Functional Programming
Functional Programming (FP) is a declarative programming paradigm where functions take centre stage. As a recap from IT5001, you might have learnt that programming paradigms are schools of thought for writing programs. IT5001 has very likely exposed you to imperative paradigms like procedural and Object-Oriented Programming. The following table shows other popular programming paradigms:
Imperative | Declarative |
Procedural | Logic |
Object-Oriented | Functional |
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) has four principles as you might recall: Abstraction, Inheritance, Encapsulation and Polymorphism.1 Functional Programming, on the other hand, is centered around the following principles, which really are just principles of mathematical functions and the
- Immutability
- Pure Functions
- Recursion
- Types
- First-Class Functions
Let’s briefly describe what these principles entail.
Principles of Functional Programming
The idea of immutability is simple—only use immutable data. For example, the following program fragment does not perform any mutation, not even on the variables:
def add_one(fraction): """fraction is a tuple of (numerator, denominator)""" old_num, den = fraction num = old_num + den return (num, den)
my_fraction = (3, 2)new_fraction = add_one(my_fraction)
print(new_fraction) # (5, 2)print(my_fraction) # (3, 2)
The fact that the program does not perform any mutation makes this very similar to mathematical functions where mathematical objects are seen as values instead of references to cells that can be changed. This makes reasoning about any of the variables, objects and functions incredibly simple.
Overall, immutability forces us to be disciplined with state. Contrast this with using mutable data structures and variables, such as in the following program fragment:
def f(ls): ls[0] = 4 return ls
my_ls = [1, 2, 3]print(f(my_ls)) # [4, 2, 3]print(my_ls) # [4, 2, 3]
This is one of the classic examples of the problems with mutability—it is not at all clear whether passing a list into a function will preserve the state of the list. Because lists are mutable, we have no guarantee that functions or any operation will not cause the side-effect of mutation (accidental or intentional).
Pure Functions
Just like mathematical functions, functions (in programming) should be
pure. Pure functions really look like mathematical functions, for
An equivalent implementation in Python would look like:
def f(x): return x ** 2 + 2 * x + 3
Pure functions only receive input and return output. They do not produce side effects, and do not depend on external state. An example of this is as follows:
def double(ls): return [i * 2 for i in ls]
x = [1, 2, 3]
print(double(x)) # [2, 4, 6]print(double(x)) # [2, 4, 6]print(double(x)) # ...# ...
Notice that the double
function is pure! In this example,
evaluates to [2, 4, 6]
; thus,
and [2, 4, 6]
are the same! This
property of pure functions is known as referential transparency, and
makes reasoning about and optimizing programs much more straightforward.
Contrast the behaviour of pure functions with that of impure functions:
def f(): global ls x = ls # use of global variable addend = x[-1] + 1 x.append(addend) # is there a side-effect? ls = x + [addend + 1] # mutate global variable return ls
ls = [1, 2, 3]x = ls
print(f()) # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]print(ls) # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]print(x) # [1, 2, 3, 4]
So many side effects have been caused! Functions like these make reasoning about program behaviour incredibly difficult. Converting this function into a pure one (removing all side-effects) makes its behaviour clearer and more transparent.
def f(ls): x = ls addend = x[-1] + 1 x = x + [addend] ls = x + [addend + 1] return ls
ls = [1, 2, 3]x = ls
print(f(ls)) # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]print(ls) # [1, 2, 3]print(x) # [1, 2, 3]
You have seen this before—use recursive functions to simulate loops.3 Let’s look at an example of a perfectly reasonable way to sum
the numbers of a 2-dimensional list, using the sum2D
def sum2D(ls): total = 0 for row in ls: for num in row: total += num return total
Loops are typically useful for its side-effects, primarily mutation.
Looking at the (nested) loop above, a bunch of mutation occurs: the
reassignments to row
and num
(the loop variables) in lines 3 and 4,
and the mutation of the total
variable in the loop body (line 5). In
an environment where mutation is impossible, can we write the same
program? Yes! Like we have said, rely on recursion! An example
recursive formulation of the sum2D
function from above would
be like so:
def row_sum(row): return 0 if not row else \ row[0] + row_sum(row[1:])
def sum2D(ls): return 0 if not ls else \ row_sum(ls[0]) + sum2D(ls[1:])
Again, the behaviour of the program has not changed: the
function still produces the correct output given any
2-dimensional list of integers. However, our function is still pure and
does not mutate any data structure or variable.
