Parallel Programming
Let us now turn our focus to parallel programming. For many large problems, we could divide them into chunks and evaluate the solution for these chunks at the same time on multiple cores, before combining the results, just like a divide-and-conquer approach. However, doing so is traditionally seen as difficult, and we usually use the same libraries and language primitives that are used for concurrency to develop a parallel program. Writing parallel programs in general-purpose imperative languages can be complex and tedious.
While we could certainly use Haskell’s concurrency features like forkIO
, MVar
and Chan
to develop parallel code, there is a much simpler approach available to us. All we need to do is to annotate some sub-expressions in our functions to make them evaluated in parallel.
Non-Strict Evaluation
In the very beginning of this course, we described Haskell as a non-strict evaluation language. That is, Haskell decides the evaluation strategy for us, unlike other strict evaluation languages where things are evaluated in a deterministic and specific format. For example, in Python, a function call is evaluated by first fully evaluating its arguments, then executing each statement in the function from top down. Haskell generally only evaluates terms by need, giving rise to a notion of lazy evaluation.
The key idea of attaining parallelism in Haskell is by specifying parallel evaluation strategies.
Strict Evaluation
Before we bgin describing how to evaluate terms in parallel, we must first describe how we can even force the evaluation of a term in the first place. For example, in the following program:
ghci> x = [1..]ghci> y = sum x
virtually nothing is evaluated, and GHCI does not enter an infinite loop. This is because there is as yet no demand for the evaluation of y
. Of course, if we attempt to evaluate y
, we do arrive at an infinite loop, because evaluating the actual sum of x
is required to determine what y
Therefore, whenever an expression is encountered, Haskell allocates a thunk as a uncomputed placeholder for the result of the expression evaluation. The thunk is only evaluated by need (usually as little as possible) to evaluate other parts of code.
For example:
ghci> x = [1..]ghci> case x of { [] -> 0; (x:xs) -> x }1
Notice that the case
expression demands the evaluation of x
. However, it does not demand the complete evaluation of x
. Instead, it only demands to know the constructor of x
. Therefore, when executing x = [1..]
, Haskell puts a completely unevaluated thunk, for x
, and the case
expression then evaluates x
to head normal form (HNF) (evaluating to the constructor but not its arguments)1 to perform the case analysis.
Another example of lazy evaluation is with let
ghci> let x = [1..]; y = sum x in 1 + 23
Again, Haskell does not evaluate y
at all since it is not demanded in the evaluation of 1 + 2
This may be a problem for concurrency and parallelism, because it is possible for forkIO
to push an I/O action to a different thread, only for that thread to allocate an unevaluated thunk for it, and when its evaluation is demanded, the evaluation is done on the main thread!
expensive :: MVar String -> IO ()expensive var = do putMVar var expensivelyComputedString
main :: IO ()main = do var <- newEmptyMVar forkIO $ expensive var whatever result <- takeMVar var print result
The program above gives the impression that the expensive computation is done on the forked thread. However, in reality, what could happen is that the thread running expensive
only allocates a thunk for expensivelyComputedString
, and returns. Then, when the result
is demanded in the main
I/O action running in the main thread, it is the main thread that computes the expensively computed string, thereby, achieving nothing from the concurrency.
It is for this reason that Haskell exposes primitives for deciding the evaluation of expressions. The one most used is seq
, which introduces an artificial demand for an expression to be evaluated to head normal form:
ghci> :t seqseq :: a -> b -> b
The expression x `seq` y
evaluates to y
, but creates an artificial demand for the evaluation of x
as well. Therefore, evaluating the following expression does not terminate:
ghci> let x = [1..]; y = sum x in y `seq` 1 + 2
However, notice that the following does terminate:
ghci> let x = [1..] in x `seq` 1 + 23
This is because seq
only creates an artificial demand for x
to be evaluated to head normal form, i.e. up to the evaluation of its constructor.
What we can do instead is to introduce a new evaluation strategy for forcing the full evaluation of a list:
ghci> :{ghci| deepSeq :: [a] -> b -> bghci| deepSeq [] x = xghci| deepSeq (x:xs) y = x `seq` deepSeq xs yghci| :}ghci> x = [1..]ghci> x `seq` 11ghci> x `deepSeq` 1
Using deepSeq
now forces the full evaluation of x
, which obviously does not terminate because x
is infinitely large! However, note that deepSeq
only evaluates the elements to HNF—therefore, if x
were a, for example, a two-dimensional list, the individual one-dimensional lists in x
are only evaluated to HNF, i.e. only their constructors are evaluated.
