a witness that for types meeting those constraints.
To build on intuition, pretend that there is a super cool magic club, and members of this club must have a magic assistant and a magic trick. This club acts as a typeclass. Then suppose cats and dogs want to join this club. To do so, they must provide proof to the club administrators (in Haskell, the compiler) that they have a magic assistant and a magic trick. Suppose that the cats come together with their mouse friends as their magic assistants, and their magic trick is to cough up a furball, and the dogs all present their chew toys as their magic assistants, and their magic trick is to give their paw. The club administrator then puts all these into boxes as certificates of their membership into the club—in our analogy, these certificates are typeclass instances.
Let us return to the shape and house example we have seen at the start of this chapter. We first define some types (slightly different from before) that all have an area:
data Shape = Circle Double | Rectangle Double Double | Triangle Double Doubledata House = H [Room]data room = R { roomName :: String , shape :: Shape }
Now, our goal is to describe the phenomenon that some types have an
area. For this, we shall describe a contract for such types to follow.
The contract is straightforward—all such types must have an
function (known as a method).
class HasArea a where area :: a -> Double
An important question one might ask is: why is HasArea
polymorphic? To give an analogy, recall in our Python implementation
with dictionaries that HasArea
is a dictionary where we are
looking up type-specific implementations of area
by type.
Essentially, it is a finite map or (partial) function from types to
functions. This essentially makes HasArea
because it acts as a function that produces different implementations
depending on the type!
Then, the area
function should also receive a parameter of
type a
—that is, if a
is a member of the
typeclass, then there is a function
area :: a -> Double
. The example typeclass instances make
this clear:
instance HasArea Shape where area :: Shape -> Double area (Circle r) = pi * r ^ 2 area (Rectangle w h) = w * h area (Triangle w h) = w * h / 2
instance HasArea Room where area :: Room -> Double area x = area $ shape x
instance HasArea House where area :: House -> Double area (H rooms) = sum $ map area rooms
Each instance of HasArea
provides a type-specific
implementation of area
. For example, the
HasArea Shape
instance acts as a witness that
belongs to the HasArea
typeclass. It does
so by providing an implementation of area :: Shape -> Double
(in the obvious way). We do the same for rooms and houses, and now the
function works for all (and only) these three types!
x :: Shape = Triangle 2 3y :: Room = R "bedroom" (Rectangle 3 4)z :: House = H [y]
ax = area x -- 3ay = area y -- 12az = area z -- 12
Now let us investigate the type of area
ghci> :t areaarea :: forall a. HasArea a => a -> double
The type of area
is read as “a function for all
where a
is constrained by HasArea
and receives an a
, and returns a Double
Constrains on type variables are not limited to class methods. In fact,
we can, and probably should, make functions that use area
polymorphically over type variables, constrained by HasArea
. Let
us consider a function that sums the area over a list of shapes, and
another one over a list of rooms:
totalArea :: [Shape] -> DoubletotalArea [] = 0totalArea (x : xs) = area x + totalArea xs
-- alternativelytotalArea' :: [Shape] -> DoubletotalArea' = sum . map area
totalArea'' :: [Room] -> DoubletotalArea'' = sum . map area
Both totalArea'
and totalArea''
precisely the same implementation, except that they operate over
and Room
respectively. We can
substitute these types for any type variable a
, so long as
there is an instance of HasArea a
! Therefore, the most
general type we should ascribe for this function would be
totalArea :: HasArea a => [a] -> DoubletotalArea = sum . map area
Now our totalArea
function works on any list that contains a
type that has an instance of HasArea
xs :: [Shape] = [Rectangle 1 2, Triangle 3 4]ys :: [House] = [H [R "bedroom" (Rectangle 1 2)]]axs = totalArea xs -- 8ayx = totalArea ys -- 2
How Typeclasses Work
By now, you should be able to observe that typeclasses allow (1) otherwise disparate types adhering to a common interface, i.e. ad-hoc polymorphism and (2) decoupling types and behaviour, all in a type-safe way—this is very difficult (if not impossible) to achieve in other languages like Python. The question then becomes: how does Haskell do it?
The core idea behind typeclasses and typeclass instances is that
typeclasses are implemented as regular algebraic data types, and
typeclass instances are implemented as regular terms of typeclasses.
Using our area
example, we can define the typeclass as
data HasArea a = HA { area :: a -> Double }
Then, typeclass instances are merely helper-terms of the
hasAreaShape :: HasArea ShapehasAreaShape = HA $ \x -> case x of Circle r -> pi * r ^ 2 Rectangle w h -> w * h Triangle w h -> w * h / 2
Notice that area
now has the type
HasArea a -> a -> Double
. Clearly,
area hasAreaShape
is now the Shape
implementation for obtaining the area of a shape! We can take this
further by defining the helper-terms for other types that wish to
implement the HasArea
hasAreaRoom :: HasArea RoomhasAreaRoom = HA $ \x -> area hasAreaShape (shape x)
hasAreaHouse :: HasArea HousehasAreaHouse = HA $ \x -> case x of H rooms -> sum $ map (area hasAreaRoom) rooms
Finally, we can use the area
function, together with the
type-specific helpers, to compute the area of shapes, rooms and houses!
x :: Shape = Triangle 2 3y :: Room = R "bedroom" (Rectangle 3 4)z :: House = H [y]
ax = area hasAreaShape x -- 3ay = area hasAreaRoom y -- 12az = area hasAreamHouse z -- 12
This is (more-or-less) how Haskell implements typeclasses and typeclass instances. The only difference is that the Haskell compiler will automatically infer the helper term when a typeclass method is used, allowing us to omit them. This term inference that Haskell supports allow us to define and use ad-hoc polymorphic functions in a type-safe way.