Recursive solutions can also be more elegant, especially when the problem or data structures used are (inherently) recursive. Take the example of obtaining the pre-order traversal of a binary tree. Binary trees are recursive data structures, if formulated the following way:
A (nonempty) binary tree is either:
A node with
- a value
- a left subtree and
- a right tree
An empty tree
As you can see, the definition of a node contains (sub)trees, making the binary tree a recursive data structure4. Therefore, operations on trees can often be expressed elegantly using recursion. For example, the specification of obtaining the pre-order traversal of a tree can be like so:
- The pre-order traversal of an empty tree is the empty list
- The pre-order traversal of a node is the node’s value, together with the preorder of the left (sub)tree, then the preorder of the right (sub)tree.
This specification written in code is concise and elegant:
from dataclasses import dataclass
# Data types13 collapsed lines
@dataclassclass Tree: pass
@dataclassclass Node(Tree): val: object left: Tree right: Tree
@dataclassclass Leaf(Tree): val: object
def preorder(tree): match tree: case Node(val=v, left=l, right=r): return [v] + preorder(l) + preorder(r) case Leaf(val=v): return [v]
Recursive functions are also amenable to formal reasoning. Some languages (usually Interactive Theorem Provers) support proofs and can even automatically synthesize proofs of correctness for you. In the following example written in Lean 4, the following program defines a binary tree and a program for obtaining the preorder of the tree just as before; the key difference being, that Lean automatically helps us prove that the function terminates. In such an environment, we rarely have to worry whether our program gets stuck or crashes.
inductive Tree (α : Type) : Type where | node : α -> Tree α -> Tree α -> Tree α | leaf : α -> Tree α
-- compiler automatically synthesizes proof of terminationdef Tree.preorder { β : Type } : Tree β -> List β | .node v l r => v :: (preorder l) ++ (preorder r) | .leaf v => [v]
def myTree : Tree Nat := .node 1 (.leaf 2) (.leaf 3)#eval myTree.preorder -- [1, 2, 3]
The primary reason for this is that recursive functions can often be reasoned about via induction:
We have seen that factorial can be written recursively, and in fact we can prove its correctness (in a quite straightforward manner) via induction. This makes the following factorial function implementation obviously correct.
def fac : Nat -> Nat | 0 => 1 | n + 1 => (n + 1) * fac n
Adhering strictly to type information eliminates type-related bugs and makes functions transparent. Perhaps most importantly, adherence to type information can be verified by a program.
Observe the following program fragment.
x: int = 123# ...print(x + 5)
If we fix the type of x
to int
and strictly adhere
to it, then the last line (line 3) containing x + 5
will definitely not cause a TypeError
, because we know that adding any number to an integer will always work.
Contrast the above with the following example.
def safe_div(num: int, den: int) -> int: return None if den == 0 else \ num // den
x = int(input())y = int(input())z = safe_div(x, y) + 1 # hmmm...print(z)
If we do not adhere to typing information strictly, no one knows that
the safe_div
function could return None
! In such a
scenario, if the user enters 0
for y
, the
expression safe_div(x, y) + 1
would give a
Function purity and adhering to types forces functions to be
transparent in effects. That is because if we want our pure function
to perform some effectful computation (such as potentially returning
), we must return an object that encapsulates this
behaviour; coupled with adhering to types, we must assign the correct
type for the output of the function—the type of the object which
encapsulates this behaviour—making the function’s effects obvious.
To improve the program written earlier, let us try to create a data structure
that is one of two things: Just
a value, or
. We can express this as dataclasses in Python (you
may ignore the stuff involving typing
and all the square brackets
for now, they will make sense later).
from typing import Anyfrom dataclasses import dataclass
@dataclass(frozen=True)class Maybe[T]: """Represents computation that may result in nothing""" pass
@dataclass(frozen=True)class Just[T](Maybe[T]): j: T
@dataclass(frozen=True)class Nothing(Maybe[Any]): pass
Now we can amend our safe_div
function appropriately to
return a Maybe
from Maybe import *def safe_div(num: int, den: int) -> Maybe[int]: return Nothing() if den == 0 else \ Just(num // den)
Notice two things: 1) the function is pure, and does nothing other than
receive inputs and returns output 2) the function’s type signature makes
it incredibly obvious that the function will maybe produce an
. Therefore, users of this function are forced to handle
the case where the function produces Nothing
From this, we may proceed to use the safe_div
function as
before, except that instead of directly assigning
z = safe_div(x, y) + 1
, we must first call
and handle the two cases: one where some integer was
returned, the other where nothing was.