Parallel Evaluation
Since parallel programming is all about deciding what expressions to evaluate in parallel, all we need is some primitives that tell the compiler to evaluate an expression in parallel, just like seq
! The GHC.Conc
module exposes two evaluation primitives, par
and pseq
that allows us to do parallel programming easily:
ghci> import GHC.Concghci> :t parpar :: a -> b -> bghci> :t pseqpseq :: a -> b -> b
is straightforward to understand: x `par` y
is an expression stating that there is an artificial demand for x
that could be evaluated to HNF in parallel. However, par
does not guarantee the parallel evaluation of x
. This is because x
could be a cheap computation that does not need to be, and should not be, evaluated in parallel, or that there are not enough cores available for the parallel evaluation of x
Then, what is pseq
for? Notice this: in an expression x `par` f x y
, we claim to want to evaluate x
in parallel to HNF, and then combine it with y
using f
in the current thread. However, this requires a guarantee that y
is evaluated on the current thread before the current thread attempts to evaluate x
. Otherwise, it could be that par
will queue a spark for the evaluation of x
, and before a new thread can be sparked for that evaluation, the current thread evaluates f x y
, which performs the evaluation of x
first; therefore, no parallel evaluation of x
happens, defeating of par
in the first place.
Therefore, we need some primitive that performs the evaluation of an expression to HNF before another expression. seq
does not do this; x `seq` y
only claims to evaluate x
to HNF, but does not enforce that to happen before y
. In contrast, pseq
does. x `pseq` y
guarantees that the evaluation of x
to HNF happens before the evaluation of y
As such, par
and pseq
allow us to annotate computations with evaluation strategies to describe what computation happens in parallel, and what that computation is in parallel with. For example, the expression x `par` (y `pseq` f x y)
states roughly that x
happens in parallel with y
, then the results are combined using f
For example, let us try writing a parallel (but still exponential) fibonacci:
fib :: Int -> Integerfib 0 = 0fib 1 = 1fib n = n1 `par` (n2 `pseq` (n1 + n2)) where n1 = fib (n - 1) n2 = fib (n - 2)
Aside from the usual base cases, the recursive case computes the \(n-1\) and \(n - 2\) fibonacci numbers in parallel, then combines them together with addition. Described in words, the recursive case computes fib (n - 1)
in parallel with fib (n - 2)
by queueing a spark for fib (n - 1)
and evaluating fib (n - 2)
in the current thread, then adds the results together with plain addition.
Computing fib 45
shows that for large values, having more cores makes a big difference.
> time cabal run playground -- +RTS -N20Number of cores: 201134903170
________________________________________________________Executed in 3.29 secs fish external usr time 53.14 secs 319.00 micros 53.14 secs sys time 0.47 secs 129.00 micros 0.47 secs
> time cabal run playground -- +RTS -N1Number of cores: 11134903170
________________________________________________________Executed in 12.93 secs fish external usr time 12.61 secs 418.00 micros 12.61 secs sys time 0.08 secs 171.00 micros 0.08 secs
When Should We Parallelize?
However, notice the usr
time for the case of running our program on 20 cores. Clearly, the CPU does more than 4x more work than the single core case; it just so happens that leveraging more cores makes the speed-ups outweigh the additional overhead. Indeed, while par
is cheap, it is not free. Although Haskell threads are lightweight, threads in general will always incur some additional overhead, and at some point, the benefits of computing something in parallel are outweighed by the overhead of spawning a new thread for its computation. For example, in the case of computing fib 3
, it is frankly completely unnecessary to compute fib 2
and fib 1
in parallel, since both are such small computations that run incredibly quickly.
Let us amend our implementation to only use parallelism for larger values. Smaller values are computed sequentially:
fib :: Int -> Integerfib 0 = 0fib 1 = 1-- sequential for small nfib n | n <= 10 = fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)-- parallel for large nfib n = n1 `par` (n2 `pseq` (n1 + n2)) where n1 = fib (n - 1) n2 = fib (n - 2)
The execution time shows a significant speed-up on both the single core and multicore runtimes!
> time cabal run playground -- +RTS -N20Number of cores: 201134903170
________________________________________________________Executed in 892.37 millis fish external usr time 13.01 secs 646.00 micros 13.00 secs sys time 0.18 secs 0.00 micros 0.18 secs
> time cabal run playground -- +RTS -N1Number of cores: 11134903170
________________________________________________________Executed in 6.81 secs fish external usr time 6.71 secs 453.00 micros 6.71 secs sys time 0.03 secs 0.00 micros 0.03 secs
Generally speaking, knowing when to parallelize is a matter of experimentation, trial-and-error and engineering experience. It highly depends on the computation you are trying to parallelize, the kind of computation you are doing, the usual inputs to the computation, and so on.