x: int = int(input())y: int = int(input())z: Maybe[int]match safe_div(x, y): case Just(j): z = Just(j + 1) case Nothing(): z = Nothing()
Types and type systems are useful not just for verification of
type safety, but also more generally, program verification and theorem
proving etc. Types are backed by a rich theory (type theory) and is
widely studied. As an example, interactive theorem provers may rely
on systems with advanced type systems (such as the calculus of constructions, which has
dependent types) to form the computational basis for proof assistance
and proof checking. When these systems are baked into the language, we
can write proof-carrying code and theorems (mathematical theorems or
theorems about properties of code itself). An example is as follows,
where theorems about the additive identity and the commutativity of
addition of numbers can be used to show that concatenating a vector
(like an immutable list) of length
theorem izero : ∀ (k : Nat) , k = 0 + k | 0 => by rfl | n + 1 => congrArg (. + 1) (izero n)
theorem isucc (n k : Nat) : n + k + 1 = n + 1 + k := match k with | 0 => by rfl | x + 1 => congrArg (. + 1) (isucc n x)
def Vect.concat {α : Type} {n k : Nat} : Vect α n -> Vect α k -> Vect α (n + k) | .nil, ys => izero k ▸ ys | .cons x xs, ys => isucc _ _ ▸ .cons x (xs.concat ys)
First-Class Functions
You might have seen in IT5001 that in some languages, functions are first-class objects.5 This gives rise to higher-order functions which support code re-use. Higher-order functions can receive functions as arguments and/or return functions as output.
In the following program fragment, the map
method of
s receive a function and returns a new tree with the
function applied to all of its values. We then also curry the
function so that it receives the first addend, then
returns a function that receives the second addend and returns the sum.
This way, adding 2 to the values of a tree is as simple as several
function calls:
# Data types21 collapsed lines
@dataclass(frozen=True)class Tree: def map(self, f): match self: case Leaf(v): return Leaf(f(v)) case Node(v, l, r): newval = f(v) newl = newr = return Node(newval, newl, newr)
@dataclass(frozen=True)class Node(Tree): val: object left: Tree right: Tree
@dataclass(frozen=True)class Empty(Tree): pass
def add(x): return lambda y: x + y
x = Node(1, Leaf(2), Leaf(3))
print( # Node(3, Leaf(4), Leaf(5))
Functional programming languages emphasize this fact and make it easy
and ergonomic to define higher-order functions. For example, in Haskell,
functions are automatically curried, and has higher-order functions like
built into the standard library. This makes, for
example, adding two to elements of a list, straightforward:
ghci> x = [1, 2, 3]ghci> map (+2) x[3,4,5]
So what?
Ideas from functional programming languages are increasingly being adopted in commonly-used imperative programming languages:
- Closures in C++/Rust/Java 8
- Structural pattern matching in Python 3.11/Java 21
- Algebraic Data Types in Rust
- Records in Java 14 etc.
Learning functional programming has a direct impact on your future work as a developer; functional programming is more than just a collection of language features and principles—it fundamentally encourages a new way of solving problem. As we’ve discussed, some of these principles impose meaningful constraints on programmers, which can make problem-solving more challenging and require innovative strategies. Nevertheless, mastering functional programming is invaluable, as it offers a fresh perspective on problem-solving. The skills you acquire will not only enhance your discipline as a developer but also empower you to explore diverse approaches to the challenges you encounter in your daily work.
Our goal for this course is to therefore first learn how to write programs in a purely functional programming language (thus forcing you to write programs fully with FP), and then transfer concepts into commonly used programming languages. For this, we will be writing code in two languages: Haskell (a purely functional programming language) and Python (which you should all be relatively familiar with).
Things You Need
For this course, you will need the following software:
- The Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) (recommended: GHC 9.4.8 or newer)
- Python 3.12 or newer (note the version; we shall be using new features)
- Any text editor you like (Visual Studio Code, Neovim etc.)
Polymorphism in OOP refers to subtype polymorphism, which is different to the polymorphism in FP known as parametric polymorphism. ↩
If you have not, you may want to read a recap on the
calculus before continuing. ↩ -
If you have not, you may want to read a recap on recursion before continuing. ↩
(Singly-linked) lists are also recursive data structures. To see this, look at our definition of binary trees, and remove one subtree in the definition of a node (therefore, a node has a value and one subtree). This is now a singly-linked list. ↩
If you have not, you may want to read a a recap on first-class functions before continuing. ↩