Parallel Strategies
Let us try writing a parallel mergesort:
mergesort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]mergesort [] = []mergesort [x] = [x]mergesort ls | n < 100 = merge left' right' | otherwise = par left' $ pseq right' $ merge left' right' where n = length ls `div` 2 merge [] ys = ys merge xs [] = xs merge (x:xs) (y:ys) | x <= y = x : merge xs (y : ys) | otherwise = y : merge (x:xs) ys (left, right) = splitAt n ls left' = mergesort left right' = mergesort right
Our mergesort
function does a typical merge sort, except from the fact that we are using an immutable list. Let us write a supporting main
function to test our program:
main :: IO ()main = do n <- getNumCapabilities putStrLn $ "Number of cores: " ++ show n let ls :: [Int] = [10000000, 9999999..1] ls' = mergesort ls print $ length ls'
> time cabal run playground -- +RTS -N20Number of cores: 2010000000
________________________________________________________Executed in 3.58 secs fish external usr time 16.02 secs 381.00 micros 16.02 secs sys time 1.39 secs 159.00 micros 1.39 secs
> time cabal run playground -- +RTS -N1Number of cores: 110000000
________________________________________________________Executed in 6.11 secs fish external usr time 5.62 secs 0.00 micros 5.62 secs sys time 0.43 secs 586.00 micros 0.43 secs
From before, recall that because Haskell is a lazy language, it may be the case that not all the supposedly parallel computation happens in the other thread. Since both par
and pseq
evaluate their first arguments only to HNF, it really only does evaluation up until it determines the constructor of the list after sorting, leaving the remainder of the list unevaluated. Then, in main
, when we obtain the length
of the list, the main thread may then have to evaluate the remainder of the list in the same thread. Let us extract some more performance out of our parallel evaluation by actually evaluating everything deeply in the parallel computation using deepSeq
from before:
mergesort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]mergesort [] = []mergesort [x] = [x]mergesort ls | n < 100 = merge left' right' | otherwise = par (deepSeq left') $ pseq right' $ merge left' right' where n = length ls `div` 2 merge [] ys = ys merge xs [] = xs merge (x:xs) (y:ys) | x <= y = x : merge xs (y : ys) | otherwise = y : merge (x:xs) ys (left, right) = splitAt n ls left' = mergesort left right' = mergesort right
deepSeq :: [a] -> ()deepSeq [] = ()deepSeq (x:xs) = x `seq` deepSeq xs
Now we should notice some more performance gains!
> time cabal run playground -- +RTS -N20Number of cores: 2010000000
________________________________________________________Executed in 2.89 secs fish external usr time 18.04 secs 365.00 micros 18.04 secs sys time 0.68 secs 145.00 micros 0.67 secs
> time cabal run playground -- +RTS -N1Number of cores: 110000000
________________________________________________________Executed in 6.18 secs fish external usr time 5.59 secs 362.00 micros 5.59 secs sys time 0.46 secs 145.00 micros 0.46 secs
Some very smart people have also come up with nice and elegant ways to write parallel code. For example, using the parallel
library, we can express parallel programs with Strategy
’s in the Eval
mergesort :: (Ord a, NFData a) => [a] -> [a]mergesort [] = []mergesort [x] = [x]mergesort ls | n < 100 = merge left' right' | otherwise = runEval $ do l <- rparWith rdeepseq left' r <- rseq right' return $ merge l r where n = length ls `div` 2 (left, right) = splitAt n ls left' = mergesort left right' = mergesort right merge [] ys = ys merge xs [] = xs merge (x:xs) (y:ys) | x <= y = x : merge xs (y : ys) | otherwise = y : merge (x:xs) ys
Strategies also allow us to separate algorithm from evaluation. For example, we can write a parallel fibonacci like so:
fib :: Int -> Integerfib 0 = 0fib 1 = 1fib n | n <= 10 = fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)fib n = runEval $ do n1 <- rpar (fib (n - 1)) n2 <- rseq (fib (n - 2)) return $ n1 + n2
Alternatively, we can make clear the distinction between the underlying algorithm and the evaluation strategy with using
fib :: Int -> Integerfib 0 = 0fib 1 = 1fib n | n <= 10 = n1 + n2 | otherwise = (n1 + n2) `using` strat where n1 = fib (n - 1) n2 = fib (n - 2) strat v = do { rpar n1; rseq n2; return v }
We will leave it up to you to learn more about parallel Haskell with the parallel
library. For more information, you may read the paper by Marlow et al.; 2010 that describes it. We shall not cover these because they, along with par
and pseq
, are much more Haskell-specific and less applicable to code written in general-purpose languages. The only goal of this chapter, which we hope has been achieved, is to show how easy it is to introduce parallelism to regular sequential programs in a purely functional programming language.
Simon Marlow, Patrick Maier, Hans-Wolfgang Loidl, Mustafa K. Aswad, and Phil Trinder. 2010. seq
No More: Better Strategies for Parallel Haskell. In Proceedings of the third ACM Haskell symposium on Haskell (Haskell ‘10). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 91–102.
Usually expressions are evaluated to weak head normal form (WHNF), although the distinction is not crucial for our understanding. ↩